Gas prices: Biden's or Trump's

One of the first things the senile pedophile did when he ascended thee thrown is made fracking on federal land illegal.
This week President Biden traveled to Western states to sound the alarm on climate action. But his administration has so far failed to deliver on one of its signature campaign promises: stopping drilling and fracking on public lands.

During the campaign, Biden made it clear where he stood: “No more drilling on federal lands, period.” From a climate perspective, Biden’s pledge was prudent and necessary; fossil fuel development on federal lands accounts for almost a quarter of the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions.

Since taking office, however, the Biden administration has approved thousands of new oil and gas drilling permits, while simultaneously pursuing a public lands strategy vulnerable to legal challenges. Food & Water Watch has been comprehensively tracking the many pro-fossil fuels statements and decisions made since the start of the administration.

If you believe a drastic reduction in the production of oil wouldn't have an effect on prices, then you are an economic ignormus.
The drop in US production happened in the summer of 2020. Production was cut by 30% due to the economic shutdown,
If Trump was in office, there is no doubt that you would be blaming him.
He was in office. But you still blame Good old Joe for what happened in the Summer of 2020.
Which gas prices do you like more, the prices under Beijing Biden, or the prices under Trump? If you are a lefty and you post something besides Beijing Biden or Trump, I'll count that as you liked the prices under Trump.
Weird worshippers of one dude will have their unshakable devotion, no doubt.

Normal folks recognize that a multiplicity of international factors determine the fungible prices of petrol, not a politician with good or bad juju.

Gasoline prices tend to increase when the available supply of gasoline decreases relative to real or expected gasoline demand or consumption. Gasoline prices can change rapidly if something disrupts crude oil supplies, refinery operations, or gasoline pipeline deliveries. Even when crude oil prices are stable, gasoline prices fluctuate because of seasonal changes in demand and in gasoline specifications.
Weird worshippers of one dude will have their unshakable devotion, no doubt.

Normal folks recognize that a multiplicity of international factors determine the fungible prices of petrol, not a politician with good or bad juju.

Gasoline prices tend to increase when the available supply of gasoline decreases relative to real or expected gasoline demand or consumption. Gasoline prices can change rapidly if something disrupts crude oil supplies, refinery operations, or gasoline pipeline deliveries. Even when crude oil prices are stable, gasoline prices fluctuate because of seasonal changes in demand and in gasoline specifications.
Nice evasion of what you quoted of me and the opening post.
Now he's back pedaling furiously because he posted irrelevant data.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Fucking moron, I proved you lied when you falsely claimed production fell. You'd comprehend that if you weren't such a fucking moron.
No it didn't, dumbass. It hit 2.90, and for most of the Trump administration it was a lot lower.


Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Faun: The average cost of regular unleaded hit about $3/gallon...

Fucking Moron: No it didn't, dumbass. It hit 2.90
So lower then, then now....gas never got to 3 did get close in October of 2018, but declined....the gas prices under Xiden have continued to climb...and there is no sign of it stopping....but to be fair to Xiden and the Dembot cults, the price of everything under the XIden hyperinflation is going up.

but actually here are the prices: U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)
True, it didn't get to $3.00. It peaked at $2.99. And inflation is mostly due to covid. Prices dropped last year and now they're back up and then some.
in Feb of 2017 he had gas below two dollars...that wasn't Covid...and he keep gas generally around the 2 dollar range...never getting it over $3.00. Gas prices in 2020, weren't that far off from what gas prices were for most of his time in office.
I like how you give Trump credit for gas being under $2 in February, 2017. Oh, wait, that was Obama who had gas under $2.

True, it didn't get to $3.00. It peaked at $2.99. And inflation is mostly due to covid. Prices dropped last year and now they're back up and then some.
yeah and then’s called hyperinflation and due to xiden and his demacult horrible polices, including covid

and it looks like the people are seeing that..deep blue virginia just rejected xiden and the demafacism
I like how you give Trump credit for gas being under $2 in February, 2017. Oh, wait, that was Obama who had gas under $2.

obama was out of office the. dumbass

the american people just openly rejected obama, xiden and the demacult

and the market reacted

gas prices under obama and xiden were much like gas prices under xiden harris
yeah and then’s called hyperinflation and due to xiden and his demacult horrible polices, including covid

and it looks like the people are seeing that..deep blue virginia just rejected xiden and the demafacism
3 of Virginia's last 7 governors are Republican. You're making shit up now.
obama was out of office the. dumbass

the american people just openly rejected obama, xiden and the demacult

and the market reacted

gas prices under obama and xiden were much like gas prices under xiden harris

I can't believe you're still giving Obama's credit to Trump. :lmao:

Actually, yes, I can believe it. So what did Trump do to get Obama's gas price under $2?
Which gas prices do you like more, the prices under Beijing Biden, or the prices under Trump? If you are a lefty and you post something besides Beijing Biden or Trump, I'll count that as you liked the prices under Trump.
I liked the gas prices under LBJ the most.

I can't believe you're still giving Obama's credit to Trump. :lmao:

Actually, yes, I can believe it. So what did Trump do to get Obama's gas price under $2?
why wouldn’t i give obama credit for trump? without Obama we would never of had a trump…likewise without Xiden, VA wouldn’t of rejected Terry

he deserves credit for this
Trump 4/17 $2.417
Biden 4/21 $2.858

Trumps gas prices were better by this point of his presidency.

now let me ask you a question. Did you like Obama’s unemployment rate at the end of his presidency or Trumps?

per your rules, if you post anything besides Obama or Trump I’ll count you as an Obama supporter. Go!
One issue Obama was not dealing with a Pandemic that closed all of the World off, so can’t really compare the two.

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