Gays Should STOP Defending Islam

For gays to defend the bloodthirsty hate ideology Islam - which is NOT a religion, it's a totalitarian system of government disguised as a religion - after the Orlando massacre, they're even stupider than I thought. Only the stupidest demographics (gays & blacks) would have such a massive rate of one of the most easily preventable diseases known to man. Any traitor who defends that bloodbath, rape-happy, beheading-fetish, clit-chopping, suicide bomber children, utter walking disease that Islam is, deserves whatever misery they get from it. Gay or straight, if you support an ideology of pure hate (I've read the Quran book of bloodthirst cover to cover so don't even THINK about denying it) which ruins every society it touches, you are a scumbag with a poisoned soul.
For gays to defend the bloodthirsty hate ideology Islam - which is NOT a religion, it's a totalitarian system of government disguised as a religion - after the Orlando massacre, they're even stupider than I thought. Only the stupidest demographics (gays & blacks) would have such a massive rate of one of the most easily preventable diseases known to man. Any traitor who defends that bloodbath, rape-happy, beheading-fetish, clit-chopping, suicide bomber children, utter walking disease that Islam is, deserves whatever misery they get from it. Gay or straight, if you support an ideology of pure hate (I've read the Quran book of bloodthirst cover to cover so don't even THINK about denying it) which ruins every society it touches, you are a scumbag with a poisoned soul.
The OP didn't establish which gays if any are "supporting" Muslims or Islam. Just seems to be saying shit without any basis in reality.
Gays Should STOP Defending Islam

Forget 'Gays'....everyone should give up defending Islam. Their professed goal, backed by the Koran, is to either convert, enslave, or kill the inhabitants of the whole world. Liberals especially believe, however, if that you just appease them, be nice to eh, they won't want to cut our heads off.

Good luck with that.
What is it the Christian bible says about homoseuxals...

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
What is it the Christian bible says about homoseuxals...

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
Actually that's the Old Testament.

Yeah, they don't know.
You don't know the Old Testament is part of the Christian bible.

Also part of the Torah.

And as per usual, this is where we point out to people that Leviticus is a book of law for a specific group of people at a specific time.

Poor anti Christians get so befuddled about that.
I'm still not sure which gays are defending Islam. I mean... I know mdk does, but he's a SJW communist. He once told me he considered throwing himself off a building for Allah.
What is it the Christian bible says about homoseuxals...

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
Yes, but the bible also states hate the sin, not the sinner.
Yeah, except the bigots hate the sinner. They make that very clear.
I don't hate gays, don't approve of their lifestyle, but have never done anything to them.

you're just happy if they're allowed to be discriminated against
Many Muslims men have sex with young boys while condemning homosexuality.
Many American Republicans have sex with young boys while condemning homosexuality. Many gays have been killed in America just for being gay.

Go figure.


do we need to remind them about Matthew Shepard?
Matthew Shepard was one person. How many gays does Islam have to kill before they catch up? The exception to the rule in America is not an excuse for Islam. Start putting the blame where it belongs.
There is no excuse for ANYONE killing gays for being gay.

The point is that the bigots here have more in common with the terrorists than the left does.
Because things are going so well in Europe.

I think that the Right Wing should stop defending Nazi's and White Supremacists.
Many American Republicans have sex with young boys while condemning homosexuality. Many gays have been killed in America just for being gay.

Go figure.


do we need to remind them about Matthew Shepard?
Matthew Shepard was one person. How many gays does Islam have to kill before they catch up? The exception to the rule in America is not an excuse for Islam. Start putting the blame where it belongs.
There is no excuse for ANYONE killing gays for being gay.

The point is that the bigots here have more in common with the terrorists than the left does.
Because things are going so well in Europe.

Very responsive.
I’m not politically correct.
What is it the Christian bible says about homoseuxals...

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
What is it the Christian bible says about homoseuxals...

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
Actually that's the Old Testament.

Yeah, they don't know.

I know that the Old Testament is part of the Christian Bible, clearly you do know that.
Gays do not defend Islam, Liberals do.

Yes. We saw that in the Orlando nightclub shooting. It was a Muslim that killed gays in the name of religion. Liberals wouldn’t attack religion in this case so they attacked guns. Had a Christian shot up the club, does anyone think Liberals would have kept quiet on Religion?

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