George Zimmerman Files 100 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Trayon Martin's Family

Zimmerman is an idiot and an asshole that however does not mean he should have gotten railroaded in the Martin case. When they had the trial and the facts and evidence was presented the correct verdict was arrived at. I also hope the correct verdict comes in his lawsuit against the family which in my view right now should be for the case to be tossed and the court to basically tell him to FO.
I agree with your assessment of Zimmerman, but he was acquitted. How does that constitute being railroaded?
George Zimmerman sues Trayvon Martin family, others for $100 million

Conservative patriot and hero, George Zimmerman, will finally receive the justice that he has so long been denied all of these years....George Zimmerman is suing Trayvon Martin’s family, prosecutors and others for $100 million.

"The suit seeks $100 million in civil damages, alleging defamation, abuse of civil process and conspiracy. The lawsuit, filed in Polk County, where Zimmerman now lives, cites information in a documentary about the case that accuses the Martin family of engineering false testimony"

Basically, the lawsuit alleges that Rachel Jeantel, the prosecution’s key witness during the 2013 trial, was both “an imposter and fake witness.” This and other accusations come from a recently released film and book The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America. Helmed by director Joel Gilbert. The lawsuit alleges that Trayvon’s real girlfriend and legitimate phone witness was in fact Miami resident Brittany Diamond Eugene, who was switched out for Jeantel when Eugene refused to bear false witness against Zimmerman.

Aside from suing the Martin family, he is also suing their former attorney, Florida prosecutors Bernie de la Rionda, John Guy, and Angela Corey; the book publisher HarperCollins; the Florida Department of Law Enforcement; and the state of Florida. Each is accused of either “knowing about or should have known about the witness fraud, obstructing justice, or lied repeatedly under oath in order to cover up their knowledge of the witness fraud.” Mysteriously missing from the lawsuit is the woman they claimed was the "fake witness"

Anywho, the state of Florida needs to pay up and give this man back his life and dignity that they conspired together to rob....The Central Park 5 case (by the way, those 5 guys did it) is nothing compared to the injustice suffered by Zimmerman.

You left the others out of your headline. Including the prosecutor and the county. Lets hope they file a countersuit for just $1 million. That will ruin what is left of the pathetic loser life of George Zimmerman. I'm amazed somebody hasn't walked up behind him and put a bullet through his head yet. Now that he has exposed himself again, his address will certainly become available now with this lawsuit. Let's see if a concerted effort can be made to get that address, and publish it all over the internet for those that might be interested.
I was under the impression that the prosecutors have immunity, I wonder who is representing him>
I lub dat boy lol
I know how it pisses you off when men who were ACTUALLY WRONGFULLY convicted win multi million dollar settlements.....
View attachment 293186

I know Trump is still pissed off that innocent men were able to successfully sue the city for restitution...…

Donald Trump: Central Park Five settlement is a 'disgrace'

Why do men who were actually WRONGFULLY convicted winning law suits make you idiots so mad??
Not so fast. The miscarriage of justice was in letting them out

You're a fucking idiot.
You're black.
He defended himself legally against a violent attacker. Why would you want someone to go to jail for that?

So, if I was stalking your wife and you saw me, you approach me & push me & we start to fight, it is OK for me to kill you?

If I break into your house & you hear me, come down & take a shot at me & miss, I can kill you & claim self defense?

Why didn't Trayvon have the right to stand his ground when he was being stalked? don't understand anything.....

The push.....did not lead to imminent threat of death or great bodily doofus. As long as neither of you presents that danger neither of you can use deadly force. There are places you can go to learn about this, if you actually care....

If you are illegally on the premise you can't claim self moron.

Trayvon could have stopped and confronted zimmerman.....he didn't do that.....he circled back and ambushed zimmerman, you doofus.....and at the point where he was slamming zimmerman's head against the concrete, it became an act of imminent death or great bodily moron...

He did ask Zimmerman what he was doing. He never said he was Neighborhood Watch.

Why are you lying about this?

So, when I break into your house & you shoot & miss, I can gun you down & claim self defense.

I saw the back of Zimmerman's head,. Hardly slamming. The only reason you think he was being slammed was Zimmerman.

1) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood Watch rule by being armed
2) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood by following Martin
3) Zimmerman never identified himself as Neighborhood Watch.
Zimmerman wasn't on neighborhood watch when he was brutally attacked. He was on his way to Target.

So did Trayvon pull him out of his truck while he was on his way to Target?
He saw the punk casing robberies. Trayvon got what was coming and is where he deserves to be. Now it's time to put his family where they should be and take everything they have, everything they will ever have and everything they ever thought about having.
George Zimmerman sues Trayvon Martin family, others for $100 million

Conservative patriot and hero, George Zimmerman, will finally receive the justice that he has so long been denied all of these years....George Zimmerman is suing Trayvon Martin’s family, prosecutors and others for $100 million.

"The suit seeks $100 million in civil damages, alleging defamation, abuse of civil process and conspiracy. The lawsuit, filed in Polk County, where Zimmerman now lives, cites information in a documentary about the case that accuses the Martin family of engineering false testimony"

Basically, the lawsuit alleges that Rachel Jeantel, the prosecution’s key witness during the 2013 trial, was both “an imposter and fake witness.” This and other accusations come from a recently released film and book The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America. Helmed by director Joel Gilbert. The lawsuit alleges that Trayvon’s real girlfriend and legitimate phone witness was in fact Miami resident Brittany Diamond Eugene, who was switched out for Jeantel when Eugene refused to bear false witness against Zimmerman.

Aside from suing the Martin family, he is also suing their former attorney, Florida prosecutors Bernie de la Rionda, John Guy, and Angela Corey; the book publisher HarperCollins; the Florida Department of Law Enforcement; and the state of Florida. Each is accused of either “knowing about or should have known about the witness fraud, obstructing justice, or lied repeatedly under oath in order to cover up their knowledge of the witness fraud.” Mysteriously missing from the lawsuit is the woman they claimed was the "fake witness"

Anywho, the state of Florida needs to pay up and give this man back his life and dignity that they conspired together to rob....The Central Park 5 case (by the way, those 5 guys did it) is nothing compared to the injustice suffered by Zimmerman.
I get your sarcasm, but you're right, although I know you think the Martin thug was a victim.
So do you disagree with Trump when he complained about the Central Park 5 suing the city for their "WRONGFUL IMPRISONMENT"???

No, Because I don't believe it was wrong. I believe they were guilty.

If you are part of a group that engages in illegal activities, I think you are guilty. You by being there, and doing absolutely nothing, are guilty. If you see someone being raped, and you choose to not call the police, and not stop the rape, and you don't leave.... you are guilty.

You are evil disgusting person, and society would be better off if you didn't exist.

If you have a daughter, and I'm with a group of friends, and some friend of mine starts beating the snot out of your daughter, and I'm just sitting in the corner watching it happening, say nothing, do nothing, and just laugh the corner as your daughter cries out....

And you met me, and I admitted all this to you, and said I made no attempt to stop my 'friends'... you would likely beat the snot out of me, and RIGHTLY SO.

Those boys may, or may not have directly participated in the rape and beating of that woman. But they are absolutely guilty, and they should be in prison.
Zimmerman is an idiot and an asshole that however does not mean he should have gotten railroaded in the Martin case. When they had the trial and the facts and evidence was presented the correct verdict was arrived at. I also hope the correct verdict comes in his lawsuit against the family which in my view right now should be for the case to be tossed and the court to basically tell him to FO.
I agree with your assessment of Zimmerman, but he was acquitted. How does that constitute being railroaded?
Remember the trail come up as a result of media attention the police and DA had already looked at the case and came to the conclusion it was self defense. He was being railroaded by public opinion and distorted information being put out by the media. If you remember when the media showed pictures of Trayvon Martin it was of when he was 8 or 10 years old not the 17-18 year old he was at the time of the shooting that creates a false impression of who the victim was. The media also put out an edited version of Zimmermans call with the 911 operator in the edited version it sounded like he was out looking for a black person to harrass but he was actually responding to questions the 911 operator was asking him. Last Zimmerman claimed Martin attacked him had him on the ground banging his head on the sidewalk the press claimed he did not have any injuries to support that claim but there was video of Zimmerman at the police station that showed he did have cuts and injuries to the back of his head to support his claim. If the public had not found out about the edited 911 call and video showing his injuries I think he would have been found guilty to me the media using that edited 911 call by it's self feels like raildroading.
So, if I was stalking your wife and you saw me, you approach me & push me & we start to fight, it is OK for me to kill you?

If I break into your house & you hear me, come down & take a shot at me & miss, I can kill you & claim self defense?

Why didn't Trayvon have the right to stand his ground when he was being stalked? don't understand anything.....

The push.....did not lead to imminent threat of death or great bodily doofus. As long as neither of you presents that danger neither of you can use deadly force. There are places you can go to learn about this, if you actually care....

If you are illegally on the premise you can't claim self moron.

Trayvon could have stopped and confronted zimmerman.....he didn't do that.....he circled back and ambushed zimmerman, you doofus.....and at the point where he was slamming zimmerman's head against the concrete, it became an act of imminent death or great bodily moron...

He did ask Zimmerman what he was doing. He never said he was Neighborhood Watch.

Why are you lying about this?

So, when I break into your house & you shoot & miss, I can gun you down & claim self defense.

I saw the back of Zimmerman's head,. Hardly slamming. The only reason you think he was being slammed was Zimmerman.

1) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood Watch rule by being armed
2) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood by following Martin
3) Zimmerman never identified himself as Neighborhood Watch.
Zimmerman wasn't on neighborhood watch when he was brutally attacked. He was on his way to Target.

So did Trayvon pull him out of his truck while he was on his way to Target?
Tavon martin black punk ass guy shot like a dog he was.. stopped acting like you fucking care you just causing of race riots

I know racist assholes like you celebrate when you see a young black teenager murdered.
You don't have evidence that zimmerman was in the right, either. He was acquitted because of a lack of evidence, not evidence of innocence. Get it straight.
Every ounce of their mountain of evidence cleared zimmerman of any wrong doing.
O.J. was cleared of any wrong doing too.
OJ wasnt cleared because there was a mountain of evidence pointing to his innocence.

You are truly a moron.
What pisses you off more about that punk ass bitch getting shot like a dog?

Maybe the next time you see one of these punk ass bitches walking in the neighborhood you can try your luck and see if you can kill one. don't understand anything.....

The push.....did not lead to imminent threat of death or great bodily doofus. As long as neither of you presents that danger neither of you can use deadly force. There are places you can go to learn about this, if you actually care....

If you are illegally on the premise you can't claim self moron.

Trayvon could have stopped and confronted zimmerman.....he didn't do that.....he circled back and ambushed zimmerman, you doofus.....and at the point where he was slamming zimmerman's head against the concrete, it became an act of imminent death or great bodily moron...

He did ask Zimmerman what he was doing. He never said he was Neighborhood Watch.

Why are you lying about this?

So, when I break into your house & you shoot & miss, I can gun you down & claim self defense.

I saw the back of Zimmerman's head,. Hardly slamming. The only reason you think he was being slammed was Zimmerman.

1) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood Watch rule by being armed
2) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood by following Martin
3) Zimmerman never identified himself as Neighborhood Watch.
Zimmerman wasn't on neighborhood watch when he was brutally attacked. He was on his way to Target.

So did Trayvon pull him out of his truck while he was on his way to Target?
Tavon martin black punk ass guy shot like a dog he was.. stopped acting like you fucking care you just causing of race riots

I know racist assholes like you celebrate when you see a young black teenager murdered.
No you black democrats do every four years when you vote for a democrat
Every ounce of their mountain of evidence cleared zimmerman of any wrong doing.
O.J. was cleared of any wrong doing too.
OJ wasnt cleared because there was a mountain of evidence pointing to his innocence.

You are truly a moron.
What pisses you off more about that punk ass bitch getting shot like a dog?

Maybe the next time you see one of these punk ass bitches walking in the neighborhood you can try your luck and see if you can kill one.
It’s coming don’t worry
Zimmerman is an idiot and an asshole that however does not mean he should have gotten railroaded in the Martin case. When they had the trial and the facts and evidence was presented the correct verdict was arrived at. I also hope the correct verdict comes in his lawsuit against the family which in my view right now should be for the case to be tossed and the court to basically tell him to FO.
I agree with your assessment of Zimmerman, but he was acquitted. How does that constitute being railroaded?
Remember the trail come up as a result of media attention the police and DA had already looked at the case and came to the conclusion it was self defense.

You mean like they have done many times before when a black teenager was murdered.

He was being railroaded by public opinion and distorted information being put out by the media. If you remember when the media showed pictures of Trayvon Martin it was of when he was 8 or 10 years old not the 17-18 year old he was at the time of the shooting that creates a false impression of who the victim was.

So you think it is normal for a 17yr old, 160lb teenager to handle a 203lb, 28yr old man. The false impression was of Zimmerman fools like you try to make it seem like he was just some poor, little, cream puff that the thug black kid was picking on.

The media also put out an edited version of Zimmermans call with the 911 operator in the edited version it sounded like he was out looking for a black person to harrass but he was actually responding to questions the 911 operator was asking him.

They put out the original 911 call WTF are you talking about. Had Trayvon been a grown man do you think that coward would have fucked with him.

Last Zimmerman claimed Martin attacked him had him on the ground banging his head on the sidewalk the press claimed he did not have any injuries to support that claim but there was video of Zimmerman at the police station that showed he did have cuts and injuries to the back of his head to support his claim.

So how is it a man whose had was banged on concrete and grounded and pounded didn't even need a band-aid.

If the public had not found out about the edited 911 call and video showing his injuries I think he would have been found guilty to me the media using that edited 911 call by it's self feels like raildroading.

Why was none of Zimmerman's skin or hair under Trayvon's nails since he was grounding and pounding. Why did Trayvon only have a scratch on his ring finger if his grounding and pounding. How did Zimmerman's clothes get so clean?
He did ask Zimmerman what he was doing. He never said he was Neighborhood Watch.

Why are you lying about this?

So, when I break into your house & you shoot & miss, I can gun you down & claim self defense.

I saw the back of Zimmerman's head,. Hardly slamming. The only reason you think he was being slammed was Zimmerman.

1) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood Watch rule by being armed
2) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood by following Martin
3) Zimmerman never identified himself as Neighborhood Watch.
Zimmerman wasn't on neighborhood watch when he was brutally attacked. He was on his way to Target.

So did Trayvon pull him out of his truck while he was on his way to Target?
Tavon martin black punk ass guy shot like a dog he was.. stopped acting like you fucking care you just causing of race riots

I know racist assholes like you celebrate when you see a young black teenager murdered.
No you black democrats do every four years when you vote for a democrat

Funny how your messiah claimed he was going to stop the violence in Chicago, tell us what he has done exactly.
He defended himself legally against a violent attacker. Why would you want someone to go to jail for that?

So, if I was stalking your wife and you saw me, you approach me & push me & we start to fight, it is OK for me to kill you?

If I break into your house & you hear me, come down & take a shot at me & miss, I can kill you & claim self defense?

Why didn't Trayvon have the right to stand his ground when he was being stalked? don't understand anything.....

The push.....did not lead to imminent threat of death or great bodily doofus. As long as neither of you presents that danger neither of you can use deadly force. There are places you can go to learn about this, if you actually care....

If you are illegally on the premise you can't claim self moron.

Trayvon could have stopped and confronted zimmerman.....he didn't do that.....he circled back and ambushed zimmerman, you doofus.....and at the point where he was slamming zimmerman's head against the concrete, it became an act of imminent death or great bodily moron...

He did ask Zimmerman what he was doing. He never said he was Neighborhood Watch.

Why are you lying about this?

So, when I break into your house & you shoot & miss, I can gun you down & claim self defense.

I saw the back of Zimmerman's head,. Hardly slamming. The only reason you think he was being slammed was Zimmerman.

1) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood Watch rule by being armed
2) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood by following Martin
3) Zimmerman never identified himself as Neighborhood Watch.
Not one of those things is illegal, you epic fucking moron. Attacking people IS illegal though.

Stalking is illegal.

Why is it illegal to protect yourself from a stalker?

Acting as Neighborhood Watch, he is held to higher standards.

He didn't protect himself from a actual courtroom testimony stated....he lost zimmerman in the condo complex and went back looking for him...he then ambushed zimmerman and attacked him...
O.J. was cleared of any wrong doing too.
OJ wasnt cleared because there was a mountain of evidence pointing to his innocence.

You are truly a moron.
What pisses you off more about that punk ass bitch getting shot like a dog?

Maybe the next time you see one of these punk ass bitches walking in the neighborhood you can try your luck and see if you can kill one.
It’s coming don’t worry

Your coward ass is just going to peep out the window like you have done all your life.
So, if I was stalking your wife and you saw me, you approach me & push me & we start to fight, it is OK for me to kill you?

If I break into your house & you hear me, come down & take a shot at me & miss, I can kill you & claim self defense?

Why didn't Trayvon have the right to stand his ground when he was being stalked? don't understand anything.....

The push.....did not lead to imminent threat of death or great bodily doofus. As long as neither of you presents that danger neither of you can use deadly force. There are places you can go to learn about this, if you actually care....

If you are illegally on the premise you can't claim self moron.

Trayvon could have stopped and confronted zimmerman.....he didn't do that.....he circled back and ambushed zimmerman, you doofus.....and at the point where he was slamming zimmerman's head against the concrete, it became an act of imminent death or great bodily moron...

He did ask Zimmerman what he was doing. He never said he was Neighborhood Watch.

Why are you lying about this?

So, when I break into your house & you shoot & miss, I can gun you down & claim self defense.

I saw the back of Zimmerman's head,. Hardly slamming. The only reason you think he was being slammed was Zimmerman.

1) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood Watch rule by being armed
2) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood by following Martin
3) Zimmerman never identified himself as Neighborhood Watch.
Not one of those things is illegal, you epic fucking moron. Attacking people IS illegal though.

Stalking is illegal.

Why is it illegal to protect yourself from a stalker?

Acting as Neighborhood Watch, he is held to higher standards.

He didn't protect himself from a actual courtroom testimony stated....he lost zimmerman in the condo complex and went back looking for him...he then ambushed zimmerman and attacked him...

I guess that is the racist conservative version of events.
So, if I was stalking your wife and you saw me, you approach me & push me & we start to fight, it is OK for me to kill you?

If I break into your house & you hear me, come down & take a shot at me & miss, I can kill you & claim self defense?

Why didn't Trayvon have the right to stand his ground when he was being stalked? don't understand anything.....

The push.....did not lead to imminent threat of death or great bodily doofus. As long as neither of you presents that danger neither of you can use deadly force. There are places you can go to learn about this, if you actually care....

If you are illegally on the premise you can't claim self moron.

Trayvon could have stopped and confronted zimmerman.....he didn't do that.....he circled back and ambushed zimmerman, you doofus.....and at the point where he was slamming zimmerman's head against the concrete, it became an act of imminent death or great bodily moron...

He did ask Zimmerman what he was doing. He never said he was Neighborhood Watch.

Why are you lying about this?

So, when I break into your house & you shoot & miss, I can gun you down & claim self defense.

I saw the back of Zimmerman's head,. Hardly slamming. The only reason you think he was being slammed was Zimmerman.

1) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood Watch rule by being armed
2) Zimmerman broke the Neighborhood by following Martin
3) Zimmerman never identified himself as Neighborhood Watch.
Zimmerman wasn't on neighborhood watch when he was brutally attacked. He was on his way to Target.

So did Trayvon pull him out of his truck while he was on his way to Target?
He saw the punk casing robberies.

That's racist excuse he used.

Trayvon got what was coming and is where he deserves to be.

So is that why Zimmerman is a broke ass piece of shit.

Now it's time to put his family where they should be and take everything they have, everything they will ever have and everything they ever thought about having.

Wishful thinking racist assclown. Zimmerman is going to get what is coming to him, but it won't be a damn thing from Trayvon's family.
Zimmerman wasn't on neighborhood watch when he was brutally attacked. He was on his way to Target.

So did Trayvon pull him out of his truck while he was on his way to Target?
Tavon martin black punk ass guy shot like a dog he was.. stopped acting like you fucking care you just causing of race riots

I know racist assholes like you celebrate when you see a young black teenager murdered.
No you black democrats do every four years when you vote for a democrat

Funny how your messiah claimed he was going to stop the violence in Chicago, tell us what he has done exactly.

Funny how your messiah claimed he was going to stop the violence in Chicago, tell us what he has done exactly.

You are a moron...

Chicago to get more ATF agents to fight gun violence

The Trump administration announced Friday that it is dispatching an additional 20 ATF agents permanently to the nation's third-largest city to stem gun violence that's left more than 1,000 dead over the last 18 months.

With the additional agents, the agency presence will increase to about 61 agents from 41 in Chicago. The Justice Department and city also announced they have formed a joint strike force of federal and local law enforcement officials to ramp up prosecution of gun-related crimes.

Federal gun prosecutions up in Chicago, fewer illegal immigration, fraud cases

In the past two years, more gun defendants were charged in federal court in Chicago than in Los Angeles, even though L.A. has a larger metro population.

Lausch said his new Gun Crimes Prosecution Team will focus on parts of the city with high rates of shootings and murders. He said the aim is to pursue “impactful” cases — which might mean filing a gun charge to get a violent individual off the street or taking down an entire gang with a more complex racketeering case.
he number of federal gun prosecutions in Chicago is now about double what it was a decade ago.

Meanwhile, the number of federal immigration and fraud cases in Chicago has dropped in the past 10 years. A decade ago, the U.S. attorney’s office in Chicago had brought about three times as many prosecutions for immigrants re-entering the country illegally and about twice as many fraud cases as it has in recent years, court records show.

There were 295 defendants charged by federal authorities in Chicago with fraud in 2009, 200 in 2015 and 145 in 2018. Those totals were for 12-month periods ending on March 31.


In the past year, gun prosecutions were up about 19 percent nationally over a decade ago.

Zimmerman is an idiot and an asshole that however does not mean he should have gotten railroaded in the Martin case. When they had the trial and the facts and evidence was presented the correct verdict was arrived at. I also hope the correct verdict comes in his lawsuit against the family which in my view right now should be for the case to be tossed and the court to basically tell him to FO.
I agree with your assessment of Zimmerman, but he was acquitted. How does that constitute being railroaded?
Remember the trail come up as a result of media attention the police and DA had already looked at the case and came to the conclusion it was self defense.

You mean like they have done many times before when a black teenager was murdered.

He was being railroaded by public opinion and distorted information being put out by the media. If you remember when the media showed pictures of Trayvon Martin it was of when he was 8 or 10 years old not the 17-18 year old he was at the time of the shooting that creates a false impression of who the victim was.

So you think it is normal for a 17yr old, 160lb teenager to handle a 203lb, 28yr old man. The false impression was of Zimmerman fools like you try to make it seem like he was just some poor, little, cream puff that the thug black kid was picking on.

The media also put out an edited version of Zimmermans call with the 911 operator in the edited version it sounded like he was out looking for a black person to harrass but he was actually responding to questions the 911 operator was asking him.

They put out the original 911 call WTF are you talking about. Had Trayvon been a grown man do you think that coward would have fucked with him.

Last Zimmerman claimed Martin attacked him had him on the ground banging his head on the sidewalk the press claimed he did not have any injuries to support that claim but there was video of Zimmerman at the police station that showed he did have cuts and injuries to the back of his head to support his claim.

So how is it a man whose had was banged on concrete and grounded and pounded didn't even need a band-aid.

If the public had not found out about the edited 911 call and video showing his injuries I think he would have been found guilty to me the media using that edited 911 call by it's self feels like raildroading.

Why was none of Zimmerman's skin or hair under Trayvon's nails since he was grounding and pounding. Why did Trayvon only have a scratch on his ring finger if his grounding and pounding. How did Zimmerman's clothes get so clean?
The trial proved that they had it right we had to go through all that because idiots like you have to push your agenda that every time a black person is killed by anyone other than another black person it’s racist. There are times when that is the case no doubt about it but this was not one of them no matter how hard some tried to make into one.
Zimmerman wasn't on neighborhood watch when he was brutally attacked. He was on his way to Target.

So did Trayvon pull him out of his truck while he was on his way to Target?
Tavon martin black punk ass guy shot like a dog he was.. stopped acting like you fucking care you just causing of race riots

I know racist assholes like you celebrate when you see a young black teenager murdered.
No you black democrats do every four years when you vote for a democrat

Funny how your messiah claimed he was going to stop the violence in Chicago, tell us what he has done exactly.
He would have implemented stop and frisk and saved lives.. but you racist Dems said no
OJ wasnt cleared because there was a mountain of evidence pointing to his innocence.

You are truly a moron.
What pisses you off more about that punk ass bitch getting shot like a dog?

Maybe the next time you see one of these punk ass bitches walking in the neighborhood you can try your luck and see if you can kill one.
It’s coming don’t worry

Your coward ass is just going to peep out the window like you have done all your life.
You def don’t know me haha

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