Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

Hitler did everything in his power to build the hate towards the Jews.

Not the point I was making at all.

Sure, he built on hatred that was already deeply engrained in the culture. But it was already there.

Just like Trump didn't invent White Racism, but he kept building on it's worst aspects.
At the time Germany was having massive financial issues due to WWI sanctions and he made the Jews the scapegoats. Zero conflation to Trump. You need to STFU. I lost 95% of my ancestors due to WW2 and the Holocaust. I have heard dozens of firsthand stories of what happened.
1) I had actual relatives who were there and as described to me she is 100% accurate.

Really? People in Eastern Europe knew what was going on in Germany?

2) What she said was an opinion and only offensive to leftists who decided to cancel her.

Actually, it was offensive to the Disney Managers, that was the problem.

3) Many German Jews lost everything you are wrong again.

Which wasn't my point. 75% of the Jews of Germany and Austria survived the war, unlike the Jews of Poland, who were nearly completely wiped out.

4) Her point is that the News Entertainment Media has turned neighbor vs neighbor. Hell family member vs family member even.

Um, no, what turned people against each other was Trump and his hateful rhetoric and total disdain for common decency.

5) The point is she didn’t say anything illegal or offensive. She is cancelled because leftists like you are easily offended.

No, buddy, she was cancelled because she was bringing unnecessary controversy to a media corporation which is well known for their family friendly image. This wasn't the first time she said dumb things on Social Media, but Disney probably just got tired of her nonsense.
At the time Germany was having massive financial issues due to WWI sanctions and he made the Jews the scapegoats. Zero conflation to Trump. You need to STFU. I lost 95% of my ancestors due to WW2 and the Holocaust. I have heard dozens of firsthand stories of what happened.

Um, yeah, but why were the Jews such an easy scapegoat?

Maybe because they institgated the November 1918 revolution that brought down the Kaiser and Germany's surrender.


Check it out.. this is a political cartoon from 1919. Before Hitler started the NSDAP. Perpetuating the "Stabbed in the Back" Myth Dolchstoßlegende

This was on top of Martin Luther making anti-Semitism a core tenet of Lutheranism.

Germans didn't really like the Jews long before Hitler, that was the point.
She is cancelled because she is popular among a fan base SJW’s hate. Their goal is to destroy pop culture just because they can. Disney caved because they are looking for a government bail out and don’t want to rock the boat. Washington can give them more money than their fan base can so fans are expendable. People need to stop supporting the entertainment industry and giving them your money.

Is she popular? Frankly, I'm a big-time Science Fiction Nerd, and frankly, I was more or less indifferent to her character. I kind of like the Mandelorian compared to the Sequel Trilogy, which is just awful. But no one was watching that show for her.

The fucking Baby Yoda puppet was a bigger character than she was.
What most people don't realize was the Gestapo wasn't as many agents/officers as people think, it relied on Germans informing on Germans to perform their work
At gunpoint

Wrong. They willingly participated. There was a small minority of people who resisted. They were canceled first, then eliminated. There is a cemetery in Lich, at the Catholic Cathedral with many victims of the nazi way of doing things.

There is an excellent book called "The Nazi Seizure of Power".

We are following that history very closely now. Which should concern any thinking American.
Wrong. They willingly participated.
Sure, the ones who hated Jews. I assumed (correctly) that you were not.referring to the Third Reich preaching to the choir.

No, pretty much the whole population. The Nazi Party numbered less than 10% of the German population. The only way they could do the horrible shit they did, is because the population as a whole willingly participated. Read some history.
No, pretty much the whole population.
Granted, the vast majority already hated Jews. Hitler found fertile ground and willing clergy in the churches for his anti-semitism, and it was academic from there. Nevertheless, sympathizers existed. Many ended up in the work camps themselves. The ones that didn't either fled or complied with their oppressors under threat.

Oops! It appears the Mandalorian himself tweeted the same type of shit but got away with it.

Can you guess why? And no, it's not because he's the star.

Oops! It appears the Mandalorian himself tweeted the same type of shit but got away with it.

Can you guess why? And no, it's not because he's the star.
Same, eh?

You SURE about that?

Oops! It appears the Mandalorian himself tweeted the same type of shit but got away with it.

Can you guess why? And no, it's not because he's the star.
Same, eh?

You SURE about that?

Try reading what he said, dumbass.
The comparison she made was inane, but nothing to have her fired over. They should reconsider.
People by now should realize that public figures need to be careful online especially when working for someone like Disney.

Maybe she can get a job selling pillows or something.
But only if they oppose the lefty message.
Even if it’s a lefty contradicting a lefty contradiction.
Only in the American culture of rightwing faux victimhood can people continue to broadcast whatever they like to the entire world, while simultaneously whining like little bitches that they are being "silenced".

First, conservatives can't broadcast whatever they like to the entire world; Carcano's firing is proof of that. Secondly, left wingers are not held to the same standard, at least, not as often.

If Carcano's tweet warrants termination then the Disney producer I cited earlier who tweeted about feeding "MAGAKids" into a woodchipper warrants it even more so. His tweet was much, much worse as he advocated violence against kids and even illustrated his comments with a pic of a woodchipper spewing blood on the snow. Presumably, the blood of "MAGAKids".

So even putting aside for the moment the idea that conservatives are being silenced and persecuted, Disney's actions in this case are entirely hypocritical.

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