Getting Harder to Hide the Truth!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. It is amusing to consider the absurd push for "equality,' meaning economic or material equality aspired to by Democrat/Liberal/Progressive policy.

Amusing as a circular absurdity.

2. In order for there to be the above sort of equality, the policies ignore the requirement of intellectual equality, equality of work ethic, equality of desire, or delay of gratification, adherence to traditional values, and so very many other inequalities that are part of the human condition.

Government cannot change human nature.
a. "The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.”
Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198
That's the big picture.

3. The smaller picture involves the ability to make judgments about the future....

Take, for example all of the warnings issued by the Right about in inexperienced back-bencher, whose resume had little more than "community organizer," and included associations with criminals, radicals and America-haters.

4. Today, in the news:

"Democrats Privately Calling Obama 'Detached,' 'Flat Footed,' 'Incompetent'

CNN's John King reports that Democrats are privately calling President Obama "detached," "flat footed," and "incompetent."

....said King on his CNN show this morning. "More and more Democrats in key 2014 races are calling for the president to get a spine, they say, and fire his Veterans Affairs secretary. And what more and more Democrats are saying privately is scathing, calling the president and his team [see above]....

....what democrats are saying privately in the wakes of the problems, they see a president who doesn't want to take command, doesn't want to act fast. Raising the competence question."
Democrats Privately Calling Obama 'Detached,' 'Flat Footed,' 'Incompetent' | The Weekly Standard

Does it pay to say 'Told you so!"

5. Obviously, we on the Right were correct.
Who says so?
Democrat officials say so.....above.

But it is essential to place blame for the damage done in electing a man who was never....never.....equipped to be the President of the United States.

The Democrat elites are catching on, admitting what we said way back..."Obama 'Detached,' 'Flat Footed,' 'Incompetent'"

But that's not enough. The true incompetents are the voters who put Obama in his position.

And those still supporting him?

Terms such as 'mentally deficient' come to mind.

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