Give to the Red Cross, unless your name is Romney

Money is what they need.

Not more or clothing.

We got that covered.

Romney gives a larger share of his income than Obama and Biden do combined.

In fact, on average conservatives give a larger share of their income to charitable organizations than liberals do.

Liberals want to be generous--with other people's money, not with their own.
Actually, it is called an opinion.

By the way, I think you are talking about the fallacy of presumption here. I have to admit I am simply guessing, but it seems like a reasonable conclusion given your complete inability to post coherently.

No. It's called a false presupposition exactly as I stated. You should spend more time with your head inside a book on English grammar and syntax. Unless you are ESL restricted. If that is the case, please accept my apologies. If that's not the case, then hit the books!

Last time I checked, FEMA has everything planned well in advance, usually years.

You are a piece of work. How the heck can FEMA "plan" anything for an historical atmospheric event? You post as if, nobody is going to ready your statement and wonder what the heck you are talking about.

They also have to follow the law which spells out when, and what, they can do.

Non-sequiture red herring. This has nothing to do with what triggered its reply.

On top of that, unless Obama is some kind of mutant, he is not FEMA.

Well, if he's not FEMA, then he's certainly not responsible for FEMA and all other previous posts you've made connecting him to FEMA's response makes you by definition circular, which would be the fifth (5th) time by my count that you have introduced circular logic in connection with some reply you have written to me.

Of course, he's FEMA. Any Mutant would know that.

The only reason he put FEMA on the ground before Sandy hit is that Bush signed the law passed by Congress that allows them to preposition designated assets.

The "only reason?" That's a pathetic admission. How about the fact that he did because the USWS projected the worst storm in U.S. history. That's seems like a darn good reason to me. Unreal.

Despite the fact that they changed the way they respond it still took 4 days for FEMA to get to Staten Island. which is exactly how long it took them to get into New Orleans after Katrina.

Maybe you should try actually reading before replying. This falls clearly into FEMA's primary initial keys for relief. This was a slow moving storm. There were MANY other areas where FEMA assets could be engaged before anything could reasonably be done with respect to bringing in relief aid and supplies to Staten Island. Staten Island, was mostly under water and following the three (3) initial protocols made it very difficult to reach most of Staten Island, until the flood waters receded.

Second, FEMA personnel was in Staten Island on day one (check your facts), but there full-tilt relief could NOT get in to most areas that were still flooded and unsafe for personnel. You are doing what most people do when they confuse Victim Relief Operations with Search & Rescue Missions. S&R was being conducted in Staten Island, and many other sections where such operations were needed on day one. These people are not Omnipresent - they cannot be in all places at the same time. When one area presents an unacceptable risk for "Relief" workers (do not confuse that with S&R personnel) then they must engage other areas where that are accessible, or more accessible and wait until conditions change so that they can then access those areas that were once unreachable, or more difficult that other places to reach.

Stop trying to make a political point where there is none. The response to Sandy, is far superior to the response to Kat. Kat, was a total nightmare as far as FEMA's response is concerned, but even then there were plenty of areas after Kat hit, that were simply not ready for "Relief." Again, "Relief" is not S&R, which happens immediately and does not stop until everyone is safe.

Me, I expect that because that is still what they say. You, on the other hand, live in a fantasy world where Obama personally made sure everyone was taken care of before he went to sleep.

I think that was a dumb comment and not worthy of a reply.

He went on national TV and talked about how we, as a country, lean forward to meet emergencies. That sounds suspiciously like a campaign slogan to me. In my experience people come together and dig deep, leaning forward just puts you off balance.

Hyper-partisan and hyper-cynical, that's your choice. I prefer to see things as they are, not as I would want them to be. You are intentionally adding what you wish to add to what the President did and what he said. The vast majority of Americans don't agree with your assessment. But, how you "feel" about what the President did, is indeed your opinion and you are entitled to have one. Whether that opinion is based in fact, or not - is clear. It is not.

Have you posted a single fact since you have been here? All I have seen is conspiracy theories, rants, and pretentious bullshit.

Would you know a single fact if you saw one? All the crap that you feign to be real, is humorous. You've been demonstrated to be wrong and yet just like Romney, you blow right by it and pretend that nothing ever happened.

Just a reminder, I am not voting for Romney, pointing to him and trying to say I like flip flops just makes you look stupid.

Then who are you throwing your vote away on anyway? For a guy who thinks of himself to be educated, you sure don't act like it. You've yet to learn that tossing your vote in the trash can, merely because you can't get all of what you want you want out of a candidate is foolish. You contribute absolutely nothing to the framework of our Republic and denigrate the concept of voting to make a difference.

Again, if you guy has no more chance of reaching the White House than you do, then what good is your vote?

Interesting, you said that Obama had a 92% approval rating on the response to Sandy, I tell you that you pulled the numbers out of thin air, and you post links to a poll where he has a 78% approval rating to prove you didn't make them up.

I saw a flash poll on MSNBC and quoted that. The poll was taken the day after Sandy, cleared out. The graph that I posted here, shows what I could find on the question of how most people think about the Presidents response and it clearly shows a massive and overwhelmingly positive opinion.

If I took everything you posted without providing a link to it, I could claim you made-up number as well. So, give it break and do yourself a favor - start writing about things that actually do matter, instead of trying to harp on spelling errors and 92% vs 78%. The difference between those two numbers is moot, given the overwhelmingly high level of each. MSNBC, is going to be more Liberal, so their numbers reflect that. 78% is still amazingly high for any President on any type of question that could be asked. Romney's number was abysmal, whether you are supporting him or not.

Seriously dude, give it up. I didn't even have to go back to look up the number you used, you aren't smart enough to deal with the heavy weights on this board. Stick to arguing with the racist bigots like Joyce, they are pretty close to being as dumb as you.

Qantum Windbag, is indeed the perfect UID for someone as utterly clueless as you. You posted numbers on the debt that were more shallow than the water in your own toilet bowl, and you have the audacity to claim yourself to be a heavyweight?

You are hilariously funny, little kid.

Is that like you making up poll numbers, and then trying to pretend you didn't?

Still majoring in minors, I see. BTW, what did you study in College? And, what do you do for a living today?

Romney is making up poll numbers that show Obama is way ahead of where he is? Why would he do that?

When you can post a link that clearly explains what you are babbling about in this rendition of a non-sequitur, let me know.

And, by the way Einstein - I'm degreed in mathematics (applied), physics (subatomic emphasis) and aerospace science (aerodynamics). I hold Bachelors degrees in each discipline from Berkley, MIT and ERAU. So, remember that the next time you put foot in mouth.
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They need everything they can get.

No they don't.

You ever work for the Red Cross?

I did. We had to warehouse a shit load of clothing they couldn't use.

That..costs money.
Why do relief donations HAVE to go through the Red Cross? Are they the ONLY disaster relief agency/organization in the world?

At the event in Ohio, there were two large screen TV's set up with information on how to donate money to the Red Cross.

Repeated for the braindead uninformed pissants.
You might have an opinion and there is nothing wrong with having one. Just make sure they are grounded in fact. Right now, you are woefully short on facts.

Calling you a conspiracy nut is a right wing talking point? Little full of yourself, aren't you?

If ignorance were a currency, you'd be financially independent by now.

When President Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009, the National Debt was: $10,626,877,048,913.08.
As of the time of this post the national debt is: $16,231,065,484,494.97.

I read your nonsense and scratched my head.

Apparently someone added about $5.6 Trillion to the National Debt while Obama was President without his knowledge or approval. Is that your point?

Figures don't lie, but liars can figure.
I wish Romney would give a few million to feed those people. Come on Romney!

He may,
so don't fret your 'pretty little head'

We all know that he gives a bigger percentage of his wealth to charitable causes
then Papa Obama or Biden
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Attacks Romney For Collecting Storm Supplies For Event!

I disagree. Andrea Mitchell, did not attack Romney, for collecting storm supplies. She reported the fact that the RC always prefers cash, so that it can more optimally respond to the needs at hand.

Anyone that has ever worked directly with the RC (as I have) knows that the logistical problems can too often mean that those who need the most help either receive the help too late, or never at all. Often times just getting physical relief into a relief zone can be a huge logistical headache.

If the RC has relief capital instead, it can optimize both the physical delivery paths and relief type/quantity/volume/weight/etc.

It looks great on camera to collect goods from across a wide area and from diverse places and one's heart may indeed be in the right place when doing it. However, in a time of crisis and where mission critical delivery is important, it is better to seek optimal paths of delivery as opposed to posing for a camera.

At the (Romney) event in Ohio, there were two large screen TV's set up with information on how to donate money to the Red Cross.

Mitchell bashed Romney by ignoring the fact that donations for the Red Cross were also being solicited. Omission of facts is just one of the ploys used by MSNBC on an hourly basis.
The Salvation Army kicks ass. I had two uncles in Belgium in Dec 1944... when the lines broke in the Ardennes, and the troops were in disarray trying to regroup, the Salvation Army was on the FRONT giving our soldiers cigarettes, chocolate bars, coffee, and other items that were needed. They both said you could find the Red Cross SELLING the same items to the troops... safely behind the lines miles away from the front.

Doesn't surprise me a bit they only want cash.

I was a bell ringer once, and I heard stories like that all the time. I have nothing but contempt for the Red Cross.

I was a bell-ringer too. It's funny how crabby people can get around Christmas.

I once offered a bell-ringer $200 if he would let me run over his bell with my F-350. He declined.
Romney is getting reamed in Ohio for his staged phony relief event. Even our nutty conservative national media was shocked by the brazen sleaze of it. Hence the Republican panic here. Ohio is out of reach forever now, and with it goes the last of Romney's hopes.

And I'm sure spitting hatred at the Red Cross is sure to bring in some more votes to the Republicans. Well done there.

The Red Cross has had so many scandals. It's not spitting hatred at them. It's telling the truth.

The Red Cross is well known for ripping off donors and victims. The CEO's make 6 figure incomes.

And make no bones about it. I'm sure the primary reason they want cash is they can continue to pay themselves first and then let the victims get some financial relief.


Yes, telling the truth about the "wrong" people is now "spitting hatred". It would be funny if it were not so frightening.
I just posted a new thread about how Chris Christie and President Obama are working together for the good of the victims of Sandy.

THAT is what is needed now. Not the politicizing and exploitative photo ops from R&R.

BTW, anyone who pays attention to Andrea Mitchell knows that she is actually pretty conservative. But, she's been around a lot of years and doesn't put up with much in the way of lies and MitShit.

Andrea Mitchell is conservative?


Compared to everyone else at MS-NBC, CNN, et al...when grading on THAT curve, probably.
What did the Red Cross do with the money they collected? The Red Cross says it needs money so it can buy in bulk, but all the help they gave was two cookies and a cup of hot chocolate. The real aid is coming in the form of trucks loaded with donated goods, blankets, sleeping bags, food and water.

The very well prepared FEMA distributed bottled water and ran out in two hours.
And friends and neighbors manning food and clothing stations as those donations come in. Stories of those who still have a habitable dwelling opening up their homes so people can get a hot shower and be in out of the cold for awhile. They need lots and lots of canned good--those with the pull tops are best but they'll take anything. Our local Salvation Army reports truckloads de of clothing and blankets donated by folks here in Albuquerque delivered to Staten Island this morning.

Cash donations are good of course, but if you have a spare winter coat, a blanket or two to spare, get them to a good chairty who is shipping relief to the east.

Mitt Romney with a can of food.


Mitt Romney putting canned food in a bag.


Mitt Romney putting food in the back of a truck.​

I couldn't find one of Mitt Romney actually driving the truck. Course, the roads are blocked. The airports shut. The trains not moving.

What is Romney going to do with all that shit. You know he doesn't eat food from a can. He probably doesn't know how to use a can-opener.

Does anyone have a picture of Mitt Romney actually driving the truck? I want it to complete my "set".


It won't hold much and Mitt can't drive it anyway.

Actually, it will hold as much as a medium-sized U-Haul truck just in the bays.
Obama Gave 1% to Charity

Romney charitable contributions
Tax year Taxable income Charitable donations Donations as % of income
2010 $21.7 million $2.98 million 13.73%
2011 (est) $20.9 million $4 million 19.14%


WHO'S GREEDY? Obama Gave 1% to Charity, Romney Gave 15%


Obama gave his Nobel prize award, 1.4million to charity.

I recall that the way the law is written, he COULD NOT keep it.
The reason the redcross wants money is because it is hard to pay their CEO their huge paycheck with can goods and cloths.
By collecting goods and delivering to those in need directly, He avoided the Red Crosses Administrative Costs.

The RC "Administrative Costs" are not the same as RC "Operational Costs." Both For Profit and Non-Profit Organizations, have various kinds of Cost Centers. Essentially, all output oriented organizations regardless of what they do, have both Hard and Soft Costs to deal with.

The issue is not whether or not Romney's campaign was doing the right or wrong thing. The issue is one of optimizing the delivery of relief, whenever and wherever possible. In relief efforts, the optimization factor is of paramount importance. Get it wrong, and your relief efforts can go without net effect. Get it right, and you can literally save lives and/or significantly reduce suffering.

This is not our Grandparents Red Cross anymore. These guys know what they are doing and they know how to respond to mission critical relief efforts - they do it all over the world and the work in conjunction with the United States Government, as well as Governments and Military organization all over the world.

We are talking about the North East. We have the infrastructure. Distribution is not a problem. Material goods are needed just as much as cash.

But it is much harder to give yourself a 6-figure year-end bonus using a truckload of supplies than a pile of cash!
5 trucks from Georgia arrived this morning but there are 100 trucks coming in from the midwest. The poor people in the northeast will need it because a winter storm is going to hammer them.
The reason I use the "Brief Profile" in my post, has absolutely nothing to do with bragging and everything to do with demonstrating one of the abhorrent false assumptions that many Mitt Romney, supporters have claimed - not just on this board, but on several other boards as well.

My signature is all about Romney's delusional 47% comment - but in reverse.

My signature is that of a rather successful individual who is NOT supporting Mitt Romney. There are many Romney Supporters on-line who have assumed that, if you are successful, which they define as being as wealthy, or more wealthy than Romney, then you can't possibly be in support of Obama, because that would mean that you get taxed into oblivion. That is the ridiculous false assumption that all too many Romney Supporters, have been making for two (2) now.

My signature was used to prove that such a false claim that wealthy and successful people are not in support of Obama, is nothing more than a stale stereotypical lie that has been told far too often, and assumed even more frequently than that.

Bragging, had nothing to do with it. It is a proof for the fact that you can be successful and wealthy, while NOT compromising common sense and better judgment by supporting a candidate for the Presidency, who talks to you like you have no common sense at all, by lying to you almost at every turn.

I run my business in accordance with common sense and better judgment and I vote that same way as well. That is the reason for my signature.

I worked 10 years doing the R&D and Engineering necessary to build the technology that I use in my business today. I did not grow-up with a silver spoon in my mouth, nor was there any silver lined coat tail that I could ride on, to get me to where I am today. Stop the hate. Stop the jealousy. You will never make progress carrying that kind of attitude as baggage in your life that way.

Develop an idea. Create a vision of the future for yourself. Work hard to make the concept of your idea a reality. Develop a plan of execution. Remain focused on your goals and never forget where you come from in life. That is the key to success.

I'm simply here to say that there are a lot of highly successful, well educated, talented, generous and well adjusted people out there in support of this President. Not because we believe the 47% to be the problem with American Society, but because we don't believe that going back to the policies that gave us such a mess and created so many problems, is the smartest thing to do.

This election is an I.Q. Test. Score high!

God and goddess, what an egomaniacal blowhard.
Which is proof positive that you did not know that when typos occur while typing, they come in multiple forms: a) Spelling, b) Phonetic, c) Keyboard, and d) Ergonomic.

"Dyer/Dire" is clearly a phonetic typo, but you can keep pretending that its important and I'll educating you.

No, it just makes you a multiple offender.

I type with my thumbs and still wouldn't type dyer if I meant dire.

Fellow hunt-and-pecker here...while the voice-type feature on my phone might do that (it manages to make all sorts of weird word choices), I never would.

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