George Floyd. The Truth Is Out. (Finally)

Second, knee-to-neck restraint technique, whether right or wrong, is allowed in Minneapolis.

More than a dozen police officials and law enforcement experts told NBC News that the particular tactic Chauvin used — kneeling on a suspect's neck — is neither taught nor sanctioned by any police agency. A Minneapolis city official told NBC News Chauvin's tactic is not permitted by the Minneapolis police department. For most major police departments, variations of neck restraints, known as chokeholds, are highly restricted — if not banned outright.
The version of the Minneapolis Police Department's policy manual that is available on-line, however, does permit the use of neck restraints that can render suspects unconscious, and the protocol for their use has not been updated for more than eight years.

" Minneapolis city official told NBC News "

Let me guess... it's another unnamed source, with an agenda.

They can say whatever they want now, but Minneapolis Policy & Procedure Manual says otherwise.

Related article from USA Today: George Floyd death: Experts say knee-to-neck restraint is dangerous, but Minneapolis allows it
Well, George Floyd was not a serial killer, but he was, in fact, a gang banger.

That we know of, yes; I aid 'even worse' to separate the types, and didn't say directly that Floyd was ever caught at murdering anyone. I consider gangsters to all be guilty of any crime committed by their fellow thugs, though, since they all benefit from being part of the group and whatever the other gangers do. If we aplied RICO to black gangs like we do the white gangs, there would be less of a problem today.
There was never any basis for charging Chauvin, and as more evidence has come out even less reason for him to be charged with anything, and indeed he deserves a public service medal, and one from the NAACP for the giant favor he did for the black community, too. No telling how many more black women he would have assaulted and murdered if he had lived instead of stroking out from his drug use.

Murder in this country isn't just the law for the "good citizens".. That only happens in places like PRepofChina.. Where making a protester "disappear" is justified by their LOW "social behavior" score that ChiComm INtelligence assessed that citizen thru spying on EVERYBODY... You a big fan of that?

Thought so...
There was never any basis for charging Chauvin, and as more evidence has come out even less reason for him to be charged with anything, and indeed he deserves a public service medal, and one from the NAACP for the giant favor he did for the black community, too. No telling how many more black women he would have assaulted and murdered if he had lived instead of stroking out from his drug use.

Murder in this country isn't just the law for the "good citizens".. That only happens in places like PRepofChina.. Where making a protester "disappear" is justified by their LOW "social behavior" score that ChiComm INtelligence assessed that citizen thru spying on EVERYBODY... You a big fan of that?

Thought so...

Protest all you want. It's your constitutional right.

But when looting starts, shooting starts. I don't give a shit you're protester or not, but if you show up breaking into my property, it's not murder at my end, it's self defense.
At least more of the truth. For however long, the news has been making it look like the cops murdered a cooperative black guy they arrested, apparently because they had nothing better to do at the time. Causing many riots and protests. Well last night they finally showed a little more of the story.

They showed a cop on the passenger side back door trying to subdue the soon to be dead Floyd. No doubt Floyd was kicking at him. It showed the hero cop who would end up with his knee on the back of Floyd's neck to subdue him going to open the drivers side back door. What was shown at least showed Floyd putting up a fight.

Now, I would like to see the rest of the video. Which would show Floyd being dragged out of the drivers side back seat and how he ended up at the front of the cop car with the officers knee on the back of his neck. No doubt Floyd was putting up more struggle from the back seat area to the front of the cop car.

Why is the news wrongfully portraying the incident. They also made a big deal about the cop keeping his knee on Floyd's neck even after he stopped moving. But Floyd's condition wasn't caused by the knee on his neck. So why should the cop have moved it. Especially when just before then he was putting up a fight. All this coddling of criminals makes me sick. Least of all the negro ones. The cops don't have an easy job. They are almost like soldiers on the front line. A little excess on their part should be excused. They need to be supported. Not vilified.

BTW -- Turns out Off. Chauvin was NOT A MODEL COP either.. The truth is out on him with his 15 or 18 "excessive force" complaints and nothing more out of his commanders than a days suspension.. THAT is the kind of shit that FUELS the hate for cops in these cities..

So sketch cop meets sketchy citizen and kills him... Who's at fault???

And the problem is the cozy or symbiotic relationship between the police union, the Chief, and City Leaders.. It's as hard to discipline or FIRE A BAD cop as it is a NYC school teacher. Almost impossible.. And THAT is the black mark that has to be reckoned here on a LOCAL level...

In mostly "true blue" cities btw...
You're a moron.. The GUY DIED from the restraint.. As sure as Eric Gardner did in NYCity when the cops murder HIM there on the street.. At the SIDE OF THE NECK are the carotid arteries.. Well known "sleep hold" for self defense.. But when BLOCKED on folks with underlying med conditions OR FOR TOO LONG -- leads right to death.. Cops KNOW THIS. Apparently you DONT -- because you're a moron who could never BE a cop...
The hold was the triggering event maybe, but Floyd was going to die anyway.

Just a drop of Fentanyl can kill you and he had tons of it running through his veigns.

Prove to me that that jun kie was not already dying. Hell he couldnt stand up as they took him to the squad car and fell.

He was probably already dying.

Chauvin seems to me to have committed manslaughter, not murder, but as a first time offender he shouldnt do any jail time, but he sure as hell does not belong on a police force any more.
And the problem is the cozy or symbiotic relationship between the police union, the Chief, and City Leaders.. It's as hard to discipline or FIRE A BAD cop as it is a NYC school teacher. Almost impossible.. And THAT is the black mark that has to be reckoned here on a LOCAL level...
In mostly "true blue" cities btw...
You nailed the root of the problem right there.

Chauvin should have been off the force years ago were it not for the Unions.

Fuckin Amish messin everything up!
Second, knee-to-neck restraint technique, whether right or wrong, is allowed in Minneapolis.

More than a dozen police officials and law enforcement experts told NBC News that the particular tactic Chauvin used — kneeling on a suspect's neck — is neither taught nor sanctioned by any police agency. A Minneapolis city official told NBC News Chauvin's tactic is not permitted by the Minneapolis police department. For most major police departments, variations of neck restraints, known as chokeholds, are highly restricted — if not banned outright.
The version of the Minneapolis Police Department's policy manual that is available on-line, however, does permit the use of neck restraints that can render suspects unconscious, and the protocol for their use has not been updated for more than eight years.

" Minneapolis city official told NBC News "

Let me guess... it's another unnamed source, with an agenda.

They can say whatever they want now, but Minneapolis Policy & Procedure Manual says otherwise.

Related article from USA Today: George Floyd death: Experts say knee-to-neck restraint is dangerous, but Minneapolis allows it
You do realize that there are at least four different neck restraints, right? The one Chauvin used was not allowed.
The hold was the triggering event maybe, but Floyd was going to die anyway.

Just a drop of Fentanyl can kill you and he had tons of it running through his veigns.

You have NO IDEA what conc was found in the Tox report because they DID NOT SAY.. It could have been from a couple days ago..

WHY are you making excuses over a murder?? What motivates you to claim "he would died any way"?? --- When NEITHER AUTOPSY made note of that "fact"???

Seems like you've given up on the rule of law and just want to ENCOURAGE more cities to ignore the small percentage of bad cops that are ticking time bombs...

Chauvin should have booted YEARS ago from the force.. It's the Union and institutionalized BAD MUNI GOVT that allowed this to happen...
At least more of the truth. For however long, the news has been making it look like the cops murdered a cooperative black guy they arrested, apparently because they had nothing better to do at the time. Causing many riots and protests. Well last night they finally showed a little more of the story.

They showed a cop on the passenger side back door trying to subdue the soon to be dead Floyd. No doubt Floyd was kicking at him. It showed the hero cop who would end up with his knee on the back of Floyd's neck to subdue him going to open the drivers side back door. What was shown at least showed Floyd putting up a fight.

Now, I would like to see the rest of the video. Which would show Floyd being dragged out of the drivers side back seat and how he ended up at the front of the cop car with the officers knee on the back of his neck. No doubt Floyd was putting up more struggle from the back seat area to the front of the cop car.

Why is the news wrongfully portraying the incident. They also made a big deal about the cop keeping his knee on Floyd's neck even after he stopped moving. But Floyd's condition wasn't caused by the knee on his neck. So why should the cop have moved it. Especially when just before then he was putting up a fight. All this coddling of criminals makes me sick. Least of all the negro ones. The cops don't have an easy job. They are almost like soldiers on the front line. A little excess on their part should be excused. They need to be supported. Not vilified.

BTW -- Turns out Off. Chauvin was NOT A MODEL COP either.. The truth is out on him with his 15 or 18 "excessive force" complaints and nothing more out of his commanders than a days suspension.. THAT is the kind of shit that FUELS the hate for cops in these cities..

So sketch cop meets sketchy citizen and kills him... Who's at fault???

And the problem is the cozy or symbiotic relationship between the police union, the Chief, and City Leaders.. It's as hard to discipline or FIRE A BAD cop as it is a NYC school teacher. Almost impossible.. And THAT is the black mark that has to be reckoned here on a LOCAL level...

In mostly "true blue" cities btw...
Told ya it was just a..wait no..that's was the Georgia shooting. Similar situation, though. It took several stupids to make it happen.
Second, knee-to-neck restraint technique, whether right or wrong, is allowed in Minneapolis.

More than a dozen police officials and law enforcement experts told NBC News that the particular tactic Chauvin used — kneeling on a suspect's neck — is neither taught nor sanctioned by any police agency. A Minneapolis city official told NBC News Chauvin's tactic is not permitted by the Minneapolis police department. For most major police departments, variations of neck restraints, known as chokeholds, are highly restricted — if not banned outright.
The version of the Minneapolis Police Department's policy manual that is available on-line, however, does permit the use of neck restraints that can render suspects unconscious, and the protocol for their use has not been updated for more than eight years.

" Minneapolis city official told NBC News "

Let me guess... it's another unnamed source, with an agenda.

They can say whatever they want now, but Minneapolis Policy & Procedure Manual says otherwise.

Related article from USA Today: George Floyd death: Experts say knee-to-neck restraint is dangerous, but Minneapolis allows it
You do realize that there are at least four different neck restraints, right? The one Chauvin used was not allowed.

None of neck restrains should've been allowed. But Minneapolis allows it. Read their manual.

Beside, since you're so knowledgeable, which knee-to-neck restrain Chauvin used precisely?
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
You’re no expert; you’re just a fucking idiot.

I am no expert------but I know enough to KNOW that
if the man had died of a weight on his back that restricted expansion of his lungs-----that fact would be demonstrable on autopsy
it was,,,

By somebody who was paid to come to that conclusion.

no---actually it was WAS NOT demonstrated on autopsy as far as I could see. Someone issued a
POSSIBLE EXPLANATION for the death---which was
not based on histology but, IMO, on history
At least more of the truth. For however long, the news has been making it look like the cops murdered a cooperative black guy they arrested, apparently because they had nothing better to do at the time. Causing many riots and protests. Well last night they finally showed a little more of the story.

They showed a cop on the passenger side back door trying to subdue the soon to be dead Floyd. No doubt Floyd was kicking at him. It showed the hero cop who would end up with his knee on the back of Floyd's neck to subdue him going to open the drivers side back door. What was shown at least showed Floyd putting up a fight.

Now, I would like to see the rest of the video. Which would show Floyd being dragged out of the drivers side back seat and how he ended up at the front of the cop car with the officers knee on the back of his neck. No doubt Floyd was putting up more struggle from the back seat area to the front of the cop car.

Why is the news wrongfully portraying the incident. They also made a big deal about the cop keeping his knee on Floyd's neck even after he stopped moving. But Floyd's condition wasn't caused by the knee on his neck. So why should the cop have moved it. Especially when just before then he was putting up a fight. All this coddling of criminals makes me sick. Least of all the negro ones. The cops don't have an easy job. They are almost like soldiers on the front line. A little excess on their part should be excused. They need to be supported. Not vilified.

BTW -- Turns out Off. Chauvin was NOT A MODEL COP either.. The truth is out on him with his 15 or 18 "excessive force" complaints and nothing more out of his commanders than a days suspension.. THAT is the kind of shit that FUELS the hate for cops in these cities..

So sketch cop meets sketchy citizen and kills him... Who's at fault???

And the problem is the cozy or symbiotic relationship between the police union, the Chief, and City Leaders.. It's as hard to discipline or FIRE A BAD cop as it is a NYC school teacher. Almost impossible.. And THAT is the black mark that has to be reckoned here on a LOCAL level...

In mostly "true blue" cities btw...
Told ya it was just a..wait no..that's was the Georgia shooting. Similar situation, though. It took several stupids to make it happen.

The depth of stupid here goes to City Hall in Minneapolis.. Like most blue cities, probably MORE concerned over plastic bags and smoking regs than the oversight of their police dept..

These blue munis are SO distracted by the "plastic straw" or sanctuary city or "decriminalizing shoplifting" issue of the day -- that their muni infrastructure for "public service" goes to hell....
There was never any basis for charging Chauvin, and as more evidence has come out even less reason for him to be charged with anything, and indeed he deserves a public service medal, and one from the NAACP for the giant favor he did for the black community, too. No telling how many more black women he would have assaulted and murdered if he had lived instead of stroking out from his drug use.

Murder in this country isn't just the law for the "good citizens".. That only happens in places like PRepofChina.. Where making a protester "disappear" is justified by their LOW "social behavior" score that ChiComm INtelligence assessed that citizen thru spying on EVERYBODY... You a big fan of that?

Thought so...

Well, I wouldn't know anything about how grand REd China is, I leave it to the 'libertarians' and the Wall Street fan clubs who love doing business with them to keep us informed, ' free trade n stuff', you know, especially if it involves a police state keeping labor cheap and passive for you poor victims of 'unfree markets' here. They do what libertarians think govt. should be doing, providing police and legal protection for you libertarians and globalists from your slaves, and keeping those wages as close to nothing as possible.
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Second, knee-to-neck restraint technique, whether right or wrong, is allowed in Minneapolis.

More than a dozen police officials and law enforcement experts told NBC News that the particular tactic Chauvin used — kneeling on a suspect's neck — is neither taught nor sanctioned by any police agency. A Minneapolis city official told NBC News Chauvin's tactic is not permitted by the Minneapolis police department. For most major police departments, variations of neck restraints, known as chokeholds, are highly restricted — if not banned outright.
The version of the Minneapolis Police Department's policy manual that is available on-line, however, does permit the use of neck restraints that can render suspects unconscious, and the protocol for their use has not been updated for more than eight years.

" Minneapolis city official told NBC News "

Let me guess... it's another unnamed source, with an agenda.

They can say whatever they want now, but Minneapolis Policy & Procedure Manual says otherwise.

Related article from USA Today: George Floyd death: Experts say knee-to-neck restraint is dangerous, but Minneapolis allows it
You do realize that there are at least four different neck restraints, right? The one Chauvin used was not allowed.

None of neck restrains should've been allowed. But Minneapolis allows it. Read their manual.

Beside, since you're so knowledgeable, which knee-to-neck restrain Chauvin used precisely?

In the vids it appears the shoulder blades are bearing most of the weight, if not all of it, not the neck.

As for the media and the videos, they showed the full videos very early on, when Floyd was in the back seat, and then selectively edited that out of later videos, and that was no accident. They also no doubt ran his rap sheet very early on, too, and suppressed that info as well. yet we have shills running around pretending we have to keep treating many of these fake news purveyors as ' a free press' ... they are not a 'free press', they're hired hacks. Learn the differences, and start letting them be sued for their sleazy actions.
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There was never any basis for charging Chauvin, and as more evidence has come out even less reason for him to be charged with anything, and indeed he deserves a public service medal, and one from the NAACP for the giant favor he did for the black community, too. No telling how many more black women he would have assaulted and murdered if he had lived instead of stroking out from his drug use.

Murder in this country isn't just the law for the "good citizens".. That only happens in places like PRepofChina.. Where making a protester "disappear" is justified by their LOW "social behavior" score that ChiComm INtelligence assessed that citizen thru spying on EVERYBODY... You a big fan of that?

Thought so...

Well, I wouldn't know anything about how grand REd China is, I leave it to the 'libertarians' and the Wall Street fan clubs who love doing business with them to keep us informed, ' free trade n stuff', you know, especially if it involves a police state keeping labor cheap and passive for you poor victims of 'unfree markets' here. They do what govt. should be doing, providing police and legal protection for you libertarians and globalists from your slaves.

A SWING --- and a miss.,, STrike 1.. So it seems you DO admire and make excuses for a "militarized national policing force that is totally tied into their MASSIVE domestic spying and surveillance systems and detention camps and "disappearing protesters"... All the things that libertarians ABHOR and want to prevent in the USA... Markets are not "free" in China.. People are not "free" in China and trade with China is not fair...

So when all of a sudden you get a bug to JUSTIFY a police murder here -- because the victim was not an upstanding citizen -- you kinda SOUND like one of them...

That's YOUR problem -- not mine.. Kinda a shocker to me.. But I'm getting disappointed by a LOT of folks on USMB that I thought I knew....

The cop was not an upstanding cop either... And that's Minneapolis's problem...
There was never any basis for charging Chauvin, and as more evidence has come out even less reason for him to be charged with anything, and indeed he deserves a public service medal, and one from the NAACP for the giant favor he did for the black community, too. No telling how many more black women he would have assaulted and murdered if he had lived instead of stroking out from his drug use.

Murder in this country isn't just the law for the "good citizens".. That only happens in places like PRepofChina.. Where making a protester "disappear" is justified by their LOW "social behavior" score that ChiComm INtelligence assessed that citizen thru spying on EVERYBODY... You a big fan of that?

Thought so...

Well, I wouldn't know anything about how grand REd China is, I leave it to the 'libertarians' and the Wall Street fan clubs who love doing business with them to keep us informed, ' free trade n stuff', you know, especially if it involves a police state keeping labor cheap and passive for you poor victims of 'unfree markets' here. They do what govt. should be doing, providing police and legal protection for you libertarians and globalists from your slaves.

A SWING --- and a miss.,, STrike 1.. So it seems you DO admire and make excuses for a "militarized national policing force that is totally tied into their MASSIVE domestic spying and surveillance systems and detention camps and "disappearing protesters"... All the things that libertarians ABHOR and want to prevent in the USA... Markets are not "free" in China.. People are not "free" in China and trade with China is not fair...

So when all of a sudden you get a bug to JUSTIFY a police murder here -- because the victim was not an upstanding citizen -- you kinda SOUND like one of them...

That's YOUR problem -- not mine.. Kinda a shocker to me.. But I'm getting disappointed by a LOT of folks on USMB that I thought I knew....

The cop was not an upstanding cop either... And that's Minneapolis's problem...

I had pointed out a few days ago, that Chauvin wasn't qualified to continue to be a policeman, he had been reprimanded many times, shows incompetence in the field, he certainly screwed up the handling of Mr. Floyd badly.

Yet he was still employed anyway. That is a sign of a deeper problem beyond a failure like Chauvin, because the City KNEW he was a risky employee in a community based field, where he MUST be competent in dealing with people he meet on the job, this implies that the city doesn't have high standards to strive for, so the man slips through the cracks end result is a dead man, who should have been left in the car in the first place!
You have NO IDEA what conc was found in the Tox report because they DID NOT SAY.. It could have been from a couple days ago..

Because fentanyl is such an overpowering drug, cops have died from just a little drop, why is it so beyond the pale of REason to think that it may have had a roll in this addicts death?

Happens all the time.

WHY are you making excuses over a murder?? What motivates you to claim "he would died any way"?? --- When NEITHER AUTOPSY made note of that "fact"???

Lol, I am not excusing the manslaughter, but when this goes to trial, defense will cast doubts on the corelation and ask which killed Floyd, the knee or the drugs?

The guy could barely stand up for Christs sake.

Seems like you've given up on the rule of law and just want to ENCOURAGE more cities to ignore the small percentage of bad cops that are ticking time bombs...

No, I have not given up on the rule of law. I just dont want people to convict these cops before they get their trial.

Chauvin should have booted YEARS ago from the force.. It's the Union and institutionalized BAD MUNI GOVT that allowed this to happen...

I agree, but those are generalities that should not color the process as to whether Chauvin did in fact cause Floyds death or was it just a corelated coincidence?

Pardon me for thinking for myself, Mommy. :D
There was never any basis for charging Chauvin, and as more evidence has come out even less reason for him to be charged with anything, and indeed he deserves a public service medal, and one from the NAACP for the giant favor he did for the black community, too. No telling how many more black women he would have assaulted and murdered if he had lived instead of stroking out from his drug use.

Murder in this country isn't just the law for the "good citizens".. That only happens in places like PRepofChina.. Where making a protester "disappear" is justified by their LOW "social behavior" score that ChiComm INtelligence assessed that citizen thru spying on EVERYBODY... You a big fan of that?

Thought so...

Well, I wouldn't know anything about how grand REd China is, I leave it to the 'libertarians' and the Wall Street fan clubs who love doing business with them to keep us informed, ' free trade n stuff', you know, especially if it involves a police state keeping labor cheap and passive for you poor victims of 'unfree markets' here. They do what govt. should be doing, providing police and legal protection for you libertarians and globalists from your slaves.

A SWING --- and a miss.,, STrike 1.. So it seems you DO admire and make excuses for a "militarized national policing force that is totally tied into their MASSIVE domestic spying and surveillance systems and detention camps and "disappearing protesters"... All the things that libertarians ABHOR and want to prevent in the USA... Markets are not "free" in China.. People are not "free" in China and trade with China is not fair...

So when all of a sudden you get a bug to JUSTIFY a police murder here -- because the victim was not an upstanding citizen -- you kinda SOUND like one of them...

That's YOUR problem -- not mine.. Kinda a shocker to me.. But I'm getting disappointed by a LOT of folks on USMB that I thought I knew....

The cop was not an upstanding cop either... And that's Minneapolis's problem...

I had pointed out a few days ago, that Chauvin wasn't qualified to continue to be a policeman, he had been reprimanded many times, shows incompetence in the field, he certainly screwed up the handling of Mr. Floyd badly.

Yet he was still employed anyway. That is a sign of a deeper problem beyond a failure like Chauvin, because the City KNEW he was a risky employee in a community based field, where he MUST be competent in dealing with people he meet on the job, this implies that the city doesn't have high standards to strive for, so the man slips through the cracks end result is a dead man, who should have been left in the car in the first place!

The cities just run into brick walls with the Police unions.. Think it was Bernie Kerak, former NYC police chief that said sometime this week that only 1% of complaints against police in Minneapolis resulted in ANY sanctions.. Even a days suspension.. And their training ALLOWS that kind of restraint which is BANNED in the majority of big munis...

Justice reform STARTS at the city level... Eric Gardner was choked to death over selling $1 "loosey" cigarettes on the streets because the MAYOR wanted the $12 CITY TAX on cigarettes and demanded the POLICE crack down... Ferguson blew up because there was an AVERAGE of 3.5 warrants PER HOUSEHOLD in that city.. A large percentage of which had TOTALLY FAULTY paperwork or processing on them or were just BOGUS... And yet THEIR police dept was doing its job to ENFORCE bad warrants..

You ASK the police to do stupid things or enforce bad warrants or laws and THEY DO..,. And then you ask folks on the brink of surviving economically to take WHOLE DAYS OFF to wait around a courthouse to try and FIX a bad warrant or a bad arrest without specific TIME to appear.. Or arrest them because they TRY to pay a portion of their fines thru the mail with cash and the cities SEND IT BACK...

Bad govt CREATES bad policing by NOT having a "user friendly interface" for marginally poor citizens..
Because fentanyl is such an overpowering drug, cops have died from just a little drop, why is it so beyond the pale of REason to think that it may have had a roll in this addicts death?

Happens all the time.

Because both autopsies reported only a trace of a couple drugs and NEITHER ONE of them mentioned drugs as potential ascerbating factor in his DEATH???? Didn't SAY fentanyl INTOXICATION did it?

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