General Giap, Vietnam's master guerilla, dies aged 102

Having been on the receivng end of General Giap's tactics (Unlike bush, Unlike cheney) I respect a man who with no formal military training defeated the French, made life hell for the Japanese and defeated the Americans.

ConJobs can't look past the end of their nose. They wave the flag, but a man who deserted his National Guard Unit and a vice-president who was a draft dodger.

Nobody who served in the RVN would have any "respect" for that little psychopath. He killed mostly peasant farmers and their families for failing to pay his tax or send their sons to be conscripted. You are not only a liar and a coward like the other leftist trash in this thread, but you claim to have been there when you were not, you stinking punk.
Actually, we won all of the battles, but the anti-war crowd and the Democrat Congress won the war for Giap.

Only to abandon the ground so many died to take.

Search, Destroy and retreat was a failed strategy.

The whole war was a failed strategy and a betrayal. The Viet Cong helped the US during WWII against the Japanese.

Giap won the war, no getting around it.
Never happened.

I was there dude.

This spit upon veteran crap is another cherished myth of the next generation right wingers.

We did figuratively get spit on by the VETERANS organizations after we got back though.

Not the hippies,. not the antiwar people, it was the Korean and WWI vets who mostly treated us like shit.

This is something most of those organizations now what to forget.

The Viet Nam Vets were mostly treated badly be their fellow vets AND the media.

First off, you were NOT "there" know it, every Viet Vet on this board knows by your replies here. Anybody who stepped off the Freedom Bird in Oakland knows you're a liar. Leftist trash regularly spit and threw blood at GIs in that airport and others.

Second, the MYTH is we were treated poorly at VFW halls.....BULLSHIT. Draftees who came home junkies weren't welcome there or anywhere. Any actual COMBAT Vet from past conflicts had respect and admiration for us, more so because the press had turned the public against us. They knew the score. I was never allowed to pay for a beer in a VFW're a liar.
Only to abandon the ground so many died to take.

Search, Destroy and retreat was a failed strategy.

The whole war was a failed strategy and a betrayal. The Viet Cong helped the US during WWII against the Japanese.

Giap won the war, no getting around it.

Giap was a murdering psychopath who got his little yellow ass chased out of the RVN druing the spring of '68. His Tet Offensive was an unmitigated disaster and would have lost his war if LBJ had let us chase their asses back up north. Giap is in Hell where his kind belong....cheerleaders like you should be jailed for sedition.
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Giap was a murdering psychopath who got his little yellow ass chased out of the RVN druing the spring of '68. His Tet Offensive was an unmitigated disaster and would have lost his war if LBJ had let us chase their asses back up north. Giap is in Hell where his kind belong....cheerleaders like you should be jailed for sedition
Blah, blah, blah.......don't you have a VNV Gay Pride Parade you should be attending?? . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Don't you have a suicide-vest fitting this afternoon? Sunni men I know would be disturbed by a leftist toadie like yourself representing as one of them. But then I'm sure your little white-bread ass is far away from any actual arabs in your folks' house right, Larry?
Having been on the receivng end of General Giap's tactics (Unlike bush, Unlike cheney) I respect a man who with no formal military training defeated the French, made life hell for the Japanese and defeated the Americans.

ConJobs can't look past the end of their nose. They wave the flag, but a man who deserted his National Guard Unit and a vice-president who was a draft dodger.

You obviously know NOTHING about desertion, and you didn't mention Joe Biden, who got the same number of legal draft deferments as Cheney.
Never happened.

I was there dude.

This spit upon veteran crap is another cherished myth of the next generation right wingers.

We did figuratively get spit on by the VETERANS organizations after we got back though.

Not the hippies,. not the antiwar people, it was the Korean and WWI vets who mostly treated us like shit.

This is something most of those organizations now what to forget.

The Viet Nam Vets were mostly treated badly be their fellow vets AND the media.

First off, you were NOT "there" know it, every Viet Vet on this board knows by your replies here. Anybody who stepped off the Freedom Bird in Oakland knows you're a liar. Leftist trash regularly spit and threw blood at GIs in that airport and others.

Second, the MYTH is we were treated poorly at VFW halls.....BULLSHIT. Draftees who came home junkies weren't welcome there or anywhere. Any actual COMBAT Vet from past conflicts had respect and admiration for us, more so because the press had turned the public against us. They knew the score. I was never allowed to pay for a beer in a VFW're a liar.

VFW did nothing for returning vets. They were long hairs, hippies, pot smokers who didn't fit in with the crew cut, flag waving VFW

The numbers of Vietnam vets in the VFW during the 60s and 70s was pathetically low. They were not concerned with welcoming a group of vets that they did not respect

The hippies spitting on vets was a myth. There are Zero stories at the time of vets being spat upon
Never happened.

I was there dude.

This spit upon veteran crap is another cherished myth of the next generation right wingers.

We did figuratively get spit on by the VETERANS organizations after we got back though.

Not the hippies,. not the antiwar people, it was the Korean and WWI vets who mostly treated us like shit.

This is something most of those organizations now what to forget.

The Viet Nam Vets were mostly treated badly be their fellow vets AND the media.

First off, you were NOT "there" know it, every Viet Vet on this board knows by your replies here. Anybody who stepped off the Freedom Bird in Oakland knows you're a liar. Leftist trash regularly spit and threw blood at GIs in that airport and others.

Second, the MYTH is we were treated poorly at VFW halls.....BULLSHIT. Draftees who came home junkies weren't welcome there or anywhere. Any actual COMBAT Vet from past conflicts had respect and admiration for us, more so because the press had turned the public against us. They knew the score. I was never allowed to pay for a beer in a VFW're a liar.

Semper Fi, and I would be damned proud to buy you a beer. USAF vet.
Giap was a murdering psychopath who got his little yellow ass chased out of the RVN druing the spring of '68. His Tet Offensive was an unmitigated disaster and would have lost his war if LBJ had let us chase their asses back up north. Giap is in Hell where his kind belong....cheerleaders like you should be jailed for sedition
Blah, blah, blah.......don't you have a VNV Gay Pride Parade you should be attending?? . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Don't you have a suicide-vest fitting this afternoon? Sunni men I know would be disturbed by a leftist toadie like yourself representing as one of them. But then I'm sure your little white-bread ass is far away from any actual arabs in your folks' house right, Larry?
Incorrect Jarhead.

I am a conservative registered Republican and view Ronald Reagan as the best president during my life time. . :cool:
Never happened.

I was there dude.

This spit upon veteran crap is another cherished myth of the next generation right wingers.

We did figuratively get spit on by the VETERANS organizations after we got back though.

Not the hippies,. not the antiwar people, it was the Korean and WWI vets who mostly treated us like shit.

This is something most of those organizations now what to forget.

The Viet Nam Vets were mostly treated badly be their fellow vets AND the media.

First off, you were NOT "there" know it, every Viet Vet on this board knows by your replies here. Anybody who stepped off the Freedom Bird in Oakland knows you're a liar. Leftist trash regularly spit and threw blood at GIs in that airport and others.

Second, the MYTH is we were treated poorly at VFW halls.....BULLSHIT. Draftees who came home junkies weren't welcome there or anywhere. Any actual COMBAT Vet from past conflicts had respect and admiration for us, more so because the press had turned the public against us. They knew the score. I was never allowed to pay for a beer in a VFW're a liar.

VFW did nothing for returning vets. They were long hairs, hippies, pot smokers who didn't fit in with the crew cut, flag waving VFW

The numbers of Vietnam vets in the VFW during the 60s and 70s was pathetically low. They were not concerned with welcoming a group of vets that they did not respect

The hippies spitting on vets was a myth. There are Zero stories at the time of vets being spat upon

You're a lying asswipe...nothing you claim here is remotely true. earlier claimed "we won and you lost"....what kind of American would say that to a Viet Vet? What kind of angry old leftist loser is so desperate for validation to stoop so low? Take a look in the mirror......what you see is everything that this country is becoming....a debt-ridden failure conned into obedience by Lexus driving communists....I pity you.
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First off, you were NOT "there" know it, every Viet Vet on this board knows by your replies here. Anybody who stepped off the Freedom Bird in Oakland knows you're a liar. Leftist trash regularly spit and threw blood at GIs in that airport and others.

Second, the MYTH is we were treated poorly at VFW halls.....BULLSHIT. Draftees who came home junkies weren't welcome there or anywhere. Any actual COMBAT Vet from past conflicts had respect and admiration for us, more so because the press had turned the public against us. They knew the score. I was never allowed to pay for a beer in a VFW're a liar.

VFW did nothing for returning vets. They were long hairs, hippies, pot smokers who didn't fit in with the crew cut, flag waving VFW

The numbers of Vietnam vets in the VFW during the 60s and 70s was pathetically low. They were not concerned with welcoming a group of vets that they did not respect

The hippies spitting on vets was a myth. There are Zero stories at the time of vets being spat upon

You're a lying asswipe...nothing you claim here is remotely true ya leftist turd. earlier claimed "we won and you lost"....what kind of American would say that to a Viet Vet? What kind of angry old leftist loser is so desperate for validation to stoop so low? Take a look in the mirror......what you see is everything that this country is becoming....a debt-ridden failure conned into obedience by Lexus driving communists....I pity you.

Here is your chance to totally humiliate me...don't miss it

1. Show me VFW enrollment statistics from 60-80 that reflects the MILLIONS of Vietnam vets

2. Show me any news story from the 60s or 70s that show large numbers of VietNam vets being spat on

Better yet, tell us how many people spit on you when you returned and why you did nothing about it
The failure of the VFW to welcome Vietnam vets ended up killing the organization. They ended up being an organization of WWII and Korean War vets who were out of touch with the needs of younger vets
The WWII and Korean War vets were basically from the same generation and alcohol was their drug for PTSD.

Whereas, the Vietnam vets were from a different younger generation and marijuana, plus other drugs, was how they handled their PTSD demons.

There wasn't a lot of commonality between the two groups of veterans.

Differences in music, style of clothes, hair length, and view of the world.

So the VFW seemed like a club for old guys like their father; and thus didn't attract the younger vets.

Anyway, that's my take on the issue. . :cool:
Regardless of what side he was on....the guy was one hell of a General


Dienbenphu- brilliant strategy.

Tet Offensive. Not so much.

The Tet Offensive put on display how determined the Vietnamese were to rid their country of foreign invaders.

It wasn't a military

But on all other was quite an achievement.

Cute. Giap was the foreign invader. He expected and-planned for- SVN civilians to rally to his "cause" during Tet. When they failed to do so he had thousands slaughtered. Sure takes a great General to slaughter defenseless women and children but I'm sure you think he did it for their own good.
The US fought the wrong war

We were fighting the Cold War, they were fighting a Civil War
Wrong. He was a foreign aggressor out to conquer an unoffending neighboring country exactly as Hitler did.

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