Gabby Giffords’ Husband Buys AR-15

absurd a bullet is an arm

why would you want to ban the life savers from the

honest folks

those that support more restrictions on firearms

support more violence

you another violence supporter
Once everyone has used up their bullets, gun violence stops.


If anyone here "runs out of bullets", contact me or someone like me who can reload or manufacture fresh ammo for you. Great homebased business to be in right now.

You idiots that want to ban guns or ammo know how easy they both can be manufactured by someone with a basic understanding of machining?

ban 'em, threaten to ban 'em, threaten to round 'em all just sounds like cash money to me.

Ya, gang bangers making their own bullets, that'll turn out real well, lol. Most people, especially criminals, won't be able to make bullets themselves. Being smart enough to make bullets could be the threshold. Or would you make bullets and sell them to crack dealers? :D
Once everyone has used up their bullets, gun violence stops.


If anyone here "runs out of bullets", contact me or someone like me who can reload or manufacture fresh ammo for you. Great homebased business to be in right now.

You idiots that want to ban guns or ammo know how easy they both can be manufactured by someone with a basic understanding of machining?

ban 'em, threaten to ban 'em, threaten to round 'em all just sounds like cash money to me.

Ya, gang bangers making their own bullets, that'll turn out real well, lol. Most people, especially criminals, won't be able to make bullets themselves. Being smart enough to make bullets could be the threshold. Or would you make bullets and sell them to crack dealers? :D

I don't have crack dealers where I live. Those folks couldn't make money out here in the hinterlands. Those scum are living in the shithole cities.....

Presently I do very well operating legally. If gun bans or ammo bans become law, all my customers will be "outlaws" and I simply will not draw a dinstinction between freedom fighters or crack dealers. In the time of war, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Ya, gang bangers making their own bullets, that'll turn out real well, lol. Most people, especially criminals, won't be able to make bullets themselves. Being smart enough to make bullets could be the threshold. Or would you make bullets and sell them to crack dealers? :D

Bet some people would as I am sure that many crack dealers do not make their own crack.
No wonder, with all the death threats they probably get from gun nuts.

I guess the "gun nuts" are feeling threatened by the anti gun nuts who are trying to leave them without defense. hmmmmm....

Nope, just pointing out the hypocrisy of the left who claims that AR-15's are only good for murderous rampages and killing in large numbers, yet when a Liberal buys one they are magically transformed from an evil inanimate object into a good home defense weapon. I wish you idiots would simply make up your minds just once, and stick to your convictions. It's the lefties that try to have rational people believe gun violence can be ended by simply banning a certain type of gun like the AR-15. If that were true Gabby Giffords anti-gun husband Mark would have thought twice before selecting an AR-15 for home defense. What a hypocritical tool you are Mark.
No wonder, with all the death threats they probably get from gun nuts.

I guess the "gun nuts" are feeling threatened by the anti gun nuts who are trying to leave them without defense. hmmmmm....

Nope, just pointing out the hypocrisy of the left who claims that AR-15's are only good for murderous rampages and killing in large numbers, yet when a Liberal buys one they are magically transformed from an evil inanimate object into a good home defense weapon. I wish you idiots would simply make up your minds just once, and stick to your convictions.
Ahhh.. you fail to understand - they care only about gaining and retaining partisan political power.

As such, they are comitted to whatever point of view that will bring them the most political points at any goven moment - the fact that these points of view may change at a moment's notice means nothing, so long as they gain political points.
No wonder, with all the death threats they probably get from gun nuts.

Pretty ironic...

All I can says is WTF. The pro-gun crowd deserves to make as much hay out of this as they want. Sort of like when a GOP politician is caught in an extramarital affair after stressing family values for dozens of years.

All I can say is have at it guys.
Way to go, Tyronne. I clicked on your link, and it downloaded a virus alert to me computer.

I stongly urge posters not to do so.

I had no links to a story that has a link to Kelly's facebook page. I even was skeptical at that so I clicked through and it seems like an actual facebook page for Colonel (?) Kelly.

You've got to wonder what in the hell he was thinking
No wonder, with all the death threats they probably get from gun nuts.

I guess the "gun nuts" are feeling threatened by the anti gun nuts who are trying to leave them without defense. hmmmmm....

Nope, just pointing out the hypocrisy of the left who claims that AR-15's are only good for murderous rampages and killing in large numbers, yet when a Liberal buys one they are magically transformed from an evil inanimate object into a good home defense weapon. I wish you idiots would simply make up your minds just once, and stick to your convictions. It's the lefties that try to have rational people believe gun violence can be ended by simply banning a certain type of gun like the AR-15. If that were true Gabby Giffords anti-gun husband Mark would have thought twice before selecting an AR-15 for home defense. What a hypocritical tool you are Mark.

I have to assume you responded to the wrong post.
Protecting yourself is only for the "important" people. He got caught and is back peddling.

If this story is true..

His wife is a high profile person who actually has been shot once.

And is the target for lunatics.

Pretty sure even folks like yourself would agree that he would be an exception to the general rule.
Protecting yourself is only for the "important" people. He got caught and is back peddling.

If this story is true..

His wife is a high profile person who actually has been shot once.

And is the target for lunatics.

Pretty sure even folks like yourself would agree that he would be an exception to the general rule.

No. No he is not.
No wonder, with all the death threats they probably get from gun nuts.

Pretty ironic...

All I can says is WTF. The pro-gun crowd deserves to make as much hay out of this as they want. Sort of like when a GOP politician is caught in an extramarital affair after stressing family values for dozens of years.

All I can say is have at it guys.

What is truly ironic, is that since Duuuuh-kota posted the idea that Mark, and Gabby might have been getting death threats and needed protection, (even though many people asked for a link to prove that statement) not one of you have come up with one shred of evidence indicating that was true. You are choosing to accept Duhkota's idea without any regard for whether it is based upon fact, or more likely fiction. I would never place my own reputation on the possibility that someone like Duhkota is making shit up like you seem to be doing Candy. I do hope you have the fortitude to defend your actions and provide a link to salvage what little is left of your own credibility.
Protecting yourself is only for the "important" people. He got caught and is back peddling.

If this story is true..

His wife is a high profile person who actually has been shot once.

And is the target for lunatics.

Pretty sure even folks like yourself would agree that he would be an exception to the general rule.

nope, no exceptions. he is no better than the rest of the people he is calling to take their protections away from
Protecting yourself is only for the "important" people. He got caught and is back peddling.

If this story is true..

His wife is a high profile person who actually has been shot once.

And is the target for lunatics.

Pretty sure even folks like yourself would agree that he would be an exception to the general rule.

Again... Please provide a link to any facts which reveal that either she, or her husband Mark are CURRENTLY receiving death threats from anyone. I will await your reply. I sincerely hope you anti-gun nuts are not placing your credibility on line over a possibility of something which is not based upon fact. I'd hate to have to call you LIARS.
Protecting yourself is only for the "important" people. He got caught and is back peddling.

If this story is true..

His wife is a high profile person who actually has been shot once.

And is the target for lunatics.

Pretty sure even folks like yourself would agree that he would be an exception to the general rule.

No, he's not an 'exception'. His wife, his life... no more important than the rest of us. And she CHOSE to go into politics. Her choice to be a 'high profile' person, no one forced her. Their lives, Obama's life, their kids lives... they are not more important than yours, mine or our kids. That is how America is.... equal.

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