Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage

A public business is a business which opens its doors to the public. A private institution has members. You don't have to be a member to shop at Ralph's.
But you have to be a member (Ralphs club card) to get their discounts.
Now you're just being silly.
Now you're just being dismissive.

I would say that is a fair assessment.
A public business is a business which opens its doors to the public. A private institution has members. You don't have to be a member to shop at Ralph's.
Wrong. You cannot redefine terms to suit yourself.
What is private company definition and meaning
private company

Business firm in the private (non-public) sector of an economy, controlled and operated by private individuals (and not by civil servants or government-employees). Used also as an alternative term for private limited company.

Actually, I'm right but you have to consider the terms in the context of the discussion.
Actually no, you are not right. I've owned my own business for over 28 years now and open to the public does not mean publicly owned. I've tossed out numerous characters, and turned down jobs based on my beliefs (promoting abortion). I would turn down a gay wedding, celebration, whatever event but would lie about it since they are using government to strong arm private citizens.

I didn't say it was publicly owned. I said it was open to the public. In the context of this discussion, there is a difference between a business which is open to the public (like a grocery store) and a private club (such as a gentlemen's club). A private club is free to apply whatever restrictions it desires, such only Chinese women allowed. A public business cannot. You, of course, must do whatever your conscious directs you. However, the law applies to everyone equally. So you can either follow the law or not, with the consequences either of those decisions carry.

You don't have a right to operate a business. That is why it requires a license.
I didn't say it was publicly owned. I said it was open to the public. In the context of this discussion, there is a difference between a business which is open to the public (like a grocery store) and a private club (such as a gentlemen's club). A private club is free to apply whatever restrictions it desires, such only Chinese women allowed. A public business cannot. You, of course, must do whatever your conscious directs you. However, the law applies to everyone equally. So you can either follow the law or not, with the consequences either of those decisions carry.

You don't have a right to operate a business. That is why it requires a license.
No, that's different from what you said. I challenged you on the term public business. A corporation can have public stock options but I'm sure that isn't what you were referring to.

I am well aware of how the left manipulates wording to further their goals. You can't kick people out for being a race or gender due to the Civil Rights Act but sexual orientation isn't mentioned. That's WHY state and local governments add them. And no, not all business require a license, especially if they are in the county. Even so no license I'm aware of says "must serve gay events". You don't know what you're talking about.
It has begun. LGBT “activists” have gone full fascist since the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Now — right before the holiest days in the Christian calendar — one gay group is attacking Churches who dare to believe that homosexuality is wrong.
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Top Right News
The largest gay group in one Western state is demanding that Churches who follow the Bible be shut down by the government.
And discrimination continue again...
Only i think that both sides are really mad? Why they just can't find the solution? It's not so hard as they think...
Also, very interesting end of the article and one of the questions i wanna ask -
Gays never criticize Islam, even though it is only Muslims who are hanging gays from cranes and throwing them from buildings every single week. Why?

The gays are wrong.

These Westboro wannabes have just as much right to call themselves a church and preach their hate as real Christian churches have to preach love and tolerance of those who are different than us.

The problem is that fundies are crazy, they're loud and they're full of hate and fear of gays. As we've seen here, the rabid RWs love hate groups and are eager to blame others for their own failures.

In any event, we have no choice but to protect the rights of the nutter hate "churches" just as we protect the rights of real Christians. Too bad people don't also want to protect the rights of gays.
Frankly, I disagree with those who refuse to deal with gay people. All they're doing is validating the message gay people have been given, which is that Christians hate them. Wrong, wrong, wrong. That's the moral component. The legal component is a bit murkier, and will have to be settled in court. How much of your constitutional freedom do you lose when you run a business, and how far will this ultimately go? When can a business refuse to enter into a contract with someone?
I didn't say it was publicly owned. I said it was open to the public. In the context of this discussion, there is a difference between a business which is open to the public (like a grocery store) and a private club (such as a gentlemen's club). A private club is free to apply whatever restrictions it desires, such only Chinese women allowed. A public business cannot. You, of course, must do whatever your conscious directs you. However, the law applies to everyone equally. So you can either follow the law or not, with the consequences either of those decisions carry.

You don't have a right to operate a business. That is why it requires a license.
No, that's different from what you said. I challenged you on the term public business. A corporation can have public stock options but I'm sure that isn't what you were referring to.

I am well aware of how the left manipulates wording to further their goals. You can't kick people out for being a race or gender due to the Civil Rights Act but sexual orientation isn't mentioned. That's WHY state and local governments add them. And no, not all business require a license, especially if they are in the county. Even so no license I'm aware of says "must serve gay events". You don't know what you're talking about.

You are talking about ownership, I am talking about clientele. I will bow to your claim on a business in the county (or country?) because I certainly don't have a finger on every statute. The Civil Rights Act is federal and doesn't apply unless interstate commerce is involved - though the courts really expanded what that meant so its hard to have a business where it doesn't apply. But the state can create their own laws as well.

What a license does do is require you to follow whatever laws that apply to that business. I am sure there are any number of laws you have to follow not specifically mentioned on a license. But if you fail to follow them, you can certainly lose the license or be fined.
Wow, if they can't respect other people's beliefs, I guess that they won't be getting any respect for whatever beliefs it is that they themselves have should they actually have any that is.

God bless you always!!!

I think they should shut down all the churches for perpetrating a fraud that there's a magic fairy in the sky who cares what kind of sex you are having.
Nobody cares what kind of sex faggots have. The issue is that they want to force others against their convictions. Shut down churches? You faggots pick and chose what part of the bill of rights fits your agenda and want to discard the rest.

You homophobes want to kill homosexuals- look one of you say it right here- so that means you all do- right?

Remember how all they wanted was to be able to get married?

Maybe people will learn some day

Remember how all the homophobes said that all they wanted was for gays to not get married?

Here is what happens


Maybe people will learn one day.
It has begun. LGBT “activists” have gone full fascist since the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Now — right before the holiest days in the Christian calendar — one gay group is attacking Churches who dare to believe that homosexuality is wrong.
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Top Right News
The largest gay group in one Western state is demanding that Churches who follow the Bible be shut down by the government.
And discrimination continue again...
Only i think that both sides are really mad? Why they just can't find the solution? It's not so hard as they think...
Also, very interesting end of the article and one of the questions i wanna ask -
Gays never criticize Islam, even though it is only Muslims who are hanging gays from cranes and throwing them from buildings every single week. Why?
when the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted that it was just an end around to sue churches and destroy religion.

can't say I called it, since they are skipping suing them and going right for boarding them up.

leftist hate this country and freedom
By the way- anyone who actually believes that they can shut down churches- or should be able to shut down churches- is an idiot- not quite the homicidal idiot like the idiot who wants to be able to legally execute homosexuals in California- but they are all idiots.
It has begun. LGBT “activists” have gone full fascist since the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Now — right before the holiest days in the Christian calendar — one gay group is attacking Churches who dare to believe that homosexuality is wrong.
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Top Right News
The largest gay group in one Western state is demanding that Churches who follow the Bible be shut down by the government.
And discrimination continue again...
Only i think that both sides are really mad? Why they just can't find the solution? It's not so hard as they think...
Also, very interesting end of the article and one of the questions i wanna ask -
Gays never criticize Islam, even though it is only Muslims who are hanging gays from cranes and throwing them from buildings every single week. Why?
when the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted that it was just an end around to sue churches and destroy religion.

can't say I called it, since they are skipping suing them and going right for boarding them up.

leftist hate this country and freedom

When the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted the bigots would use the issue to re-criminalize homosexuality.

Can't say I called it, since they are skipping 'criminalization' and just going for outright shooting them on the streets.

It has begun. LGBT “activists” have gone full fascist since the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Now — right before the holiest days in the Christian calendar — one gay group is attacking Churches who dare to believe that homosexuality is wrong.
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Top Right News
The largest gay group in one Western state is demanding that Churches who follow the Bible be shut down by the government.
And discrimination continue again...
Only i think that both sides are really mad? Why they just can't find the solution? It's not so hard as they think...
Also, very interesting end of the article and one of the questions i wanna ask -
Gays never criticize Islam, even though it is only Muslims who are hanging gays from cranes and throwing them from buildings every single week. Why?
when the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted that it was just an end around to sue churches and destroy religion.

can't say I called it, since they are skipping suing them and going right for boarding them up.

leftist hate this country and freedom

When the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted the bigots would use the issue to re-criminalize homosexuality.

Can't say I called it, since they are skipping 'criminalization' and just going for outright shooting them on the streets.

View attachment 38946
link to the law itself please

and the truth hurts

knowing that you are full of so much hate that you would support shutting down churches in spite of the Constitution
It has begun. LGBT “activists” have gone full fascist since the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Now — right before the holiest days in the Christian calendar — one gay group is attacking Churches who dare to believe that homosexuality is wrong.
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Top Right News
The largest gay group in one Western state is demanding that Churches who follow the Bible be shut down by the government.
And discrimination continue again...
Only i think that both sides are really mad? Why they just can't find the solution? It's not so hard as they think...
Also, very interesting end of the article and one of the questions i wanna ask -
Gays never criticize Islam, even though it is only Muslims who are hanging gays from cranes and throwing them from buildings every single week. Why?
when the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted that it was just an end around to sue churches and destroy religion.

can't say I called it, since they are skipping suing them and going right for boarding them up.

leftist hate this country and freedom

When the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted the bigots would use the issue to re-criminalize homosexuality.

Can't say I called it, since they are skipping 'criminalization' and just going for outright shooting them on the streets.

View attachment 38946
link to the law itself please

and the truth hurts

knowing that you are full of so much hate that you would support shutting down churches in spite of the Constitution
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
It has begun. LGBT “activists” have gone full fascist since the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Now — right before the holiest days in the Christian calendar — one gay group is attacking Churches who dare to believe that homosexuality is wrong.
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Top Right News
The largest gay group in one Western state is demanding that Churches who follow the Bible be shut down by the government.
And discrimination continue again...
Only i think that both sides are really mad? Why they just can't find the solution? It's not so hard as they think...
Also, very interesting end of the article and one of the questions i wanna ask -
Gays never criticize Islam, even though it is only Muslims who are hanging gays from cranes and throwing them from buildings every single week. Why?
when the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted that it was just an end around to sue churches and destroy religion.

can't say I called it, since they are skipping suing them and going right for boarding them up.

leftist hate this country and freedom

When the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted the bigots would use the issue to re-criminalize homosexuality.

Can't say I called it, since they are skipping 'criminalization' and just going for outright shooting them on the streets.

View attachment 38946
link to the law itself please

and the truth hurts

knowing that you are full of so much hate that you would support shutting down churches in spite of the Constitution
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
they are demanding it be done, so suck it
It has begun. LGBT “activists” have gone full fascist since the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Now — right before the holiest days in the Christian calendar — one gay group is attacking Churches who dare to believe that homosexuality is wrong.
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Top Right News
The largest gay group in one Western state is demanding that Churches who follow the Bible be shut down by the government.
And discrimination continue again...
Only i think that both sides are really mad? Why they just can't find the solution? It's not so hard as they think...
Also, very interesting end of the article and one of the questions i wanna ask -
Gays never criticize Islam, even though it is only Muslims who are hanging gays from cranes and throwing them from buildings every single week. Why?
when the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted that it was just an end around to sue churches and destroy religion.

can't say I called it, since they are skipping suing them and going right for boarding them up.

leftist hate this country and freedom

When the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted the bigots would use the issue to re-criminalize homosexuality.

Can't say I called it, since they are skipping 'criminalization' and just going for outright shooting them on the streets.

View attachment 38946
link to the law itself please

and the truth hurts

knowing that you are full of so much hate that you would support shutting down churches in spite of the Constitution
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
they are demanding it be done, so suck it

Link to the law itself please. Or does that not apply to you?
I think they should shut down all the churches for perpetrating a fraud that there's a magic fairy in the sky who cares what kind of sex you are having.
Nobody cares what kind of sex faggots have. The issue is that they want to force others against their convictions. Shut down churches? You faggots pick and chose what part of the bill of rights fits your agenda and want to discard the rest.

You homophobes want to kill homosexuals- look one of you say it right here- so that means you all do- right?

View attachment 38943
LGBT rights activist charged with shooting Family Research Council guard

Floyd Lee Corkins, a former volunteer with gay advocacy group “The DC Center for the LGBT Community,” faces up to 40 years in prison for allegedly wounding a security guard, Leonardo Johnson, at the Family Research Council.

Corkins, a 28-year-old resident of Herndon, Virginia, was charged by Washington local authorities with “assault with intent to kill while armed,” which is punishable by a minimum of five and a maximum of 30 years in prison.
Anyhow, that's cool to have and old typewriter. I used to have one of those. Where do you get the ribbon for it? Can you sty ill get them for your basement operation?
It has begun. LGBT “activists” have gone full fascist since the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Now — right before the holiest days in the Christian calendar — one gay group is attacking Churches who dare to believe that homosexuality is wrong.
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Top Right News
The largest gay group in one Western state is demanding that Churches who follow the Bible be shut down by the government.
And discrimination continue again...
Only i think that both sides are really mad? Why they just can't find the solution? It's not so hard as they think...
Also, very interesting end of the article and one of the questions i wanna ask -
Gays never criticize Islam, even though it is only Muslims who are hanging gays from cranes and throwing them from buildings every single week. Why?
when the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted that it was just an end around to sue churches and destroy religion.

can't say I called it, since they are skipping suing them and going right for boarding them up.

leftist hate this country and freedom

When the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted the bigots would use the issue to re-criminalize homosexuality.

Can't say I called it, since they are skipping 'criminalization' and just going for outright shooting them on the streets.

View attachment 38946
link to the law itself please

and the truth hurts

knowing that you are full of so much hate that you would support shutting down churches in spite of the Constitution
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
they are demanding it be done, so suck it
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
when the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted that it was just an end around to sue churches and destroy religion.

can't say I called it, since they are skipping suing them and going right for boarding them up.

leftist hate this country and freedom

When the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted the bigots would use the issue to re-criminalize homosexuality.

Can't say I called it, since they are skipping 'criminalization' and just going for outright shooting them on the streets.

View attachment 38946
link to the law itself please

and the truth hurts

knowing that you are full of so much hate that you would support shutting down churches in spite of the Constitution
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
they are demanding it be done, so suck it
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
Yet. For a while, no one was herding Jews into boxcars, either.
It has begun. LGBT “activists” have gone full fascist since the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Now — right before the holiest days in the Christian calendar — one gay group is attacking Churches who dare to believe that homosexuality is wrong.
Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Top Right News
The largest gay group in one Western state is demanding that Churches who follow the Bible be shut down by the government.
And discrimination continue again...
Only i think that both sides are really mad? Why they just can't find the solution? It's not so hard as they think...
Also, very interesting end of the article and one of the questions i wanna ask -
Gays never criticize Islam, even though it is only Muslims who are hanging gays from cranes and throwing them from buildings every single week. Why?
when the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted that it was just an end around to sue churches and destroy religion.

can't say I called it, since they are skipping suing them and going right for boarding them up.

leftist hate this country and freedom

When the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted the bigots would use the issue to re-criminalize homosexuality.

Can't say I called it, since they are skipping 'criminalization' and just going for outright shooting them on the streets.

View attachment 38946
link to the law itself please

and the truth hurts

knowing that you are full of so much hate that you would support shutting down churches in spite of the Constitution
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
they are demanding it be done, so suck it

Christians are demanding that gays be you best be careful what you suck on.
When the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted the bigots would use the issue to re-criminalize homosexuality.

Can't say I called it, since they are skipping 'criminalization' and just going for outright shooting them on the streets.

View attachment 38946
link to the law itself please

and the truth hurts

knowing that you are full of so much hate that you would support shutting down churches in spite of the Constitution
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
they are demanding it be done, so suck it
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
Yet. For a while, no one was herding Jews into boxcars, either.
Germans were.
When the gay marriage debate got going, I predicted the bigots would use the issue to re-criminalize homosexuality.

Can't say I called it, since they are skipping 'criminalization' and just going for outright shooting them on the streets.

View attachment 38946
link to the law itself please

and the truth hurts

knowing that you are full of so much hate that you would support shutting down churches in spite of the Constitution
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
they are demanding it be done, so suck it
Stop whining. No one is shutting down churches.
Yet. For a while, no one was herding Jews into boxcars, either.
Nobody is executing gays in America now

Yet. For awhile- no one was herding homosexuals into boxcars, either.

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