General Giap, Vietnam's master guerilla, dies aged 102

............^^^ Your comparison to Hitler's invasions is idiotic.

General Giap was born when Vietnam was just one country.

It was the european colonial powers after WWII which artificially divided Vietnam into a North and South.

As a Vietnamese nationalist General Giap wanted Vietnam restored back to a single country as it was before colonialism.

Any freedom loving American should understand General Giap's patriotic motives........ :cool:
............^^^ Your comparison to Hitler's invasions is idiotic.

General Giap was born when Vietnam was just one country.

It was the european colonial powers after WWII which artificially divided Vietnam into a North and South.

As a Vietnamese nationalist General Giap wanted Vietnam restored back to a single country as it was before colonialism.

Any freedom loving American should understand General Giap's patriotic motives........ :cool:

" Your comparison to Hitler's invasions is idiotic.

General Giap was born when Vietnam was just one country".

Hitler likewise claimed that several countries in Europe were actually parts of Germany and that he was merely returning them to German rule. Then he claimed that since the population of some other areas were ethnic Germans those areas also rightly belonged to Germany.
Is there any country in the world that has always had the same borders throughout history that it claims today? I don't think so. And that is certainly not true of Vietnam. Nor the United States for that matter. At various times portions of what you choose to call Vietnam have been claimed by several other countries and there are several different ethnic groups that live there

"Any freedom loving American should understand General Giap's patriotic motives........"

Any freedom loving American should understand why the South Vietnamese fought so long and hard to keep their freedom and why those that have taken refuge here in America want their occupied country back.
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............^^^ Your comparison to Hitler's invasions is idiotic.

General Giap was born when Vietnam was just one country.

It was the european colonial powers after WWII which artificially divided Vietnam into a North and South.

As a Vietnamese nationalist General Giap wanted Vietnam restored back to a single country as it was before colonialism.

Any freedom loving American should understand General Giap's patriotic motives........ :cool:

He invaded both Laos and Cambodia because he could not transport supplies through the highlands where the population hated him and his cause. He enslaved the Vietnamese people of the north with the force of terrorism to do his bidding. He conducted an absolute police and military state to fill the ranks of NVA and sent cadres to the south to do the same thing for filling the ranks of the Cong forces. He fought a war of attrition with the benifit of having no regard for the lose's of his own people. That makes him far removed from being some kind of military genius. Anyone could be a great general with an endless supplie of conscripts.
He invaded both Laos and Cambodia because he could not transport supplies through the highlands where the population hated him and his cause. He enslaved the Vietnamese people of the north with the force of terrorism to do his bidding. He conducted an absolute police and military state to fill the ranks of NVA and sent cadres to the south to do the same thing for filling the ranks of the Cong forces. He fought a war of attrition with the benifit of having no regard for the lose's of his own people. That makes him far removed from being some kind of military genius. Anyone could be a great general with an endless supplie of conscripts.
.......... ^^^ nice fairy tale. . :cuckoo:

In reality, the VC and the NVA were ardent communists who were willing to sacrifice their lives in order to drive away the foreign invaders and reunite Vietnam back into a single country.

And the N. Vietnamese people totally with the program. .. :cool:
He invaded both Laos and Cambodia because he could not transport supplies through the highlands where the population hated him and his cause. He enslaved the Vietnamese people of the north with the force of terrorism to do his bidding. He conducted an absolute police and military state to fill the ranks of NVA and sent cadres to the south to do the same thing for filling the ranks of the Cong forces. He fought a war of attrition with the benifit of having no regard for the lose's of his own people. That makes him far removed from being some kind of military genius. Anyone could be a great general with an endless supplie of conscripts.
.......... ^^^ nice fairy tale. . :cuckoo:

In reality, the VC and the NVA were ardent communists who were willing to sacrifice their lives in order to drive away the foreign invaders and reunite Vietnam back into a single country.

And the N. Vietnamese people totally with the program. .. :cool:

You should read a different book about the subject.
He invaded both Laos and Cambodia because he could not transport supplies through the highlands where the population hated him and his cause. He enslaved the Vietnamese people of the north with the force of terrorism to do his bidding. He conducted an absolute police and military state to fill the ranks of NVA and sent cadres to the south to do the same thing for filling the ranks of the Cong forces. He fought a war of attrition with the benifit of having no regard for the lose's of his own people. That makes him far removed from being some kind of military genius. Anyone could be a great general with an endless supplie of conscripts.
.......... ^^^ nice fairy tale. . :cuckoo:

In reality, the VC and the NVA were ardent communists who were willing to sacrifice their lives in order to drive away the foreign invaders and reunite Vietnam back into a single country.

And the N. Vietnamese people totally with the program. .. :cool:

You should read a different book about the subject.
No need to read any book about it.

US Army 1970-71

.......... ^^^ nice fairy tale. . :cuckoo:

In reality, the VC and the NVA were ardent communists who were willing to sacrifice their lives in order to drive away the foreign invaders and reunite Vietnam back into a single country.

And the N. Vietnamese people totally with the program. .. :cool:

You should read a different book about the subject.
No need to read any book about it.

US Army 1970-71


In country or Era
Eagle certainly is into spitting on vets. Classy guy. A lot of Republicans are the same way, willing to drench any vet with buckets of spittle, provided the vet is a Democrat.

Only the ones who conserted with a mass murdering govt. As for spittting it was the anti war protestors that greeted returning vets with rotten food, spitting etc.

Never happened.

I was there dude.

This spit upon veteran crap is another cherished myth of the next generation right wingers.

We did figuratively get spit on by the VETERANS organizations after we got back though.

Not the hippies,. not the antiwar people, it was the Korean and WWI vets who mostly treated us like shit.

This is something most of those organizations now what to forget.

The Viet Nam Vets were mostly treated badly be their fellow vets AND the media.
This spit upon veteran crap is another cherished myth of the next generation right wingers.

as is the myth that they were a drug addled grp of miscreant butchers.

and the harm, well, kerry himself helped perpetuate that myth.....
VFW did nothing for returning vets. They were long hairs, hippies, pot smokers who didn't fit in with the crew cut, flag waving VFW

The numbers of Vietnam vets in the VFW during the 60s and 70s was pathetically low. They were not concerned with welcoming a group of vets that they did not respect

The hippies spitting on vets was a myth. There are Zero stories at the time of vets being spat upon

Viet Vets "were longhairs"? :lol: Here's a little tip for old leftist gasbags like you, fool. There were no longhairs in the RVN....lice, ticks, ringworm, etc. don't make for a happy GI. Did some grow their hair long back in civilian life? Sure, but those types were not "longhairs" like you gutless hippies and they weren't the type to hang out at VFW halls.

You've never been in a VFW hall, or the US Military, certainly not in Vietnam. Yet you're more than happy to continue spewing your cartoon image of returning Viet Vets as PTSDed drug addicts, shunned by WW2 Vets, and about to go "postal" if a car backfired, like you have any hint what the deal was.

We pity you yellow draft-dodgers. My Dad told my brother Joe and me that the choice was ours but no man in our family history had ever avoided serving in the war of his generation. From the border battles in 1830's frontier Texas, to Iraq, we volunteered to fight, not file clerk, or fix jeeps in a motor pool, or play a fucking trombone in a band. No no. Some of us got back home, some of us did not. You missed your war, boy. And no amount of mudslinging, insulting, excuse-making, or praising our enemies can change that. You are the bottom of the barrel.
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VFW did nothing for returning vets. They were long hairs, hippies, pot smokers who didn't fit in with the crew cut, flag waving VFW

The numbers of Vietnam vets in the VFW during the 60s and 70s was pathetically low. They were not concerned with welcoming a group of vets that they did not respect

The hippies spitting on vets was a myth. There are Zero stories at the time of vets being spat upon

Viet Vets "were longhairs"? :lol: Here's a little tip for old leftist gasbags like you, fool. There were no longhairs in the RVN....lice, ticks, ringworm, etc. don't make for a happy GI. Did some grow their hair long back in civilian life? Sure, but those types were not "longhairs" like you gutless hippies and they weren't the type to hang out at VFW halls.

You've never been in a VFW hall, or the US Military, certainly not in Vietnam. Yet you're more than happy to continue spewing your cartoon image of returning Viet Vets as PTSDed drug addicts about to go "postal", like you have any hint what the deal was.

We pity you yellow draft-dodgers. My Dad told my brother Joe and me that the choice was ours but no man in our family history had ever avoided serving in the war of his generation. From the border battles in in 1830's frontier Texas, to Iraq, we volunteered to fight, not type, or fix jeeps in a motor pool, or play a fucking trombone in a band. No no. Some of us got back home, some of us did not. You missed your war, boy. And no amount of mudslinging, insulting, excuse-making, or praising our enemies can change that. You are the bottom of the barrel.
Get a grip are not impressing anyone.......especially me. .. :cool:
Get a grip are not impressing anyone.......especially me. .. :cool:

Who'd care if you were "impressed", Ringo? :eusa_eh: Whether you're a jive-ass daisy driver who likes to piss folks off, or a brain-dead loser is of little concern to me. If you had a clue about what Giap was and what he did to innocent peasant villages, you'd never sing the little coward's praises.
Regardless of what side he was on....the guy was one hell of a General


Dienbenphu- brilliant strategy.

Tet Offensive. Not so much.

agreed. Its also hard to quantify his military career and not take into account the political considerations which drove him to fight battles he knew he could not win tactically.

Dien Bien Phu was his finest hour; the French never thought he'd invest them in any strength that could break them. It was a triumph of will, thats where the french wanted to give battle and he bent every back and drove a build up of his manpower that was miraculous, and whats more with such AA and Artillery in such strength that the French arty commander committed suicide.

To be fair, Dien Bien Phu was the perfect defensive death trap, to small for open maneuver, to large for close defense.
Oh and a French commander thereafter in an interview years after dissed his own forces saying;” if I had had 10.000 SS troops we’d have held out”..what a slap in the face. All things considered the French and their allies among the Viets and Thais fought very well, the Laotians, not so much;).

Giap also deserves immense military credit for the best round of ambushes and true high intensity guerilla management of grand tactics by completely wiping out the frenchs best mobile battle grp- Groupement Mobile No. 100, in a series of battles over 5 days at Mang yang Pass…( Bernard Falls book- Street Without Joy amongst laregr points, follows the trials, travels of the grp that year, its excellent).

As for the political dimension, he abandoned by and large the ‘grab them by their belt buckle’ strategy, he knew deep down defeating us via closing in thru mass arty and air power would dissipate his forces to no good long term gain, so he would choose the time and places very much more carefully and fade away when it suited him.

He went ahead with Tet because he was ordered too and Ho felt that there would be, in the face of mass attacks an uprising amongst the south that would help them and to sway opinion here at home, hard to argue with that, uprising never materialized but the home front got the message.
Get a grip are not impressing anyone.......especially me. .. :cool:

Who'd care if you were "impressed", Ringo? :eusa_eh: Whether you're a jive-ass daisy driver who likes to piss folks off, or a brain-dead loser is of little concern to me. If you had a clue about what Giap was and what he did to innocent peasant villages, you'd never sing the little coward's praises.
I also have a long family history of fighting in every American war going back to the Civil War.

But you don't see me wearing on my sleeve like your needy pathetic ass does.

Maybe you should consider getting a hobby or something? . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
VFW did nothing for returning vets. They were long hairs, hippies, pot smokers who didn't fit in with the crew cut, flag waving VFW

The numbers of Vietnam vets in the VFW during the 60s and 70s was pathetically low. They were not concerned with welcoming a group of vets that they did not respect

The hippies spitting on vets was a myth. There are Zero stories at the time of vets being spat upon

Viet Vets "were longhairs"? :lol: Here's a little tip for old leftist gasbags like you, fool. There were no longhairs in the RVN....lice, ticks, ringworm, etc. don't make for a happy GI. Did some grow their hair long back in civilian life? Sure, but those types were not "longhairs" like you gutless hippies and they weren't the type to hang out at VFW halls.

You've never been in a VFW hall, or the US Military, certainly not in Vietnam. Yet you're more than happy to continue spewing your cartoon image of returning Viet Vets as PTSDed drug addicts, shunned by WW2 Vets, and about to go "postal" if a car backfired, like you have any hint what the deal was.

We pity you yellow draft-dodgers. My Dad told my brother Joe and me that the choice was ours but no man in our family history had ever avoided serving in the war of his generation. From the border battles in 1830's frontier Texas, to Iraq, we volunteered to fight, not file clerk, or fix jeeps in a motor pool, or play a fucking trombone in a band. No no. Some of us got back home, some of us did not. You missed your war, boy. And no amount of mudslinging, insulting, excuse-making, or praising our enemies can change that. You are the bottom of the barrel.

My grandfather was in the VFW (WWII). I used to go there with him in the late 70s to mid 80s. I used to sit and drink with them, they were WWII and Korean vets....nice bunch of guys. But there were only a handful of Vietnam vets when there should have been dozens
I also witnessed many a Memorial Day Parade back then and there were very few VietNam vets
VFW had its chance and blew it with Vietnam vets. It killed the organization.
No need to read any book about it.

US Army 1970-71

I was there '69-'70 and I agree that what you think you know is mostly incorrect.
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"The hippies spitting on vets was a myth. There are Zero stories at the time of vets being spat upon"

Untrue. I saw that and much worse.

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