Give a man a fish.......


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This characterizes the Conservative solution to poverty. Makes alot of sense actually, how could liberals not embrace it. After all, "free stuff" causes dependencey.

But what about the man who cannot afford a fishing pole?
What about the man who lives in a place where there are no fish?

Liberals say....Give that man a fishing pole so he can fish. But Conservatives scream, Why should "I" pay for his free stuff?

Liberals say, bring more fish into his area. But Conservatives scream, It is not my problem where he lives

Conservatives are willing to teach a man to fish. But once they do, they consider the job to be done
Tell ya' what, I'm willing to finance a new fishing pole, a new boat and everything needed so he can be independent.

But I'm gonna' do it at High Interest Rates so that in lean times when the Fisherman misses a few payments, I can Repossess his Boat!

I am NOT a Liberal. I am NOT a Conservative.

I am a Banker!
and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This characterizes the Conservative solution to poverty. Makes alot of sense actually, how could liberals not embrace it. After all, "free stuff" causes dependencey.

But what about the man who cannot afford a fishing pole?
What about the man who lives in a place where there are no fish?

Liberals say....Give that man a fishing pole so he can fish. But Conservatives scream, Why should "I" pay for his free stuff?

Liberals say, bring more fish into his area. But Conservatives scream, It is not my problem where he lives

Conservatives are willing to teach a man to fish. But once they do, they consider the job to be done

A string and a hook doesn't cost much. The man ought to be able to afford it himself. He also might have to go where the fish are. Your man seems pathetic! A real man can do things for himself.
and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This characterizes the Conservative solution to poverty. Makes alot of sense actually, how could liberals not embrace it. After all, "free stuff" causes dependencey.

But what about the man who cannot afford a fishing pole?
What about the man who lives in a place where there are no fish?

Liberals say....Give that man a fishing pole so he can fish. But Conservatives scream, Why should "I" pay for his free stuff?

Liberals say, bring more fish into his area. But Conservatives scream, It is not my problem where he lives

Conservatives are willing to teach a man to fish. But once they do, they consider the job to be done

How do you give a man self respect, determination, self discipline, sense of responsibility? That's your pole, Gertrude.
and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This characterizes the Conservative solution to poverty. Makes alot of sense actually, how could liberals not embrace it. After all, "free stuff" causes dependencey.

But what about the man who cannot afford a fishing pole?
What about the man who lives in a place where there are no fish?

Liberals say....Give that man a fishing pole so he can fish. But Conservatives scream, Why should "I" pay for his free stuff?

Liberals say, bring more fish into his area. But Conservatives scream, It is not my problem where he lives

Conservatives are willing to teach a man to fish. But once they do, they consider the job to be done

A string and a hook doesn't cost much. The man ought to be able to afford it himself. He also might have to go where the fish are. Your man seems pathetic! A real man can do things for himself.

That is a good point

Poor people fishing with a string and a hook won't catch as much either. String and a hook would equate to a minimum wage job. If you are lucky, you can catch enough to feed your family

Yes! Let the poor people go where the fish are. But it takes money to get there and takes money to get a place to live near the fishing holes. Everybody knows housing costs more near the good fishing holes. A bigger problem for the poor is that all the good fishing holes seemed to be reserved for the wealthy
RWingers man has has been completely brainwashed. He's unable to think for himself. He needs govt at every turn to lead him by the nose. RWingers man has been given a fishing pole but refuses to work because all of his food is paid for by the people who are fishing.
I think Taxpayers would be pretty reasonable if asked to spend their money on a fishing pole...if it would get them of the hook for paying for the people who WON'T & DON'T take care of themselves.

If only the Taxpayers could stop pumping money into the Great Federal Plantation...where people are given everything they need (including color T.V.'s and Obama Phones)...for doing absolutely nothing Except showing up at the polls (early & often in the rotting big cities of the North) when called on to vote for Democrats.
Ok I'll bite. If it's too expensive for the guy to fish then try something else. If he really wants to fish then he should save his money to buy a poll and pay for transpiration. Problem solved.
RWingers man has has been completely brainwashed. He's unable to think for himself. He needs govt at every turn to lead him by the nose. RWingers man has been given a fishing pole but refuses to work because all of his food is paid for by the people who are fishing.

Well lets look at that man

He has been given an education. He knows HOW to fish. His problem is

- Can't afford the equipment to fish
- There aren't any fish where he lives
- If he scrapes enough money to buy fishing equipment, he is forced to compete with those who are much better equipped
- If he tries to fish in the good fishing holes, he finds he is restricted from fishing there
and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This characterizes the Conservative solution to poverty. Makes alot of sense actually, how could liberals not embrace it. After all, "free stuff" causes dependencey.

But what about the man who cannot afford a fishing pole?
What about the man who lives in a place where there are no fish?

Liberals say....Give that man a fishing pole so he can fish. But Conservatives scream, Why should "I" pay for his free stuff?

Liberals say, bring more fish into his area. But Conservatives scream, It is not my problem where he lives

Conservatives are willing to teach a man to fish. But once they do, they consider the job to be done

You're an imbecile.
Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

Invite a man to your fire, keep him warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.
If the man is stranded on an island, with nothing, he'll find a way to fish.

Fucking idiot Libberhoids....
RWingers man has has been completely brainwashed. He's unable to think for himself. He needs govt at every turn to lead him by the nose. RWingers man has been given a fishing pole but refuses to work because all of his food is paid for by the people who are fishing.

Well lets look at that man

He has been given an education. He knows HOW to fish. His problem is

- Can't afford the equipment to fish
- There aren't any fish where he lives
- If he scrapes enough money to buy fishing equipment, he is forced to compete with those who are much better equipped
- If he tries to fish in the good fishing holes, he finds he is restricted from fishing there

If he really wants his own fishing business then he needs to save until he has the money. If that's not plausible, then find something else.
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and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This characterizes the Conservative solution to poverty. Makes alot of sense actually, how could liberals not embrace it. After all, "free stuff" causes dependencey.

But what about the man who cannot afford a fishing pole?
What about the man who lives in a place where there are no fish?

Liberals say....Give that man a fishing pole so he can fish. But Conservatives scream, Why should "I" pay for his free stuff?

Liberals say, bring more fish into his area. But Conservatives scream, It is not my problem where he lives

Conservatives are willing to teach a man to fish. But once they do, they consider the job to be done

Teach a straw man how to type and they will post on the INTERNET.
conservatives would loan the man a fishing pole until he were able to buy his own.

Liberals would give them the man the conservative's bowling ball and expect him to fish with it.
Teach a woman to dumpster dive and sell stuff on eBay!

[ame=]Dumpster Diving: Massive Dollar Tree Finds - YouTube[/ame]
and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This characterizes the Conservative solution to poverty. Makes alot of sense actually, how could liberals not embrace it. After all, "free stuff" causes dependencey.

But what about the man who cannot afford a fishing pole?
What about the man who lives in a place where there are no fish?

Liberals say....Give that man a fishing pole so he can fish. But Conservatives scream, Why should "I" pay for his free stuff?

Liberals say, bring more fish into his area. But Conservatives scream, It is not my problem where he lives

Conservatives are willing to teach a man to fish. But once they do, they consider the job to be done

I think you are missing the boat with your labels. Are liberals saying teach him to fish, or are they saying we need to give him a fish subsidy? That is how it has worked in the past.

Now, I am not going to say there are no people out there who could not care less whether the man eats or not, but it is not valid to assume all conservatives hold that position. The dispute comes in how to approach the problem. Ultimately, the responsibility has to lie with the man. We can give him the tools, but he has to use them. If he lives in an area where there are no fish, then he needs to move or find something else to do.

It is a viable purpose of the government to assist those in need. It is not the purpose of the government to guarantee success.
Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime.
Tax the local fishery to supply free bountiful fish to a man and he votes Democrat forever.
If the man is stranded on an island, with nothing, he'll find a way to fish.

Fucking idiot Libberhoids....

Very good point

If the poor are placed in a situation where there is no competition for the food supply, they can prosper.

But place another man on the island with nets and modern fishing equipment and keep in mind that the other man is unwilling to share his catch (why should he?) and your man will starve

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