George Zimmerman


That way that bastard can't kill more children.

He can legally buy another gun. Or he could run them over in his car, use a knife, poison, a baseball bat...

I am sure you get the picture.

Yeah, he could do any of that. That's not the issue. The ISSUE at the forefront here is the illegal seizure of his personal property by the government. The 4th Amendment of the Constitution was written to prevent illegal seizure of personal property. I am going to note that in my letter to my congressman on Monday.

I know. I was responding to the idiot that thought that denying Zimmerman a right to his legal property means he cannot defend himself.
So a man doesn't have a right to self defense as a thug beats on him? Is this what's he saying...


The problem with the trial is that--in THIS case--the jury accepted the story of the killer, and assumed the victim was guilty.

You really can't twist it any other way.

That's somewhat unusual, and it's why race is suspected of being a factor.
The problem with that is the "victim" was also the assailant. And an FBI investigation concluded Zimmerman was not a racist. Trayvon's remarks to his girlfriend that night, however, prove that he was.
So everyone's is supporting what ? forbidding people from defending themselves ?

It's more of a bigger issue. This is something that started in the black community back when Occupy started.
This is just the beginning, I am guessing.
Here ya go. Pick a convenient location.

Looks like no free food, music, boobs, beer or porn. That's kind of a bummer so I'll be sitting this one out.

"Justice for Trayvon" National Day of Action Vigils in 100 Cities | National Action Network

that's horseshit. They gotta have something. how about port a pottys?

oh shit--there's one here. We just got rid of the flakey women were were throwing tampons around. oy vay

These guys don't know how to throw a rally.

I didn't see the port a pottys - but I thought that was just because of the no free beer thing. So you're saying they've got the ONE port a potty?

Cheapass rally if you ask me.
Obama "There is a history"

No kidding? I think we all know that there was slavery and a lot of racial abuse in this country.

And just so you know, my best friend is black and we talk about this.

But the fact that there is a history of White Americans lording over blacks does not mean that George Zimmerman should be tried by the preisdent, Attorney General and the NAACP when he was found not guilty by a jury trial.
Well if there were't witnesses and evidence there would be only Zimmerman's word. But there was.

There was NO witness that described Zimmerman's actions prior to his altercation with Martin; no witness regarding the words exchanged; no witness regarding initial contact.

The only witness I'm aware of described Zimmerman getting his ass handed to him. Curiously, that witness did not witness the shooting.

Tell us, what kind of fight marks did Trayvon have on him other than a defensive gunshot wound? None. Why? Because he assaulted Zimmerman with a punch to the nose, then threw him to the ground, straddled him and pounded his head into the pavement. That is hard evidence that Trayvon assualted Zimmerman and Zimmerman defended his life. But you already knew that, you just don't want to accept reality.
At least there is one black man who has some intelligence.

Comedian Bill Cosby says the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the death of Florida teen isn't about racism.
Cosby, an outspoken voice on cultural issues, says the recent trial did not prove that Zimmerman had racist motives at any point during his confrontation with Martin. That means race shouldn't be a part of the conversation regarding the case.

“Let’s not go into a racial discussion unless we really have something there,” he told radio hosts Domenick Nati and Nate Foutz.

Cosby also blasted the news media and said that he had stopped paying attention to “high-profile” court cases after the Casey Anthony murder trial because journalists were so convinced she would be found guilty and yet she was not....

Regarding the Zimmerman trial, Cosby said that he did not think the state of Florida was able to prove its case against him. “I found that the prosecution did not tell the story well. And they lost,” Cosby said.

Bill Cosby: Zimmerman Acquittal Not About Race
Here ya go. Pick a convenient location.

Looks like no free food, music, boobs, beer or porn. That's kind of a bummer so I'll be sitting this one out.

"Justice for Trayvon" National Day of Action Vigils in 100 Cities | National Action Network

that's horseshit. They gotta have something. how about port a pottys?

oh shit--there's one here. We just got rid of the flakey women were were throwing tampons around. oy vay

These guys don't know how to throw a rally.

I didn't see the port a pottys - but I thought that was just because of the no free beer thing. So you're saying they've got the ONE port a potty?

Cheapass rally if you ask me.

ass---port a potty
I get it
that's horseshit. They gotta have something. how about port a pottys?

oh shit--there's one here. We just got rid of the flakey women were were throwing tampons around. oy vay

These guys don't know how to throw a rally.

I didn't see the port a pottys - but I thought that was just because of the no free beer thing. So you're saying they've got the ONE port a potty?

Cheapass rally if you ask me.

ass---port a potty
I get it

I like ya because you connect dots well.

So you heading for the rally or going to sit it out?

I guess Al isn't going to be at my designated location either. Add that to the no beer, music, food, boob thing and I think my rally may be a bust.
The simple fact that the civil rights division of the DoJ investigates, and prosecutes, those cases does not make them a civil rights violation. In fact, the only specific law they mention vis a vis indivduals violating civil rights is about violent crimes, not civil rights

FBI ? Federal Statutes

Criminal Civil Rights Violations FAQ -

Your welcome, dumbass.

Did you read your links? Especially the second one?

Didn't think so.
that's horseshit. They gotta have something. how about port a pottys?

oh shit--there's one here. We just got rid of the flakey women were were throwing tampons around. oy vay

These guys don't know how to throw a rally.

I didn't see the port a pottys - but I thought that was just because of the no free beer thing. So you're saying they've got the ONE port a potty?

Cheapass rally if you ask me.

ass---port a potty
I get it

Liberals just shit in the grass.
These guys don't know how to throw a rally.

I didn't see the port a pottys - but I thought that was just because of the no free beer thing. So you're saying they've got the ONE port a potty?

Cheapass rally if you ask me.

ass---port a potty
I get it

I like ya because you connect dots well.

So you heading for the rally or going to sit it out?

I guess Al isn't going to be at my designated location either. Add that to the no beer, music, food, boob thing and I think my rally may be a bust.

Honest to God's truth? I don't trust myself to go there and keep my mouth shut. There will be a zillion crazy liberals there.
ass---port a potty
I get it

I like ya because you connect dots well.

So you heading for the rally or going to sit it out?

I guess Al isn't going to be at my designated location either. Add that to the no beer, music, food, boob thing and I think my rally may be a bust.

Honest to God's truth? I don't trust myself to go there and keep my mouth shut. There will be a zillion crazy liberals there.

I forgot about that part.

So no Al, no beer, no music, no food, no boobs, no porn and a zillion crazy libs.

WTH is this thing again?
ass---port a potty
I get it

I like ya because you connect dots well.

So you heading for the rally or going to sit it out?

I guess Al isn't going to be at my designated location either. Add that to the no beer, music, food, boob thing and I think my rally may be a bust.

Honest to God's truth? I don't trust myself to go there and keep my mouth shut. There will be a zillion crazy liberals there.

I hate crowds.
I like ya because you connect dots well.

So you heading for the rally or going to sit it out?

I guess Al isn't going to be at my designated location either. Add that to the no beer, music, food, boob thing and I think my rally may be a bust.

Honest to God's truth? I don't trust myself to go there and keep my mouth shut. There will be a zillion crazy liberals there.

I forgot about that part.

So no Al, no beer, no music, no food, no boobs, no porn and a zillion crazy libs.

WTH is this thing again?

Rioting and the killing of republicans.
Hate crimes are not civil rights violations, idiot.

Well yeah..they are.

USDOJ: Civil Rights Division: About the Criminal Section

The simple fact that the civil rights division of the DoJ investigates, and prosecutes, those cases does not make them a civil rights violation. In fact, the only specific law they mention vis a vis indivduals violating civil rights is about violent crimes, not civil rights.

The newly enacted § 249 has three significant subsections. Subsection (a)(1) criminalizes violent acts (and attempts to commit violent acts undertaken with a dangerous weapon) when those acts occur because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person.

Civil Rights Division Home Page

Joe McCarthy would have LOVED with this country has become.

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