Gabby Giffords’ Husband Buys AR-15

Nothin to see here, move along! :eusa_whistle:

Really? Got a link (other than some right wing blog site) that proves that Giffords' husband is buying an AR-15?

Yeah..................I know...................both of them are gun owners, they've already stated as much, but my question is, do you think either of them would support magazines that have more than 10 rounds each?
oh boy, can't wait to hear the spin on this from this loudmouth who is using his injured wife for his political agenda

they can both just go away, no one cares what they have to say
So he's planning on using it for a photo op. I really don't care Mark. Sorry buddy, but your wife's face is not enough for me to hand away my Rights and Freedoms. Perhaps if she'd considered that other people have Rights and Freedoms, she might never have been shot in the first place.
Nothin to see here, move along! :eusa_whistle:

Really? Got a link (other than some right wing blog site) that proves that Giffords' husband is buying an AR-15?

Yeah..................I know...................both of them are gun owners, they've already stated as much, but my question is, do you think either of them would support magazines that have more than 10 rounds each?

[Really? Got a link (other than some right wing blog site) that proves that Giffords' husband is buying an AR-15?]

hows this
No wonder, with all the death threats they probably get from gun nuts.

That is exactly what I was thinking. How many death threats has he heard since he and the wife went and testified before Congress.

And I doubt any Liberals sent any death threats.

So who might do something like that?

Could it be a right wing rethug gun nutter? Sure it could.
No wonder, with all the death threats they probably get from gun nuts.

for the first time in my life I wanna punch out an astronut. :eek:


i have not seen any death threats on his facebook page

but the peoples are sure giving him lip

about this purchase

apparently he bought 250 rounds of ammo

wonder if he was going to turn that in as well

No wonder, with all the death threats they probably get from gun nuts.

That is exactly what I was thinking. How many death threats has he heard since he and the wife went and testified before Congress.

And I doubt any Liberals sent any death threats.

So who might do something like that?

Could it be a right wing rethug gun nutter? Sure it could.

Now wait just a minute, isn't the removal of guns from the hands of Law abiding citizens enough to make him safe? Apparently not. The biggest enemy to gun grabbing Liberal's claims are gun grabbing Liberals... Who'd have thought? :cuckoo:
No wonder, with all the death threats they probably get from gun nuts.

That is exactly what I was thinking. How many death threats has he heard since he and the wife went and testified before Congress.

And I doubt any Liberals sent any death threats.

So who might do something like that?

Could it be a right wing rethug gun nutter? Sure it could.

from the party that passes violence against women act and makes bill klinton their poster child.

Nothin to see here, move along! :eusa_whistle:

Really? Got a link (other than some right wing blog site) that proves that Giffords' husband is buying an AR-15?

Yeah..................I know...................both of them are gun owners, they've already stated as much, but my question is, do you think either of them would support magazines that have more than 10 rounds each?

He acquired 30 round magazines as part of the purchase, did you even read the link before commenting on it? It helps to read the link first, it makes you sound less idiotic.
Nothin to see here, move along! :eusa_whistle:

Really? Got a link (other than some right wing blog site) that proves that Giffords' husband is buying an AR-15?

Yeah..................I know...................both of them are gun owners, they've already stated as much, but my question is, do you think either of them would support magazines that have more than 10 rounds each?

He acquired 30 round magazines as part of the purchase, did you even read the link before commenting on it? It helps to read the link first, it makes you sound less idiotic.

and 250 rounds of ammo
I love how Libtards think the AR-15 purchase he made was to protect himself... Protect himself from what exactly? no links to facts, just an imaginary idea that someone is out to get Mark. Whenever they say things like that, it just destroys all of their other bogus anti-gun arguments. Now Liberals need Ar-15's to protect themselves? Who'd have thought...
No wonder, with all the death threats they probably get from gun nuts.

oh well, that's what they get for sticking themselves in the limelight and him using his injured wife for his political aspirations..

I have no pity for either them, but I will say, booohoooooooo
What was the reason he gave for purchasing the weapon? That is the one I will go with. It is what thinking people do.

You don't believe him? Shocker!

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