George Floyd. The Truth Is Out. (Finally)

I think the proper punishment since he didn't adhere to procedures is being fired.
Really? Can you kill someone while doing your doing and the worse thing to happen to you is you get fired?

Police deal with street thugs every day. George was loser piece of shit that was going to get wasted by someone sooner or later. The druggie sonofabitch raped and beat up elderly women for goodness sake.

The policeman had no intention of killing George. Shit happens. George never would have been put into that situation had he not set out to commit a crime that day. The policeman should have only been fired for not adhering to procedures.

If you are concerned about Black street thugs dying then I suggest you take your concerns to a Democrat controlled big city shithole. Every night Blacks are murdering other Blacks. Last Sunday 17 of them were murdered in Chicago alone.

I heard that during an armed home invasion that Floyd took part in, a woman was beaten. I tried to fond something on the internet about her being raped too. But I couldn't find anything. Where did you find such information. If it actually exists.

His rap sheet has been posted in this thread. His list of crimes is a mile long. A real thug.

That rap sheet is why he's such a hero to the black community, and Hollywood media glamourizes even worse vermin every day on TV; just watch a normal day of such tabloid trash as TMZ and count the gangsters they promote as 'cool'. gang banging serial killers are loved by both black culture and Hollywood.

Well, George Floyd was not a serial killer, but he was, in fact, a gang banger.

What he was isn't the issue. He was arrested and had to be restrained. That's all that matters.
I think the proper punishment since he didn't adhere to procedures is being fired.
Really? Can you kill someone while doing your doing and the worse thing to happen to you is you get fired?

Police deal with street thugs every day. George was loser piece of shit that was going to get wasted by someone sooner or later. The druggie sonofabitch raped and beat up elderly women for goodness sake.

The policeman had no intention of killing George. Shit happens. George never would have been put into that situation had he not set out to commit a crime that day. The policeman should have only been fired for not adhering to procedures.

If you are concerned about Black street thugs dying then I suggest you take your concerns to a Democrat controlled big city shithole. Every night Blacks are murdering other Blacks. Last Sunday 17 of them were murdered in Chicago alone.

I heard that during an armed home invasion that Floyd took part in, a woman was beaten. I tried to fond something on the internet about her being raped too. But I couldn't find anything. Where did you find such information. If it actually exists.

His rap sheet has been posted in this thread. His list of crimes is a mile long. A real thug.

That rap sheet is why he's such a hero to the black community, and Hollywood media glamourizes even worse vermin every day on TV; just watch a normal day of such tabloid trash as TMZ and count the gangsters they promote as 'cool'. gang banging serial killers are loved by both black culture and Hollywood.

Well, George Floyd was not a serial killer, but he was, in fact, a gang banger.

What he was isn't the issue. He was arrested and had to be restrained. That's all that matters.

All that matters is that he was a career criminal that got himself killed. The fate of many criminals. If he hadn't set out to commit a crime that day he would still be alive today. Dumb shit!
At least more of the truth. For however long, the news has been making it look like the cops murdered a cooperative black guy they arrested, apparently because they had nothing better to do at the time. Causing many riots and protests. Well last night they finally showed a little more of the story.

They showed a cop on the passenger side back door trying to subdue the soon to be dead Floyd. No doubt Floyd was kicking at him. It showed the hero cop who would end up with his knee on the back of Floyd's neck to subdue him going to open the drivers side back door. What was shown at least showed Floyd putting up a fight.

Now, I would like to see the rest of the video. Which would show Floyd being dragged out of the drivers side back seat and how he ended up at the front of the cop car with the officers knee on the back of his neck. No doubt Floyd was putting up more struggle from the back seat area to the front of the cop car.

Why is the news wrongfully portraying the incident. They also made a big deal about the cop keeping his knee on Floyd's neck even after he stopped moving. But Floyd's condition wasn't caused by the knee on his neck. So why should the cop have moved it. Especially when just before then he was putting up a fight. All this coddling of criminals makes me sick. Least of all the negro ones. The cops don't have an easy job. They are almost like soldiers on the front line. A little excess on their part should be excused. They need to be supported. Not vilified.
What part of "only the force necessary to subdue" don't you understand?

When he stopped fighting, they had a legal duty to simply restrain him and put him in the back of the car.

NOTHING he did prior to that gang execution justified that cop putting a knee on his neck for 8 FUCKING MINUTES.

He murdered him. This is no hero cop. He is no better than the people who kill others.

Why don't you look at the video again instead of being told what to think about it. That cop's knee on the back of his neck was reasonable and necessary. When he stopped moving, why should the cop have moved. All he was doing was holding him in place. Despite what all the idiots have to say, the cop wasn't cutting off his air. If Floyd couldn't breathe, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing. And after fighting with the cops, anybody who thinks he should have been given a kiss and told a bedtime story instead can piss off and die. The guy was a criminal. Deal with it.

You're a moron.. The GUY DIED from the restraint.. As sure as Eric Gardner did in NYCity when the cops murder HIM there on the street.. At the SIDE OF THE NECK are the carotid arteries.. Well known "sleep hold" for self defense.. But when BLOCKED on folks with underlying med conditions OR FOR TOO LONG -- leads right to death.. Cops KNOW THIS. Apparently you DONT -- because you're a moron who could never BE a cop...

Asking WHY the murdering cop needed to take his knee OFF - when the guy stopped moving after saying he' couldn't breathe -- it's an admission of you being "too stupid" to discuss with...

There's also the matter of the 2 ROOKIE COPS laying THEIR WEIGHT on his diaphragm and rib cage that you DONT SEE in the curbside video.. Really??? THREE COPS putting their full weight on his neck and chest??

Only IF you're TRYING to kill something...

You're the moron. I'll say it again. LOOK at the video. The cop's knee was more on the back of Floyd's neck than on the side of it. So he didn't die from that. And with him having meth and fentanyl in his system, how can you be so sure that it didn't cause him to have a heart attack. Which apparently WAS the cause of death. It might interest you to know that negroes are 20 times more likely to due from heart failure before the age of 50 than White people. And yet you will no doubt keep on saying that he was murdered.
What did he dropped? Check those two red marks, near the car, and where he was sitting.

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It might interest you to know that negroes are 20 times more likely to due from heart failure before the age of 50 than White people. And yet you will no doubt keep on saying that he was murdered.

So was George Floyd gonna DIE from health issues that EVENING? How about THIS WEEK? Maybe in a year??? How does that MATTER in your addled brain???

Guessing you're pro-life all the time unless it's unhealthy black people who get MURDERED by rogue cops...
At least more of the truth. For however long, the news has been making it look like the cops murdered a cooperative black guy they arrested, apparently because they had nothing better to do at the time. Causing many riots and protests. Well last night they finally showed a little more of the story.

They showed a cop on the passenger side back door trying to subdue the soon to be dead Floyd. No doubt Floyd was kicking at him. It showed the hero cop who would end up with his knee on the back of Floyd's neck to subdue him going to open the drivers side back door. What was shown at least showed Floyd putting up a fight.

Now, I would like to see the rest of the video. Which would show Floyd being dragged out of the drivers side back seat and how he ended up at the front of the cop car with the officers knee on the back of his neck. No doubt Floyd was putting up more struggle from the back seat area to the front of the cop car.

Why is the news wrongfully portraying the incident. They also made a big deal about the cop keeping his knee on Floyd's neck even after he stopped moving. But Floyd's condition wasn't caused by the knee on his neck. So why should the cop have moved it. Especially when just before then he was putting up a fight. All this coddling of criminals makes me sick. Least of all the negro ones. The cops don't have an easy job. They are almost like soldiers on the front line. A little excess on their part should be excused. They need to be supported. Not vilified.
What part of "only the force necessary to subdue" don't you understand?

When he stopped fighting, they had a legal duty to simply restrain him and put him in the back of the car.

NOTHING he did prior to that gang execution justified that cop putting a knee on his neck for 8 FUCKING MINUTES.

He murdered him. This is no hero cop. He is no better than the people who kill others.

Why don't you look at the video again instead of being told what to think about it. That cop's knee on the back of his neck was reasonable and necessary. When he stopped moving, why should the cop have moved. All he was doing was holding him in place. Despite what all the idiots have to say, the cop wasn't cutting off his air. If Floyd couldn't breathe, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing. And after fighting with the cops, anybody who thinks he should have been given a kiss and told a bedtime story instead can piss off and die. The guy was a criminal. Deal with it.

You're a moron.. The GUY DIED from the restraint.. As sure as Eric Gardner did in NYCity when the cops murder HIM there on the street.. At the SIDE OF THE NECK are the carotid arteries.. Well known "sleep hold" for self defense.. But when BLOCKED on folks with underlying med conditions OR FOR TOO LONG -- leads right to death.. Cops KNOW THIS. Apparently you DONT -- because you're a moron who could never BE a cop...

Asking WHY the murdering cop needed to take his knee OFF - when the guy stopped moving after saying he' couldn't breathe -- it's an admission of you being "too stupid" to discuss with...

There's also the matter of the 2 ROOKIE COPS laying THEIR WEIGHT on his diaphragm and rib cage that you DONT SEE in the curbside video.. Really??? THREE COPS putting their full weight on his neck and chest??

Only IF you're TRYING to kill something...

You're the moron. I'll say it again. LOOK at the video. The cop's knee was more on the back of Floyd's neck than on the side of it. So he didn't die from that. And with him having meth and fentanyl in his system, how can you be so sure that it didn't cause him to have a heart attack. Which apparently WAS the cause of death. It might interest you to know that negroes are 20 times more likely to due from heart failure before the age of 50 than White people. And yet you will no doubt keep on saying that he was murdered.

Libertarians are cop hating white Burb Brats; they think all cops are scum and have to die. On the other hand, they love the Red Chinese for their tactics against labor, keeping businesses safe from their slaves. they also want open borders, too, because everybody knows the cheapest labor is the best, and proles who who don't like working 20 hours a day 7 days week for below subsistence pay are just 'lazy' and 'unproductive', a crime worthy of death in Libertarian Land.

You're doing great, been right on the money with facts and details; too bad it's wasted on these Party shills, who just bury real discussions with bullshit, like they did with this one.
we still do not have pathology evidence of the cause of death. People who die of asphyxiation or of being
CRUSHED to death do not come up with a clean slate
on autopsy. Lets be patient
Because the throat is where the air flow is and if it was being constricted then air flow would be constricted and he wouldn't be able to breath. He said he couldn't breath but that was not why he died.
The knee was on the right side carotid artery, not the throat. He died because he had pre-existing blood flow issues.
Look at this video, specifically at the 5:20 mark and following. Floyd dropped to the ground without being pushed or struck.

Could this have been the beginning of a medical issue? Was he misoriented due to the fentanyl and stumbled down?

I posted this in another thread, and it's related to this one.

Fist of all, I am in no way defending police brutality... This video above didn't show any unreasonable force up to the moment Floyd fell to the ground, on 5:20 mark.
Second, knee-to-neck restraint technique, whether right or wrong, is allowed in Minneapolis.

Having said that, let's look at Floyd incident from different angle.

Floyd smoked weed within an hour of the blood test and likely two pills/rocks one set uppers one set downers, about one hour before getting arrested. He stank and was belligerent. "I can't breathe" was likely the first coherent thing he'd said.

This guy was a 6'4", 220 lb former tight end, on uppers, downers, and pretty fucking baked. It is likely while he was "pliable" if he resisted he wouldn't be in full control, and it would make anyone nervous. Heart problems were one of the lesser known side effects of corona virus. That he was still talking up to his last breath means that his lungs were clear, more that his brain did not have the required oxygen because his heart had stopped. any normal person has a few minutes of air in their blood. Floyd very easily could have been a dead man walking, when you have weakened lungs from corona-virus, potent clinical depressants at lethal doses even for a large powerful man, severely clogged heart. He was clearly in an irreversible downward spiral health wise. Furthermore, in order to numb the outcry of his body he was on euphoric, and opiates. This along with the amphetamines, potent adrenal stimulants, which further stress the heart and numb the nervous system. At these levels this guy could have lost a limb and remained calm with relative ease.

You put the other officers and the clerk saying that this guy wasn't all there, clearly he wasn't, or he would have booked it after getting the cops called on him and staying for several minutes, this tells me both his movement and judgement were impaired. Who goes out of the house alone when they're high? What were his intended purchases? These questions will elucidate his state of mind and sense of his own body very quickly.

If this incident was taken in isolation with three other officers at the scene, who deferred to the "responding officer's" judgement. I think it would have been a hard call. He was a strong man who's distress signals would have been muted. Semi-coherent, with no obvious secondary signs of distress, To slip suddenly from clear and firmly stating he can't breathe to imminent cardiac arrest. Even during a well executed carotid suffocation there are clear signs 10-20 seconds in of distress. Furthermore it is clear that CPR was promptly performed, wherein an ABC check would have been done.

The time from his arrested movement to this ABC check will tell you whether or not this was manslaughter, murder 3 would be very hard to prove given this cocktail. He was walking dead approximately three minutes before his final words. During that part of the video that's been cut I'd expect to see an incoherent babbling man barely able to sit up straight. Where a judgement call could have been made wherein he was safer on the ground. Furthermore the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt exists. Anyone reading this tox report and autopsy should come to a similar conclusion. even if the guy lived he would have been difficult to handle or judge his state.

All just whitesplaining another murder by the police.

The only thing clear is a that no murder carried out by the police would concern you.
At least more of the truth. For however long, the news has been making it look like the cops murdered a cooperative black guy they arrested, apparently because they had nothing better to do at the time. Causing many riots and protests. Well last night they finally showed a little more of the story.

They showed a cop on the passenger side back door trying to subdue the soon to be dead Floyd. No doubt Floyd was kicking at him. It showed the hero cop who would end up with his knee on the back of Floyd's neck to subdue him going to open the drivers side back door. What was shown at least showed Floyd putting up a fight.

Now, I would like to see the rest of the video. Which would show Floyd being dragged out of the drivers side back seat and how he ended up at the front of the cop car with the officers knee on the back of his neck. No doubt Floyd was putting up more struggle from the back seat area to the front of the cop car.

Why is the news wrongfully portraying the incident. They also made a big deal about the cop keeping his knee on Floyd's neck even after he stopped moving. But Floyd's condition wasn't caused by the knee on his neck. So why should the cop have moved it. Especially when just before then he was putting up a fight. All this coddling of criminals makes me sick. Least of all the negro ones. The cops don't have an easy job. They are almost like soldiers on the front line. A little excess on their part should be excused. They need to be supported. Not vilified.

"hero cop"?

You're fucking nuts.

The cop was just doing his job. That makes him a hero. I suppose you think that if Floyd had pulled a gun and shot Chauvin, Floyd would be the hero.

You're fucking nuts.

You're supporting a criminal over a cop. That makes you fucking nuts.

The cop is a criminal. You’re calling him a hero.
It might interest you to know that negroes are 20 times more likely to due from heart failure before the age of 50 than White people. And yet you will no doubt keep on saying that he was murdered.

So was George Floyd gonna DIE from health issues that EVENING? How about THIS WEEK? Maybe in a year??? How does that MATTER in your addled brain???

Guessing you're pro-life all the time unless it's unhealthy black people who get MURDERED by rogue cops...

It does matter. Being arrested is a huge stress.
RESISTING arrest is an even bigger stress. "Black"
americans do have more hypertension than do
"white" americans. It is a constitutional issue---not a result of oppression (in my lauded opinion) He was
also obese. With careful autopsy and expert evaluation thereof---the matter may be resolved.
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
You’re no expert; you’re just a fucking idiot.

I am no expert------but I know enough to KNOW that
if the man had died of a weight on his back that restricted expansion of his lungs-----that fact would be demonstrable on autopsy
it was,,,

Oh YEAH? you got a citation-----not a "conclusion" as in "I think he died because people were pressing on his chest"------ a REAL PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN taken
from the body and analyzed by a competent pathologist. <<<< that's how it is done in the REAL
WORLD. -----broken ribs might aid your desperate
Ribs do not need to be broken just like the trachea does not have to be damaged for a person to die of asphyxia.

PS note the wishy washy ".....contributed to the death,,,,," YUP a contribution-----just like the
methamphetamine use OVER TIME----and the presence of Fentanyl. Over time METH damages
the lungs-----in fact it is a usual cause of death
for Meth addicts if the heart damage does not get
them first

Methamphetamine over time does not cause one to suffocate.

We do not know the concentration of fentanyl in his blood stream and we know that a drug test will read positive for fentanyl for 3 days or longer after ingestion. If it was a death due to overdose then that would be the first thing the Hennepin County Coroner would have reported as it most likely would have exonerated the cops.

And you cannot find one average guy over 30 that does not have some degree of coronary artery disease so that is a red herring

you are confused------you cannot find a dead body---dead of suffocation which shows NOTHING ON AUTOPSY THAT PROVES SUFFOCATION. Your comment-----is actually a little silly. IN FACT---so far
an actual cause of death has not been definitively
determined-----or, at least, not published. btw---
actual myocardial infarction DOES show up on microscopics on autopsy. If he died of MI---then?

OK so I'll say it again

You don't know what the autopsy report will say do you?

Dr Baden has indicated that his report will state that the compression of Floyd's neck and back is what was the cause of his respiratory arrest and subsequent cardiac arrest.

So at this point all we have is the word of a nationally renowned doctor. And for now that's good enough for me.

those cops killed the guy, they should be punished. But that does not excuse rioting and destroying private property, killing cops and other security personnel, defying curfews, attacking the white house. those inciting these riots should be arrested prosecuted and jailed.

Those assholes don't give a shit about Floyd.....anyone who thinks that is just plain stupid. If they cared about black deaths they would all go to Chicago and lynch Rahm Emmanuel. What they care about is the opportunity to act like vicitims of racism so they can go get free sneakers and flat screens. Antifa has them dangling like puppetts on a string.....when all the businesses in that area pull out leaving the black community with no place to work the rich little white Antifa punks will go back to white suburbia basement apartments and continue their expensive class A drug habits while eating out of mommy and daddy's refreigerator.

There is a real difference when it's the police who cause the death of a person in custody and the death of a person as a result of crime don't you think?

That said I do agree with you that the Black community turns a blind eye to Black on Black violence

yes----to both questions-----however the actual CIRCUMSTANCES are important. Just because
a cop's bullet landed in a person and killed him does
not prove 'MURDER" and just because a man dies
WHILST RESISTING----does not prove murder either.


I Truly wish he had removed his knee from the guy and turned him over to make sure he was alright. I am angry with the Police officer for that particular thing.....but I do not feel as though humanity has lost anything great.....Floyd was a career criminal with a path of innocent victims behind him. His end was inevitable.


If you died in the next 10 seconds the vast majority of humanity would not care. George Floyd had people who loved him and knew him more intimately than any of us who think it is right to pass judgement on him because he had problems he was struggling with.
Yeah Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin both had mothers that loved them... so what?

Yup now 'I'm sure no one would give a fuck if you dropped dead in the next 10 seconds because you're a fucking asshole.

I don't measure my life by how many people could potentially show up at my funeral.
But I'm sure that the people Floyd victimized in his long criminal career were there in spirit for his.

And how many people would that be?

And it's a good thing you don't care what others think about you because I'm sure most people think youre an asshole
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
You’re no expert; you’re just a fucking idiot.

I am no expert------but I know enough to KNOW that
if the man had died of a weight on his back that restricted expansion of his lungs-----that fact would be demonstrable on autopsy
it was,,,

Oh YEAH? you got a citation-----not a "conclusion" as in "I think he died because people were pressing on his chest"------ a REAL PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN taken
from the body and analyzed by a competent pathologist. <<<< that's how it is done in the REAL
WORLD. -----broken ribs might aid your desperate
Ribs do not need to be broken just like the trachea does not have to be damaged for a person to die of asphyxia.

PS note the wishy washy ".....contributed to the death,,,,," YUP a contribution-----just like the
methamphetamine use OVER TIME----and the presence of Fentanyl. Over time METH damages
the lungs-----in fact it is a usual cause of death
for Meth addicts if the heart damage does not get
them first

Methamphetamine over time does not cause one to suffocate.

We do not know the concentration of fentanyl in his blood stream and we know that a drug test will read positive for fentanyl for 3 days or longer after ingestion. If it was a death due to overdose then that would be the first thing the Hennepin County Coroner would have reported as it most likely would have exonerated the cops.

And you cannot find one average guy over 30 that does not have some degree of coronary artery disease so that is a red herring

you are confused------you cannot find a dead body---dead of suffocation which shows NOTHING ON AUTOPSY THAT PROVES SUFFOCATION. Your comment-----is actually a little silly. IN FACT---so far
an actual cause of death has not been definitively
determined-----or, at least, not published. btw---
actual myocardial infarction DOES show up on microscopics on autopsy. If he died of MI---then?

OK so I'll say it again

You don't know what the autopsy report will say do you?

Dr Baden has indicated that his report will state that the compression of Floyd's neck and back is what was the cause of his respiratory arrest and subsequent cardiac arrest.

So at this point all we have is the word of a nationally renowned doctor. And for now that's good enough for me.

those cops killed the guy, they should be punished. But that does not excuse rioting and destroying private property, killing cops and other security personnel, defying curfews, attacking the white house. those inciting these riots should be arrested prosecuted and jailed.

Those assholes don't give a shit about Floyd.....anyone who thinks that is just plain stupid. If they cared about black deaths they would all go to Chicago and lynch Rahm Emmanuel. What they care about is the opportunity to act like vicitims of racism so they can go get free sneakers and flat screens. Antifa has them dangling like puppetts on a string.....when all the businesses in that area pull out leaving the black community with no place to work the rich little white Antifa punks will go back to white suburbia basement apartments and continue their expensive class A drug habits while eating out of mommy and daddy's refreigerator.

There is a real difference when it's the police who cause the death of a person in custody and the death of a person as a result of crime don't you think?

That said I do agree with you that the Black community turns a blind eye to Black on Black violence

yes----to both questions-----however the actual CIRCUMSTANCES are important. Just because
a cop's bullet landed in a person and killed him does
not prove 'MURDER" and just because a man dies
WHILST RESISTING----does not prove murder either.


I Truly wish he had removed his knee from the guy and turned him over to make sure he was alright. I am angry with the Police officer for that particular thing.....but I do not feel as though humanity has lost anything great.....Floyd was a career criminal with a path of innocent victims behind him. His end was inevitable.


If you died in the next 10 seconds the vast majority of humanity would not care. George Floyd had people who loved him and knew him more intimately than any of us who think it is right to pass judgement on him because he had problems he was struggling with.
Yeah Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin both had mothers that loved them... so what?

Yup now 'I'm sure no one would give a fuck if you dropped dead in the next 10 seconds because you're a fucking asshole.

I don't measure my life by how many people could potentially show up at my funeral.
But I'm sure that the people Floyd victimized in his long criminal career were there in spirit for his.

And how many people would that be?

And it's a good thing you don't care what others think about you because I'm sure most people think youre an asshole

Oh shit the moniker I've earned it over the past 20 years of posting on dozens of boards. Sure....there'll be hundreds of em buddy lined up but not to mourn. They'll all be drinking six packs and popping lasix waiting for their turn .....if I have my way I'll be buried with a high voltage electric fence.


These pro-Floyd assholes probably wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass. You and I keep pointing out the truth to them, but it seems to go nowhere. By the way. I just started a thread called, "Defund the police?" I suggest that you give it a read. Because being truthful, I don't expect it to last long.
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And Floyd wasn't randomly stopped for no reason. He was caught engaging in crime. Cliven was simply trying to do the legal honest work he had done his whole life.
Wrong. The police witnessed no crime. Floyd was accused of committing a crime, that's all. The word of a store clerk does not make it a crime and does not justify killing. It also does not prove Floyd knew he was passing a fake bill.

Prove he was not engaged in a crime, at the time.
The beauty of our justice system is that no one has to prove they did not commit a crime and the state has to prove that you did.

Ever hear the saying you can't prove a negative?

Again, by your logic, no police officer should be able to stop a single criminal, because according to you, they can't do anything until proven guilty, right?

So I guess we should just disband the police, and let anarchy rule.

You are all assuming he was guilty of something in direct opposition to the law you are using as an excuse to kill people.

That very same law says he is innocent until proven guilty. That has nothing to do with arresting a person.

But killing a guy who was already in cuffs takes away the chance to know whether he was actually guilty of a crime doesn't it?

But you're OK with it because it saves the cost of a trial right?

And you are doing the exact same thing. Do you not see that? You claim he was murdered over and over, which simply has not been proven.

Sorry, but you can't play this game, where police are guilty until proven innocent, while claiming that a life long criminal who abandoned his family to be a criminal, is completely innocent.

You guys only want justice, and constitutional rights of innocent until proven guilt, when it fits your ideological narrative. I reject that.

I just started a thread you should check out. Because being truthful, I don't expect it to last long. It's called, "Defund The Police?"
Second, knee-to-neck restraint technique, whether right or wrong, is allowed in Minneapolis.

More than a dozen police officials and law enforcement experts told NBC News that the particular tactic Chauvin used — kneeling on a suspect's neck — is neither taught nor sanctioned by any police agency. A Minneapolis city official told NBC News Chauvin's tactic is not permitted by the Minneapolis police department. For most major police departments, variations of neck restraints, known as chokeholds, are highly restricted — if not banned outright.
The version of the Minneapolis Police Department's policy manual that is available on-line, however, does permit the use of neck restraints that can render suspects unconscious, and the protocol for their use has not been updated for more than eight years.

" Minneapolis city official told NBC News "

Let me guess... it's another unnamed source, with an agenda.

They can say whatever they want now, but Minneapolis Policy & Procedure Manual says otherwise.

Related article from USA Today: George Floyd death: Experts say knee-to-neck restraint is dangerous, but Minneapolis allows it

You should check out post #83. Also, I started another thread called, "Defund the police?" Check it out too.
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
You’re no expert; you’re just a fucking idiot.

I am no expert------but I know enough to KNOW that
if the man had died of a weight on his back that restricted expansion of his lungs-----that fact would be demonstrable on autopsy
it was,,,

Oh YEAH? you got a citation-----not a "conclusion" as in "I think he died because people were pressing on his chest"------ a REAL PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN taken
from the body and analyzed by a competent pathologist. <<<< that's how it is done in the REAL
WORLD. -----broken ribs might aid your desperate
Ribs do not need to be broken just like the trachea does not have to be damaged for a person to die of asphyxia.

PS note the wishy washy ".....contributed to the death,,,,," YUP a contribution-----just like the
methamphetamine use OVER TIME----and the presence of Fentanyl. Over time METH damages
the lungs-----in fact it is a usual cause of death
for Meth addicts if the heart damage does not get
them first

Methamphetamine over time does not cause one to suffocate.

We do not know the concentration of fentanyl in his blood stream and we know that a drug test will read positive for fentanyl for 3 days or longer after ingestion. If it was a death due to overdose then that would be the first thing the Hennepin County Coroner would have reported as it most likely would have exonerated the cops.

And you cannot find one average guy over 30 that does not have some degree of coronary artery disease so that is a red herring

you are confused------you cannot find a dead body---dead of suffocation which shows NOTHING ON AUTOPSY THAT PROVES SUFFOCATION. Your comment-----is actually a little silly. IN FACT---so far
an actual cause of death has not been definitively
determined-----or, at least, not published. btw---
actual myocardial infarction DOES show up on microscopics on autopsy. If he died of MI---then?

OK so I'll say it again

You don't know what the autopsy report will say do you?

Dr Baden has indicated that his report will state that the compression of Floyd's neck and back is what was the cause of his respiratory arrest and subsequent cardiac arrest.

So at this point all we have is the word of a nationally renowned doctor. And for now that's good enough for me.

those cops killed the guy, they should be punished. But that does not excuse rioting and destroying private property, killing cops and other security personnel, defying curfews, attacking the white house. those inciting these riots should be arrested prosecuted and jailed.

Those assholes don't give a shit about Floyd.....anyone who thinks that is just plain stupid. If they cared about black deaths they would all go to Chicago and lynch Rahm Emmanuel. What they care about is the opportunity to act like vicitims of racism so they can go get free sneakers and flat screens. Antifa has them dangling like puppetts on a string.....when all the businesses in that area pull out leaving the black community with no place to work the rich little white Antifa punks will go back to white suburbia basement apartments and continue their expensive class A drug habits while eating out of mommy and daddy's refreigerator.

There is a real difference when it's the police who cause the death of a person in custody and the death of a person as a result of crime don't you think?

That said I do agree with you that the Black community turns a blind eye to Black on Black violence

yes----to both questions-----however the actual CIRCUMSTANCES are important. Just because
a cop's bullet landed in a person and killed him does
not prove 'MURDER" and just because a man dies
WHILST RESISTING----does not prove murder either.


I Truly wish he had removed his knee from the guy and turned him over to make sure he was alright. I am angry with the Police officer for that particular thing.....but I do not feel as though humanity has lost anything great.....Floyd was a career criminal with a path of innocent victims behind him. His end was inevitable.


If you died in the next 10 seconds the vast majority of humanity would not care. George Floyd had people who loved him and knew him more intimately than any of us who think it is right to pass judgement on him because he had problems he was struggling with.
Yeah Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin both had mothers that loved them... so what?

Yup now 'I'm sure no one would give a fuck if you dropped dead in the next 10 seconds because you're a fucking asshole.

I don't measure my life by how many people could potentially show up at my funeral.
But I'm sure that the people Floyd victimized in his long criminal career were there in spirit for his.

And how many people would that be?

And it's a good thing you don't care what others think about you because I'm sure most people think youre an asshole
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
You’re no expert; you’re just a fucking idiot.

I am no expert------but I know enough to KNOW that
if the man had died of a weight on his back that restricted expansion of his lungs-----that fact would be demonstrable on autopsy
it was,,,

Oh YEAH? you got a citation-----not a "conclusion" as in "I think he died because people were pressing on his chest"------ a REAL PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN taken
from the body and analyzed by a competent pathologist. <<<< that's how it is done in the REAL
WORLD. -----broken ribs might aid your desperate
Ribs do not need to be broken just like the trachea does not have to be damaged for a person to die of asphyxia.

PS note the wishy washy ".....contributed to the death,,,,," YUP a contribution-----just like the
methamphetamine use OVER TIME----and the presence of Fentanyl. Over time METH damages
the lungs-----in fact it is a usual cause of death
for Meth addicts if the heart damage does not get
them first

Methamphetamine over time does not cause one to suffocate.

We do not know the concentration of fentanyl in his blood stream and we know that a drug test will read positive for fentanyl for 3 days or longer after ingestion. If it was a death due to overdose then that would be the first thing the Hennepin County Coroner would have reported as it most likely would have exonerated the cops.

And you cannot find one average guy over 30 that does not have some degree of coronary artery disease so that is a red herring

you are confused------you cannot find a dead body---dead of suffocation which shows NOTHING ON AUTOPSY THAT PROVES SUFFOCATION. Your comment-----is actually a little silly. IN FACT---so far
an actual cause of death has not been definitively
determined-----or, at least, not published. btw---
actual myocardial infarction DOES show up on microscopics on autopsy. If he died of MI---then?

OK so I'll say it again

You don't know what the autopsy report will say do you?

Dr Baden has indicated that his report will state that the compression of Floyd's neck and back is what was the cause of his respiratory arrest and subsequent cardiac arrest.

So at this point all we have is the word of a nationally renowned doctor. And for now that's good enough for me.

those cops killed the guy, they should be punished. But that does not excuse rioting and destroying private property, killing cops and other security personnel, defying curfews, attacking the white house. those inciting these riots should be arrested prosecuted and jailed.

Those assholes don't give a shit about Floyd.....anyone who thinks that is just plain stupid. If they cared about black deaths they would all go to Chicago and lynch Rahm Emmanuel. What they care about is the opportunity to act like vicitims of racism so they can go get free sneakers and flat screens. Antifa has them dangling like puppetts on a string.....when all the businesses in that area pull out leaving the black community with no place to work the rich little white Antifa punks will go back to white suburbia basement apartments and continue their expensive class A drug habits while eating out of mommy and daddy's refreigerator.

There is a real difference when it's the police who cause the death of a person in custody and the death of a person as a result of crime don't you think?

That said I do agree with you that the Black community turns a blind eye to Black on Black violence

yes----to both questions-----however the actual CIRCUMSTANCES are important. Just because
a cop's bullet landed in a person and killed him does
not prove 'MURDER" and just because a man dies
WHILST RESISTING----does not prove murder either.


I Truly wish he had removed his knee from the guy and turned him over to make sure he was alright. I am angry with the Police officer for that particular thing.....but I do not feel as though humanity has lost anything great.....Floyd was a career criminal with a path of innocent victims behind him. His end was inevitable.


If you died in the next 10 seconds the vast majority of humanity would not care. George Floyd had people who loved him and knew him more intimately than any of us who think it is right to pass judgement on him because he had problems he was struggling with.
Yeah Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin both had mothers that loved them... so what?

Yup now 'I'm sure no one would give a fuck if you dropped dead in the next 10 seconds because you're a fucking asshole.

I don't measure my life by how many people could potentially show up at my funeral.
But I'm sure that the people Floyd victimized in his long criminal career were there in spirit for his.

And how many people would that be?

And it's a good thing you don't care what others think about you because I'm sure most people think youre an asshole

Oh shit the moniker I've earned it over the past 20 years of posting on dozens of boards. Sure....there'll be hundreds of em buddy lined up but not to mourn. They'll all be drinking six packs and popping lasix waiting for their turn .....if I have my way I'll be buried with a high voltage electric fence.


These pro-Floyd assholes probably wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass. You and I keep pointing out the truth to them, but it seems to go nowhere. By the way. I just started a thread called, "Defund the police?" I suggest that you give it a read. Because being truthful, I don't expect it to last long.

I do not agree with everything you wrote----but I do agree that the "defund the cops" thing is nothing more than a very moronic political anodyne. One of the BIG complaints expressed by "minority leaders" in my town is "delayed response time of cops and ambulances for the "oppressed" " How are the black cops going to deal with being "defunded" ?
Second, knee-to-neck restraint technique, whether right or wrong, is allowed in Minneapolis.

More than a dozen police officials and law enforcement experts told NBC News that the particular tactic Chauvin used — kneeling on a suspect's neck — is neither taught nor sanctioned by any police agency. A Minneapolis city official told NBC News Chauvin's tactic is not permitted by the Minneapolis police department. For most major police departments, variations of neck restraints, known as chokeholds, are highly restricted — if not banned outright.
The version of the Minneapolis Police Department's policy manual that is available on-line, however, does permit the use of neck restraints that can render suspects unconscious, and the protocol for their use has not been updated for more than eight years.

" Minneapolis city official told NBC News "

Let me guess... it's another unnamed source, with an agenda.

They can say whatever they want now, but Minneapolis Policy & Procedure Manual says otherwise.

Related article from USA Today: George Floyd death: Experts say knee-to-neck restraint is dangerous, but Minneapolis allows it
You do realize that there are at least four different neck restraints, right? The one Chauvin used was not allowed.

None of neck restrains should've been allowed. But Minneapolis allows it. Read their manual.

Beside, since you're so knowledgeable, which knee-to-neck restrain Chauvin used precisely?

In the vids it appears the shoulder blades are bearing most of the weight, if not all of it, not the neck.

As for the media and the videos, they showed the full videos very early on, when Floyd was in the back seat, and then selectively edited that out of later videos, and that was no accident. They also no doubt ran his rap sheet very early on, too, and suppressed that info as well. yet we have shills running around pretending we have to keep treating many of these fake news purveyors as ' a free press' ... they are not a 'free press', they're hired hacks. Learn the differences, and start letting them be sued for their sleazy actions.

You should check out my new thread, "Defund the police?" Your reply would be interesting.
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
You’re no expert; you’re just a fucking idiot.

I am no expert------but I know enough to KNOW that
if the man had died of a weight on his back that restricted expansion of his lungs-----that fact would be demonstrable on autopsy
it was,,,

Oh YEAH? you got a citation-----not a "conclusion" as in "I think he died because people were pressing on his chest"------ a REAL PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN taken
from the body and analyzed by a competent pathologist. <<<< that's how it is done in the REAL
WORLD. -----broken ribs might aid your desperate
Ribs do not need to be broken just like the trachea does not have to be damaged for a person to die of asphyxia.

PS note the wishy washy ".....contributed to the death,,,,," YUP a contribution-----just like the
methamphetamine use OVER TIME----and the presence of Fentanyl. Over time METH damages
the lungs-----in fact it is a usual cause of death
for Meth addicts if the heart damage does not get
them first

Methamphetamine over time does not cause one to suffocate.

We do not know the concentration of fentanyl in his blood stream and we know that a drug test will read positive for fentanyl for 3 days or longer after ingestion. If it was a death due to overdose then that would be the first thing the Hennepin County Coroner would have reported as it most likely would have exonerated the cops.

And you cannot find one average guy over 30 that does not have some degree of coronary artery disease so that is a red herring

you are confused------you cannot find a dead body---dead of suffocation which shows NOTHING ON AUTOPSY THAT PROVES SUFFOCATION. Your comment-----is actually a little silly. IN FACT---so far
an actual cause of death has not been definitively
determined-----or, at least, not published. btw---
actual myocardial infarction DOES show up on microscopics on autopsy. If he died of MI---then?

OK so I'll say it again

You don't know what the autopsy report will say do you?

Dr Baden has indicated that his report will state that the compression of Floyd's neck and back is what was the cause of his respiratory arrest and subsequent cardiac arrest.

So at this point all we have is the word of a nationally renowned doctor. And for now that's good enough for me.

those cops killed the guy, they should be punished. But that does not excuse rioting and destroying private property, killing cops and other security personnel, defying curfews, attacking the white house. those inciting these riots should be arrested prosecuted and jailed.

Those assholes don't give a shit about Floyd.....anyone who thinks that is just plain stupid. If they cared about black deaths they would all go to Chicago and lynch Rahm Emmanuel. What they care about is the opportunity to act like vicitims of racism so they can go get free sneakers and flat screens. Antifa has them dangling like puppetts on a string.....when all the businesses in that area pull out leaving the black community with no place to work the rich little white Antifa punks will go back to white suburbia basement apartments and continue their expensive class A drug habits while eating out of mommy and daddy's refreigerator.

There is a real difference when it's the police who cause the death of a person in custody and the death of a person as a result of crime don't you think?

That said I do agree with you that the Black community turns a blind eye to Black on Black violence

yes----to both questions-----however the actual CIRCUMSTANCES are important. Just because
a cop's bullet landed in a person and killed him does
not prove 'MURDER" and just because a man dies
WHILST RESISTING----does not prove murder either.


I Truly wish he had removed his knee from the guy and turned him over to make sure he was alright. I am angry with the Police officer for that particular thing.....but I do not feel as though humanity has lost anything great.....Floyd was a career criminal with a path of innocent victims behind him. His end was inevitable.


If you died in the next 10 seconds the vast majority of humanity would not care. George Floyd had people who loved him and knew him more intimately than any of us who think it is right to pass judgement on him because he had problems he was struggling with.
Yeah Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin both had mothers that loved them... so what?

Yup now 'I'm sure no one would give a fuck if you dropped dead in the next 10 seconds because you're a fucking asshole.

I don't measure my life by how many people could potentially show up at my funeral.
But I'm sure that the people Floyd victimized in his long criminal career were there in spirit for his.

And how many people would that be?

And it's a good thing you don't care what others think about you because I'm sure most people think youre an asshole
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
You’re no expert; you’re just a fucking idiot.

I am no expert------but I know enough to KNOW that
if the man had died of a weight on his back that restricted expansion of his lungs-----that fact would be demonstrable on autopsy
it was,,,

Oh YEAH? you got a citation-----not a "conclusion" as in "I think he died because people were pressing on his chest"------ a REAL PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN taken
from the body and analyzed by a competent pathologist. <<<< that's how it is done in the REAL
WORLD. -----broken ribs might aid your desperate
Ribs do not need to be broken just like the trachea does not have to be damaged for a person to die of asphyxia.

PS note the wishy washy ".....contributed to the death,,,,," YUP a contribution-----just like the
methamphetamine use OVER TIME----and the presence of Fentanyl. Over time METH damages
the lungs-----in fact it is a usual cause of death
for Meth addicts if the heart damage does not get
them first

Methamphetamine over time does not cause one to suffocate.

We do not know the concentration of fentanyl in his blood stream and we know that a drug test will read positive for fentanyl for 3 days or longer after ingestion. If it was a death due to overdose then that would be the first thing the Hennepin County Coroner would have reported as it most likely would have exonerated the cops.

And you cannot find one average guy over 30 that does not have some degree of coronary artery disease so that is a red herring

you are confused------you cannot find a dead body---dead of suffocation which shows NOTHING ON AUTOPSY THAT PROVES SUFFOCATION. Your comment-----is actually a little silly. IN FACT---so far
an actual cause of death has not been definitively
determined-----or, at least, not published. btw---
actual myocardial infarction DOES show up on microscopics on autopsy. If he died of MI---then?

OK so I'll say it again

You don't know what the autopsy report will say do you?

Dr Baden has indicated that his report will state that the compression of Floyd's neck and back is what was the cause of his respiratory arrest and subsequent cardiac arrest.

So at this point all we have is the word of a nationally renowned doctor. And for now that's good enough for me.

those cops killed the guy, they should be punished. But that does not excuse rioting and destroying private property, killing cops and other security personnel, defying curfews, attacking the white house. those inciting these riots should be arrested prosecuted and jailed.

Those assholes don't give a shit about Floyd.....anyone who thinks that is just plain stupid. If they cared about black deaths they would all go to Chicago and lynch Rahm Emmanuel. What they care about is the opportunity to act like vicitims of racism so they can go get free sneakers and flat screens. Antifa has them dangling like puppetts on a string.....when all the businesses in that area pull out leaving the black community with no place to work the rich little white Antifa punks will go back to white suburbia basement apartments and continue their expensive class A drug habits while eating out of mommy and daddy's refreigerator.

There is a real difference when it's the police who cause the death of a person in custody and the death of a person as a result of crime don't you think?

That said I do agree with you that the Black community turns a blind eye to Black on Black violence

yes----to both questions-----however the actual CIRCUMSTANCES are important. Just because
a cop's bullet landed in a person and killed him does
not prove 'MURDER" and just because a man dies
WHILST RESISTING----does not prove murder either.


I Truly wish he had removed his knee from the guy and turned him over to make sure he was alright. I am angry with the Police officer for that particular thing.....but I do not feel as though humanity has lost anything great.....Floyd was a career criminal with a path of innocent victims behind him. His end was inevitable.


If you died in the next 10 seconds the vast majority of humanity would not care. George Floyd had people who loved him and knew him more intimately than any of us who think it is right to pass judgement on him because he had problems he was struggling with.
Yeah Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin both had mothers that loved them... so what?

Yup now 'I'm sure no one would give a fuck if you dropped dead in the next 10 seconds because you're a fucking asshole.

I don't measure my life by how many people could potentially show up at my funeral.
But I'm sure that the people Floyd victimized in his long criminal career were there in spirit for his.

And how many people would that be?

And it's a good thing you don't care what others think about you because I'm sure most people think youre an asshole

Oh shit the moniker I've earned it over the past 20 years of posting on dozens of boards. Sure....there'll be hundreds of em buddy lined up but not to mourn. They'll all be drinking six packs and popping lasix waiting for their turn .....if I have my way I'll be buried with a high voltage electric fence.


These pro-Floyd assholes probably wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass. You and I keep pointing out the truth to them, but it seems to go nowhere. By the way. I just started a thread called, "Defund the police?" I suggest that you give it a read. Because being truthful, I don't expect it to last long.

I do not agree with everything you wrote----but I do agree that the "defund the cops" thing is nothing more than a very moronic political anodyne. One of the BIG complaints expressed by "minority leaders" in my town is "delayed response time of cops and ambulances for the "oppressed" " How are the black cops going to deal with being "defunded" ?

If you want to talk about the defunding police movement, this thread isn't the best place to do is.
Long story short. Convicted felon and career criminal George Floyd croaked as a result of an obvious fentanyl overdose. It was lucky the cops battling with him were not also infected since they would have much less tolerance for the toxin. It there is a trial and it is fair, all the cops will be acquitted. That is the issue. The savages and "college liberals" will go crazy when fair justice is applied.

Floyd also had coronavirus. It would likely have been worse if they caught that. Also, I started a new thread called, "Defund the police?" I invite you to check it out.
And with him having meth and fentanyl in his system, how can you be so sure that it didn't cause him to have a heart attack.

Because ONE or BOTH of autopsy reports would have NOTED that those factors contributed to his death.. And NEITHER of them did state that... Or did ya miss all that?

From what I heard, the county pathologist said that he didn't die from asphyxiation by police. The autopsy that Floyd's family paid for said he did. Also, if you are high on meth and fentanyl, it WILL be a contributing factor in any death.
Making shit up doesn't make you right. Officer Chauvin had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. The other cops were just holding lower down parts of him. Also, having coronavirus can cause you to have difficulty breathing. Being on meth and fentanyl after struggling with police can cause you to have difficulty breathing.

And leaning on a person's neck can definitely cause breathing difficulties.

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