CDZ Gay Republicans -- What are these folks going to do this election cycle

There are calculated choices involved in being outliers. People who seek to populate what they consider to be underdeveloped areas in a party's constituent portfolio. People who tried to anticipate the findings of the 2012 autopsy, which recommended that the Republicans diversify or die. Black Republicans like Michael Steele, Hispanic Republicans like Ana Navarro. People who are on the news shows trying to be the new face of the party, signs pointing the way to go.

??? I find it very, very hard to believe that anyone who is gay is gay and accepts that they are, and lives sexually as a gay person as a result of a "calculated choice" to be an outlier or to "populate...[an] underdeveloped area in a party's constituent portfolio."

The rank and file are just people who have decided that Republicans represent their POV on more issues than the Dems do. And who are gay. If they feel their fundamental rights are going to be challenged, though, visitation rights, tax filing status rights, will they be able to maintain the illusion that there is a place for them in the Republican party?

Well, the limit of the nature, extent and duration of illusory thoughts one can maintain in one's own mind is, IMO, nonexistent.
There are a very few minority politicians who get involved in Republican party politics as tokens. There are also a few others who try to reform the party, to make it a bigger tent (and hopefully bring in new blood). The vast majority are just rank and file members. Does that make sense? None of them are deciding to be gay, imo. They are gay, and right leaning. Groups like the Log Cabin Republicans (log, LOL) justify supporting candidates who hate them by saying the Dems would be worse for the country than losing LGBT rights would be for themselves (huh?).

We'll see about the practical limits of supporting "Republican principles" when they're getting kicked out of their boyfriend's hospital room, because they aren't "family".
There are calculated choices involved in being outliers. People who seek to populate what they consider to be underdeveloped areas in a party's constituent portfolio. People who tried to anticipate the findings of the 2012 autopsy, which recommended that the Republicans diversify or die. Black Republicans like Michael Steele, Hispanic Republicans like Ana Navarro. People who are on the news shows trying to be the new face of the party, signs pointing the way to go.

??? I find it very, very hard to believe that anyone who is gay is gay and accepts that they are, and lives sexually as a gay person as a result of a "calculated choice" to be an outlier or to "populate...[an] underdeveloped area in a party's constituent portfolio."

The rank and file are just people who have decided that Republicans represent their POV on more issues than the Dems do. And who are gay. If they feel their fundamental rights are going to be challenged, though, visitation rights, tax filing status rights, will they be able to maintain the illusion that there is a place for them in the Republican party?

Well, the limit of the nature, extent and duration of illusory thoughts one can maintain in one's own mind is, IMO, nonexistent.
There are a very few minority politicians who get involved in Republican party politics as tokens. There are also a few others who try to reform the party, to make it a bigger tent (and hopefully bring in new blood). The vast majority are just rank and file members. Does that make sense? None of them are deciding to be gay, imo. They are gay, and right leaning. Groups like the Log Cabin Republicans (log, LOL) justify supporting candidates who hate them by saying the Dems would be worse for the country than losing LGBT rights would be for themselves (huh?).

We'll see about the practical limits of supporting "Republican principles" when they're getting kicked out of their boyfriend's hospital room, because they aren't "family".

Yes, well, the underlying theme of those remarks points to the source of my incredulity and curiosity as expressed in my OP. LOL

While I may not care much for folks whose actions and political stances issue purely from self-interest and imagined infallibility, I can at least understand why they take those positions. The folks who'd sooner "cut off their nose to spite their face," -- or in the case of gay male Republicans, effectively entreat their own political and social emasculation, perhaps even literal castration if some GOPers were to have their way -- strike me as being just as stupid as this guy, and like him, as folks who, rightly, should have no say in the political process.
omg. the homosexual sob stories just never ends. here is this for such a horrible situation: he has MADE for himself:boohoo::boohoo:

I am sorry you were compelled to read this thread. Thanks, Obama!
Stories like this only make homosexuals look pathetic. You have to wonder how the guy can get through day to day if this is such a HUGE problem for him.

all I see is a: poor poor pitiful man
As a gay man, I'll continue to vote for my values and those most aligns with The Libertarian Party. The Democrats are charlatans and the GOP is far too married to the Evangelicalism for my taste. I'll proudly cast my vote for Gary Johnson again this November. I refuse to put a bag over my head before I enter the poll booth. lol
I got him on the "I Side With" test. I didn't even know who he was.

He's a good egg. Naturally that means he entirely unelectable by either of the major parties.

He's not the worst possible choice. He denies the climate change science, though. Must be some reason for that.
Could be that he sees the political bs behind most of it, and I mean both sides of the issue. This is one of many "issues" that is not political, but has been turned into a political football. Maybe, and I cannot speak for the man, he has seen through the bs and realises that the "science" is in no way "settled".
Republicans wish they would all just die.
I am a person who leans more Rebublican than not, however I am not registered as such, and I wish death on noone. Nope, not even the terrorist who would kill me if they had a chance, I wish death on noone.
For someone to say such a thing is the very definition of the divisiveness and anger that is overwhelming and crippling this country. Next time you want to post, rdean, please remember this, saying something like you did IS THE PROBLEM IN THIS COUNTRY. You cannot speak for anyone but yourself, if YOU wish all of one group would die, say so. Do not, under any circumstances, suggest that you know what another group of people think, want or desire. It only serves to demonstrate your own ignorance, and hate.
As a gay man, I'll continue to vote for my values and those most aligns with The Libertarian Party. The Democrats are charlatans and the GOP is far too married to the Evangelicalism for my taste. I'll proudly cast my vote for Gary Johnson again this November. I refuse to put a bag over my head before I enter the poll booth. lol
I got him on the "I Side With" test. I didn't even know who he was.

He's a good egg. Naturally that means he entirely unelectable by either of the major parties.

He's not the worst possible choice. He denies the climate change science, though. Must be some reason for that.
Could be that he sees the political bs behind most of it, and I mean both sides of the issue. This is one of many "issues" that is not political, but has been turned into a political football. Maybe, and I cannot speak for the man, he has seen through the bs and realises that the "science" is in no way "settled".

It is settled.
As a gay man, I'll continue to vote for my values and those most aligns with The Libertarian Party. The Democrats are charlatans and the GOP is far too married to the Evangelicalism for my taste. I'll proudly cast my vote for Gary Johnson again this November. I refuse to put a bag over my head before I enter the poll booth. lol
Democrats are a coalition Party. Does that make them "charlatans"?
As a gay man, I'll continue to vote for my values and those most aligns with The Libertarian Party. The Democrats are charlatans and the GOP is far too married to the Evangelicalism for my taste. I'll proudly cast my vote for Gary Johnson again this November. I refuse to put a bag over my head before I enter the poll booth. lol
Democrats are a coalition Party. Does that make them "charlatans"?

So? They can't be charlatans b/c they are a coalition party? Not hardly.
As a gay man, I'll continue to vote for my values and those most aligns with The Libertarian Party.

As everyone should.

I can see how that might be for gays in general, so it's not bewildering that you specifically feel that way too. I certainly have no difficulty understanding how one might be gay and Libertarian. The Libertarian stance on homosexuality, though not 100% behind of the idea that gay folks should have 100% equality with heterosexual folks, it's quite close to being so. Moreover, the party certainly never wholesale opposed gay citizens' sharing equally in the opportunities, joys and pains concomitant with being an American.

It's strictly the idea that one can be both Republican and gay, and see those two states of being as compatible, that baffles me. For example, Republicans assert/believe homosexuality and military service are incompatible, and the GOP advocates for "candid analysis of the consequences of unprecedented social changes in the military." It apparently doesn't occur to the GOP that the tactics and strategies of two men, men whose strategies and tactics remain part of military training, men whose military stature and achievements are revered and legacy unsurpassed, even today, were also men who engaged willfully in gay sex acts. That, yet military service and homexuality are incompatible.

Just what kind of duplicity is that? Apparently the kind that deludes some gay folks into thinking, maybe hoping, the GOP respects, appreciates and has a place for them and their homosexuality despite all the other specific and unequivocal positions the GOP has regarding gay people in general, to say nothing of gay American citizens.

I refuse to put a bag over my head before I enter the poll booth

As should nobody.
As a gay man, I'll continue to vote for my values and those most aligns with The Libertarian Party. The Democrats are charlatans and the GOP is far too married to the Evangelicalism for my taste. I'll proudly cast my vote for Gary Johnson again this November. I refuse to put a bag over my head before I enter the poll booth. lol
I got him on the "I Side With" test. I didn't even know who he was.

He's a good egg. Naturally that means he entirely unelectable by either of the major parties.

He's not the worst possible choice. He denies the climate change science, though. Must be some reason for that.
Could be that he sees the political bs behind most of it, and I mean both sides of the issue. This is one of many "issues" that is not political, but has been turned into a political football. Maybe, and I cannot speak for the man, he has seen through the bs and realises that the "science" is in no way "settled".

It is settled.
It was once "settled" "science" that the earth was flat too. Does that mean it's fact? The "science" is far from settled. If it was, there would be no need to continue studies to "prove" that climate change has anything to do with human activity.
As a gay man, I'll continue to vote for my values and those most aligns with The Libertarian Party. The Democrats are charlatans and the GOP is far too married to the Evangelicalism for my taste. I'll proudly cast my vote for Gary Johnson again this November. I refuse to put a bag over my head before I enter the poll booth. lol

Of the 3 remaining candidates, Cruz is the ONLY one who is "against" homosexuality in terms of policy. The other two have not mentioned the topic, and that's as it should be. Who cares who another person has consensual relations with.

PS a vote for an independent is in fact a vote for Hillary in the 2016 election. you need to understand that.
As a gay man, I'll continue to vote for my values and those most aligns with The Libertarian Party. The Democrats are charlatans and the GOP is far too married to the Evangelicalism for my taste. I'll proudly cast my vote for Gary Johnson again this November. I refuse to put a bag over my head before I enter the poll booth. lol

Of the 3 remaining candidates, Cruz is the ONLY one who is "against" homosexuality in terms of policy. The other two have not mentioned the topic, and that's as it should be. Who cares who another person has consensual relations with.

PS a vote for an independent is in fact a vote for Hillary in the 2016 election. you need to understand that.

The only candidate running for the GOP that I could bring myself to vote for is Kasich and it seems unlikely that he will get the nomination. Neither party has earned my vote and I am not going to simply vote from whomever the GOP nominates just to keep Hillary out of the office. Nominate better candidates.
As a gay man, I'll continue to vote for my values and those most aligns with The Libertarian Party. The Democrats are charlatans and the GOP is far too married to the Evangelicalism for my taste. I'll proudly cast my vote for Gary Johnson again this November. I refuse to put a bag over my head before I enter the poll booth. lol

Of the 3 remaining candidates, Cruz is the ONLY one who is "against" homosexuality in terms of policy. The other two have not mentioned the topic, and that's as it should be. Who cares who another person has consensual relations with.

PS a vote for an independent is in fact a vote for Hillary in the 2016 election. you need to understand that.

The only candidate running for the GOP that I could bring myself to vote for is Kasich and it seems unlikely that he will get the nomination. Neither party has earned my vote and I am not going to simply vote from whomever the GOP nominates just to keep Hillary out of the office. Nominate better candidates.

I'm rooting for Kasich as well, I agree with Trump on a few things, but feel he can't beat Hillary. Cruz is too far right for me.

what if it was a Trump/Kasich ticket? I could support that.
As a gay man, I'll continue to vote for my values and those most aligns with The Libertarian Party. The Democrats are charlatans and the GOP is far too married to the Evangelicalism for my taste. I'll proudly cast my vote for Gary Johnson again this November. I refuse to put a bag over my head before I enter the poll booth. lol

Of the 3 remaining candidates, Cruz is the ONLY one who is "against" homosexuality in terms of policy. The other two have not mentioned the topic, and that's as it should be. Who cares who another person has consensual relations with.

PS a vote for an independent is in fact a vote for Hillary in the 2016 election. you need to understand that.

The only candidate running for the GOP that I could bring myself to vote for is Kasich and it seems unlikely that he will get the nomination. Neither party has earned my vote and I am not going to simply vote from whomever the GOP nominates just to keep Hillary out of the office. Nominate better candidates.

I'm rooting for Kasich as well, I agree with Trump on a few things, but feel he can't beat Hillary. Cruz is too far right for me.

what if it was a Trump/Kasich ticket? I could support that.

Trump is far too untrustworthy. He has changed his positions so often I do not know what he truly believes. That is a huge red flag and I can never bring himself to vote for Trump. Hell, if Johnson wasn't running I would likely skip voting for the President altogether.
As a gay man, I'll continue to vote for my values and those most aligns with The Libertarian Party. The Democrats are charlatans and the GOP is far too married to the Evangelicalism for my taste. I'll proudly cast my vote for Gary Johnson again this November. I refuse to put a bag over my head before I enter the poll booth. lol

Of the 3 remaining candidates, Cruz is the ONLY one who is "against" homosexuality in terms of policy. The other two have not mentioned the topic, and that's as it should be. Who cares who another person has consensual relations with.

PS a vote for an independent is in fact a vote for Hillary in the 2016 election. you need to understand that.

The only candidate running for the GOP that I could bring myself to vote for is Kasich and it seems unlikely that he will get the nomination. Neither party has earned my vote and I am not going to simply vote from whomever the GOP nominates just to keep Hillary out of the office. Nominate better candidates.

I'm rooting for Kasich as well, I agree with Trump on a few things, but feel he can't beat Hillary. Cruz is too far right for me.

what if it was a Trump/Kasich ticket? I could support that.

Trump is far too untrustworthy. He has changed his positions so often I do not know what he truly believes. That is a huge red flag and I can never bring himself to vote for Trump. Hell, if Johnson wasn't running I would likely skip voting for the President altogether.

I don't think it's so much that he's changed his mind as it is that he really didn't know where he stands on a lot of the issues because he didn't have much information on those issues. On the issues that are HIS issues though, he's remained steadfast. When Trump has a conviction he sticks with it.

Personally, I think it's refreshing to see a candidate who is willing to look at new information and reevaluate his opinion.

My biggest issue with Trump is, will he listen to advisors that disagree with him when making decisions. Clearly our current President doesn't. That's one of the areas I think Kasich could help him.

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