Glenn Beck arrives in Okla. with two truckloads of food, water and diapers


Did it help?
Pray to FEMA, fuckface. dare a private citizen donate money, we should all rely solely on the government
To be quite honest, making a simple financial donation to the Red Cross or one of those others would probably do far more good than a couple of truckloads of tossed-together scraps... I've seen this sort of grandstanding on several occasions of disaster relief, stretching back in the early 1990s...

how do you figure? those orgs take money off the top for admin costs and honestly, what difference does it make if a private person donates X himself or donates X to an organization?

in reality, there is little difference, except perhaps an individual might get the relief to other individuals faster, which it appears beck did.

you can claim all day and night it is grandstanding, but the fact is, the man donated his money and time and all you can do is bitch and moan about it. that says alot about you.
I don't agree with some of Glenn Beck's politics, but this is very generous what he is doing.

Convoy of hope: Glenn Beck arrives in Okla. with two truckloads of food, water and diapers | Twitchy

Gee, you think he's being altruistic or self serving? The answer is obvious.

You going to say the same when Penn, the President or other celebs show up?

of course not....they are dems

luddly and laktota applaud their efforts and use their efforts to prove dems are more giving than pubs

pretty sick if you ask me. i don't see how you can be so disgustingly partisan as to bitch and moan about someone donating money/food to those in need.
I guess the governor of Oklahoma can stop trying to get federal funds,

now that the private sector has taken care of the situation... we're always told it will do, which is why we don't need government.

dumbest strawman of the day or the year

no one said that, ever

and you know it
This is a typical Beck dog & pony show.

Get back to us when you roll in with a convoy of supplies.

In spite of Oklahoma Senators Inhofe and Coburn opposing FEMA and past disaster aid to other states (including hurricane Sandy) - American taxpayers will be rolling in with many convoys of supplies and other relief. Obama will take care of Oklahoma.

Obama doesn't have to. The people are already taking care of them through their private donation and through the efforts of the Churches in the area.
I trust the Red Cross much more than Beck. I still remember horror stories about Hannity's so-called charity work.

You can trust who you want. But pretending as though someone trying to raise money for and personally serving people in need with their own time and money is somehow bad because you don't like their politics is a joke.

Glenn believes in private individuals serving others and lifting their fellow man. If he didn't do what he thought was right, you'd call him a hypocrite. Sounds like he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. If you are going to damn him either way, he may as well be choosing the way that helps thousands of people and builds our nations.
I guess the governor of Oklahoma can stop trying to get federal funds,

now that the private sector has taken care of the situation... we're always told it will do, which is why we don't need government.

dumbest strawman of the day or the year

no one said that, ever

and you know it

Oh my, suddenly as if by magic all the conservatives around here agree with ME that it is a legitimate role of the federal government to provide for the general welfare.


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