Give to the Red Cross, unless your name is Romney

that's the tone and the attitude that I saw on this forum long before I got here[/B], and that is exactly the same tone and tenor that you have addressed me with in your post. Clearly, if I practiced being as antithetical to human decency that some of you long time members do, I'd be light years ahead in the irrevocably useless insults category.

Wow he saw all of this before he even showed up. :lol:
that's the tone and the attitude that I saw on this forum long before I got here[/B], and that is exactly the same tone and tenor that you have addressed me with in your post. Clearly, if I practiced being as antithetical to human decency that some of you long time members do, I'd be light years ahead in the irrevocably useless insults category.

Wow he saw all of this before he even showed up. :lol:

I have a feeling that someone snuck back in after getting banned.
Okay, back on-topic.

Let me see if I have the basic facts straight here. Correct me if I don't.

Romney schedules a campaign event in Ohio. They book and pay for a venue in which to hold the event.

Sandy hits the northeast, and Romney and Obama both suspend campaigning out of respect for the people hit by the storm.

Rather than attempting to get a refund on the money they paid for the event venue, the Romney campaign decides to use that venue to collect donations for disaster relief.

Items for donation are purchased either using 1) Romney's personal money, 2) campaign workers' personal money, or 3) Romney campaign funds (which is frankly unlikely, given that it would be illegal, and I doubt Romney or his campaign staff are that unversed in the legalities of campaign funds).

Romney makes arrangements for the donations to be transported to the areas hit by the storm at his own cost.

Now, did I misstate the facts on any of this? Because if I'm correct, I JUST don't see how anyone can vote for an unmitigated bastard like Romney. How DARE he! :cuckoo:
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Okay, back on-topic.

Let me see if I have the basic facts straight here. Correct me if I don't.

Romney schedules a campaign event in Ohio. They book and pay for a venue in which to hold the event.

Sandy hits the northeast, and Romney and Obama both suspend campaigning out of respect for the people hit by the storm.

Rather than attempting to get a refund on the money they paid for the event venue, the Romney campaign decides to use that venue to collect donations for disaster relief.

Items for donation are purchased either using 1) Romney's personal money, 2) campaign workers' personal money, or 3) Romney campaign funds (which is frankly unlikely, given that it would be illegal, and I doubt Romney or his campaign staff are that unversed in the legalities of campaign funds).

Romney makes arrangements for the donations to be transported to the areas hit by the storm at his own cost.

Now, did I misstate the facts on any of this? Because if I'm correct, I JUST don't see how anyone can vote for an unmitigated bastard like Romney. How DARE he! :cuckoo:

That is, essentially, what it comes down to. They even had the gall to use press passes for the old event rather than miraculously getting new passes printed on short notice.
I think you forgot that the Obamabots see this as Romney turning on his own opinions regarding aid to disaster relief efforts and noting but a political gain at someone's expense....
I think you forgot that the Obamabots see this as Romney turning on his own opinions regarding aid to disaster relief efforts and noting but a political gain at someone's expense....

No, I didn't forget. It just wasn't relevant to my point, which was the bare FACTS of the case, stripped of all opinions and viewpoints about them.
I was going to comment on this but the system screwed up and erased what I wrote.


Running around showing how presidential he is in his official bomber jacket?

Tell that to the cold, hungry, isolated people who are still waiting for help!!!

What's most disturbing about this post, is the part that misses the duty and responsibility of the President, in a time of national crisis. As a practical matter, the post is self describing and highly transparent.

If giving the Governors of the affected areas a direct line of communication to the President himself is not enough, then nothing else the President could do, would ever be sufficient in the mind of someone so incredibly stuck on backwards.

This President received a 92% approval rating for his response to Sandy. You are clearly in the bottom 8%. After all, this is still the United States of America, the last time I checked. Therefore, you are entitled to your opinion - no matter how backwards that opinion might turn out to be.
Making a false statement and then knocking it down is not proper debate. Makes your claim of a donation very suspect, when you lie in debate.

Not posting a link to the false statement that you claimed was made, is tantamount to standing on the Golden Gate Bridge at mid-span in the middle of December, and spitting nose high into the wind.

Your turn.
They need everything they can get.

No they don't.

You ever work for the Red Cross?

I did. We had to warehouse a shit load of clothing they couldn't use.

That..costs money.

I worked for The Salvation Army, everything helps. If the Red Cross can't figure out what to do with the clothes they don't deserve my money.

So have I. Still do now and then. And for disaster relief they will take anything useful from food, clothing, hand operated can openers, blankets, tarps, flash lights and batteries, and toys to give the kids a sense of normalcy. Watching folks on TV on Staten Island this morning, they were in dire need of food, potable drinking water, clothing, and blankets first and foremost. The local folks are organizing it on folding tables for folks to just come and get. Fema hasn't been there. Neither has the Red Cross.
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Making a false statement and then knocking it down is not proper debate. Makes your claim of a donation very suspect, when you lie in debate.

Not posting a link to the false statement that you claimed was made, is tantamount to standing on the Golden Gate Bridge at mid-span in the middle of December, and spitting nose high into the wind.

Your turn.


For the Left, only from the gov't
means anything

[ame=]Forward- The Obama Way - YouTube[/ame]
I was going to comment on this but the system screwed up and erased what I wrote.


Running around showing how presidential he is in his official bomber jacket?

Tell that to the cold, hungry, isolated people who are still waiting for help!!!

What's most disturbing about this post, is the part that misses the duty and responsibility of the President, in a time of national crisis. As a practical matter, the post is self describing and highly transparent.

If giving the Governors of the affected areas a direct line of communication to the President himself is not enough, then nothing else the President could do, would ever be sufficient in the mind of someone so incredibly stuck on backwards.

This President received a 92% approval rating for his response to Sandy. You are clearly in the bottom 8%. After all, this is still the United States of America, the last time I checked. Therefore, you are entitled to your opinion - no matter how backwards that opinion might turn out to be.

The president did not do anything in response to Sandy other than pretend to stop running for reelection for a couple of days.

By the way, congratulations on making up poll numbers, it takes a lot of arrogance to think you can get away with pulling a stat out of thin air.
BEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!! Oh, sorry, for a moment there, you actually bored me to death.

The shallow nature of your replies speak volumes. Like a petulant child begging for attention. Unfortunately, this might just be the only "life" you have, so I won't rain on your "existence" here.
... My Idiot-to-English dictionary is ambivalent on the subject. It's also almost as bored as I am.

The word bored comes up more times under your UID than even you probably know. If you went out and derived a "life," then maybe you wouldn't be so bored all the time. Consequently, the pervasive and toxic nature of your prose here and their off-topic latitude, is indicative of a deeper seeded self-destructive hate that pervades just about every syllable you present as rudimentary sarcasm in this thread.

Being a smart ass, is not the same thing as being smart. That is a differential with a distinction, not a distinction without differential.
Careful. In Arizona, that's soliciting money for a sex act. ;)

Have you ever succeeded at anything in your life? Like graduating from High School, College, establishing a Career in a Profession and/or Vocation?

I'm curious, what is it that you do exactly to make a living for yourself and your family? As far as I know (and I could easily be flat out wrong), there are no decent paying jobs for inconsequential memberships on political forums that spew Right Wing Hate like any ordinary (nothing special) garden variety water hose.
Careful. In Arizona, that's soliciting money for a sex act. ;)

Have you ever succeeded at anything in your life? Like graduating from High School, College, establishing a Career in a Profession and/or Vocation?

I'm curious, what is it that you do exactly to make a living for yourself and your family? As far as I know (and I could easily be flat out wrong), there are no decent paying jobs for inconsequential memberships on political forums that spew Right Wing Hate like any ordinary (nothing special) garden variety water hose.

How many times must you be told that family is off limits here, dip shit?

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