Germany Owns its Past: America Denies Hers.

Me, neither - on a personal level. Got into every school I applied to. But the point remains - many whites have been punished via affirmative action.

Beyond that, they are being punished in the workplace. When Biden, for example, announces that whites will Be excluded from consideration for a prestigious, lifelong job, then whites are being punished by virtue of their race.
I had no issue with Biden picking a judge that was a woman and of minority but what I had the issue with was him making it clear it had to be Black…

Now why would I have any issue with that?

Simple, the court still does not reflect our Nation and no Asian American sit on the High Court and until then the left can not say they are truly for diversity…

Also Sotomayor was the first Female that was Non-White and it seem to me Biden downplayed her role as breaking a glass ceiling…

The left proclaims diversity is needed at the Highest levels of Government and yet Asian Americans are still left behind along with Native Americans and it seem the left truly believe the only minority that counts is the Black minority…

Funny, a true racist like myself complaining about the injustice in life and yet the left never see what they do when they become fixated on one race over the other…

Biden would have done more had he picked an Asian American to the court so he could show one of the fastest growing communities that they will be also represented but he didn’t…
Yeah they work there...............and as I are from the Sandy region of the world.......
Alabama isn't particularly sandy. You aren't very intelligent. Is that why all you can do is accuse?
I don't think that's true, but these days every one seems to be competing for victim status..

Even Trump. He's been complaining for 50 years that he's treated unfairly and the system is rigged against him.
Nobody’s competing for victim status. All we’re doing is pointing out that blacks are the ones being singled out SOLELY as having been mistreated, while the tolerance - or even promotion - of bigotry against other groups is ignored.
Alabama isn't particularly sandy. You aren't very intelligent. Is that why all you can do is accuse?
We have sand here..........and we don't put up with PRAVDA TROLLS...........

This is a message board...........and you lecture us all the time.........Which part of Freedom to return fire to you is ANTI FREEDOM.

Oh.........we were talking about Germany and you were talking about how America has no right to judge..........

Germany caused 2 world Wars.............deaths of vast numbers of please continue with the BS
Nobody’s competing for victim status. All we’re doing is pointing out that blacks are the ones being singled out SOLELY as having been mistreated, while the tolerance - or even promotion - of bigotry against other groups is ignored.
Jews and fundamentalist Christians are competing.. and some men whine about women and minorities.
The children in the US make their own decisions from what they have observed.
Children are very vulnerable to being manipulated into believing what they are TOLD.

Unless of course you mean when they observe all the looters on TV news are black. THAT they could observe.
We have sand here..........and we don't put up with PRAVDA TROLLS...........

This is a message board...........and you lecture us all the time.........Which part of Freedom to return fire to you is ANTI FREEDOM.

Oh.........we were talking about Germany and you were talking about how America has no right to judge..........

Germany caused 2 world Wars.............deaths of vast numbers of please continue with the BS
You're a barking loon. Calm down. I didn't say America has no right to judge. I said I studied US history warts and all.. and I'm still a patriot.

Americans are strong enough to stand a bit of introspection. Perhaps you personally are not. Maybe it's a sign of the times. Trump has always been extremely fragile too.
Children are very vulnerable to being ma into believing what they are TOLD.
Children still think. They question the supernatural events of the Old Testament, Santa Claus, Easter bunny very early.. by age 7 at the latest.
You're a barking loon. Calm down. I didn't say America has no right to judge. I said I studied US history warts and all.. and I'm still a patriot.

Americans are strong enough to stand a bit of introspection. Perhaps you personally are not. Maybe it's a sign of the times. Trump has always been extremely fragile too.
Trump, Trump, Trump….can’t you libs have a discussion on something unrelated to him without putting in your digs?

This discussion is focused on how blacks are being singled out for victim status, while prejudice against other minorities is tolerated or even condoned. Blacks aren’t the only people in this country.
Jews and fundamentalist Christians are competing.. and some men whine about women and minorities.
No they’re not. We are just pointing out the double standards that libs apply - screaming about racism non-stop while exhibiting a chilling tolerance for bigotry against others.

And why in the world would Jews “compete” for victim status? Due to our emphasis on education and marriage before babies, we have risen to near the top - and despite the antisemitism.
Trump, Trump, Trump….can’t you libs have a discussion on something unrelated to him without putting in your digs?

This discussion is focused on how blacks are being singled out for victim status, while prejudice against other minorities is tolerated or even condoned. Blacks aren’t the only people in this country.
I agree, however something is amiss. The gangbanger, gunslinger subculture is pretty hard to ignore. The recent arrests in Atlanta of three rappers responsible for ten years of criminal activity across the city .... Mind you that's NOT all blacks in Atlanta, but it is shocking.
No they’re not. We are just pointing out the double standards that libs apply - screaming about racism non-stop while exhibiting a chilling tolerance for bigotry against others.

And why in the world would Jews “compete” for victim status? Due to our emphasis on education and marriage before babies, we have risen to near the top - and despite the antisemitism.
I agree, however we do have some Jewish posters who specialize in threads about hatred and persecution of Jews.
Why do I say we deny our past? Have you ever heard of Critical Race Theory? Three letters, CRT, makes conservative whites start foaming at the mouth.

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West Germany has been dealing with its past for a long time.

The US never lost, so it never bothers to think about the genocide and all that. Well, at least certain sections of US society at least.
When did they stop teaching the history of slavery and The Civil War in schools?

I certainly remember we were taught it when I went to school.

odanny is just talking shit. And to be clear, I was also taught about slavery and the civil war in public school.
Learn to read

I said libs are teaching aka brainwashing white children they are racists who benefit just by being white

Which is s damn lie

Libs constantly and purposefully miss the point. Being stupid is part of their defense strategy.
I agree, however we do have some Jewish posters who specialize in threads about hatred and persecution of Jews.
I can’t think of anyone like that. Perhaps those posters are just showing that blacks aren’t the only ones to have been HORRIFICALLY mistreated - and that with the right choices, one moves beyond bigotry.

At the same time, we have posters who specialize into tearing apart the Jewish religion. Just a few days ago, one of them started a thread saying the entire foundation of their religion was based on a lie, and that rabbis lie to Jews. (here’s a mirror)

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