Give to the Red Cross, unless your name is Romney

How many times must you be told that family is off limits here, dip shit?

Personally, I think you are mentally disturbed. You have not written one intelligent word since I've been here.

This place reeks of mental distortion and moral decay. And, you lead the pack of hypocritical fools who can't see their own Rome burning to the ground.

If I respond to you again, just shoot me.
This thread does not deliver.

Much the same way that Romney, fails to deliver his own State:


A 20+ pip spread in Massachusetts. Speaks volumes.
CBO most reliable.

What would you use instead?

I don't have a suggestion but the CBO has proven fallable countless times. They also like to speculate on the likelihood of profit/deficit based on things "maybe happening".

I don't have a suggestion but the CBO has proven fallible countless times. They also like to speculate on the likelihood of profit/deficit based on things "maybe happening".

I'm a state minimalist anyway
You cut out the entire post except for the last line, and you want to call someone ELSE'S posting "shallow"? Talk about "speaking volumes". Anyone who didn't already know you're ten pounds of bullshit in a two-pound bag just found out.


More shallow tristie diatribe. Not posted what has already been posted, while only showing the new relevant information added to the string, is what you call ten pounds of bullshit.

I would suggest to you that you go back to School and take a course in Logic and Rational Thinking, because your feeble attempts at trying to impress are falling by the wayside.

Now, where did you attend High School? Did you graduate? Where did you attend College? Did you graduate? Do you hold a four (4) year College degree? What is your Profession now and/or Vocation/Occupation? How do you put food on the table? What have you done, or what are you planning to do, to improve this world before you leave it?

I want to know that I am dialogging with more than just another Internet Troll.

Ms., Bullshitter.
I honestly don't know which is the more epic failure: your debut onto this message board, or your birth. :eusa_eh:

Brevity is the soul of wit, dumbass.

Who do you think you are fooling with these juvenile replies that you have patented and sold on this forum before? If you were capable of something more than juvenile invective, you would have produced it by now.

Occupation and Education, please? I want to know what you do for a living. I have a theory about people who can't produce prove above the 9th grade. I simply want to know if my theory holds water when held over your head.

Now, Occupation and Education, please? With whom do I dialogue?
The last time someone tried that hard to impress me, I had to call the bouncers to have him removed.

LOL! You are one hilarious little girl. :clap2:

The Video is real. Yes, that's me driving $2+ million car. Yes, that's how I roll. I have plenty of other in-flight footage of me in my Phenom 300. I can whip up another video for you as well, if you so desire?

Here's my problem with some of you fake people:

- You put this crap out in the public about how Republicans are so into family values, but you behave like wild tyrannical vultures without a moral compass towards other human beings.

- You dish out the farcical notion that other people who are not "Republicans" are somehow lazy and apathetic and unwilling to do the hard work to make themselves successful.

- You hold this arrogant belief that somehow, successful people are by definition Republican and can't possibly be of any other political persuasion.

So, when somebody come along who is highly successful in what they do and they do not subscribe to the horrid, sick and inflammatory extreme Right Wing ideology that some of you pay homage to each and every day of your miserably lives, you can't handle it. All of a sudden, you fly off the handle and burst into a ball of flames.

I find this twisted myopic view of the world a very interesting one, indeed. You claim to praise the notion of "bootstrapping" one's self with hard work, determination and grit, while relying on their own ingenuity an innovation to make things happen. Yet, if that individual happens to not be in support of your Right Wing extremist bull, then all of a sudden, that individuals accomplishments are invalid, or just not real, or completely plucked from air. That's total hypocrisy. This has got to be one of the sickest places on the Internet that I have ever witnessed. Some of you people need to check yourselves real hard and seek some professional help.

Success is not limited to the Republican. Republicans, don't own success. Republicans have not cornered the market of success and there are plenty of other highly successful people in this world that do not share your neo-world view.
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Okay, let's just put paid to this little excuse line of yours once and for all, because watching your frantic attempts at pretense is actually becoming physically painful.

"Typo" is short for "typographical error", and it refers to misspellings caused by striking the wrong key (or striking keys in the wrong order) while typing. It can also refer to putting letters in the wrong order while typesetting for printing. It's an accident caused by inexperience, rushing, or carelessness.

Choosing the completely wrong word from a pair or group of homophones is not a "typo", except perhaps in cases like "your" and "you're". It's a mistake caused by lack of education in English vocabulary.

The easiest way to tell the difference is that I make the occasional typographical error in terms of misspellings, but I NEVER make mistakes about word choices. :eusa_whistle:

"Okay, let's just put paid to this little excuse line of yours once and for all,...
What? Can you do me a favor and put that in English prose, please? You write as if you were 12 year old, while stealing Internet time from your parents computer down in the basement.

The fact you actually believe yourself to be doing something meaningful here, is the most telling thing about you. You are done. When you grow-up to at least 18 years of age and actually start acting like it, then you can dialog with me. Until then, have fun and don't forget to drop a postcard from time-to-time.

They have this wonderful invention call the Internet. It actually allows an intelligent person to educate themselves if they know how to use it. It allows people who do not use English as their native tongue, and are thus unfamiliar with idioms and colloquialisms to look them up. The phrase "put paid to" is actually defined.

put paid to - Wiktionary

put paid to - Idioms - by the Free Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Mitt Romney, was willing to bet $10,000.00 while standing on a stage during a Republican Presidential debate.

I am willing to bet you, right here and right now, $1,000,000.00 that Obama, wins the election by a margin that is significantly larger than what sources such as CNN, are projecting right now.

Can you take that bet?
As soon as you stop being a conspiracy nut I will do so, until then you get don't deserve my intellectual capacity.

If you had intellectual capacity, then you'd already know better than to post Right Wing talking points about the President added $5 trillion to the national debt, and you would have already used some of the intellectual horsepower that you think you have, to do the CBO homework which would have educated you on why such idiotic claim was false.

Calling you a conspiracy nut is a right wing talking point? Little full of yourself, aren't you?

Here are some facts for you.

  • When President Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009, the National Debt was: $10,626,877,048,913.08.
  • As of the time of this post the national debt is: $16,231,065,484,494.97.
  • The difference between those numbers is $5,604,158,435,581.89.
  • Subtracting the $630 billion of spending from 2009 from that number leaves about $5 trillion.
  • The year isn't over yet.
You've been corrected on the CBO, educated on U.S. Diplomatic Security Services, and hounded for allowing yourself to be lead by the nose by Phoocks News reports that you used to justify an error that you still have not admitted you made, and yet you are still sitting over here in this thread pretending to be "deep."

I corrected you using the CBO.

You didn't pay attention, so now I will shove it down your throat.

From your link.


If you look to the left of that chart you will see that the CBO made two predictions about the debt, they are both explained at the bottom of the chart. Do you see where it says that the baseline is based on the assumption that current law will governing taxing and spending remain in effect? Those current laws include the Bush tax cuts, which, if they expire on schedule, will be the single largest tax increase on the middle class in history. What are the odds that will actually happen?

As for spending, remember my previous post where I said Obama has said those cuts will not happen? Here is the Slate article saying the exact same thing.

Obama says defense sequester "will not happen": Game changer for the fiscal cliff?

So, once again, you are wrong.

Not me.

Not the CBO.


Lastly, the fact that you don't know that conspiracies are real, is just one more example of your total lack of depth and awareness of the world in which you exist. In witness to that glaring fact, I submit exhibit number #1 for your convenience:



A) What is the source and origin of this document and what is its primary meaning?

B) What is the connection to this document and September 11th, 2001?

Dazzle me with your "intellectual capacity" and talk to me about how "conspiracies" don't exist.

You are trying to use the Bay of Pigs to prove that a massive conspiracy is possible? Do you have any idea how big a disaster that was? Do you know that everyone in the world knows about it?

Just to correct you, again, conspiracy nuts are the people, like you, that ignore reality, and think the world is controlled by space aliens who implant mind control devices that are invisible to X-rays in people's sinus cavities using anal probes.

Conspiracies are things that rarely work, and always end up exposed because someone talks.
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I live in San Francisco, we could set you up in Golden Gate Park and make a killing.

I live in Ranch Santa Fe. So, we could make a killing in San Francisco, and then buy you a real education with the proceeds.

[you have no idea]

Did you mean Rancho Santa Fe? I had a buddy that lived there when I was in the Navy, we used to go to his house on the weekends.
I don't have a suggestion but the CBO has proven fallible countless times. They also like to speculate on the likelihood of profit/deficit based on things "maybe happening".

I'm a state minimalist anyway

So, what do we do? Do we just throw our hands up and say oh darn, we're all in deep.

Quite frankly, I believe the nation is bankrupt. I believe that because we continually allow the Fed to attach debt to notes, future interest payments to U.S. bonds, and then worsen the problem by extending and expanding the money supply with built-in inflation, coupled to a Congress that can't say no to spending, plus a severely weakened Middle Class income structure and no manufacturing base to speak of, that we are basically hosed and will have no choice but to declare something akin to National Bankruptcy.

I don't think that either side of the aisle, Republican or Democrat, is talking about the real structural problems in our monetary system and how our entire economy is predicated on a mathematical impossibility. What nobody is telling the people is that one of two (2) things has to happen eventually:

1) Either the money supply increases to a point where the USD becomes so moot that it ceases to be the world's reserve currency.


2) The United States of America "files" for Bankruptcy to discharge its Foreign Debt.

Number #1, is happening right now as we speak and has been an ongoing process since 1913. Number #2, was potentially triggered (slowly) with the 2008 global financial crisis, where its net/net effect is realized in the not so distant future.

The only way to change this is to stop all borrowing, raise taxes, cut spending and kill the fractional reserve lending system along with the Federal Reserve Bank. You will also have to force (by law) banks to lend no more than their reserve limit, to keep all credit issued down to a 1:1 ratio. You might have to slowly pull back some of the money supply, until a safe equilibrium is reached, if you want to accelerate the process.

From that point, cash is king and no more national debt is created. Balancing the budget all of a sudden becomes child's play and structural surpluses become the norm. More community banks can be developed this way and wealth becomes more evenly distributed for entrepreneurs and local lenders who don't mind taking some sensible risk.

We can solve this problem, if people would just start thinking with their heads and not with their ideology.
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I have a feeling that someone snuck back in after getting banned.

I thought you did not believe in conspiracy theories?

Do you make it a daily habit of contradicting yourself this way, or is this more of a once a month deal for you?

Bravo! Way to go, intellectual champ. :eusa_clap:

If you snuck back in it only took you. Unless, that is, you are really as dumb as you pretend and need someone to type the address into the address bar of IE6 for you.
Now, did I misstate the facts on any of this? Because if I'm correct, I JUST don't see how anyone can vote for an unmitigated bastard like Romney. How DARE he! :cuckoo:

Yes. You missed a lot of facts that I wrote about well before you made a complete fool of yourself, pretending that you were insulting someone you clearly don't know.

Romney, while having his camp spend $5 on relief staples, pulled another Dish Washing Ryan act, in full plain view. His people went out and purchased the staples. So, why not have those same people return from the store and load the trucks immediately? Instead of doing that, staged the staples and had Romney supporters (not turned volunteers - nothing wrong with that) pass by Captain Delivery (played by Romney, himself) to shake his hand, or catch him smiling, as they picked up an item to carry to the truck that could have already been loaded the day before, and sent to the victims in need, or distributed through the Red Cross on site.

That is the problem, here. The man is a phony as a three dollar bill. Both he and Ryan, have pulled this kind of photo op stunt before, this was not the first time. I'm not surprise that Romney, staged those item in front of the cameras, when they should have been loaded the day before. Nor, at this point in our nation's history and ethical decay process, am I surprised at your feigning no understanding of exactly what he was trying to do.

Was Ryan, actually washing dishes that really needed to be washed when he pulled up into a Soup Kitchen, after the "soup" had been served and after the kitchen had been cleaned? Of course, not. He was pulling a stunt:

[ame=""]Paul Ryan Soup Kitchen Photo: Charity's President Complains - YouTube[/ame]

The Charity's President said that they didn't do anything. That kitchen had already been cleaned. Anyone that has ever worked a Soup Kitchen knows full well that what is seen in the background is most definitely not a kitchen that needs cleaning.

That is part of the problem with this duo of liars.

Just curious here, what does any of that rant have to do with the story in the OP? That is what Cecilie is talking about, not your crazy theories.
I don't have a suggestion but the CBO has proven fallible countless times. They also like to speculate on the likelihood of profit/deficit based on things "maybe happening".

I'm a state minimalist anyway

So, what do we do? Do we just throw our hands up and say oh darn, we're all in deep.

Quite frankly, I believe the nation is bankrupt. I believe that because we continually allow the Fed to attach debt to notes, future interest payments to U.S. bonds, and then worsen the problem by extending and expanding the money supply with built-in inflation, coupled to a Congress that can't say no to spending, plus a severely weakened Middle Class income structure and no manufacturing base to speak of, that we are basically hosed and will have no choice but to declare something akin to National Bankruptcy.

I don't think that either side of the aisle, Republican or Democrat, is talking about the real structural problems in our monetary system and how our entire economy is predicated on a mathematical impossibility. What nobody is telling the people is that one of two (2) things has to happen eventually:

1) Either the money supply increases to a point where the USD becomes so moot that it ceases to be the world's reserve currency.


2) The United States of America "files" for Bankruptcy to discharge its Foreign Debt.

Number #1, is happening right now as we speak and has been an ongoing process since 1913. Number #2, was potentially triggered (slowly) with the 2008 global financial crisis, where its net/net effect is realized in the not so distant future.

The only way to change this is to stop all borrowing, raise taxes, cut spending and kill the fractional reserve lending system along with the Federal Reserve Bank. You will also have to force (by law) banks to lend no more than their reserve limit, to keep all credit issued down to a 1:1 ratio. You might have to slowly pull back some of the money supply, until a safe equilibrium is reached, if you want to accelerate the process.

From that point, cash is king and no more national debt is created. Balancing the budget all of a sudden becomes child's play and structural surpluses become the norm. More community banks can be developed this way and wealth becomes more evenly distributed for entrepreneurs and local lenders who don't mind taking some sensible risk.

We can solve this problem, if people would just start thinking with their heads and not with their ideology.

You are most interesting. I've been going thru all of your posts.

I think I like you. Reserved judgement. I have two beers left.

I don't have a suggestion but the CBO has proven fallible countless times. They also like to speculate on the likelihood of profit/deficit based on things "maybe happening".

I'm a state minimalist anyway

So, what do we do? Do we just throw our hands up and say oh darn, we're all in deep.

Quite frankly, I believe the nation is bankrupt. I believe that because we continually allow the Fed to attach debt to notes, future interest payments to U.S. bonds, and then worsen the problem by extending and expanding the money supply with built-in inflation, coupled to a Congress that can't say no to spending, plus a severely weakened Middle Class income structure and no manufacturing base to speak of, that we are basically hosed and will have no choice but to declare something akin to National Bankruptcy.

I don't think that either side of the aisle, Republican or Democrat, is talking about the real structural problems in our monetary system and how our entire economy is predicated on a mathematical impossibility. What nobody is telling the people is that one of two (2) things has to happen eventually:

1) Either the money supply increases to a point where the USD becomes so moot that it ceases to be the world's reserve currency.


2) The United States of America "files" for Bankruptcy to discharge its Foreign Debt.

Number #1, is happening right now as we speak and has been an ongoing process since 1913. Number #2, was potentially triggered (slowly) with the 2008 global financial crisis, where its net/net effect is realized in the not so distant future.

The only way to change this is to stop all borrowing, raise taxes, cut spending and kill the fractional reserve lending system along with the Federal Reserve Bank. You will also have to force (by law) banks to lend no more than their reserve limit, to keep all credit issued down to a 1:1 ratio. You might have to slowly pull back some of the money supply, until a safe equilibrium is reached, if you want to accelerate the process.

From that point, cash is king and no more national debt is created. Balancing the budget all of a sudden becomes child's play and structural surpluses become the norm. More community banks can be developed this way and wealth becomes more evenly distributed for entrepreneurs and local lenders who don't mind taking some sensible risk.

We can solve this problem, if people would just start thinking with their heads and not with their ideology.

Well since I think taxing people's labor is unjust I wouldn't take your route. I'm not sure what the solution is. I'd like to see the federal government completely stripped so that is basically only provides a defense (defense not offense), and then government functions such as courts and what not. That's it. I think you could reduce government to this minimalist state, keep the current tax rates for 2 years, pay off the debt, get rid of the income tax and put it in a small sales or consumption type tax that doesn't tax labor to fund the minimalist state in the future. Each state could do as their constituents think best in regard to crafting their form of government but I must say I like my federal plan at a state level too.
I'm not foolish enough to think a plan like mine would ever pass or wouldn't lead to outright rioting. I still think it best from a civil liberty viewpoint (the first and most important lens to view government action IMO).
The president did not do anything in response to Sandy...

That's called a false presupposition and it is lead by a gross misunderstanding of the role of the President in national weather related disaster. The fact that something so basic and fundamental would need to be pointed out to anyone, is beyond my ability to comprehend.

Actually, it is called an opinion.

By the way, I think you are talking about the fallacy of presumption here. I have to admit I am simply guessing, but it seems like a reasonable conclusion given your complete inability to post coherently.

It is also a flat out lie. FEMA, is an agency of the Federal Government and a cabinet level appointment within the Administration. Therefore, what FEMA does, the President does - it is just that cut and dry. And, since the President, put FEMA on the ground before the storm struck, by definition and logical extension, that means that the President did exactly what he was supposed to have done. He was proactive and responsive. Nobody with half a braincell remaining in their head and at least a partially functioning neurosynaptic network, would conclude otherwise.

Last time I checked, FEMA has everything planned well in advance, usually years. They also have to follow the law which spells out when, and what, they can do. On top of that, unless Obama is some kind of mutant, he is not FEMA. The only reason he put FEMA on the ground before Sandy hit is that Bush signed the law passed by Congress that allows them to preposition designated assets. Despite the fact that they changed the way they respond it still took 4 days for FEMA to get to Staten Island. which is exactly how long it took them to get into New Orleans after Katrina.

Me, I expect that because that is still what they say. You, on the other hand, live in a fantasy world where Obama personally made sure everyone was taken care of before he went to sleep.

...other than pretend to stop running for reelection for a couple of days.

He's President of the entire United States of America. By definition that means that wherever he goes, you could make the claim that he's campaigning. Can we apply the same full-tilt definition of "pretend" to Mitt Romney? Not only did he fake a campaign stoppage, he also faked a staples relief drive by staging store bought goods out in front of cameras and then having his supporters walk past him as he doled out $5k worth of product. His staff could have loaded the trucks as soon as they got back from the store. Instead of putting them on display for other people to be seen picking them up.

He went on national TV and talked about how we, as a country, lean forward to meet emergencies. That sounds suspiciously like a campaign slogan to me. In my experience people come together and dig deep, leaning forward just puts you off balance.

You know something - the level of Right Wing dishonesty, cowardice and flat out hypocrisy on this forum is beyond imagination. You propped up some guy who has been shoveling nothing but lies and flip flops in broad daylight for the entire world to see over the past several years while campaigning for the White House, and you sit here, just as cozy as you can pretend to be in your glorious ignorance about who this man really is at the core, and fake a level of comfort with him that is staggering to behold.

Have you posted a single fact since you have been here? All I have seen is conspiracy theories, rants, and pretentious bullshit.

Just a reminder, I am not voting for Romney, pointing to him and trying to say I like flip flops just makes you look stupid.

Excuse me, stupider.

Nothing more than Right Wing Extreme Hypocrisy of Epic Proportions.

Are you trying to make an a point?

By the way, congratulations on making up poll numbers, it takes a lot of arrogance to think you can get away with pulling a stat out of thin air.

If you don't like the initial flash poll numbers, then fine. I'll retract that and replace it with Washington Post-ABC Tracking Poll, which was taken later:


Either way, the overwhelming majority of the nation recognizes what you partisan hacks refuse to recognize. That he's done exactly what he should have done and that he did it the right way. I'm 100% certain that's something you just hate.

Interesting, you said that Obama had a 92% approval rating on the response to Sandy, I tell you that you pulled the numbers out of thin air, and you post links to a poll where he has a 78% approval rating to prove you didn't make them up.

Seriously dude, give it up. I didn't even have to go back to look up the number you used, you aren't smart enough to deal with the heavy weights on this board. Stick to arguing with the racist bigots like Joyce, they are pretty close to being as dumb as you.

The hypocrisy you display is glaring. But, it fits nicely with the Republican strategy that was instantiated 90 days after the President was inaugurated: Deny & Lie. The Right Wing Deny & Lie Campaign has been roaring for the past four (4) years. Deny anything the President does that is good, and Lie about anything the President did not do as a matter of fact.

Is that like you making up poll numbers, and then trying to pretend you didn't?

We shall see if that works for Romney, on November 6th. My my projections, I've got Obama winning by a significantly larger margin than most Republicans are faking right now on "TV." :cool:

Romney is making up poll numbers that show Obama is way ahead of where he is? Why would he do that?
You might have an opinion and there is nothing wrong with having one. Just make sure they are grounded in fact. Right now, you are woefully short on facts.

Calling you a conspiracy nut is a right wing talking point? Little full of yourself, aren't you?

If ignorance were a currency, you'd be financially independent by now.

The point made very clearly, was that YOU are the fool, for not realizing that the entire world runs on conspiracies. Tossing a phrase around that you know nothing about, merely because you've heard the phrase used before to disparage someone asking legitimate questions, is a clear sign of someone who is really unable to think for themselves. There is a conspiracy going on right this very minute to turn YOU into an economic slave - were you aware of that conspiracy? Or, do you not believe that such a conspiracy exists?

There are all kinds and manner of conspiracy going on out there. And, you didn't already know that fact? You can't be that naive, can you?

Here are some facts for you.

These are not facts. This is you pretending to be representing the facts. That's not factual - that's pretense.

My business (literally) is to know what's going on in the six (6) most developed economies of the world. I don't "pretend" this stuff on the Internet each day like you do. I actually grow capital as a direct result of this data that you pretend to understand and misrepresent on this forum.

I've taken time off from work, merely to pay close attention and to be involved in the election of the next President. My job is not to be a Professional Forum Member with 1 million posts to me so-called "Internet Credit."

I run a proprietary closed-end currency fund and make daily decisions about that fund, predicated on the economic analysis of some of the very same data you toss around here, as well as the technical market analysis data for which I developed the capturing technology.

So, when you post nonsense like this:

  • When President Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009, the National Debt was: $10,626,877,048,913.08.
  • As of the time of this post the national debt is: $16,231,065,484,494.97.
  • The difference between those numbers is %5,604,158,435,581.89.
  • Subtracting the $630 billion of spending from 2009 from that number leaves about $5 trillion.
  • The year isn't over yet.

It makes me want to laugh out loud. Why? Because, you have no understanding of what you are passing off here as "informed." Your numbers for 2009, are flat out hallucinogenic.

First, real spending under Obama for 2009:

$2 billion for children’s health insurance.
$114 billion in stimulus spending.
$32 billion of the “omnibus” spending bill.
$2 billion for deposit insurance.
$31 billion in “supplemental” spending for the military and other purposes.
$2 billion in additional “Cash for Clunkers” funding.
$20 billion for GM and Chrysler bailouts.

Total = $203 billion for 2009.

Even Economist Daniel J. Mitchell, certainly not a "Liberal," puts Obama's 2009 spending at a much lower $140 billion. Either way you slice it, Obama accounted for no more than 4% to 5.8% of the 2009 carry over spending, depending on which number you want to use. So, LONG before Obama, took office, the deficit had already soared to trillions above the historical maximum. This was ALL due to Bush era policies, minus the 4% to 5.8% that Obama, added.

Source: CBO
Source: H.R. 1105 (Omnibus Appropriations Act)
Source: Library of Congress (2009 Appropriations Signed by President Obama)
Source: Economist Danial J. Mitchell

Second, real Carry Over Spending from Bush 43 into 2009:

$3.52 billion (minus the 4% to 5.8% that Obama, added.)

Source: CBO and OMB.

Under Bush 43, we had an Annual 7% increase in Federal Spending for his four (4) years on office. Under Obama 44, the aggregate Annual Federal Spending is actually LOWER than 7% per year, for each fiscal year where the man was President. So, please - stop telling Right Wing Lies.

When you look at the total spending under each President since Dwight Eisenhower, you will note the following:

Average Annual Growth Rates by President:

3.2 Eisenhower
6.6% Kennedy
9.2% Johnson
10.4% Nixon
13.5% Carter
6.8% Reagan
5.4% Bush 41
3.5% Clinton
7.7% Bush 43
1.4% Obama

We have not had a President sitting in the Oval Office, that has spend less of the tax payers money than Barack Obama, since the 1950's.

Source: The Wall Street Journal's MarketWatch
Source: Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post
Source: Ezra Klein of The Washington Post

The biggest increase in the entire history of Federal Spending, came during the last two (2) years of the Bush 43 Administration and trillions spilled over into the Obama 44 Administration during the first year, 2009. In 2011 and 2012, Federal spending actually dropped under this President.

So, please, spare me the shallow interpretive analyses. I actually do this for a living. I have to know what's going on not just in our economy, but the economies of China, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom, before I make decisions about how position my hard earn capital on a daily basis.

I can't afford to make mistakes in understanding this stuff, where our economy is, where other economies are, or what the net effect will be on currencies around the world. You might be able to play fast and loose with the data, but I don't have that luxury.

If I played that game, I'd be flat broke and out of business.

If you look to the left of that chart you will see that the CBO made two predictions about the debt, they are both explained at the bottom of the chart. Do you see where it says that the baseline is based on the assumption that current law will governing taxing and spending remain in effect? Those current laws include the Bush tax cuts, which, if they expire on schedule, will be the single largest tax increase on the middle class in history. What are the odds that will actually happen?

I realize this is "Silly Season" in politics, but your ability to write total non-sequitur nonsense is unmatched.

Expiring the Bush 43 tax cuts will ADD revenue to the Federal Government, not take revenue way. That only enhances the probability that the projections are actually maintained. Second, this country is going to have to wake up and realize that we cannot effectively pay for the interest on our long-term debt, given the current monetary policy and banking structure, that continually weakens the dollar both here at home and abroad on a built-in annual basis. So, what you are labeling incorrectly as the "biggest tax increase in middle class history," is simply not true under Obama's plan.

Under Obama's plan, the Middle Class taxes only go up a fraction when the Bush 43 tax cuts expire, leaving the remainder covered by those who make $250k per year or more. So, your conclusion is just flat out wrong.

As for spending, remember my previous post where I said Obama has said those cuts will not happen? Here is the Slate article saying the exact same thing.

Here's what the President actually said:

Bob, I just need to comment on this. First of all, the sequester is not something that I proposed. It’s something that Congress has proposed. It will not happen. The budget that we’re talking about is not reducing our military spending. It’s maintaining it.

He's talking about bringing tax rates of those with annual incomes of $250k or more, in-line with the Clinton rate levels, but leaving Middle Class tax levels right about where they are now, with only a slight possible increase in some cases, depending on deductions. This allows him to accurately make the statement that sequestration will not happen on his watch.

Here are his actual statements 3 months ago:

[ame=]Obama: It's Time To Let Tax Cuts For The Wealthiest Expire - YouTube[/ame]

So, once again, you are wrong.

Not according to the facts above. According to the facts, you are clearly wrong. Your analysis with nothing of the sort. You provided no analysis that was in anyway correct. You plucked numbers from thin air and made some obligatory comment that is dead wrong about $5 trillion being added to the national debt under Obama's policies and that is just flat out wrong as the data above shows. He did not add that much to the debt and that Republican Talking Point Lie has been debunked a very long time ago, yet you insisted on raising again in this thread.

The facts are that the biggest spike in the history of our Republic for Federal Spending as a percentage of our GDP, came exactly as I stated above, under Bush 43. A huge portion of that spending spilled over into the Obama 44 presidency, and from that point forward, this President has had no choice but to spend money on trying to stimulate our economy AND save critical and structural components of our economy, namely our financial institutions and our auto industry.

That is NOT reckless spending and you need to stop telling that lie. That was spending that was necessary and every worthwhile economist knows this to be true. In addition, most of that spending will come back with interest to the Treasury Department as a good portion of it was not a Government Handout, as lied about by Republicans. The were essentially Federal Loans for all practical purposes and they do have to be repaid with interest to the American People. Billions have already come in from the Bank Bailout.

So, you need to spend more time making sure you understand these issues before posting about them so erratically.

You are trying to use the Bay of Pigs to prove that a massive conspiracy is possible? Do you have any idea how big a disaster that was? Do you know that everyone in the world knows about it?

The Bay of Pigs? Who's talking about the Bay of Pigs?

What I'm talking about has nothing to do with that and everything to do with what you are now pretending does not exist. Are you trying to tell me that the document I posted is not real? Is that what you are hallucinating at this point? Is that the price you pay for living in denial?

The document is real and the questions you were asked about it are STILL unanswered. You don't dare answer the questions directly, do you? You know what happens when you answer the question directly, don't you? You have to admit that such Conspiracies are flat out real, don't you? And, that's why you came back to this thread with this weak response about the "Bay of Pigs," is it not?

The questions still stand about this document, if you have the courage to answer them. I doubt that you do. And, no - it has nothing to do with the Bay of Pigs. Read it carefully, and think again. Your assumption is that conspiracies do not exist. I've proving without question that in fact, they do exist.

Just to correct you, again, conspiracy nuts are the people, like you, that ignore reality, and think the world is controlled by space aliens who implant mind control devices that are invisible to X-rays in people's sinus cavities using anal probes.

I hold a Boeing 757 type rating that says otherwise. Period. You have no idea what you are talking about. I don't have so-called "Conspiracy Theory" to offer you, but I do have a lot of unanswered technical questions with regards to 911. The document I posted on this forum has a connection to 911 and you clearly miss that connection. What I now want to know is just how far does the rabbit hole go.

Those unanswered questions are related to these key topics:

- NTSB protocols for Crash Site Investigation.
- NTSB protocols for the release of FDR data.
- CONUS Air Defense Protocols. NORAD/ACC/NOCC integration.
- ARTCC active coverage for New Hampshire, New York and Virginia.
- ZNY & ZDC Sector Control active coverage (I want archived data).
- Boeing 757/767 flight performance envelope data (flight physics)
- Boeing 757/767 flight handling characteristics (throttle-thrust response in specific)
- Boeing 757/767 EFIS, FMC, IRU/ADC & LRU logs
- Barometric Pressure for KDCA between 0800 - 1000 local (history data)
- Cessna 172 flight performance data
- Cessna 172 flight handling characteristics
- FAA PTS requirements for PPL (Oral, Written, Flight)
- Commercial Airliner measured crash site geometry - Pentagon.
- Commercial Airliner measured crash site geometry - Shanksville.
- Commercial Airliner sampled crash site chemistry - Pentagon.
- Commercial Airliner sampled crash site chemistry - Shanksville.
- NTSB/OEM parts identification protocols & procedures - Pentagon.
- NTSB/OEM parts identification protocols & procedures - Shanksville.
- Human remains DNA collection, chain of custody and documented protocols/procedures. (all sites)
- Human remains DNA lab analysis testing: RFLP/PCR/ETC typing and amplification data. (all sites)
- All FBI confiscated exterior video with focal points +/- 45-degrees L/R of Pentagon West between 0800 - 1000 local
- Names of all Non-Government employee First Responders: Pentagon and Shanksville
- Current location and access to ALL crash site debris recovery: New York, Pentagon and Shanksville.
- Names of all crash site debris recovery personnel (Official and Non-Official): New York, Pentagon and Shanksville.

If you think you are ready for the kind of discussion that the above would entail, I am both qualified and happy to accommodate you. Prepare yourself for a somewhat "technical" discussion where mathematics, biology, classical physics, flight physics, inorganic chemistry, U.S. air defense systems, air traffic control systems, turbine pilot proficiency, 757/767 flight performance, crash site investigations, civil (commercial) engineering and aeronautical engineering, will be discussed and referred to quite heavily.

We can start with the Flight Control System of the Boeing 757, its coupling to the FMS (Flight Management System) and its coupling to the Auto Pilot System. From there we have a discussion about the 75's LRU (Ling Replaceable Unit) design, purpose and function. After that, we can start talking about Ground and Satellite based Remote Piloting Systems - aka: Remote Control Flight Systems.

Whenever, you are ready to talk shop - let me know.
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