Full Live Broadcast Of Trump's Speech And Press Conference At CPAC 23


So much for the DeSantis beating Trump hoax.
No, I just don't like repeating myself.
If you want to play ignorant, that's your prerogative....but I'm not impressed, nor is anyone else here. :slap:

Don't try to bluff your way through this, kneepadder.

Post the specifics so I may proceed to humiliate you.

I don't have all day, dotard.
Why do you believe that's relevant?

I can't imagine a population of which CPAC attendees are a representative sample.
Then you're an idiot.
CPAC is the center of conservative political action. (It's in the name).
I don't know if you are smart enough to figure out how presidential elections work, but they have a primary process and then the general election process to see who wins.
Try Googling the difference between the primaries and the general election.
What is it with you alt-right rubes? You give the rest of us endless grief because we won't slog our way through hours of your posted alt-right videos on YouTube to find one silly talking point for your OP....and here I go and watch Trump's entire speech to CPAC and instead of commenting on your savior's performance..it's "you didn't watch it"...I'm feeling really underappreciated right now. :)

Is that you John Wayne?..Is this me??
What is it with you alt-right rubes? You give the rest of us endless grief because we won't slog our way through hours of your posted alt-right videos on YouTube to find one silly talking point for your OP....and here I go and watch Trump's entire speech to CPAC and instead of commenting on your savior's performance..it's "you didn't watch it"...I'm feeling really underappreciated right now. :)

Is that you John Wayne?..Is this me??
The be honest the only alt-right rube in America is a Muslim.
Most Republicans and conservatives are moderates these days.
The left has gone so far left that they're pretty much dyed in the wool communists and don't even know it.

You know, the only communists that live well live in Capitalist countries.
CA is going full commie....and now they're experiencing blackouts and food shortages.
They're turning the state into East Germany.
Don't try to bluff your way through this, kneepadder.

Post the specifics so I may proceed to humiliate you.

I don't have all day, dotard.
You just admitted you don't care of what answer I give you....so fuck off, you POS homophobe.
Then you're an idiot.
CPAC is the center of conservative political action. (It's in the name).
I don't know if you are smart enough to figure out how presidential elections work, but they have a primary process and then the general election process to see who wins.
Try Googling the difference between the primaries and the general election.
What it calls itself is irrelevant.

The fact is that it is representative of neither Republicans or Conservatives.

It is a safe space for Dead End MAGA losers.

Yes, sadly GOP primaries have been reduced to courting the Lunatic Fringe, so their 20% or so anchors the hopes of any nominee.

But as long as the GOP flirts with Stupid, it will grow increasingly irrelevant....at some point a GOP candidate will speak truthiness of the importance of Competence, and its primacy over Theater...he/she should disavow Stupid, and invite you imbeciles to find a new home.
What it calls itself is irrelevant.

The fact is that it is representative of neither Republicans or Conservatives.

It is a safe space for Dead End MAGA losers.

Yes, sadly GOP primaries have been reduced to courting the Lunatic Fringe, so their 20% or so anchors the hopes of any nominee.

But as long as the GOP flirts with Stupid, it will grow increasingly irrelevant....at some point a GOP candidate will speak truthiness of the importance of Competence, and its primacy over Theater...he/she should disavow Stupid, and invite you imbeciles to find a new home.
Total horse shit.
The neocons have sided with the DNC and MAGA is pretty much what's left of the GOP.
There's nothing extremist about MAGA.
You've been listening to Morning Joe or The View too much.
MAGA is average Middle-Class Americans that the neocons have betrayed one too many times.

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