Gays Should STOP Defending Islam

Yes, but the bible also states hate the sin, not the sinner.
Yeah, except the bigots hate the sinner. They make that very clear.
I don't hate gays, don't approve of their lifestyle, but have never done anything to them.

you're just happy if they're allowed to be discriminated against
They have gay marriage now. What else do they want? I think it was bullshit about the baker, the couple was welcome to buy anything in the store. He just didn't want to cater the wedding. That's taking it to far. If a baker didn't want to cater my wedding, for whatever reason. That's fine, I wouldn't want to give them the business. They went to far.
They want what they've always wanted, which is what I said from the beginning...they want to destroy the church. They want to put people in prison for their faith, they want to close the churches. It's what they've always wanted. And if people will not recant their faith, they want to make it impossible for them to earn a living.

They want the same things that the Nazis wanted.
Nazis wanted to make Nazism the religion. Islam is very similar in its ideology but wants more people killed.
What is it the Christian bible says about homoseuxals...

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
Actually that's the Old Testament.

Yeah, they don't know.

I know that the Old Testament is part of the Christian Bible, clearly you do know that.
---------------------------- Jesus came and did away with the Old Testament rules and laws . Most all of todays Christian Churches use the New Testament GGator .

Jesus would disagree with you...“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
------------------------------- hey , like i said , New Testament is what is used in Christian Churches for the last 2000 years GGator .

2000 years ago there was no Christian church, the New Testament did not exist and Jesus was still just the son of a carpenter, but thanks for playing.

I have attended and been a part of Christian churches in close to a dozen countries and none of them have ever exclusively used the New Testament. The Christian bible contains two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The latter without the former holds no meaning at all.
I wonder what an idiot like gator thinks it means to fulfill the law....

Obviously it doesn't mean what he thinks it means.

It does not mean to do away with it, little girl.

But hey, if you would like to compare theological experience, education and training, it would be my distinct pleasure to put you into your place.
What is it the Christian bible says about homoseuxals...

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
Yes, but the bible also states hate the sin, not the sinner.
Yeah, except the bigots hate the sinner. They make that very clear.
I don't hate gays, don't approve of their lifestyle, but have never done anything to them.

you're just happy if they're allowed to be discriminated against
They have gay marriage now. What else do they want? I think it was bullshit about the baker, the couple was welcome to buy anything in the store. He just didn't want to cater the wedding. That's taking it to far. If a baker didn't want to cater my wedding, for whatever reason. That's fine, I wouldn't want to give them the business. They went to far.

They want want all of us want, to be able to live their lives as they see fit without being judged by people like the many homophobes on this forum.

But, you are correct about the baker and the photographer, that was bullshit and there is no way anyone should be compelled to provide a service or a product that they do not wish to provide.
Yeah, they don't know.

I know that the Old Testament is part of the Christian Bible, clearly you do know that.
---------------------------- Jesus came and did away with the Old Testament rules and laws . Most all of todays Christian Churches use the New Testament GGator .

Jesus would disagree with you...“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
------------------------------- hey , like i said , New Testament is what is used in Christian Churches for the last 2000 years GGator .

2000 years ago there was no Christian church, the New Testament did not exist and Jesus was still just the son of a carpenter, but thanks for playing.

I have attended and been a part of Christian churches in close to a dozen countries and none of them have ever exclusively used the New Testament. The Christian bible contains two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The latter without the former holds no meaning at all.

However, those of us who are saved are no longer subject to the law because we are the law fulfilled through Christ.

The law still holds for those who aren't saved.

But Leviticus is still a particular directive provided to a very particular group of people.
Yeah, except the bigots hate the sinner. They make that very clear.
I don't hate gays, don't approve of their lifestyle, but have never done anything to them.

you're just happy if they're allowed to be discriminated against
They have gay marriage now. What else do they want? I think it was bullshit about the baker, the couple was welcome to buy anything in the store. He just didn't want to cater the wedding. That's taking it to far. If a baker didn't want to cater my wedding, for whatever reason. That's fine, I wouldn't want to give them the business. They went to far.
They want what they've always wanted, which is what I said from the beginning...they want to destroy the church. They want to put people in prison for their faith, they want to close the churches. It's what they've always wanted. And if people will not recant their faith, they want to make it impossible for them to earn a living.

They want the same things that the Nazis wanted.
Nazis wanted to make Nazism the religion. Islam is very similar in its ideology but wants more people killed.
Lol, I've been called a Nazi on here. I'm far from it, but that's how far the liberals has taken it. I mean they call Trump a Nazi. Lol, if you look back at what he has done for minorities. You would know it was bullshit.
I wonder what an idiot like gator thinks it means to fulfill the law....

Obviously it doesn't mean what he thinks it means.

It does not mean to do away with it, little girl.

But hey, if you would like to compare theological experience, education and training, it would be my distinct pleasure to put you into your place.
I didn't say they do away with it.

And you won't be able to put me in my place..whatever you think that is. You've already shown yourself to be unequal to the task.
I wonder what an idiot like gator thinks it means to fulfill the law....

Obviously it doesn't mean what he thinks it means.

It does not mean to do away with it, little girl.

But hey, if you would like to compare theological experience, education and training, it would be my distinct pleasure to put you into your place.
I didn't say they do away with it.

And you won't be able to put me in my place..whatever you think that is. You've already shown yourself to be unequal to the task.

The post I respond to did. I know that threads are hard to follow, but do try and keep up so I do not have to go back and review just for you.

As for your place, it would seem that a 3rd grade sunday school class would be about the right level.
Yes, but the bible also states hate the sin, not the sinner.
Yeah, except the bigots hate the sinner. They make that very clear.
I don't hate gays, don't approve of their lifestyle, but have never done anything to them.

you're just happy if they're allowed to be discriminated against
They have gay marriage now. What else do they want? I think it was bullshit about the baker, the couple was welcome to buy anything in the store. He just didn't want to cater the wedding. That's taking it to far. If a baker didn't want to cater my wedding, for whatever reason. That's fine, I wouldn't want to give them the business. They went to far.

They want want all of us want, to be able to live their lives as they see fit without being judged by people like the many homophobes on this forum.

But, you are correct about the baker and the photographer, that was bullshit and there is no way anyone should be compelled to provide a service or a product that they do not wish to provide.
I agree, I'm good friends with a lesbian couple, that is married. I don't agree with their lifestyle, but doesn't mean I should treat the differently. I mean I just disagree, heck I disagree with vegetarians, but doesn't mean I'm gonna be an asshole to them.
I don't hate gays, don't approve of their lifestyle, but have never done anything to them.

you're just happy if they're allowed to be discriminated against
They have gay marriage now. What else do they want? I think it was bullshit about the baker, the couple was welcome to buy anything in the store. He just didn't want to cater the wedding. That's taking it to far. If a baker didn't want to cater my wedding, for whatever reason. That's fine, I wouldn't want to give them the business. They went to far.
They want what they've always wanted, which is what I said from the beginning...they want to destroy the church. They want to put people in prison for their faith, they want to close the churches. It's what they've always wanted. And if people will not recant their faith, they want to make it impossible for them to earn a living.

They want the same things that the Nazis wanted.
Nazis wanted to make Nazism the religion. Islam is very similar in its ideology but wants more people killed.
Lol, I've been called a Nazi on here. I'm far from it, but that's how far the liberals has taken it. I mean they call Trump a Nazi. Lol, if you look back at what he has done for minorities. You would know it was bullshit.

Just stating a fact about Islam, there is no one that treats minorities worse.
I wonder what an idiot like gator thinks it means to fulfill the law....

Obviously it doesn't mean what he thinks it means.

It does not mean to do away with it, little girl.

But hey, if you would like to compare theological experience, education and training, it would be my distinct pleasure to put you into your place.
I didn't say they do away with it.

And you won't be able to put me in my place..whatever you think that is. You've already shown yourself to be unequal to the task.

The post I respond to did. I know that threads are hard to follow, but do try and keep up so I do not have to go back and review just for you.

As for your place, it would seem that a 3rd grade sunday school class would be about the right level.

I accept your surrender. Like most anti-Christian scum, you bloviate then obfuscate and pretend you've "already" said everything you need to say and attempt to send anybody who challenges your idiocy on meaningless goose chases.

"The post I respond to did." lolol. You sound like a moron. You can't even name your alleged victory.

Primarily because it doesn't exist.

Psst...I am a Sunday school teacher and a choir director. I know what level I'm at...and I know what level you're at, too.
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What is it the Christian bible says about homoseuxals...

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
Christianity views the New Testament as superseding the Old.

Followers of Jesus of Nazareth and his message of love and forgiveness and universal fellowship consider those teachings to override anything to the contrary in the Old.

In truth, for Christians following the core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, the Old Testament merely serves as backup for anything not updated and covered in the New.

And, when you get right down to it...

Mainstream Christianity teaches that one must hate (shun) the Sin, but love the Sinner.

Mainstream Islam (through its one-and-only Testament) preaches death to such Sinners - actively - not some festering second-hand attribution of 3,000 years ago.

Next slide, please.
Yeah, except the bigots hate the sinner. They make that very clear.
I don't hate gays, don't approve of their lifestyle, but have never done anything to them.

you're just happy if they're allowed to be discriminated against
They have gay marriage now. What else do they want? I think it was bullshit about the baker, the couple was welcome to buy anything in the store. He just didn't want to cater the wedding. That's taking it to far. If a baker didn't want to cater my wedding, for whatever reason. That's fine, I wouldn't want to give them the business. They went to far.

They want want all of us want, to be able to live their lives as they see fit without being judged by people like the many homophobes on this forum.

But, you are correct about the baker and the photographer, that was bullshit and there is no way anyone should be compelled to provide a service or a product that they do not wish to provide.
I agree, I'm good friends with a lesbian couple, that is married. I don't agree with their lifestyle, but doesn't mean I should treat the differently. I mean I just disagree, heck I disagree with vegetarians, but doesn't mean I'm gonna be an asshole to them.

I wish more people were this way, but we are getting there.

My daughter has become a vegetarian, so when she is home to visit cooking is a challenge for me as I am very much a carnivore. But luckily she is not one of the annoying ones that talk bad about meat eaters.
Yeah, except the bigots hate the sinner. They make that very clear.
I don't hate gays, don't approve of their lifestyle, but have never done anything to them.

you're just happy if they're allowed to be discriminated against
They have gay marriage now. What else do they want? I think it was bullshit about the baker, the couple was welcome to buy anything in the store. He just didn't want to cater the wedding. That's taking it to far. If a baker didn't want to cater my wedding, for whatever reason. That's fine, I wouldn't want to give them the business. They went to far.
They want what they've always wanted, which is what I said from the beginning...they want to destroy the church. They want to put people in prison for their faith, they want to close the churches. It's what they've always wanted. And if people will not recant their faith, they want to make it impossible for them to earn a living.

They want the same things that the Nazis wanted.
Nazis wanted to make Nazism the religion. Islam is very similar in its ideology but wants more people killed.
Muslims supported the Nazis.
I wonder what an idiot like gator thinks it means to fulfill the law....

Obviously it doesn't mean what he thinks it means.

It does not mean to do away with it, little girl.

But hey, if you would like to compare theological experience, education and training, it would be my distinct pleasure to put you into your place.
I didn't say they do away with it.

And you won't be able to put me in my place..whatever you think that is. You've already shown yourself to be unequal to the task.

The post I respond to did. I know that threads are hard to follow, but do try and keep up so I do not have to go back and review just for you.

As for your place, it would seem that a 3rd grade sunday school class would be about the right level.

I accept your surrender. Like most anti-Christian scum, you bloviate then obfuscate and pretend you've "already" said everything you need to say and attempt to send anybody who challenges your idiocy on meaningless goose chases.

"The post I respond to did." lolol. You sound like a moron. You can't even name your alleged victory.

Primarily because it doesn't exist.

Psst...I am a Sunday school teacher and a choir director. I know what level I'm at...and I know what level you're at, too.
Let me guess. The gutter? ^_^
Christianity views the New Testament as superseding the Old.

Followers of Jesus of Nazareth and his message of love and forgiveness and universal fellowship consider those teachings to override anything to the contrary in the Old.

In truth, for Christians following the core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, the Old Testament merely serves as backup for anything not updated and covered in the New.

This is not really accurate, the New Testament does not supersede the Old, without the Old we would not know who Jesus is. The Old is what leads us to Jesus the savior.

But it was correctly stated by someone in this thread that many of the rules and regulations of the Old Testament were given to a specific group of people at a specific time. That is why they are not followed today, not because they have been superseded, but because they were never meant for us.

And, when you get right down to it...

Mainstream Christianity teaches that one must hate (shun) the Sin, but love the Sinner.

Yes, mainstream Christianity does teach that, too bad it is not found in the bible.
Christianity views the New Testament as superseding the Old.

Followers of Jesus of Nazareth and his message of love and forgiveness and universal fellowship consider those teachings to override anything to the contrary in the Old.

In truth, for Christians following the core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, the Old Testament merely serves as backup for anything not updated and covered in the New.

This is not really accurate, the New Testament does not supersede the Old, without the Old we would not know who Jesus is. The Old is what leads us to Jesus the savior.

But it was correctly stated by someone in this thread that many of the rules and regulations of the Old Testament were given to a specific group of people at a specific time. That is why they are not followed today, not because they have been superseded, but because they were never meant for us.

And, when you get right down to it...

Mainstream Christianity teaches that one must hate (shun) the Sin, but love the Sinner.

Yes, mainstream Christianity does teach that, too bad it is not found in the bible.

Yeah, I'm the one who said that.

As I said, I schooled you.
I accept your surrender. Like most anti-Christian scum, you bloviate then obfuscate and pretend you've "already" said everything you need to say and attempt to send anybody who challenges your idiocy on meaningless goose chases.

"The post I respond to did." lolol. You sound like a moron. You can't even name your alleged victory.

Primarily because it doesn't exist.

Psst...I am a Sunday school teacher and a choir director. I know what level I'm at...and I know what level you're at, too.

I am not anti-Christian. I have been a follower of Christ for close to 4 decades. I have formal theological training and if you teach Sunday School, I feel sorry for your kids. Maybe they are infants and will not know any better.

I am sorry that you are incapable of following a thread, but it is not really my job to teach you to do so. Maybe you can get the kids you teach to show you how to follow a thread.
Christianity views the New Testament as superseding the Old.

Followers of Jesus of Nazareth and his message of love and forgiveness and universal fellowship consider those teachings to override anything to the contrary in the Old.

In truth, for Christians following the core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, the Old Testament merely serves as backup for anything not updated and covered in the New.

This is not really accurate, the New Testament does not supersede the Old, without the Old we would not know who Jesus is. The Old is what leads us to Jesus the savior.

But it was correctly stated by someone in this thread that many of the rules and regulations of the Old Testament were given to a specific group of people at a specific time. That is why they are not followed today, not because they have been superseded, but because they were never meant for us.

And, when you get right down to it...

Mainstream Christianity teaches that one must hate (shun) the Sin, but love the Sinner.

Yes, mainstream Christianity does teach that, too bad it is not found in the bible.

Yeah, I'm the one who said that.

As I said, I schooled you.

you are proof that even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
I accept your surrender. Like most anti-Christian scum, you bloviate then obfuscate and pretend you've "already" said everything you need to say and attempt to send anybody who challenges your idiocy on meaningless goose chases.

"The post I respond to did." lolol. You sound like a moron. You can't even name your alleged victory.

Primarily because it doesn't exist.

Psst...I am a Sunday school teacher and a choir director. I know what level I'm at...and I know what level you're at, too.

I am not anti-Christian. I have been a follower of Christ for close to 4 decades. I have formal theological training and if you teach Sunday School, I feel sorry for your kids. Maybe they are infants and will not know any better.

I am sorry that you are incapable of following a thread, but it is not really my job to teach you to do so. Maybe you can get the kids you teach to show you how to follow a thread.

Yeah again, you have nothing.

"Formal theological training"...before you nutted out and had to quit, I've no doubt. You can't seem to keep straight what you're saying, or what anyone else is saying.

And what is "a follower of Christ"?

That isn't someone who is saved. It's an agnostic who likes what Christ says but doesn't believe in His divinity, nor in the holy nature of the Word. You are nothing.

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