Give a man a fish.......

and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This characterizes the Conservative solution to poverty. Makes alot of sense actually, how could liberals not embrace it. After all, "free stuff" causes dependencey.

But what about the man who cannot afford a fishing pole?
What about the man who lives in a place where there are no fish?

Liberals say....Give that man a fishing pole so he can fish. But Conservatives scream, Why should "I" pay for his free stuff?

Liberals say, bring more fish into his area. But Conservatives scream, It is not my problem where he lives

Conservatives are willing to teach a man to fish. But once they do, they consider the job to be done

And what happens when you give that man a fishing pole and all the supplies he needs to go catch his own fish and he sits on his couch complaining that the fish aren't biting?

Now, before you get all upset and say that not everyone would do that, I'm not saying that everyone would, but you have to admit that there would be some that wouldn't take advantage of what they've been given, and would sit there and expect more freebies.

What do you propose to do with those people?

Rick (hboats)
I've decided to have fish sticks for lunch today because I like fish sticks

[ame=]Do you like Fishsticks? - YouTube[/ame]
RWingers man has has been completely brainwashed. He's unable to think for himself. He needs govt at every turn to lead him by the nose. RWingers man has been given a fishing pole but refuses to work because all of his food is paid for by the people who are fishing.

Well lets look at that man

He has been given an education. He knows HOW to fish. His problem is

- Can't afford the equipment to fish
- There aren't any fish where he lives
- If he scrapes enough money to buy fishing equipment, he is forced to compete with those who are much better equipped
- If he tries to fish in the good fishing holes, he finds he is restricted from fishing there

i wonder how our ancestors survived for these past thousands of years without Gvmt. assistance ? they did not need fancy fishing poles strings and hooks, they used spears, bows and arrows they made themselves from existing material, they chipped spear heads, arrow heads from stone/flint, their transportation was mostly afoot until around the 15th century when white men invaded the indigenous people of America, they moved/followed the food needed for survival, if they couldn't catch an Ichthyosaur, they killed a Mammoth, they learned those skills on their own.

in the 18th and 19th centuries those people were "preppers" ? nahhhh ! they were CONSERVATIVES who preserved their food by salt, smoking (not what you liberfools feeeeel, i would have said THINK, but we all know a liberdummy is incapable of the thought process) they made their homes from existing material, logs, animal skins, whatever was available.

i could go on for several pages...., but i am hoping at least one liberdependentonGvmt. will get the message.

thank you all........, and rightwhigger........................... :fu:
What happens when you give a man a fishing pole, worms, hooks, line and he complains he cant catch anything. Then you realize he's been dangling the line into the toilet to insure you have to deliver fish to him, no work involved.
And then some activists complain you are heartless, feeding a man nothing but fish. Child advocates complain his children are getting an unbalanced diet and need to add fresh vegetables like arugula. Ecologists wonder about the effect of the extra fishing on the environment. In the end government delivers just the worms and recipes for tasty worm stew.
Build a man a fire, he will be warm for a day.

Light a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his short life.

Seriously though, you do realize there are more ways to support yourself than fishing, right RW?


is that photo a selfie ?
and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This characterizes the Conservative solution to poverty. Makes alot of sense actually, how could liberals not embrace it. After all, "free stuff" causes dependencey.

But what about the man who cannot afford a fishing pole?
What about the man who lives in a place where there are no fish?

Liberals say....Give that man a fishing pole so he can fish. But Conservatives scream, Why should "I" pay for his free stuff?

Liberals say, bring more fish into his area. But Conservatives scream, It is not my problem where he lives

Conservatives are willing to teach a man to fish. But once they do, they consider the job to be done

Tripping over your tongue again I see.

Giving a man a fish doesn't make him a fisherman any more than giving someone a car makes him a mechanic.

or a NASCAR driver :lmao:
RWingers man has has been completely brainwashed. He's unable to think for himself. He needs govt at every turn to lead him by the nose. RWingers man has been given a fishing pole but refuses to work because all of his food is paid for by the people who are fishing.

Well lets look at that man

He has been given an education. He knows HOW to fish. His problem is

- Can't afford the equipment to fish
- There aren't any fish where he lives
- If he scrapes enough money to buy fishing equipment, he is forced to compete with those who are much better equipped
- If he tries to fish in the good fishing holes, he finds he is restricted from fishing there

i wonder how our ancestors survived for these past thousands of years without Gvmt. assistance ? they did not need fancy fishing poles strings and hooks, they used spears, bows and arrows they made themselves from existing material, they chipped spear heads, arrow heads from stone/flint, their transportation was mostly afoot until around the 15th century when white men invaded the indigenous people of America, they moved/followed the food needed for survival, if they couldn't catch an Ichthyosaur, they killed a Mammoth, they learned those skills on their own.

in the 18th and 19th centuries those people were "preppers" ? nahhhh ! they were CONSERVATIVES who preserved their food by salt, smoking (not what you liberfools feeeeel, i would have said THINK, but we all know a liberdummy is incapable of the thought process) they made their homes from existing material, logs, animal skins, whatever was available.

i could go on for several pages...., but i am hoping at least one liberdependentonGvmt. will get the message.

thank you all........, and rightwhigger........................... :fu:

You do realize the life expectancy was around 45 at that time?

You were self supporting until you weren't. You may live off the land for years and then have some natural catastrophe or drought wipe you out
Well lets look at that man

He has been given an education. He knows HOW to fish. His problem is

- Can't afford the equipment to fish
- There aren't any fish where he lives
- If he scrapes enough money to buy fishing equipment, he is forced to compete with those who are much better equipped
- If he tries to fish in the good fishing holes, he finds he is restricted from fishing there

i wonder how our ancestors survived for these past thousands of years without Gvmt. assistance ? they did not need fancy fishing poles strings and hooks, they used spears, bows and arrows they made themselves from existing material, they chipped spear heads, arrow heads from stone/flint, their transportation was mostly afoot until around the 15th century when white men invaded the indigenous people of America, they moved/followed the food needed for survival, if they couldn't catch an Ichthyosaur, they killed a Mammoth, they learned those skills on their own.

in the 18th and 19th centuries those people were "preppers" ? nahhhh ! they were CONSERVATIVES who preserved their food by salt, smoking (not what you liberfools feeeeel, i would have said THINK, but we all know a liberdummy is incapable of the thought process) they made their homes from existing material, logs, animal skins, whatever was available.

i could go on for several pages...., but i am hoping at least one liberdependentonGvmt. will get the message.

thank you all........, and rightwhigger........................... :fu:

You do realize the life expectancy was around 45 at that time?

You were self supporting until you weren't. You may live off the land for years and then have some natural catastrophe or drought wipe you out

So government is responsible for greater life expectancy? Wow who knew?
and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This characterizes the Conservative solution to poverty. Makes alot of sense actually, how could liberals not embrace it. After all, "free stuff" causes dependencey.

But what about the man who cannot afford a fishing pole?
What about the man who lives in a place where there are no fish?

Liberals say....Give that man a fishing pole so he can fish. But Conservatives scream, Why should "I" pay for his free stuff?

Liberals say, bring more fish into his area. But Conservatives scream, It is not my problem where he lives

Conservatives are willing to teach a man to fish. But once they do, they consider the job to be done

A string and a hook doesn't cost much. The man ought to be able to afford it himself. He also might have to go where the fish are. Your man seems pathetic! A real man can do things for himself.

When I was a kid in the old country, I would go out in the bushes, look for a hazelnut bush and using my pocket knife, cut a perfectly straight rod and then go home and ask my Mom for a needle which I would bend, making a hook, and thread, which she would use for sewing, to use as fishing line and VOILA!! there I was ready to go fishing with minimal support by others and minimal expense by myself.

The cost of anything and everything is the issue only to those who are too stupid to improvise.

Are you listening, rightwinger??
i wonder how our ancestors survived for these past thousands of years without Gvmt. assistance ? they did not need fancy fishing poles strings and hooks, they used spears, bows and arrows they made themselves from existing material, they chipped spear heads, arrow heads from stone/flint, their transportation was mostly afoot until around the 15th century when white men invaded the indigenous people of America, they moved/followed the food needed for survival, if they couldn't catch an Ichthyosaur, they killed a Mammoth, they learned those skills on their own.

in the 18th and 19th centuries those people were "preppers" ? nahhhh ! they were CONSERVATIVES who preserved their food by salt, smoking (not what you liberfools feeeeel, i would have said THINK, but we all know a liberdummy is incapable of the thought process) they made their homes from existing material, logs, animal skins, whatever was available.

i could go on for several pages...., but i am hoping at least one liberdependentonGvmt. will get the message.

thank you all........, and rightwhigger........................... :fu:

You do realize the life expectancy was around 45 at that time?

You were self supporting until you weren't. You may live off the land for years and then have some natural catastrophe or drought wipe you out

So government is responsible for greater life expectancy? Wow who knew?

Actually, government has been responsible for almost doubling the life expectancey in the last 150 years
Most of the fish he has access to are swimming in polluted rivers.

Then he can offer to clean up the polluted rivers for a percentage of the fisherman's haul.

It's called being proactive.
So government is responsible for greater life expectancy? Wow who knew?

Government puts the dill in the pickles, the cheese on the nachos and the fun in a barrel of monkeys.

Makes you wonder how human kind survived the millennia until Marx wrote the instruction manual in 1848, doesn't it?
How about the dumb ass go to the local library and read up on fish traps the indians used?
All you need is a bunch of sticks. Problem is that would require some effort and we already know the guy is a lazy bastard or he wouldnt be in the position he's in now.
and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This characterizes the Conservative solution to poverty. Makes alot of sense actually, how could liberals not embrace it. After all, "free stuff" causes dependencey.

But what about the man who cannot afford a fishing pole?
What about the man who lives in a place where there are no fish?

Liberals say....Give that man a fishing pole so he can fish. But Conservatives scream, Why should "I" pay for his free stuff?

Liberals say, bring more fish into his area. But Conservatives scream, It is not my problem where he lives

Conservatives are willing to teach a man to fish. But once they do, they consider the job to be done

A string and a hook doesn't cost much. The man ought to be able to afford it himself. He also might have to go where the fish are. Your man seems pathetic! A real man can do things for himself.

When I was a kid in the old country, I would go out in the bushes, look for a hazelnut bush and using my pocket knife, cut a perfectly straight rod and then go home and ask my Mom for a needle which I would bend, making a hook, and thread, which she would use for sewing, to use as fishing line and VOILA!! there I was ready to go fishing with minimal support by others and minimal expense by myself.

The cost of anything and everything is the issue only to those who are too stupid to improvise.

Are you listening, rightwinger??

OK, you know he's not
You do realize the life expectancy was around 45 at that time?

You were self supporting until you weren't. You may live off the land for years and then have some natural catastrophe or drought wipe you out

So government is responsible for greater life expectancy? Wow who knew?

Actually, government has been responsible for almost doubling the life expectancey in the last 150 years

Yes, of course, it was the government that did it.

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