Gaetz reups vow to nominate Trump for House Speaker

And yet, Trump isn't president, but is a private citizen, and in your head like a cancer.
I didn't start a thread on Trump, a wingnut did and you keep posting about how he's in the heads of liberals non-stop.

It's almost as weird as your fetish with trans people where you felt the need to introduce that topic in a thread about whether Biden is in charge or not.

You're weird, dude.
Trump would be a great speaker of the house. It's the perfect desk if you want to defund a few alphabet agencies, lol.

He also has better favorability ratings than the current crop of swamp dwellers.

The House Speaker does not have that power

The Speaker gains her power from forming coalitions of varying opinions and needs to pass legislation.
Trump lacks that skill and can’t order around Congress
The House Speaker does not have that power
The Congress has the power of the purse and the rubber checkbook is in the Speaker's desk.

The Speaker decides what bills are brought to the floor for consideration, and what the rules of debate will be. If the Speaker doesn't want to bring an appropriations bill up he doesn't have to. The only way to force a vote is through a discharge petition which takes 50%+1 of the members of the house.

IOW, the Speaker has the power to shut down the gov't.

The Senate Majority Leader has similar power, but he is bound by a 60-vote requirement to get a vote on the floor.

They also control committee assignments and select the members on the conference committees. Nothing gets done without the consent of the leadership in both chambers.
The Speaker gains her power from forming coalitions of varying opinions and needs to pass legislation.
Trump lacks that skill and can’t order around Congress
How quaint.
I didn't start a thread on Trump, a wingnut did and you keep posting about how he's in the heads of liberals non-stop.

It's almost as weird as your fetish with trans people where you felt the need to introduce that topic in a thread about whether Biden is in charge or not.

You're weird, dude.
You are my proof that Trump is in the head of liberals non stop. Thank you, darlin'
I didn't start a thread on Trump, a wingnut did and you keep posting about how he's in the heads of liberals non-stop.

Now kiddies, lets say the magic word........



He should be

He has proven how dangerous he is to this country.
Pelosi has already lowered the bar as speaker. the SOTU has so many possibilities now. Trump blowing spitballs out of a Bic pen at Biden during the SOTU would be worth it. Repubs in Congress doing the same outrageous things Progs do would be hilarious. There is no other way. They tried the civil way and what they get is losing because a percentage of them do not even represent their voters.
Pelosi has already lowered the bar as speaker. the SOTU has so many possibilities now. Trump blowing spitballs out of a Bic pen at Biden during the SOTU would be worth it. Repubs in Congress doing the same outrageous things Progs do would be hilarious. There is no other way. They tried the civil way and what they get is losing because a percentage of them do not even represent their voters.

I'd like to see Him crack off a few 'indiscretions.
Pelosi has already lowered the bar as speaker. the SOTU has so many possibilities now. Trump blowing spitballs out of a Bic pen at Biden during the SOTU would be worth it. Repubs in Congress doing the same outrageous things Progs do would be hilarious. There is no other way. They tried the civil way and what they get is losing because a percentage of them do not even represent their voters.
Pelosi is the most accomplished Speaker in a generation

Nobody has the legislative accomplishments of Nancy Pelosi

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