George H.W. Bush has died

I'm amazed at the vileness some here have displayed. Looks like Shakespeare was right that a man's shortcomings live on while the good gets buried. But what we give is what we get, so I fully expect all those who highlight faults and ignore the good in a soul to be remembered for the worst in them in epitaph.

He was a man who tried to the best of his ability, and he won more than he lost. RIP!

I too am amazed at the vileness. While everyone has their faults, I do not believe any of the nonsense that some state about him in this thread. But some people will believe anything about someone if it serves their personal biases.
Hatred dies hard
Globalism is all about hate
Now we get to watch the phony MSM gush in their "quiet" voices for 7 days. The same ones recently trashing HW for grabbing a rear end from a wheelchair? Huh? Yet leftist filth ate it up as a way to attack conservatives.
I'm amazed at the vileness some here have displayed. Looks like Shakespeare was right that a man's shortcomings live on while the good gets buried. But what we give is what we get, so I fully expect all those who highlight faults and ignore the good in a soul to be remembered for the worst in them in epitaph.

He was a man who tried to the best of his ability, and he won more than he lost. RIP!

I too am amazed at the vileness. While everyone has their faults, I do not believe any of the nonsense that some state about him in this thread. But some people will believe anything about someone if it serves their personal biases.
Hatred dies hard

That's because you loons grow crops of hate and feed on it.
Apparently, you have chosen not to read all the conservative posts on this thread just filled with venom against George H.W. Bush. Open your mind and you may have a change of opinion who is fostering hate.
New World order is all about hate...
I too am amazed at the vileness. While everyone has their faults, I do not believe any of the nonsense that some state about him in this thread. But some people will believe anything about someone if it serves their personal biases.
Hatred dies hard

That's because you loons grow crops of hate and feed on it.
Apparently, you have chosen not to read all the conservative posts on this thread just filled with venom against George H.W. Bush. Open your mind and you may have a change of opinion who is fostering hate.

Here's a little story about that: No.

I'm not interested in reading every post in every thread. I am here purely for my own amusement. And I note that the most virulent mainstream hate is spread by the Left.
Sad. I will not derail this thread except to say that you have closed your mind and only wish to live in an echo chamber.

I voted for G. H.W. Bush. He was far from perfect, but in most respects a decent and honest man. His type of moderate Republicanism is dead, with many of their ideas merged with the Democratic party. Obama had more in common with Bush Republicanism than Trump.
George Bush Senior was a progressive and a one world government globalist
I too am amazed at the vileness. While everyone has their faults, I do not believe any of the nonsense that some state about him in this thread. But some people will believe anything about someone if it serves their personal biases.
Hatred dies hard

That's because you loons grow crops of hate and feed on it.
Apparently, you have chosen not to read all the conservative posts on this thread just filled with venom against George H.W. Bush. Open your mind and you may have a change of opinion who is fostering hate.

Here's a little story about that: No.

I'm not interested in reading every post in every thread. I am here purely for my own amusement. And I note that the most virulent mainstream hate is spread by the Left.
Sad. I will not derail this thread except to say that you have closed your mind and only wish to live in an echo chamber.

I voted for G. H.W. Bush. He was far from perfect, but in most respects a decent and honest man. His type of moderate Republicanism is dead, with many of their ideas merged with the Democratic party. Obama had more in common with Bush Republicanism than Trump.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzzz.

There are no moderate Dems anymore either. This topic of fringe polarization is discussed frequently on this board. The RW fringe does not engage in the riots, terrorism, silencing etc. that the LW fringe performs.
George HW Bush is one of my favorite Presidents and one of the best.

He did what was best for the country even if it hurt him politically.

HE cared about the environment.

Under HW, we installed a cap & trade to cure acid rain.

He put together a coalition & Desert Storm was one of the best military operations ever.

He knew the country's debt was an issue & installed a tax increase ti help control it even though it broke a campaign promise.

Politics were irrelevant, Country first & always. Just like his military service.

I voted for him twice.
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George H. W. Bush was a kind and caring man who was a war hero and tried his best to be a good president. So show a little respect or shut the fuck up.

In what way was HW Bush a war hero? HW Bush was a fighter pilot who crashed his aircraft into the sea but was saved by a United States sewer pipe, submarine. HW Bush never engaged the enemy in battle.

Yet another low life piece oif fucking shit trashing a veterans service to his country.
Yo, this man lived a Glorious Life, and now he is Dead, it`s not like we didn`t know it was coming, in and out of the hospital, it was only a matter of time, now move on, the family will shed the tears & and have the grief!

the only thing i liked during his 'prezidency' was 'the highway of death' from 'kuwait to iraq' . Course he was simply 'prezident' and the planning for that 'highway of death' was done by General Norman Schwarzkopf RDave .
George H. W. Bush was a kind and caring man who was a war hero and tried his best to be a good president. So show a little respect or shut the fuck up.
Read this & shove it up your ass to worthless fuck.

In what way was HW Bush a war hero? HW Bush was a fighter pilot who crashed his aircraft into the sea but was saved by a United States sewer pipe, submarine. HW Bush never engaged the enemy in battle.
On this day in 1944, future President George Herbert Walker Bush is serving as a torpedo bomber pilot in the Pacific theater of World War II when his squadron is attacked by Japanese anti-aircraft guns. Bush was forced to bail out of the plane over the ocean. According to the Navy’s records, Bush’s squadron was conducting a bombing mission on a Japanese installation on the island of Chi Chi Jima in the Pacific when they encountered heavy anti-aircraft fire. The engine on Bush’s plane was set ablaze, yet Bush managed to release his bombs and head back toward the aircraft carrier San Jacinto before bailing out over the water. Three other crew members perished in the attack. After floating on a raft for four hours, a submarine crew fished a safe but exhausted Bush out of the water. His bravery in action earned him a Distinguished Flying Cross. The previous June, Bush had experienced a similar close call with death when he was forced to make a crash landing on water after a bombing run; a U.S. destroyer crew rescued him from the sea. After his harrowing experience near Chi Chi Jima, Bush returned to the San Jacinto and continued to pilot torpedo bombers in several successful missions. Over the course of 1944, while his squadron suffered a 300 percent casualty rate among its pilots, an undaunted Bush won three Air Medals as well as a Presidential Unit Citation. In total, Bush flew 58 combat missions during the war. In December 1944, Bush was reassigned to Norfolk Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia, where he was tasked with training new pilots. He received an honorable discharge from the Navy in September 1945 after the Japanese surrender.
I'm amazed at the vileness some here have displayed. Looks like Shakespeare was right that a man's shortcomings live on while the good gets buried. But what we give is what we get, so I fully expect all those who highlight faults and ignore the good in a soul to be remembered for the worst in them in epitaph.

He was a man who tried to the best of his ability, and he won more than he lost. RIP!

i don't like Moderates 'rinos' repubs or 'gop' , too me they are more dangerous than lefties and dems JLaw . ---------------- --- Lady Gaga Poses for Photo with Five Former U.S. Presidents --- they are ALL the same as they 'yuck' it up JLaw .
RINOs is just another term for Eisenhower Republicans, and, now increasingly, Reagan Republicans. These so-called RINOs ,as G.H.W. Bush, were the true Republicans before the party was hijacked by populists and the Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity arm of the party. The once fringe arm of the party is now in control of the Republican apparatus, thus, the ostracism of those that came before, Pismoe.

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