General Giap, Vietnam's master guerilla, dies aged 102

If it was well so documented, show us the documentation. You'd think that somewhere, a single scrap of such documentation would have survived.

There's also the common sense thing. Hippies assaulting soldiers who would have simply beat the crap out of the hippies while the police and bystanders all smiled and pretended to see nothing? Yeah, sure thing. Either those were some amazingly tough hippies, or our soldiers were all wimps.
If it was well so documented, show us the documentation. You'd think that somewhere, a single scrap of such documentation would have survived.

There's also the common sense thing. Hippies assaulting soldiers who would have simply beat the crap out of the hippies while the police and bystanders all smiled and pretended to see nothing? Yeah, sure thing. Either those were some amazingly tough hippies, or our soldiers were all wimps.

I have a hard time believing that you would use hippies and common sense in the same sentence.
If you think that maybe half a doz. unarmed MP's can beat the crap out of a mob of several thousand rioters after having sulfuric acid throw in some of their faces you are a very special kind of stupid.
You want documentation? You might start with the well documented accounts of the Kent State riots.
If it was well so documented, show us the documentation. You'd think that somewhere, a single scrap of such documentation would have survived.

There's also the common sense thing. Hippies assaulting soldiers who would have simply beat the crap out of the hippies while the police and bystanders all smiled and pretended to see nothing? Yeah, sure thing. Either those were some amazingly tough hippies, or our soldiers were all wimps.

I have a hard time believing that you would use hippies and common sense in the same sentence.
If you think that maybe half a doz. unarmed MP's can beat the crap out of a mob of several thousand rioters after having sulfuric acid throw in some of their faces you are a very special kind of stupid.
You want documentation? You might start with the well documented accounts of the Kent State riots.

Makes no sense......Kent State showed hippies could be attacked with impunity.

My memories from the time had hippies and war protestors being spat on

Never heard of soldiers being spat on until Rambo
Those troops at Kent State were not nam vet's. They were well connected boys who were able to avoid nam and RA or draft and get into the National Guard. The students weren't attacking returning nam vet's, they were pissed off that the authorities had sent military troops to their campus. The ones who were shot and killed by the troops were far away from those troops. To far away to be spitting on them. Certainly not fair to put any blame whatsoever on Vietnam Veterans for what happened at Kent State or any other anti-war protest demonstration. Does not mean vet's weren't mistreated, just not in this case.
The hippies showed their hatred for all military in uniform as well as those that were also Vietnam vets including those who were NG and reserves. They either didn't know or didn't care about different types of Military. What makes you think there was any logic to how they placed blame? The National Guard was called out in response to out of control rioting (not the other way round) that had already injured people and property.
Police and firemen were also injured and their equipment damaged. And quite a few of the rioters were not students.
If it was well so documented, show us the documentation. You'd think that somewhere, a single scrap of such documentation would have survived.

There's also the common sense thing. Hippies assaulting soldiers who would have simply beat the crap out of the hippies while the police and bystanders all smiled and pretended to see nothing? Yeah, sure thing. Either those were some amazingly tough hippies, or our soldiers were all wimps.

I have a hard time believing that you would use hippies and common sense in the same sentence.
If you think that maybe half a doz. unarmed MP's can beat the crap out of a mob of several thousand rioters after having sulfuric acid throw in some of their faces you are a very special kind of stupid.
You want documentation? You might start with the well documented accounts of the Kent State riots.

Makes no sense......Kent State showed hippies could be attacked with impunity.

My memories from the time had hippies and war protestors being spat on

Never heard of soldiers being spat on until Rambo

"Makes no sense......Kent State showed hippies could be attacked with impunity"

Wrong. Kent State showed that hippies could be held responsible for their crimes just like anybody else.

"My memories from the time had hippies and war protestors being spat on"

Your memory sucks. Or maybe you get all your "information" from Communist rhetoric.
People don't know because they refuse to listen.

[ame=]What Was It Like Returning Home From the Vietnam War? - Oral Histories from NJ Vietnam Veterans - YouTube[/ame]
Video of spitting on veteran. Remember this? Didn't think so.

[ame=]Anti-War Protester Spits on Iraq War Veteran - YouTube[/ame]
I have a hard time believing that you would use hippies and common sense in the same sentence.
If you think that maybe half a doz. unarmed MP's can beat the crap out of a mob of several thousand rioters after having sulfuric acid throw in some of their faces you are a very special kind of stupid.
You want documentation? You might start with the well documented accounts of the Kent State riots.

Makes no sense......Kent State showed hippies could be attacked with impunity.

My memories from the time had hippies and war protestors being spat on

Never heard of soldiers being spat on until Rambo

"Makes no sense......Kent State showed hippies could be attacked with impunity"

Wrong. Kent State showed that hippies could be held responsible for their crimes just like anybody else.

"My memories from the time had hippies and war protestors being spat on"

Your memory sucks. Or maybe you get all your "information" from Communist rhetoric.

Why don't you prove me wrong and provide a news story from the time about our soldiers being spat upon?
"Remember this?"

Sure do. Totally off subject.

"Why don't you prove me wrong and provide a news story from the time about our soldiers being spat upon?"

Why? I think I've already done so as much as is possible in such a forum. Why don't you just admit you have no clue what you're talking about. I've presented first hand testimony and other evidence to support my position. You've offered nothing but hot air. If you are going to claim people are liars you ought to be able to back up your claim with some kind of evidence.
"Remember this?"

Sure do. Totally off subject.

"Why don't you prove me wrong and provide a news story from the time about our soldiers being spat upon?"

Why? I think I've already done so as much as is possible in such a forum. Why don't you just admit you have no clue what you're talking about. I've presented first hand testimony and other evidence to support my position. You've offered nothing but hot air. If you are going to claim people are liars you ought to be able to back up your claim with some kind of evidence.

You provided no evidence of VietNam Vets being spat upon

Try to stay on topic
"Remember this?"

Sure do. Totally off subject.

"Why don't you prove me wrong and provide a news story from the time about our soldiers being spat upon?"

Why? I think I've already done so as much as is possible in such a forum. Why don't you just admit you have no clue what you're talking about. I've presented first hand testimony and other evidence to support my position. You've offered nothing but hot air. If you are going to claim people are liars you ought to be able to back up your claim with some kind of evidence.

You provided no evidence of VietNam Vets being spat upon

Try to stay on topic

In fairness, news articles were not posted on the web in the 60's and 70's. We didn't have one. It is very difficult to find articles of that era online. Unless one is willing and prepared to call 1,000's of vets liars one must except that some veterans were spit upon when they returned home. There is no arguement that they were spit upon symbolicly, mistreated, discriminated against and made to feel like their service was some how something to be embarrassed about. It really depended on the local community they came home to.
Makes no sense......Kent State showed hippies could be attacked with impunity.

My memories from the time had hippies and war protestors being spat on

Never heard of soldiers being spat on until Rambo

When the SDS "hippies" burned the campus ROTC building and were attempting other acts of arson, they were encountered. It's my understanding there was a shot fired at the Ohio NG and they guns upped. Weekend warriors had no business chambering live rounds but the investigation cleared them.

And now "you never heard of soldiers being spat on" instead of claiming it never happened. It did and often from their safety in numbers and knowing if Troop reacted they'd be subject to court-martial. So the yellow mutts threw their blood and spat upon American warriors. This part of "our side won" you referred to earlier?
Nothing "wrong" with me.
Incorrect Bozo......... :eusa_hand:

You made a dozen posts saying that Vietnam Vets didn't face prejudice from people at the VFW.

Then you turn around and disparage your fellow Vietnam Vets.

You're a total idiot . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

False I'm the VFW? I speak only to my own observations, you're hiding behind a false analogy trying to remove my e-boot from your ass. Few of the draftees wanted anything to do with the Veterans organizations once back home. They felt they'd been shanghied and sent to kill or be killed and in that they were correct. Those who accepted their obligation to serve honorably, I applaud. Some volunteered for the draft to shorten their obligation and I have no problem with that either. My problem is with the batch of dopers who were dragged into combat and instead of practicing the warcraft they'd been taught, acted like the trash they were and got good GIs and Marines killed along with them. You didn't deserve this reply and you'll not get another you POS.
Makes no sense......Kent State showed hippies could be attacked with impunity.

My memories from the time had hippies and war protestors being spat on

Never heard of soldiers being spat on until Rambo

When the SDS "hippies" burned the campus ROTC building and were attempting other acts of arson, they were encountered. It's my understanding there was a shot fired at the Ohio NG and they guns upped. Weekend warriors had no business chambering live rounds but the investigation cleared them.

And now "you never heard of soldiers being spat on" instead of claiming it never happened. It did and often from their safety in numbers and knowing if Troop reacted they'd be subject to court-martial. So the yellow mutts threw their blood and spat upon American warriors. This part of "our side won" you referred to earlier?

Still waiting for your firsthand account

Or anyones for that matter
Giap was the greatest guerilla leader of the 20th century, and he defeated the French and the USA.

Eagle is in mourning.

Under the insane strategy of the LBJ administration the US engaged in a new type of war. The US would raid hamlets and villages and suspected V.C. outposts and then retreat and drink beer for a week or so and do it all over again. Lefties conveniently forget we defeated Giap's raggedy assed troops and his strategy in every battle. Giap admitted that after Tet he was defeated. It wasn't Giap who "won the guerilla war" it was Walter Cronkite and the rest of the traitors in the media and later the democrat party.
Nothing "wrong" with me.
Incorrect Bozo......... :eusa_hand:

You made a dozen posts saying that Vietnam Vets didn't face prejudice from people at the VFW.

Then you turn around and disparage your fellow Vietnam Vets.

You're a total idiot . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

False I'm the VFW? I speak only to my own observations, you're hiding behind a false analogy trying to remove my e-boot from your ass. Few of the draftees wanted anything to do with the Veterans organizations once back home. They felt they'd been shanghied and sent to kill or be killed and in that they were correct. Those who accepted their obligation to serve honorably, I applaud. Some volunteered for the draft to shorten their obligation and I have no problem with that either. My problem is with the batch of dopers who were dragged into combat and instead of practicing the warcraft they'd been taught, acted like the trash they were and got good GIs and Marines killed along with them. You didn't deserve this reply and you'll not get another you POS.
I notice dickweed that you didn't apologize for disrespecting all of the Vietnam Vets who where still in country when you left.

You called them all 'losers' and said that you didn't care what happened to them..........remember?? . :doubt:
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