Full Live Broadcast Of Trump's Speech And Press Conference At CPAC 23

I seriously doubt that.
Garland opened a special prosecutor case within hours of Trump's announcement...clearly an attempt to stop him from running.
If they really wanted him to run they'd stop investigating him.
They can investigate him adnauseum. Short of a conviction under the Espionage Act, there is NOTHING that will prevent him from running.
He will run in spite of any investigation. They mean nothing in the vein of an election. It just keeps the negative news about him out front and just
galvanizes the Anyone-But-Trump crowd and the RINO's from capitulating and falling into his camp.

Either way, Democrats win. :)
They can investigate him adnauseum. Short of a conviction under the Espionage Act, there is NOTHING that will prevent him from running.
He will run in spite of any investigation. They mean nothing in the vein of an election. It just keeps the negative news about him out front and just
galvanizes the Anyone-But-Trump crowd and the RINO's from capitulating and falling into his camp.

Either way, Democrats win. :)
So the Biden Adm is in collusion with the DOJ and the media to attack a political opponent.
That's an impeachable offense....because not only has the prick committed espionage against Trump...but he's interfered with federal investigations by the Department Of Justice.
We can add conspiring with Big Tech to influence the 2020 and 2022 elections to the impeachable offenses as well as his criminal negligence on the Southern Border and in Afghanistan.
So the Biden Adm is in collusion with the DOJ and the media to attack a political opponent.
That's an impeachable offense....because not only has the prick committed espionage against Trump...but he's interfered with federal investigations by the Department Of Justice.
We can add conspiring with Big Tech to influence the 2020 and 2022 elections to the impeachable offenses as well as his criminal negligence on the Southern Border and in Afghanistan.
The DOJ is investigating Trump. Not the Biden administration. If you haven't been paying attention, this administration is staying out of DOJ business..just like they should..and the last admin DIDN'T. Tack on the AG of GA and NY with their investigations. The multiple civil lawsuits against him. Nothing you listed above is an impeachable offense. Let's face it, you boy is 1) Corrupt, 2) A Moron. A corrupt moron isn't self-aware. And Trump never learns from his mistakes.

But don't worry, nothing will prevent him from running..and losing in 2024. :)
The DOJ is investigating Trump. Not the Biden administration. If you haven't been paying attention, this administration is staying out of DOJ business..just like they should..and the last admin DIDN'T. Tack on the AG of GA and NY with their investigations. The multiple civil lawsuits against him. Nothing you listed above is an impeachable offense. Let's face it, you boy is 1) Corrupt, 2) A Moron. A corrupt moron isn't self-aware. And Trump never learns from his mistakes.

But don't worry, nothing will prevent him from running..and losing in 2024. :)
Everything I listed is impeachable....and this is just what we know for a fact that he's done:

  • Interfering with federal investigations
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Attempting to influence Supreme Court decisions
  • Bribery
  • Taking bribes from foreign governments
  • Mishandling of Top Secret Documents
  • Criminal negligence
  • Political Espionage
  • Treason
  • Illegal surveillance of private citizens
  • Abuse of authority
  • Giving aid and comfort to the enemy in the form of money, weapons, and military technology
  • Abuse of American citizen's civil rights
Everything I listed is impeachable....and this is just what we know for a fact that he's done:

  • Interfering with federal investigations
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Attempting to influence Supreme Court decisions
  • Bribery
  • Taking bribes from foreign governments
  • Mishandling of Top Secret Documents
  • Criminal negligence
  • Political Espionage
  • Treason
  • Illegal surveillance of private citizens
  • Abuse of authority
  • Giving aid and comfort to the enemy in the form of money, weapons, and military technology
  • Abuse of American citizen's civil rights
You have no evidence of ANY of this. Just alt-right media speculation and the gin up. All this shows is how easily you're led. It's actually kind of sad.

Go ahead, roll the dice with impeachment. See how that works out for you. I doubt you'll get enough moderate Republicans in the House to vote with the zealots.
It will only take a few of them to upset the apple cart. :)
You have no evidence of ANY of this. Just alt-right media speculation and the gin up. All this shows is how easily you're led. It's actually kind of sad.

Go ahead, roll the dice with impeachment. See how that works out for you. I doubt you'll get enough moderate Republicans in the House to vote with the zealots.
It will only take a few of them to upset the apple cart. :)
The evidence is everywhere.
The only problem is Biden is interfering with the DOJ, which is against the law and a felony.
The DOJ is actively trying to cover up his crimes by raiding the homes of witnesses and by arresting them overseas on trumped up crimes.
The Biden Adm also was caught colluding with Twitter to hide stories on Hunter Biden's laptop. Elon Musk exposed their communications with former Twitter employees. They have all of it on record.
If the AG was honest and not committing crimes to help Biden, all of this would be out in the open. This is obstruction of justice.
The evidence is everywhere.
The only problem is Biden is interfering with the DOJ, which is against the law and a felony.
The DOJ is actively trying to cover up his crimes by raiding the homes of witnesses and by arresting them overseas on trumped up crimes.
The Biden Adm also was caught colluding with Twitter to hide stories on Hunter Biden's laptop. Elon Musk exposed their communications with former Twitter employees. They have all of it on record.
If the AG was honest and not committing crimes to help Biden, all of this would be out in the open. This is obstruction of justice.
Well, you get right on that. Given how successful the first few "hearings" by the new House Republican majority were in getting the general public excited to "uncover" these most important issues that have direct meaning in people's lives..I'd say you've got about...say...a 0.00% chance of any of them coming to fruition..except in the rags and bowels of alt-right media.

Meh..nevermind. You have ZERO evidence. So it will go nowhere. :)
David Pakman is a lib who hates Trump....so he broadcast Trump's CPAC speech live....and trashed it the whole time.
But it's nice to see a POTUS that knows how to talk without walking away in disgust.

Trump's speech starts at the 50:15 mark in the video so we'll see if we can get a uninterrupted version of the speech later.

But it's nice to see a POTUS that knows how to talk without walking away in disgust.

You're a crackhead.
The evidence is everywhere.
The only problem is Biden is interfering with the DOJ, which is against the law and a felony.
The DOJ is actively trying to cover up his crimes by raiding the homes of witnesses and by arresting them overseas on trumped up crimes.
The Biden Adm also was caught colluding with Twitter to hide stories on Hunter Biden's laptop. Elon Musk exposed their communications with former Twitter employees. They have all of it on record.
If the AG was honest and not committing crimes to help Biden, all of this would be out in the open. This is obstruction of justice.
What are your sources for this tripe?
I caught the beginning of it and listened to several minutes and taped the next hour that I'll listen to later, but aside from the hilarious impromptu parody he did of Hunter talking to his dad about losing his laptop full of his father's crimes, I was impressed that one of his main points he made first was that if reelected, one of his highest priorities would be to destroy (his words) the deep state now working as the private thuggery arm of the left. Trump paints a very accurate picture of the problems facing this country and I welcome his scorched Earth approach to stomping out the infestation of malignant traitors we are now overrun with while we still have something left of this once great country still worth saving.

, I was impressed that one of his main points he made first was that if reelected, one of his highest priorities would be to destroy (his words) the deep state now working as the private thuggery arm of the left.

Is there any evidence whatsoever of the existence of this "Deep State"?

Any at all?
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What are your sources for this tripe?
Well Newbie, the mainstream media for one. Twitter itself for another. You could also try exploring Youtube or Rumble and watch some of the congressional hearings on it.
Twitter exposed a lot of this last month.
I'm not like you only watching CNN and MSNBC and never bothering to do any research.
Well Newbie, the mainstream media for one. Twitter itself for another. You could also try exploring Youtube or Rumble and watch some of the congressional hearings on it.
Twitter exposed a lot of this last month.
I'm not like you only watching CNN and MSNBC and never bothering to do any research.

There's a non answer.

Do you have anything less vague?
I listened to the whole Trump speech, Freaky. Had it streaming on my second laptop. If you had been a man (and not a cuck), you'd have been on here talking about it with me. I was actually impressed. He went a long way to giving a potential DeSantis bid a run for its money. I really was expecting you and my other little shadow to show up on the thread. But you both disappointed me. Which tells me you like a friendly crowd (coward) of attaboys.

You posting bullshit lies like that does nothing but impugn your own credibility.
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