Gay Mag 'The Advocate' Buys Shepard 'Revisionism' too?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Oh, say it aint so! The gay mag is going heretical!

Have We Got Matthew Shepard All Wrong? |

In The Book of Matt, Jimenez examines the laudable, if premature, effort on the part of two of Shepard’s friends to alert the media to what they believed to be a crime of hate. At the time, Shepard was still fighting for his life. By the time he died, five days later, the question had been firmly settled, as news reporters and gay organizations like GLAAD rushed in. As JoAnn Wypijewski wrote in a brilliant 1999 piece for Harper’s Magazine, “Press crews who had never before and have not since lingered over gruesome murders of homosexuals came out in force, reporting their brush with a bigotry so poisonous it could scarcely be imagined.”

Add to that a president who needed to expiate his sins against the LGBT community, still recoiling from the double whammy of DOMA and “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and Shepard’s posthumous status as gay martyr was sealed. The defendants didn’t aid themselves by claiming they’d lured Shepard into their car and then flipped out when he came on to them.

But in what circumstances does someone slam a seven-inch gun barrel into their victim’s head so violently as to crush his brain stem? That’s not just flipping out, that’s psychotic — literally psychotic, to anyone familiar with the long-term effects of methamphetamine. In court, both the prosecutor and the plaintiffs had compelling reasons to ignore this thread, but for Jimenez it is the central context for understanding not only the brutality of the crime but the milieu in which both Shepard and McKinney lived and operated.

By several accounts, McKinney had been on a meth bender for five days prior to the murder, and spent much of October 6 trying to find more drugs. By the evening he was so wound up that he attacked three other men in addition to Shepard. Even Cal Rerucha, the prosecutor who had pushed for the death sentence for McKinney and Henderson, would later concede on ABC’s 20/20 that “it was a murder that was driven by drugs.”

Wow, this is put out by a gay author as well; the Myth of Saint fence post is going bye-bye.
They figured they had better odds of not being convicted by trying a gay panic defense than by admitting it was a drug deal
They figured they had better odds of not being convicted by trying a gay panic defense than by admitting it was a drug deal


So they admitted to a MORE SERIOUS CRIME?

Because beating a guy down for a drug deal is just manslaughter or second degree murder.

Beating a guy down because he's gay is first degree murder with hate crimes attached.
Not then idiot. They didn't have hate crimes there then. This case was used to create then. Back then they were hoping to get a reduction by alleging gay panic
Not then idiot. They didn't have hate crimes there then. This case was used to create then. Back then they were hoping to get a reduction by alleging gay panic

Wow... no, seriously, these had to be the dumbest criminals ever, then.

The only reason these fools didn't get the DP is because Matt's family begged that they didn't.

Can't see how they'd have gotten less by saying it was a drug deal gone bad.
Not then idiot. They didn't have hate crimes there then. This case was used to create then. Back then they were hoping to get a reduction by alleging gay panic

Wow... no, seriously, these had to be the dumbest criminals ever, then.

The only reason these fools didn't get the DP is because Matt's family begged that they didn't.

Can't see how they'd have gotten less by saying it was a drug deal gone bad.

They tried a defense strategy that was then available.... Had they just admitted drug deal gone bad, they will be convicted of murder. At least with the gay panic defense they might have gotten it reduced to manslaughter... It failed for them. Nobody doubts they murdered him. Too bad they didn't get the death penalty. The issue here is the fraud being perpetrated about the reason why they killed him. Liberals do this with so many issues, pursuing an agenda by either twisting facts or outright lying. They are doing it with man made global warming, with trayvon martin, gender pay gap, etc...

What does it say about one's cause if you need to commit fraud to achieve one's goals?

They tried a defense strategy that was then available.... Had they just admitted drug deal gone bad, they will be convicted of murder. At least with the gay panic defense they might have gotten it reduced to manslaughter... It failed for them. Nobody doubts they murdered him. Too bad they didn't get the death penalty. The issue here is the fraud being perpetrated about the reason why they killed him. Liberals do this with so many issues, pursuing an agenda by either twisting facts or outright lying. They are doing it with man made global warming, with trayvon martin, gender pay gap, etc...

What does it say about one's cause if you need to commit fraud to achieve one's goals?

I could say the same thing about you guys, who make up imaginary characters like Reagan's Welfare Queen who didn't even exist.

At least we know that Shepard existed.

Frankly, I'm not sure how these guys ever thought that a "gay panic" defense would have gotten them off. Their lawyers should be disbarred for malpractice, if that was the case.
Not then idiot. They didn't have hate crimes there then. This case was used to create then. Back then they were hoping to get a reduction by alleging gay panic

Um...yes they did.

:lol: :lol:

But it's nice to see that the OP reads the Advocate. It's a good magazine.

Hate crime laws in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

45 states and the District of Columbia have statutes criminalizing various types of bias-motivated violence or intimidation (the exceptions are Arkansas, Georgia, whose hate crime statute was struck down by the Georgia Supreme Court in 2004,[4] Indiana, South Carolina, and Wyoming).

Why don't you try to check out your facts before spewing them on the internet?

Oh, that's right: because you don't give a shit about actual facts, and I guess the Advocate is a good magazine unless it disagrees with your ideology.
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Not then idiot. They didn't have hate crimes there then. This case was used to create then. Back then they were hoping to get a reduction by alleging gay panic

Wow... no, seriously, these had to be the dumbest criminals ever, then.

The only reason these fools didn't get the DP is because Matt's family begged that they didn't.

Can't see how they'd have gotten less by saying it was a drug deal gone bad.

They tried a defense strategy that was then available.... Had they just admitted drug deal gone bad, they will be convicted of murder. At least with the gay panic defense they might have gotten it reduced to manslaughter... It failed for them. Nobody doubts they murdered him. Too bad they didn't get the death penalty. The issue here is the fraud being perpetrated about the reason why they killed him. Liberals do this with so many issues, pursuing an agenda by either twisting facts or outright lying. They are doing it with man made global warming, with trayvon martin, gender pay gap, etc...

What does it say about one's cause if you need to commit fraud to achieve one's goals?

JoeB is a fucking liar, a troll and a waste of anyone's time. He is the living personification of a 'Tar Baby'.

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