Give to the Red Cross, unless your name is Romney

... My Idiot-to-English dictionary is ambivalent on the subject. It's also almost as bored as I am.

The word bored comes up more times under your UID than even you probably know. If you went out and derived a "life," then maybe you wouldn't be so bored all the time. Consequently, the pervasive and toxic nature of your prose here and their off-topic latitude, is indicative of a deeper seeded self-destructive hate that pervades just about every syllable you present as rudimentary sarcasm in this thread.

Being a smart ass, is not the same thing as being smart. That is a differential with a distinction, not a distinction without differential.

Words to live by, smart ass.
Okay, let's just put paid to this little excuse line of yours once and for all, because watching your frantic attempts at pretense is actually becoming physically painful.

"Typo" is short for "typographical error", and it refers to misspellings caused by striking the wrong key (or striking keys in the wrong order) while typing. It can also refer to putting letters in the wrong order while typesetting for printing. It's an accident caused by inexperience, rushing, or carelessness.

Choosing the completely wrong word from a pair or group of homophones is not a "typo", except perhaps in cases like "your" and "you're". It's a mistake caused by lack of education in English vocabulary.

The easiest way to tell the difference is that I make the occasional typographical error in terms of misspellings, but I NEVER make mistakes about word choices. :eusa_whistle:

"Okay, let's just put paid to this little excuse line of yours once and for all,...

What? Can you do me a favor and put that in English prose, please? You write as if you were 12 year old, while stealing Internet time from your parents computer down in the basement.

The fact you actually believe yourself to be doing something meaningful here, is the most telling thing about you. You are done. When you grow-up to at least 18 years of age and actually start acting like it, then you can dialog with me. Until then, have fun and don't forget to drop a postcard from time-to-time.
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Okay, let's just put paid to this little excuse line of yours once and for all, because watching your frantic attempts at pretense is actually becoming physically painful.

"Typo" is short for "typographical error", and it refers to misspellings caused by striking the wrong key (or striking keys in the wrong order) while typing. It can also refer to putting letters in the wrong order while typesetting for printing. It's an accident caused by inexperience, rushing, or carelessness.

Choosing the completely wrong word from a pair or group of homophones is not a "typo", except perhaps in cases like "your" and "you're". It's a mistake caused by lack of education in English vocabulary.

The easiest way to tell the difference is that I make the occasional typographical error in terms of misspellings, but I NEVER make mistakes about word choices. :eusa_whistle:

"Okay, let's just put paid to this little excuse line of yours once and for all,...

What? Can you do me a favor and put that in English prose, please? You write as if you were 12 year old, while stealing Internet time from your parents computer down in the basement.

The fact you actually believe yourself to be doing something meaningful here, is the most telling thing about you. You are done. When you grow-up to at least 18 years of age and actually start acting like it, then you can dialog with me. Until then, have fun and don't forget to drop a postcard from time-to-time.

A... you try to tell the board, as often as you can, how smart you are... yet you apparently do not understand the reference 'put paid to'? :rofl:

Put paid to
To deal with effectively; to finish something off.

B... again with the family stuff? Check the board rules, dip shit.

C... Your posts are about as far from meaningful as one end of the universe is from the other.
As soon as you stop being a conspiracy nut I will do so, until then you get don't deserve my intellectual capacity.

If you had intellectual capacity, then you'd already know better than to post Right Wing talking points about the President added $5 trillion to the national debt, and you would have already used some of the intellectual horsepower that you think you have, to do the CBO homework which would have educated you on why such idiotic claim was false.

You've been corrected on the CBO, educated on U.S. Diplomatic Security Services, and hounded for allowing yourself to be lead by the nose by Phoocks News reports that you used to justify an error that you still have not admitted you made, and yet you are still sitting over here in this thread pretending to be "deep."

Lastly, the fact that you don't know that conspiracies are real, is just one more example of your total lack of depth and awareness of the world in which you exist. In witness to that glaring fact, I submit exhibit number #1 for your convenience:



A) What is the source and origin of this document and what is its primary meaning?

B) What is the connection to this document and September 11th, 2001?

Dazzle me with your "intellectual capacity" and talk to me about how "conspiracies" don't exist.
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Why would anyone give to a non-profit group that sends bills to those they help to repay what they used? That's right, you have to repay what the red cross gives you in an emergency - that is unless you live in some third world country.
James Molinaro went as far as to tell people not to donate to the charity because when push came to shove, the group just didn't deliver when Staten Island needed them the most.

'My advice to the people of Staten Island is do not donate to the American Red Cross,' said Mr Molinaro. 'Let them get their money elsewhere.'
'It's an absolute disgrace in a county that has always responded to disasters all over the world,' he said.
'Katrina - we sent them down four trailer loads of food, water and one trailer load of generators. No one's responding to us.'
Residents are pleading for help as they fear their devastated neighborhoods are being ignored.
In a Coney Island apartment block, where tenants huddle together in one room and human waste spills out of the toilet, tenant Jeffery Francis despairs that help is not getting to Brooklyn faster.
We are scavenging for food like animals,’ he told the New York Daily News. 'We are in a crisis and no one will help us. Look at us. We are misery. Everyone cares about Manhattan. No one is looking out for us. Nothing.’

you are completely full of shit.

Yes, I agree. You are completely full of shit. And, you are also extremely hateful, jealous and green with envy.

The video, Conservative, was not created for this forum - idiot. All you had to do was look at the original posting date to see when it was uploaded to YouTube.

I created the video initially as a joke for family and friends who were invited to my home to share a housewarming party with my Family. The "joke" was supposed to be about how I never take vacations, find time for fun. So, through together some photos from a vacation with my Wife, and some video of me having some fun with friends at their home and the track.

It got a lot of laughs but there is a lot of inside information that you are not privy to. Its purpose here, was to find out whether or not Mr. "I Know Who You Are," really knows what the heck he's talking about, or whether or not he's full of Shiite. Unfortunately, for him, he know understands that the latter is true.

If you want me to authenticate the video, just ask me to do it and I'll be more than happy to accommodate your jealous request. I'll simply log-on to my YouTube account, post a reply to you under the Video, photo the screen and then post the image here. Else, you can visit my YouTube Channel on your own.

Envy, is a dangerous thing, Conservative. It is a clear path that leads to the dark side. Be bigger than that, Conservative. I know you have it in you. No matter how deeply buried in that false sense of superiority that you carry like Mt. Rushmore on your little "conservative" shoulders.
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I have a feeling that someone snuck back in after getting banned.

I thought you did not believe in conspiracy theories?

Do you make it a daily habit of contradicting yourself this way, or is this more of a once a month deal for you?

Bravo! Way to go, intellectual champ. :eusa_clap:
BEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!! Oh, sorry, for a moment there, you actually bored me to death.

The shallow nature of your replies speak volumes. Like a petulant child begging for attention. Unfortunately, this might just be the only "life" you have, so I won't rain on your "existence" here.

You cut out the entire post except for the last line, and you want to call someone ELSE'S posting "shallow"? Talk about "speaking volumes". Anyone who didn't already know you're ten pounds of bullshit in a two-pound bag just found out.

... My Idiot-to-English dictionary is ambivalent on the subject. It's also almost as bored as I am.

The word bored comes up more times under your UID than even you probably know. If you went out and derived a "life," then maybe you wouldn't be so bored all the time. Consequently, the pervasive and toxic nature of your prose here and their off-topic latitude, is indicative of a deeper seeded self-destructive hate that pervades just about every syllable you present as rudimentary sarcasm in this thread.

Being a smart ass, is not the same thing as being smart. That is a differential with a distinction, not a distinction without differential.

I honestly don't know which is the more epic failure: your debut onto this message board, or your birth. :eusa_eh:

Brevity is the soul of wit, dumbass.
Now, did I misstate the facts on any of this? Because if I'm correct, I JUST don't see how anyone can vote for an unmitigated bastard like Romney. How DARE he! :cuckoo:

Yes. You missed a lot of facts that I wrote about well before you made a complete fool of yourself, pretending that you were insulting someone you clearly don't know.

Romney, while having his camp spend $5 on relief staples, pulled another Dish Washing Ryan act, in full plain view. His people went out and purchased the staples. So, why not have those same people return from the store and load the trucks immediately? Instead of doing that, staged the staples and had Romney supporters (not turned volunteers - nothing wrong with that) pass by Captain Delivery (played by Romney, himself) to shake his hand, or catch him smiling, as they picked up an item to carry to the truck that could have already been loaded the day before, and sent to the victims in need, or distributed through the Red Cross on site.

That is the problem, here. The man is a phony as a three dollar bill. Both he and Ryan, have pulled this kind of photo op stunt before, this was not the first time. I'm not surprise that Romney, staged those item in front of the cameras, when they should have been loaded the day before. Nor, at this point in our nation's history and ethical decay process, am I surprised at your feigning no understanding of exactly what he was trying to do.

Was Ryan, actually washing dishes that really needed to be washed when he pulled up into a Soup Kitchen, after the "soup" had been served and after the kitchen had been cleaned? Of course, not. He was pulling a stunt:

[ame=]Paul Ryan Soup Kitchen Photo: Charity's President Complains - YouTube[/ame]

The Charity's President said that they didn't do anything. That kitchen had already been cleaned. Anyone that has ever worked a Soup Kitchen knows full well that what is seen in the background is most definitely not a kitchen that needs cleaning.

That is part of the problem with this duo of liars.
Careful. In Arizona, that's soliciting money for a sex act. ;)

Have you ever succeeded at anything in your life? Like graduating from High School, College, establishing a Career in a Profession and/or Vocation?

I'm curious, what is it that you do exactly to make a living for yourself and your family? As far as I know (and I could easily be flat out wrong), there are no decent paying jobs for inconsequential memberships on political forums that spew Right Wing Hate like any ordinary (nothing special) garden variety water hose.

How many times must you be told that family is off limits here, dip shit?

The last time someone tried that hard to impress me, I had to call the bouncers to have him removed.
Okay, let's just put paid to this little excuse line of yours once and for all, because watching your frantic attempts at pretense is actually becoming physically painful.

"Typo" is short for "typographical error", and it refers to misspellings caused by striking the wrong key (or striking keys in the wrong order) while typing. It can also refer to putting letters in the wrong order while typesetting for printing. It's an accident caused by inexperience, rushing, or carelessness.

Choosing the completely wrong word from a pair or group of homophones is not a "typo", except perhaps in cases like "your" and "you're". It's a mistake caused by lack of education in English vocabulary.

The easiest way to tell the difference is that I make the occasional typographical error in terms of misspellings, but I NEVER make mistakes about word choices. :eusa_whistle:

"Okay, let's just put paid to this little excuse line of yours once and for all,...

What? Can you do me a favor and put that in English prose, please? You write as if you were 12 year old, while stealing Internet time from your parents computer down in the basement.

Put Paid To - To deal with effectively; to finish something off.

Put paid to

Chiefly British - To finish off; put to rest

put paid to - definition of put paid to by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Put Paid To - to finish or destroy something

put paid to sth - definition in British English Dictionary & Thesaurus - Cambridge Dictionary Online

Yeah, using a "chiefly British" idiom isn't "English prose", and qualifies as "posting like a 12-year-old".

Here's a tip for you, Brain Trust. Don't EVER assume that because you've never heard of something, it doesn't exist. ALWAYS verify, because you're an ignoramus.

The fact you actually believe yourself to be doing something meaningful here, is the most telling thing about you. You are done. When you grow-up to at least 18 years of age and actually start acting like it, then you can dialog with me. Until then, have fun and don't forget to drop a postcard from time-to-time.

The word's "dialogue", Mensa Boy.

On the bright side, you've put paid to your pretensions of intelligence better than I ever could have. :eusa_whistle:

For the Left, only from the gov't
means anything

Do you travel by air? Can we kill the FAA and the ATC service that your captain relies upon, right in the middle of your next flight?

I'm mean, if we are going to save the tax payer some money, then let's just get rid of all Federal Government spending whatsoever. Let's return all that money back to the tax payer, post haste.

Including the Military. Why on earth do we need to spend tax payer money on the development of things like the F-22 Raptor, as just one example, when we can make Defense a State controlled matter? Or, better yet - let's Privatize Defense.

We've already privatized control of the money supply back in 1913, and you can easily see how well that's worked out for us. :uhoh3:

Now, did I misstate the facts on any of this? Because if I'm correct, I JUST don't see how anyone can vote for an unmitigated bastard like Romney. How DARE he! :cuckoo:

Yes. You missed a lot of facts that I wrote about well before you made a complete fool of yourself, pretending that you were insulting someone you clearly don't know.

Romney, while having his camp spend $5 on relief staples, pulled another Dish Washing Ryan act, in full plain view. His people went out and purchased the staples. So, why not have those same people return from the store and load the trucks immediately? Instead of doing that, staged the staples and had Romney supporters (not turned volunteers - nothing wrong with that) pass by Captain Delivery (played by Romney, himself) to shake his hand, or catch him smiling, as they picked up an item to carry to the truck that could have already been loaded the day before, and sent to the victims in need, or distributed through the Red Cross on site.

I mentioned the FACT of the donations being purchased. I left out the OPINION of the motivations, because I was stating FACTS. Please learn the difference. It'll be in this book we educated people like to call a "dictionary". They're usually right next to where you bought the thesaurus you're wearing out in your lame attempts to impress us.

That is the problem, here. The man is a phony as a three dollar bill. Both he and Ryan, have pulled this kind of photo op stunt before, this was not the first time. I'm not surprise that Romney, staged those item in front of the cameras, when they should have been loaded the day before. Nor, at this point in our nation's history and ethical decay process, am I surprised at your feigning no understanding of exactly what he was trying to do.

Was Ryan, actually washing dishes that really needed to be washed when he pulled up into a Soup Kitchen, after the "soup" had been served and after the kitchen had been cleaned? Of course, not. He was pulling a stunt:

Paul Ryan Soup Kitchen Photo: Charity's President Complains - YouTube

The Charity's President said that they didn't do anything. That kitchen had already been cleaned. Anyone that has ever worked a Soup Kitchen knows full well that what is seen in the background is most definitely not a kitchen that needs cleaning.

That is part of the problem with this duo of liars.

Wow. More opinions. You really need to work on your vocabulary skills, so that when I talk about FACTS, you don't inundate me with "This is what I THINK", when I can see perfectly well that you don't think much at all.
The president did not do anything in response to Sandy...

That's called a false presupposition and it is lead by a gross misunderstanding of the role of the President in national weather related disaster. The fact that something so basic and fundamental would need to be pointed out to anyone, is beyond my ability to comprehend.

It is also a flat out lie. FEMA, is an agency of the Federal Government and a cabinet level appointment within the Administration. Therefore, what FEMA does, the President does - it is just that cut and dry. And, since the President, put FEMA on the ground before the storm struck, by definition and logical extension, that means that the President did exactly what he was supposed to have done. He was proactive and responsive. Nobody with half a braincell remaining in their head and at least a partially functioning neurosynaptic network, would conclude otherwise.

...other than pretend to stop running for reelection for a couple of days.

He's President of the entire United States of America. By definition that means that wherever he goes, you could make the claim that he's campaigning. Can we apply the same full-tilt definition of "pretend" to Mitt Romney? Not only did he fake a campaign stoppage, he also faked a staples relief drive by staging store bought goods out in front of cameras and then having his supporters walk past him as he doled out $5k worth of product. His staff could have loaded the trucks as soon as they got back from the store. Instead of putting them on display for other people to be seen picking them up.

You know something - the level of Right Wing dishonesty, cowardice and flat out hypocrisy on this forum is beyond imagination. You propped up some guy who has been shoveling nothing but lies and flip flops in broad daylight for the entire world to see over the past several years while campaigning for the White House, and you sit here, just as cozy as you can pretend to be in your glorious ignorance about who this man really is at the core, and fake a level of comfort with him that is staggering to behold.

Nothing more than Right Wing Extreme Hypocrisy of Epic Proportions.

By the way, congratulations on making up poll numbers, it takes a lot of arrogance to think you can get away with pulling a stat out of thin air.

If you don't like the initial flash poll numbers, then fine. I'll retract that and replace it with Washington Post-ABC Tracking Poll, which was taken later:


Either way, the overwhelming majority of the nation recognizes what you partisan hacks refuse to recognize. That he's done exactly what he should have done and that he did it the right way. I'm 100% certain that's something you just hate.

The hypocrisy you display is glaring. But, it fits nicely with the Republican strategy that was instantiated 90 days after the President was inaugurated: Deny & Lie. The Right Wing Deny & Lie Campaign has been roaring for the past four (4) years. Deny anything the President does that is good, and Lie about anything the President did not do as a matter of fact.

We shall see if that works for Romney, on November 6th. My my projections, I've got Obama winning by a significantly larger margin than most Republicans are faking right now on "TV." :cool:

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