Gas Prices in Russia: $1.44/ Gallon

LOL..You Putin pussies just can't stop making asses of yourselves. What stupidity.
Reminder: The U.S. is sitting on roughly a third of a TRILLION barrels of oil and about 3,000 TRILLION cubic feet of natural gas … so we should probably get at that if we want to see prices drop.
Average Russians are very poor. Cheap gas is pretty much all they have. The country is a dump./quote]

we're right behind them. Seen DC lately? any blue run city? We have a moron for a president. Thanks left.
Who's stopping the drilling here in America OP?
If you were informed you’d be a conservative.
Well, obviously Biden loves Putin since his first actions were to make us reliant upon Russia.
Do you always suffer from time dissociation syndrome? Corporations buy the oil from Russia, not the US govt. and it has been going on for decades, but you just now fingered that out, partially that is.
Wow! A 23 year old history teacher isn’t living like royalty!

idiot, try to explain this

ps move to omsk if you think that the mongols do fine
On average, Russians named 66,000 rubles ($1,000) as a decent monthly salary,
not really, Moscow manipulate GDP per capita from 2014, the economists use per person per household digits, it indicates that median income in Muscovy 200$ per person
Russia is a gas station masquerading as a real country. Just look at their military, completely broken down and going nowhere.
Actually, it is just a mafia organization running a country. This is effectively another "Godfather" movie.
in Moscow Household income 200$ per man
You can open job search sites and look at the numbers

and how many your fav horde men have $500 a month?

"Maksim Mikhailov, a 23-year-old history teacher at High School No. 4 in the northwestern city of Pskov, finds himself in a similar position today. Mikhailov told RFE/RL he earns about 18,000 rubles ($245) a month for 37 working hours per week."

and its before we tottaly F@CKED MOSCOW bank system

a history tutor costs from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles for 60 minutes (1 lesson).
18,000 rubles can be earned for 12 hours of work
If you are lazy and do not want to work and make minimal efforts (look for clients, give extra classes), you will be at the bottom in any country. And you will blame others for it.



Moscow Metro. A disgusting place. very poor
I’ve been to Russia. Cities are on par with NY and LA without homeless living on sidewalks.
homelessness is not allowed in Russian cities.....a vagrant very quickly becomes an inmate. If it is due to mental illness he or she becomes an inmate anyway only not in a jail.

It is a special kind of idiocy that thinks that a nation where the average income is 40,000 rubles a month, i.e. $300.00, has the same standard of living as the US. I mean you have proven to be a most useful idiot as a Putin puppet not to mention real a moron.
They probably pay basic health of $1200/mo/couple with a 5K deductable and no scrips too !


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