Give to the Red Cross, unless your name is Romney



That isn't a typo, that is the wrong word.

Which is proof positive that you did not know that when typos occur while typing, they come in multiple forms: a) Spelling, b) Phonetic, c) Keyboard, and d) Ergonomic.

"Dyer/Dire" is clearly a phonetic typo, but you can keep pretending that its important and I'll educating you.

No, it just makes you a multiple offender.
So Romney spent $5,000 on relief supplies. How awful. Has obama donated so much as a single roll of toilet paper?
I know who you are.

Damn you are just as boring here as you are on other boards. I know your game.

"I'm a genius" and "you are idiots" because I can open browsers and type till I have blisters on my fingers till I can post again.

I know who you are. :D

By the way. I am always tinydancer. :eusa_angel: I am always just an asshole.:lol:


Do you still think you know me?
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So Romney spent $5,000 on relief supplies. How awful. Has obama donated so much as a single roll of toilet paper?

No, but I did on his behalf and the check I wrote was a lot more than a lousy $5,000.00. Romney, ought to be ashamed of himself. 5 grand? Come on. Really? The man used to make as much money as I do, and all he can afford was $5k?

I'm dedicating all the revenue from my firm for the month of November, to Sandy Disaster Relief. I welcome Romney, to join me.
No, it just makes you a multiple offender.

I guess when typos are all you are left with and you spend more time typing mindless drivel about the same typos you've produced at least a million times, then it must mean that you are expressly defeated when it comes to the reason for having such a forum.

Feign on.
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No, it just makes you a multiple offender.

I guess when typos are all you are left with and you spend more time typing mindless drivel about the same typos you've produced at least a million times, then it must mean that you are expressly defeated when it comes to the reason for having such a forum.

Feign on.

Making a false statement and then knocking it down is not proper debate. Makes your claim of a donation very suspect, when you lie in debate.
I was going to comment on this but the system screwed up and erased what I wrote.


Running around showing how presidential he is in his official bomber jacket?

Tell that to the cold, hungry, isolated people who are still waiting for help!!!
I was going to comment on this but the system screwed up and erased what I wrote.


Running around showing how presidential he is in his official bomber jacket?

Tell that to the cold, hungry, isolated people who are still waiting for help!!!

That's the problem isn't it. They are all standing around congratulating themselves on all the help those people are getting, while there really is no help, just congratulations. All the news stations have photo ops of congratulations all around. But there's no help.
Actually, moron, most of us are pretty tolerant of typos, and even blatant illiteracy . . . provided you're not prancing around, telling everyone how much more fantastically brilliant you are. At that point, you are inviting people to take you down a peg and point out your lack of qualifications for bragging.

You want people to respect your intelligence? Show, don't tell.

By the way, "dyer" in place of "dire" is not a typo. It's a lack of vocabulary.


Dude, the word is "dire", not "dyer". "Dire" is "desperately urgent"; "dyer" is "someone who dyes things".

If you're going to tout yourself as a fearsome debater who's "cleaning clocks", you might try at least speaking English first.

Actually, you High School drop-out, paranoid delusional, crack-head, the notion that you are "tolerant" about anything other than your narrow minded, myopic, self-centered, deranged, imbecilic, intemperant and parasitic attitude that you have the audacity to think is something worthy of sustaining, is beyond the level of any rational human being to contemplate.

Who the heck told you, or gave you permission to put words on my keyboard? You don't see one iota or as much as a shred of evidence to support the petulant, petty and childish claim that anything within any of my posts, has anything whatsoever to do with "bragging" about some silly notion of "Internet Qualifications" that only really dumb people find necessary to perpetuate.

So, why don't you take your XXXXX, uneducated, hopelessly slacking attitude back to that hole in the wall that you just slithered your way out of, in a feeble attempt at scolding me, while ultimately doing absolutely nothing more than making the biggest fool of yourself in modern US Message Board history. You sick pathetic waste of 32 bits in a 64 bit environment.

Now! Do you see just how vicious it can get?

Ohmigod! I'm SOOO impressed and cowed by your ability to understand nothing that was said and blindly equate information with meaningless, lamely juvenile insult-spewing!!!!

Oh, wait, no, I'm not. Never mind. I still think you're an illiterate dimwit full of massively undeserved ego.

Call me when you can read for comprehension.

That's not really who I am, nor is that the tone that I brought to this forum, but that's the tone and the attitude that I saw on this forum long before I got here, and that is exactly the same tone and tenor that you have addressed me with in your post. Clearly, if I practiced being as antithetical to human decency that some of you long time members do, I'd be light years ahead in the irrevocably useless insults category.

Gosh, let me get RIGHT on caring what a flatlined, conceited newbie thinks of this board . . . just as soon as I get done laughing at your unjustified belief that you ROCK in the insult category. :lmao:

I mean, "put words on your keyboard"? No one's "putting words on your KEYBOARD", troglodyte. We're putting them on your SCREEN.

Whenever you want to stop telling us how we all suck and how you're classing up the joint and start actually SAYING something, I'm sure we'll all be fascinated to see it. After all, I'm quite sure I'll have a few minutes this week in which I'll be bored spitless, and need some entertainment.

Fortunately, I prefer not to post that way. I just gave you a small taste of how nasty it can be, if I were to stoop as low and some of you. I prefer not to wallow in the mud with piggish diatribe as my only resort, as opposed to focusing on the issues. I tried to do that, but the very first post in response to my initial walk on this forum, was a perfect example of the lack of intellect that I detected on this board before I registered.

Yes, yes, you're wonderful, you're brilliant, you're so high-toned, we're all so lucky you aren't really letting us have it, blah blah blah-de-fucking-blah . . . Are you planning to post something meaningful any time before I start collecting Social Security? You've only got twenty years or so, so you might want to step it up a little bit. :eusa_whistle:

The vile nature of some people on this forum who call themselves Conservatives, is beyond comprehension and absent any moral backbone, whatsoever. A party that claims to have a total lock on morality, character, integrity, principle, decency and family values, can't possibly be the same party of most individuals that I see tossing around their near satanic utterances and diabolic rants.

So, spare me the false "bragging" claim, Otay![/QUOTE]

BEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!! Oh, sorry, for a moment there, you actually bored me to death.
Let me make sure I understand this correctly.

1) This is a non-linear dialectic medium for Political Discussion AND Debate
2) Facts about the 2012 Presidential Campaign are submitted to the Forum
3) You disagree with the facts as submitted
4) Because you disagree with the facts submitted, the submitter is by definition a Liberal
5) Talking Points are the same things as Facts and therefore carry the same weight

Could you possibly be more confused about where you are, what you are doing and WHY you are doing it?

Here's how incredibly circular you are:

According to your twisted logic, if I were here submitting facts that looked good for Romney/Ryan, I would be doing nothing more than spewing Right Wing talking points and should therefore, go away, the leave the forum and simply vote for Romney/Ryan on November 6th.

Do you realize what you just said? You just said that there is absolutely no reason and/or justification for the existence of this site, whatsoever. Ergo, this site cannot possibly exist as a forum for discussion and/or debate, because anyone who posts facts related to such discussions and/or debate, would not be here - according to your rules.

Extending your logic to its fullest conclusion this site cannot possibly exist, which is physically impossible because both of us are here, and therefore your logic (by definition) must be circular.

Do you enjoy being irrational? It is some kind of hobby? Or, do you make it a full-time job?

DAMN, you are long winded nuts
you left out the word AND, between 'winded' & 'nuts'.

That's okay. He also left out the hyphen in "long-winded". And it's entirely possible "long-winded" was supposed to be an adjective modifying "nuts". My Idiot-to-English dictionary is ambivalent on the subject. It's also almost as bored as I am.
The word is dire. Iy you were ⅛ as smart as you think you are you wouldn't look so stupid.

So, u idyots are doun to tipos know? That's pretty much a clear sign that you've got nothing more erudite or substantive to offer. Keep feigning it.

I am a lot more free, and independent, than you, simply because I have never supported any party. You, on the other hand, are an ignorant hack who supports the most ideological president in history, [incorrect use of comma here. use period here next time] How do you justify your support of Obama's [place comma here next time] redefinition of due process to exclude the Judiical branch, his use of unwarranted wiretaps and defense of other Bush [place comma here next time] era polices that violate civil rights, his willingness to sign laws that allow the indefinite detention of American citizens, and his blatant disregard of the division of power in the Constitution?

We can play your silly typo games until the cows come home, if you so desire. The forum has its own search engine and you have plenty more posts here than I do. So, you set yourself up into a very target rich environment for such games.

In addition, you might want to take an English refresher on sentence structure and punctuation. Your ineptitude and failure to place an appropriate comma, especially after proper names, is staggering.

Do you have anything else to offer, Einstein?



That isn't a typo, that is the wrong word.

Yup. It's basically a neon sign screaming, "I don't understand homophones!"
Actually, moron, most of us are pretty tolerant of typos, and even blatant illiteracy . . . provided you're not prancing around, telling everyone how much more fantastically brilliant you are. At that point, you are inviting people to take you down a peg and point out your lack of qualifications for bragging.

You want people to respect your intelligence? Show, don't tell.

By the way, "dyer" in place of "dire" is not a typo. It's a lack of vocabulary.


Dude, the word is "dire", not "dyer". "Dire" is "desperately urgent"; "dyer" is "someone who dyes things".

If you're going to tout yourself as a fearsome debater who's "cleaning clocks", you might try at least speaking English first.

Actually, you High School drop-out, paranoid delusional, crack-head, the notion that you are "tolerant" about anything other than your narrow minded, myopic, self-centered, deranged, imbecilic, intemperant and parasitic attitude that you have the audacity to think is something worthy of sustaining, is beyond the level of any rational human being to contemplate.

Who the heck told you, or gave you permission to put words on my keyboard? You don't see one iota or as much as a shred of evidence to support the petulant, petty and childish claim that anything within any of my posts, has anything whatsoever to do with "bragging" about some silly notion of "Internet Qualifications" that only really dumb people find necessary to perpetuate.

So, why don't you take your inbred, uneducated, hopelessly slacking attitude back to that hole in the wall that you just slithered your way out of, in a feeble attempt at scolding me, while ultimately doing absolutely nothing more than making the biggest fool of yourself in modern US Message Board history. You sick pathetic waste of 32 bits in a 64 bit environment.

Now! Do you see just how vicious it can get?

That's not really who I am, nor is that the tone that I brought to this forum, but that's the tone and the attitude that I saw on this forum long before I got here, and that is exactly the same tone and tenor that you have addressed me with in your post. Clearly, if I practiced being as antithetical to human decency that some of you long time members do, I'd be light years ahead in the irrevocably useless insults category.

Fortunately, I prefer not to post that way. I just gave you a small taste of how nasty it can be, if I were to stoop as low and some of you. I prefer not to wallow in the mud with piggish diatribe as my only resort, as opposed to focusing on the issues. I tried to do that, but the very first post in response to my initial walk on this forum, was a perfect example of the lack of intellect that I detected on this board before I registered.

The vile nature of some people on this forum who call themselves Conservatives, is beyond comprehension and absent any moral backbone, whatsoever. A party that claims to have a total lock on morality, character, integrity, principle, decency and family values, can't possibly be the same party of most individuals that I see tossing around their near satanic utterances and diabolic rants.

So, spare me the false "bragging" claim, Otay!

You want to trade barbs with Cecilie? Can I sell tickets to your spanking?

Careful. In Arizona, that's soliciting money for a sex act. ;)


That isn't a typo, that is the wrong word.

Which is proof positive that you did not know that when typos occur while typing, they come in multiple forms: a) Spelling, b) Phonetic, c) Keyboard, and d) Ergonomic.

"Dyer/Dire" is clearly a phonetic typo, but you can keep pretending that its important and I'll educating you.

Okay, let's just put paid to this little excuse line of yours once and for all, because watching your frantic attempts at pretense is actually becoming physically painful.

"Typo" is short for "typographical error", and it refers to misspellings caused by striking the wrong key (or striking keys in the wrong order) while typing. It can also refer to putting letters in the wrong order while typesetting for printing. It's an accident caused by inexperience, rushing, or carelessness.

Choosing the completely wrong word from a pair or group of homophones is not a "typo", except perhaps in cases like "your" and "you're". It's a mistake caused by lack of education in English vocabulary.

The easiest way to tell the difference is that I make the occasional typographical error in terms of misspellings, but I NEVER make mistakes about word choices. :eusa_whistle:


That isn't a typo, that is the wrong word.

Which is proof positive that you did not know that when typos occur while typing, they come in multiple forms: a) Spelling, b) Phonetic, c) Keyboard, and d) Ergonomic.

"Dyer/Dire" is clearly a phonetic typo, but you can keep pretending that its important and I'll educating you.

Oh, by the way, the word is "it's", as in "the contraction for 'it is'", not "its", which is the possessive for "it". That one might actually be a typographical error on your part, but I'm still not sure whether leaving out the word "keep" between "I'll" and "educating" is or not.
No, it just makes you a multiple offender.

I guess when typos are all you are left with and you spend more time typing mindless drivel about the same typos you've produced at least a million times, then it must mean that you are expressly defeated when it comes to the reason for having such a forum.

Feign on.

I can assure you that no one on this board - not even the most stupid among us - has ever typed "dyer" in place of "dire", let alone done so "a million times". Choosing a nearly-obsolete word in place of its quite-common homophone takes a special level of ignorant.
You want to trade barbs with Cecilie? Can I sell tickets to your spanking?

Let's trade rebuttal on the merits, real world experience and debatable positions on the issues, because it is painfully obvious around here, that "barbs" are most likely all you are capable of producing.

Now, get your little selves over to the Benghazi Lies thread and respond to the spanking given to Phoocks News and those who rely upon it as a source of "information." Else, you are a waste of time.

As soon as you stop being a conspiracy nut I will do so, until then you get don't deserve my intellectual capacity.


That isn't a typo, that is the wrong word.

Which is proof positive that you did not know that when typos occur while typing, they come in multiple forms: a) Spelling, b) Phonetic, c) Keyboard, and d) Ergonomic.

"Dyer/Dire" is clearly a phonetic typo, but you can keep pretending that its important and I'll educating you.

No, it just makes you a multiple offender.

I type with my thumbs and still wouldn't type dyer if I meant dire.

Actually, you High School drop-out, paranoid delusional, crack-head, the notion that you are "tolerant" about anything other than your narrow minded, myopic, self-centered, deranged, imbecilic, intemperant and parasitic attitude that you have the audacity to think is something worthy of sustaining, is beyond the level of any rational human being to contemplate.

Who the heck told you, or gave you permission to put words on my keyboard? You don't see one iota or as much as a shred of evidence to support the petulant, petty and childish claim that anything within any of my posts, has anything whatsoever to do with "bragging" about some silly notion of "Internet Qualifications" that only really dumb people find necessary to perpetuate.

So, why don't you take your inbred, uneducated, hopelessly slacking attitude back to that hole in the wall that you just slithered your way out of, in a feeble attempt at scolding me, while ultimately doing absolutely nothing more than making the biggest fool of yourself in modern US Message Board history. You sick pathetic waste of 32 bits in a 64 bit environment.

Now! Do you see just how vicious it can get?

That's not really who I am, nor is that the tone that I brought to this forum, but that's the tone and the attitude that I saw on this forum long before I got here, and that is exactly the same tone and tenor that you have addressed me with in your post. Clearly, if I practiced being as antithetical to human decency that some of you long time members do, I'd be light years ahead in the irrevocably useless insults category.

Fortunately, I prefer not to post that way. I just gave you a small taste of how nasty it can be, if I were to stoop as low and some of you. I prefer not to wallow in the mud with piggish diatribe as my only resort, as opposed to focusing on the issues. I tried to do that, but the very first post in response to my initial walk on this forum, was a perfect example of the lack of intellect that I detected on this board before I registered.

The vile nature of some people on this forum who call themselves Conservatives, is beyond comprehension and absent any moral backbone, whatsoever. A party that claims to have a total lock on morality, character, integrity, principle, decency and family values, can't possibly be the same party of most individuals that I see tossing around their near satanic utterances and diabolic rants.

So, spare me the false "bragging" claim, Otay!

You want to trade barbs with Cecilie? Can I sell tickets to your spanking?

Careful. In Arizona, that's soliciting money for a sex act. ;)

I live in San Francisco, we could set you up in Golden Gate Park and make a killing.
So Romney spent $5,000 on relief supplies. How awful. Has obama donated so much as a single roll of toilet paper?

No, but I did on his behalf and the check I wrote was a lot more than a lousy $5,000.00. Romney, ought to be ashamed of himself. 5 grand? Come on. Really? The man used to make as much money as I do, and all he can afford was $5k?

I'm dedicating all the revenue from my firm for the month of November, to Sandy Disaster Relief. I welcome Romney, to join me.

you are completely full of shit.

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