Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything
This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

Actually, what she said wasn't accurate at all.

This is what she said.

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?

Well, a whole lot of problems with that statement.

First was that German Anti-Semitism didn't start with the Nazis... Really, it goes back centuries. Martin Luther (The father of the German Church) wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies"

Second, There was public disapproval of some of the more radical things the Nazis did. For instance, after Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), public opinion was horrified by what the Nazis did to Jewish shop owners. After that, the Nazis did a lot of what they did in secret.

Third- and here's the important one... If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war. Most of them fled the country before the war started. Most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were from Poland or eastern European Axis nations who were happy to turn them over. Killing them didn't become a war aim until Jan. 1942 at the Wansee conference.

Fourth, if anyone are the Nazi analogs in modern culture, it isn't the people who are pushing back agasint Trump and his MAGAts, it's the MAGAts themselves.

Also, this isn't the first time she's said something stupid on social media, and Disney just doesn't want the bother. Who can blame them.

Sorry, that is not accurate and Gina is much more correct than what you wrote.

First of all, I am Jewish and of German descent, so this is not propaganda.

But Germany was the LEAST anti-Jewish country in Europe originally. France was anti-Jewish because of the Roman influence, and the Romans hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
Slavs in general hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
But Germans and Jews got along so well that the Ashkenazi essentially adopted the Germanic language, Yiddish.
That happened due to Iranians, Sythians, and Jews migrating to Germany around 1000 AD. So German is really about the most Jewish country in Europe, and has the most and earliest exposure.
(Only Spain had more early Jewish contact, but that was only when the Moors were there, so did not last.)

So then why did Germany suddenly become so anti-Jewish? It was WWI. The British enticed Zionists with the Balfour Declaration, and some Zionist German Jews fell for it. They spied against Germany, giving England the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and the Zimmerman Letter. Which caused Germany a humiliating defeat in an unjust war they did not start. So then the Holocaust was NOT at all about religion. It was about Zionists being traitors.
What is unfortunate is that most Jews are anti-Zionist, but not feel forced to Israel anyway, even though they are against the existence of Israel. Jews are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah before returning to the Mideast, according to Judaism.

And really, do not use the word "anti-Semitism. The word "Semitic" does NOT mean Jewish. It actually means "of an Arab language group". So anti-Semitic really means anti Arab, not anti Jewish.
At the time Germany was having massive financial issues due to WWI sanctions and he made the Jews the scapegoats. Zero conflation to Trump. You need to STFU. I lost 95% of my ancestors due to WW2 and the Holocaust. I have heard dozens of firsthand stories of what happened.

Um, yeah, but why were the Jews such an easy scapegoat?

Maybe because they institgated the November 1918 revolution that brought down the Kaiser and Germany's surrender.

View attachment 455999
Check it out.. this is a political cartoon from 1919. Before Hitler started the NSDAP. Perpetuating the "Stabbed in the Back" Myth Dolchstoßlegende

This was on top of Martin Luther making anti-Semitism a core tenet of Lutheranism.

Germans didn't really like the Jews long before Hitler, that was the point.

That Germans did not like Jews before Hitler was Gina's point.
Yes, it was the sense of betrayal around WWI that turned the German population against Jews.
1) I had actual relatives who were there and as described to me she is 100% accurate.

Really? People in Eastern Europe knew what was going on in Germany?

2) What she said was an opinion and only offensive to leftists who decided to cancel her.

Actually, it was offensive to the Disney Managers, that was the problem.

3) Many German Jews lost everything you are wrong again.

Which wasn't my point. 75% of the Jews of Germany and Austria survived the war, unlike the Jews of Poland, who were nearly completely wiped out.

4) Her point is that the News Entertainment Media has turned neighbor vs neighbor. Hell family member vs family member even.

Um, no, what turned people against each other was Trump and his hateful rhetoric and total disdain for common decency.

5) The point is she didn’t say anything illegal or offensive. She is cancelled because leftists like you are easily offended.

No, buddy, she was cancelled because she was bringing unnecessary controversy to a media corporation which is well known for their family friendly image. This wasn't the first time she said dumb things on Social Media, but Disney probably just got tired of her nonsense.
My grandmother’s sister on my mother’s side lived in Berlin. She was a teacher. If she said BLM is a great organization and we should kneel for the anthem she would not have been cancelled. People turned on each other long before Trump. 75% survival rate is weak sauce. 6 million dead total is insanity.
At the time Germany was having massive financial issues due to WWI sanctions and he made the Jews the scapegoats. Zero conflation to Trump. You need to STFU. I lost 95% of my ancestors due to WW2 and the Holocaust. I have heard dozens of firsthand stories of what happened.

Um, yeah, but why were the Jews such an easy scapegoat?

Maybe because they institgated the November 1918 revolution that brought down the Kaiser and Germany's surrender.

View attachment 455999
Check it out.. this is a political cartoon from 1919. Before Hitler started the NSDAP. Perpetuating the "Stabbed in the Back" Myth Dolchstoßlegende

This was on top of Martin Luther making anti-Semitism a core tenet of Lutheranism.

Germans didn't really like the Jews long before Hitler, that was the point.
There you go. Blame the Jews. Love how I can easily get you to admit your antisemitism. Too easy.
This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

Actually, what she said wasn't accurate at all.

This is what she said.

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?

Well, a whole lot of problems with that statement.

First was that German Anti-Semitism didn't start with the Nazis... Really, it goes back centuries. Martin Luther (The father of the German Church) wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies"

Second, There was public disapproval of some of the more radical things the Nazis did. For instance, after Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), public opinion was horrified by what the Nazis did to Jewish shop owners. After that, the Nazis did a lot of what they did in secret.

Third- and here's the important one... If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war. Most of them fled the country before the war started. Most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were from Poland or eastern European Axis nations who were happy to turn them over. Killing them didn't become a war aim until Jan. 1942 at the Wansee conference.

Fourth, if anyone are the Nazi analogs in modern culture, it isn't the people who are pushing back agasint Trump and his MAGAts, it's the MAGAts themselves.

Also, this isn't the first time she's said something stupid on social media, and Disney just doesn't want the bother. Who can blame them.

Sorry, that is not accurate and Gina is much more correct than what you wrote.

First of all, I am Jewish and of German descent, so this is not propaganda.

But Germany was the LEAST anti-Jewish country in Europe originally. France was anti-Jewish because of the Roman influence, and the Romans hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
Slavs in general hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
But Germans and Jews got along so well that the Ashkenazi essentially adopted the Germanic language, Yiddish.
That happened due to Iranians, Sythians, and Jews migrating to Germany around 1000 AD. So German is really about the most Jewish country in Europe, and has the most and earliest exposure.
(Only Spain had more early Jewish contact, but that was only when the Moors were there, so did not last.)

So then why did Germany suddenly become so anti-Jewish? It was WWI. The British enticed Zionists with the Balfour Declaration, and some Zionist German Jews fell for it. They spied against Germany, giving England the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and the Zimmerman Letter. Which caused Germany a humiliating defeat in an unjust war they did not start. So then the Holocaust was NOT at all about religion. It was about Zionists being traitors.
What is unfortunate is that most Jews are anti-Zionist, but not feel forced to Israel anyway, even though they are against the existence of Israel. Jews are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah before returning to the Mideast, according to Judaism.

And really, do not use the word "anti-Semitism. The word "Semitic" does NOT mean Jewish. It actually means "of an Arab language group". So anti-Semitic really means anti Arab, not anti Jewish.
Except it does. Google antisemitism. While the Original meaning was as you say it has transformed to hatred of Jews.


  1. hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.
This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

Actually, what she said wasn't accurate at all.

This is what she said.

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?

Well, a whole lot of problems with that statement.

First was that German Anti-Semitism didn't start with the Nazis... Really, it goes back centuries. Martin Luther (The father of the German Church) wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies"

Second, There was public disapproval of some of the more radical things the Nazis did. For instance, after Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), public opinion was horrified by what the Nazis did to Jewish shop owners. After that, the Nazis did a lot of what they did in secret.

Third- and here's the important one... If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war. Most of them fled the country before the war started. Most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were from Poland or eastern European Axis nations who were happy to turn them over. Killing them didn't become a war aim until Jan. 1942 at the Wansee conference.

Fourth, if anyone are the Nazi analogs in modern culture, it isn't the people who are pushing back agasint Trump and his MAGAts, it's the MAGAts themselves.

Also, this isn't the first time she's said something stupid on social media, and Disney just doesn't want the bother. Who can blame them.

Sorry, that is not accurate and Gina is much more correct than what you wrote.

First of all, I am Jewish and of German descent, so this is not propaganda.

But Germany was the LEAST anti-Jewish country in Europe originally. France was anti-Jewish because of the Roman influence, and the Romans hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
Slavs in general hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
But Germans and Jews got along so well that the Ashkenazi essentially adopted the Germanic language, Yiddish.
That happened due to Iranians, Sythians, and Jews migrating to Germany around 1000 AD. So German is really about the most Jewish country in Europe, and has the most and earliest exposure.
(Only Spain had more early Jewish contact, but that was only when the Moors were there, so did not last.)

So then why did Germany suddenly become so anti-Jewish? It was WWI. The British enticed Zionists with the Balfour Declaration, and some Zionist German Jews fell for it. They spied against Germany, giving England the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and the Zimmerman Letter. Which caused Germany a humiliating defeat in an unjust war they did not start. So then the Holocaust was NOT at all about religion. It was about Zionists being traitors.
What is unfortunate is that most Jews are anti-Zionist, but not feel forced to Israel anyway, even though they are against the existence of Israel. Jews are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah before returning to the Mideast, according to Judaism.

And really, do not use the word "anti-Semitism. The word "Semitic" does NOT mean Jewish. It actually means "of an Arab language group". So anti-Semitic really means anti Arab, not anti Jewish.
Except it does. Google antisemitism. While the Original meaning was as you say it has transformed to hatred of Jews.


  1. hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.

Dictionaries have to include all the possible common interpretations, including ones that are wrong. For example, the wording of the second Amendment says "a well regulated Militia", but the meaning of regulated really means well practiced and functioning. The fact we now use it to mean controlled or restricted, is really wrong. Just because a false meaning becomes popular, that does not make it right or meaningful. People who use "regulated" to mean controlled or restricted are ignorant. Words effect how you think. New-Speak. It should be resisted.
Imagine the foolishness when an Israeli calls an Arab anti-Semitic, if he knew that Semitic means Arab. How could an Arab be anti-Arab? Word are important. The word Semitic should remind us that Hebrew were a type of Arab, since Hebrew is an Arab language derivative.
This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

Actually, what she said wasn't accurate at all.

This is what she said.

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?

Well, a whole lot of problems with that statement.

First was that German Anti-Semitism didn't start with the Nazis... Really, it goes back centuries. Martin Luther (The father of the German Church) wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies"

Second, There was public disapproval of some of the more radical things the Nazis did. For instance, after Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), public opinion was horrified by what the Nazis did to Jewish shop owners. After that, the Nazis did a lot of what they did in secret.

Third- and here's the important one... If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war. Most of them fled the country before the war started. Most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were from Poland or eastern European Axis nations who were happy to turn them over. Killing them didn't become a war aim until Jan. 1942 at the Wansee conference.

Fourth, if anyone are the Nazi analogs in modern culture, it isn't the people who are pushing back agasint Trump and his MAGAts, it's the MAGAts themselves.

Also, this isn't the first time she's said something stupid on social media, and Disney just doesn't want the bother. Who can blame them.

Sorry, that is not accurate and Gina is much more correct than what you wrote.

First of all, I am Jewish and of German descent, so this is not propaganda.

But Germany was the LEAST anti-Jewish country in Europe originally. France was anti-Jewish because of the Roman influence, and the Romans hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
Slavs in general hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
But Germans and Jews got along so well that the Ashkenazi essentially adopted the Germanic language, Yiddish.
That happened due to Iranians, Sythians, and Jews migrating to Germany around 1000 AD. So German is really about the most Jewish country in Europe, and has the most and earliest exposure.
(Only Spain had more early Jewish contact, but that was only when the Moors were there, so did not last.)

So then why did Germany suddenly become so anti-Jewish? It was WWI. The British enticed Zionists with the Balfour Declaration, and some Zionist German Jews fell for it. They spied against Germany, giving England the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and the Zimmerman Letter. Which caused Germany a humiliating defeat in an unjust war they did not start. So then the Holocaust was NOT at all about religion. It was about Zionists being traitors.
What is unfortunate is that most Jews are anti-Zionist, but not feel forced to Israel anyway, even though they are against the existence of Israel. Jews are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah before returning to the Mideast, according to Judaism.

And really, do not use the word "anti-Semitism. The word "Semitic" does NOT mean Jewish. It actually means "of an Arab language group". So anti-Semitic really means anti Arab, not anti Jewish.
Except it does. Google antisemitism. While the Original meaning was as you say it has transformed to hatred of Jews.


  1. hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.

Dictionaries have to include all the possible common interpretations, including ones that are wrong. For example, the wording of the second Amendment says "a well regulated Militia", but the meaning of regulated really means well practiced and functioning. The fact we now use it to mean controlled or restricted, is really wrong. Just because a false meaning becomes popular, that does not make it right or meaningful. People who use "regulated" to mean controlled or restricted are ignorant. Words effect how you think. New-Speak. It should be resisted.
Imagine the foolishness when an Israeli calls an Arab anti-Semitic, if he knew that Semitic means Arab. How could an Arab be anti-Arab? Word are important. The word Semitic should remind us that Hebrew were a type of Arab, since Hebrew is an Arab language derivative.
Should but I am telling you how it’s used now.
This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

Actually, what she said wasn't accurate at all.

This is what she said.

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?

Well, a whole lot of problems with that statement.

First was that German Anti-Semitism didn't start with the Nazis... Really, it goes back centuries. Martin Luther (The father of the German Church) wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies"

Second, There was public disapproval of some of the more radical things the Nazis did. For instance, after Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), public opinion was horrified by what the Nazis did to Jewish shop owners. After that, the Nazis did a lot of what they did in secret.

Third- and here's the important one... If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war. Most of them fled the country before the war started. Most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were from Poland or eastern European Axis nations who were happy to turn them over. Killing them didn't become a war aim until Jan. 1942 at the Wansee conference.

Fourth, if anyone are the Nazi analogs in modern culture, it isn't the people who are pushing back agasint Trump and his MAGAts, it's the MAGAts themselves.

Also, this isn't the first time she's said something stupid on social media, and Disney just doesn't want the bother. Who can blame them.

Sorry, that is not accurate and Gina is much more correct than what you wrote.

First of all, I am Jewish and of German descent, so this is not propaganda.

But Germany was the LEAST anti-Jewish country in Europe originally. France was anti-Jewish because of the Roman influence, and the Romans hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
Slavs in general hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
But Germans and Jews got along so well that the Ashkenazi essentially adopted the Germanic language, Yiddish.
That happened due to Iranians, Sythians, and Jews migrating to Germany around 1000 AD. So German is really about the most Jewish country in Europe, and has the most and earliest exposure.
(Only Spain had more early Jewish contact, but that was only when the Moors were there, so did not last.)

So then why did Germany suddenly become so anti-Jewish? It was WWI. The British enticed Zionists with the Balfour Declaration, and some Zionist German Jews fell for it. They spied against Germany, giving England the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and the Zimmerman Letter. Which caused Germany a humiliating defeat in an unjust war they did not start. So then the Holocaust was NOT at all about religion. It was about Zionists being traitors.
What is unfortunate is that most Jews are anti-Zionist, but not feel forced to Israel anyway, even though they are against the existence of Israel. Jews are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah before returning to the Mideast, according to Judaism.

And really, do not use the word "anti-Semitism. The word "Semitic" does NOT mean Jewish. It actually means "of an Arab language group". So anti-Semitic really means anti Arab, not anti Jewish.
Except it does. Google antisemitism. While the Original meaning was as you say it has transformed to hatred of Jews.


  1. hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.

Dictionaries have to include all the possible common interpretations, including ones that are wrong. For example, the wording of the second Amendment says "a well regulated Militia", but the meaning of regulated really means well practiced and functioning. The fact we now use it to mean controlled or restricted, is really wrong. Just because a false meaning becomes popular, that does not make it right or meaningful. People who use "regulated" to mean controlled or restricted are ignorant. Words effect how you think. New-Speak. It should be resisted.
Imagine the foolishness when an Israeli calls an Arab anti-Semitic, if he knew that Semitic means Arab. How could an Arab be anti-Arab? Word are important. The word Semitic should remind us that Hebrew were a type of Arab, since Hebrew is an Arab language derivative.
Should but I am telling you how it’s used now.

Well YES, we all know how it is used NOW, but the point is do you see WHY that is WRONG to do?
Calling an Arab, "anti-Semitic", is ignorant gibberish.
Which means the REAL words were deliberately altered in meaning, in order to deliberately change how we think.
We need to resist the manipulation of the way we think through the deliberate culturing of false connotations of words.
This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

Actually, what she said wasn't accurate at all.

This is what she said.

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?

Well, a whole lot of problems with that statement.

First was that German Anti-Semitism didn't start with the Nazis... Really, it goes back centuries. Martin Luther (The father of the German Church) wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies"

Second, There was public disapproval of some of the more radical things the Nazis did. For instance, after Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), public opinion was horrified by what the Nazis did to Jewish shop owners. After that, the Nazis did a lot of what they did in secret.

Third- and here's the important one... If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war. Most of them fled the country before the war started. Most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were from Poland or eastern European Axis nations who were happy to turn them over. Killing them didn't become a war aim until Jan. 1942 at the Wansee conference.

Fourth, if anyone are the Nazi analogs in modern culture, it isn't the people who are pushing back agasint Trump and his MAGAts, it's the MAGAts themselves.

Also, this isn't the first time she's said something stupid on social media, and Disney just doesn't want the bother. Who can blame them.

Sorry, that is not accurate and Gina is much more correct than what you wrote.

First of all, I am Jewish and of German descent, so this is not propaganda.

But Germany was the LEAST anti-Jewish country in Europe originally. France was anti-Jewish because of the Roman influence, and the Romans hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
Slavs in general hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
But Germans and Jews got along so well that the Ashkenazi essentially adopted the Germanic language, Yiddish.
That happened due to Iranians, Sythians, and Jews migrating to Germany around 1000 AD. So German is really about the most Jewish country in Europe, and has the most and earliest exposure.
(Only Spain had more early Jewish contact, but that was only when the Moors were there, so did not last.)

So then why did Germany suddenly become so anti-Jewish? It was WWI. The British enticed Zionists with the Balfour Declaration, and some Zionist German Jews fell for it. They spied against Germany, giving England the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and the Zimmerman Letter. Which caused Germany a humiliating defeat in an unjust war they did not start. So then the Holocaust was NOT at all about religion. It was about Zionists being traitors.
What is unfortunate is that most Jews are anti-Zionist, but not feel forced to Israel anyway, even though they are against the existence of Israel. Jews are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah before returning to the Mideast, according to Judaism.

And really, do not use the word "anti-Semitism. The word "Semitic" does NOT mean Jewish. It actually means "of an Arab language group". So anti-Semitic really means anti Arab, not anti Jewish.
Except it does. Google antisemitism. While the Original meaning was as you say it has transformed to hatred of Jews.


  1. hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.

Dictionaries have to include all the possible common interpretations, including ones that are wrong. For example, the wording of the second Amendment says "a well regulated Militia", but the meaning of regulated really means well practiced and functioning. The fact we now use it to mean controlled or restricted, is really wrong. Just because a false meaning becomes popular, that does not make it right or meaningful. People who use "regulated" to mean controlled or restricted are ignorant. Words effect how you think. New-Speak. It should be resisted.
Imagine the foolishness when an Israeli calls an Arab anti-Semitic, if he knew that Semitic means Arab. How could an Arab be anti-Arab? Word are important. The word Semitic should remind us that Hebrew were a type of Arab, since Hebrew is an Arab language derivative.
Should but I am telling you how it’s used now.

Well YES, we all know how it is used NOW, but the point is do you see WHY that is WRONG to do?
Calling an Arab, "anti-Semitic", is ignorant gibberish.
Which means the REAL words were deliberately altered in meaning, in order to deliberately change how we think.
We need to resist the manipulation of the way we think through the deliberate culturing of false connotations of words.
Just like even touching a QB in the NFL now
Is a penalty. Bitching about it doesn’t make it any less of a penalty. Antisemitism now means the hatred of Jews. Not sure why you’re arguing against it?
This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

Actually, what she said wasn't accurate at all.

This is what she said.

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?

Well, a whole lot of problems with that statement.

First was that German Anti-Semitism didn't start with the Nazis... Really, it goes back centuries. Martin Luther (The father of the German Church) wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies"

Second, There was public disapproval of some of the more radical things the Nazis did. For instance, after Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass), public opinion was horrified by what the Nazis did to Jewish shop owners. After that, the Nazis did a lot of what they did in secret.

Third- and here's the important one... If you were a German Jew in Germany or Austria, you had a pretty good chance of surviving the war. Most of them fled the country before the war started. Most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were from Poland or eastern European Axis nations who were happy to turn them over. Killing them didn't become a war aim until Jan. 1942 at the Wansee conference.

Fourth, if anyone are the Nazi analogs in modern culture, it isn't the people who are pushing back agasint Trump and his MAGAts, it's the MAGAts themselves.

Also, this isn't the first time she's said something stupid on social media, and Disney just doesn't want the bother. Who can blame them.

Sorry, that is not accurate and Gina is much more correct than what you wrote.

First of all, I am Jewish and of German descent, so this is not propaganda.

But Germany was the LEAST anti-Jewish country in Europe originally. France was anti-Jewish because of the Roman influence, and the Romans hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
Slavs in general hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
But Germans and Jews got along so well that the Ashkenazi essentially adopted the Germanic language, Yiddish.
That happened due to Iranians, Sythians, and Jews migrating to Germany around 1000 AD. So German is really about the most Jewish country in Europe, and has the most and earliest exposure.
(Only Spain had more early Jewish contact, but that was only when the Moors were there, so did not last.)

So then why did Germany suddenly become so anti-Jewish? It was WWI. The British enticed Zionists with the Balfour Declaration, and some Zionist German Jews fell for it. They spied against Germany, giving England the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and the Zimmerman Letter. Which caused Germany a humiliating defeat in an unjust war they did not start. So then the Holocaust was NOT at all about religion. It was about Zionists being traitors.
What is unfortunate is that most Jews are anti-Zionist, but not feel forced to Israel anyway, even though they are against the existence of Israel. Jews are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah before returning to the Mideast, according to Judaism.

And really, do not use the word "anti-Semitism. The word "Semitic" does NOT mean Jewish. It actually means "of an Arab language group". So anti-Semitic really means anti Arab, not anti Jewish.
Except it does. Google antisemitism. While the Original meaning was as you say it has transformed to hatred of Jews.


  1. hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.

Dictionaries have to include all the possible common interpretations, including ones that are wrong. For example, the wording of the second Amendment says "a well regulated Militia", but the meaning of regulated really means well practiced and functioning. The fact we now use it to mean controlled or restricted, is really wrong. Just because a false meaning becomes popular, that does not make it right or meaningful. People who use "regulated" to mean controlled or restricted are ignorant. Words effect how you think. New-Speak. It should be resisted.
Imagine the foolishness when an Israeli calls an Arab anti-Semitic, if he knew that Semitic means Arab. How could an Arab be anti-Arab? Word are important. The word Semitic should remind us that Hebrew were a type of Arab, since Hebrew is an Arab language derivative.
Should but I am telling you how it’s used now.

Well YES, we all know how it is used NOW, but the point is do you see WHY that is WRONG to do?
Calling an Arab, "anti-Semitic", is ignorant gibberish.
Which means the REAL words were deliberately altered in meaning, in order to deliberately change how we think.
We need to resist the manipulation of the way we think through the deliberate culturing of false connotations of words.
Just like even touching a QB in the NFL now
Is a penalty. Bitching about it doesn’t make it any less of a penalty. Antisemitism now means the hatred of Jews. Not sure why you’re arguing against it?

Because the word Semitic describe Arabs. not European Jews who do not even speak Hebrew, but Yiddish, which is not Semitic but Germanic.
I am saying that if you use anti-Semitic to mean anti Jew, then it screws up dozens of other words that can't be changed, so it has to be stopped.
Ashkenazi Jews are NOT at all Semitic.
Sephardic Jews are Semitic, but only because they are of Arab ancestry.
Ashkenazi are of European ancestry, so do not belong in the Mideast at all.
They have zero history there.
What I am saying is that the misuse of words forces false beliefs.
There are people who think Arabs are anti-Semitic, which is impossible, and that people like Netanyahu came from the Mideast, which they did not.
Wrong. They willingly participated.
Sure, the ones who hated Jews. I assumed (correctly) that you were not.referring to the Third Reich preaching to the choir.

No, pretty much the whole population. The Nazi Party numbered less than 10% of the German population. The only way they could do the horrible shit they did, is because the population as a whole willingly participated. Read some history.
Its absolutely inappropriate to compare the plight of the Jews with that of modern day QOPPERS. The Jews were rounded up, forced into gas chambers and then gassed. Nobody got hurt.

Whereas the QOPPERS have been been asked to wear facemasks in public buildings. There really is no comparison and her basic humanity should have told her to find a better example.

Having said that I cannot think of anything more horrific and demeaning than wearing a mask whilst signing up for Parler.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!

She compared the plight of being banned from Twitter to the Nazi Holocaust.

So? Why is that a fireable offense? I mean I think it’s a silly comparison, but it’s not bigoted or anything

Private industry has fired people for any number of reasons. Whoopi Goldberg got fired for lambasting President Bush. The Dixie Chicks lost their recording contract for the same reason. ....The door does swing both ways.

I like what I heard one time on Studio 60.... "Living in a free society means that sometimes you're going to hear things you don't like." The character who said that was fired shortly thereafter as I recall. lol.

What I think she is suffering from is the same thing that the Dixie Chicks suffered from. There are times when nobody will raise an eyebrow about criticism. The Chicks said they were embarrassed on 3/10/2003. We went in 10 days later but tensions were mounting. Gina's statement is crying about persecution of the right wing loons right after they murdered a cop.

Of course, the right wing loons aren't helping themselves by claiming the cop would have just dropped dead the next day and that they were never there at the capitol...

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?

Shows just how shallow and insane these vermin are. Nothing she said 'absolved Nazis' and was historically accurate. That was largely the case in most eastern Europe countries, some cases in Holland, France, Denmark, and Italy.
Wrong. They willingly participated.
Sure, the ones who hated Jews. I assumed (correctly) that you were not.referring to the Third Reich preaching to the choir.

No, pretty much the whole population. The Nazi Party numbered less than 10% of the German population. The only way they could do the horrible shit they did, is because the population as a whole willingly participated. Read some history.
Its absolutely inappropriate to compare the plight of the Jews with that of modern day QOPPERS. The Jews were rounded up, forced into gas chambers and then gassed. Nobody got hurt.

Whereas the QOPPERS have been been asked to wear facemasks in public buildings. There really is no comparison and her basic humanity should have told her to find a better example.

Having said that I cannot think of anything more horrific and demeaning than wearing a mask whilst signing up for Parler.

You, are absolutely wrong. The actions the dems are doing now, are the exact same they did to the Jews then. Ignorant twerps, like you, try and obfuscate what they are doing, but anyone who has read history knows you are full of crap.
Wrong. They willingly participated.
Sure, the ones who hated Jews. I assumed (correctly) that you were not.referring to the Third Reich preaching to the choir.

No, pretty much the whole population. The Nazi Party numbered less than 10% of the German population. The only way they could do the horrible shit they did, is because the population as a whole willingly participated. Read some history.
Its absolutely inappropriate to compare the plight of the Jews with that of modern day QOPPERS. The Jews were rounded up, forced into gas chambers and then gassed. Nobody got hurt.

Whereas the QOPPERS have been been asked to wear facemasks in public buildings. There really is no comparison and her basic humanity should have told her to find a better example.

Having said that I cannot think of anything more horrific and demeaning than wearing a mask whilst signing up for Parler.
Moron,pay attention since January the libs have called for spying and cancelling conservatives. They equate 75 million republicans with white supremicsts and claim all of them are domestic errorists. Several members of Congress have called for action to be taken against all conservatives and hve tried to gen up action against sitting members of Congress.
I wish to know how much Chinese or foreign influence is within all these "private" media companies that are deciding whether certain views are allowed.

It's extensive, as Disney and all the movie production companies slobber all over Red Chinese ass, no matter what vile atrocities they commit. There are lists of the 300 top corporations who openly support the violent communist front BLM and its cop killing agenda, and nearly all of them do big biz with Red China and its labor racketeers, and it isn't just media companies, it's banks, retailers, Big Ag, all down the line.

Meanwhile, Uncle Joe Xi is deeply concerned about, you know, Burma.
Sorry, that is not accurate and Gina is much more correct than what you wrote.

First of all, I am Jewish and of German descent, so this is not propaganda.

But Germany was the LEAST anti-Jewish country in Europe originally. France was anti-Jewish because of the Roman influence, and the Romans hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
Slavs in general hated the Jews due to their rebelliousness.
But Germans and Jews got along so well that the Ashkenazi essentially adopted the Germanic language, Yiddish.

yes, but very few of them actually LIVED in Germany, mostly due to centuries of oppression. There were only 500k Jews in Germany before the Nazis came to power, less than 1% of the population. Compared to some 3 million who lived in Poland.

That happened due to Iranians, Sythians, and Jews migrating to Germany around 1000 AD. So German is really about the most Jewish country in Europe, and has the most and earliest exposure.
(Only Spain had more early Jewish contact, but that was only when the Moors were there, so did not last.)

No, it really didn't. Less than 1% of the population.

So then why did Germany suddenly become so anti-Jewish? It was WWI. The British enticed Zionists with the Balfour Declaration, and some Zionist German Jews fell for it. They spied against Germany, giving England the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and the Zimmerman Letter. Which caused Germany a humiliating defeat in an unjust war they did not start. So then the Holocaust was NOT at all about religion. It was about Zionists being traitors.

Except it didn't "suddenly" become anything. The German culture has always been kind of anti-Jewish, for the reasons stated. The same can be said of most European civilizations, but the Germans were probably the worst. (And I say that being of German Ancestry). Part of it was because the bible explicitly says the Jews killed their God Man.

yes, the Jews got scapegoated for Germany's loss in WWI. Unfairly, because Germany was exhausted and defeated by 1918. No, the Holocaust wasn't just about religion, it was also about cockeyed racism and Germany's desire for more land and resources. It just wasn't about what the Manish Woman on Star Wars said... that the Jews are just like conservatives today.

If people don't like conservatives, it's because of the way they've conducted themselves over the last 20 years.

What is unfortunate is that most Jews are anti-Zionist, but not feel forced to Israel anyway, even though they are against the existence of Israel. Jews are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah before returning to the Mideast, according to Judaism.

That's one interpretation. I wouldn't say most Jews are anti-Zionist. Most of them are pro-Zionist and insist the rest of us should be, no matter what shitty stuff the State of Israel is caught doing.

The Germans killed the Jews
And the Jews killed the Arabs
and the Arabs killed the Hostages,
and that is the news.
Is it any wonder, that the monkey's confused?

- Roger Waters, Amused to Death

And really, do not use the word "anti-Semitism. The word "Semitic" does NOT mean Jewish. It actually means "of an Arab language group". So anti-Semitic really means anti Arab, not anti Jewish.

Shhh.. you'll get called "Anti-semitic" if you object to the Zionists murdering Arab children... Just ask Azog the Troll, he'll tell you all about it.
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My grandmother’s sister on my mother’s side lived in Berlin. She was a teacher. If she said BLM is a great organization and we should kneel for the anthem she would not have been cancelled. People turned on each other long before Trump. 75% survival rate is weak sauce. 6 million dead total is insanity.

Dude, your babbling again.

The Manish Woman said a lot of dumb things on Twitter, which is why she was cancelled from Star Wars, that fun space adventure for the whole family.


(You know, except for the part where the protagonist kills children, but other than that, a fun adventure for the whole family.)

Disney spent 4 BILLION dollars to just OWN Star Wars. The last thing they need is some Manish woman screwing that up by saying dumb things about part of their fan base.
She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?

This is equal rights. If a guy said something this dumb, they'd be fired, too.

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