Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

That's how socialists roll, Bubba.

And they don't redidtribute the wealth, they redistribute lack and misery.

What you wrote above, makes no sense, Dude. The Nazis did not own or manage the means of production. Big business did. That is corporatism, not socialism.

The Nazi's Owned Big Business,the means of production , and the people. Thats Totaliatarian. Socialism is a path to Totalitarianism.

Nutjob ~
The eugenics argument is bogus, period. You will find less than 1/10th of 1% of high school and college instructors giving it any credit. These are the folks teaching your kids and grandkids. Your silly beliefs will die out, with your kids and grandkids thinking you were no different than nazis or KKK when it came to stupid hating. Well, go for it, wierdos.

Emanuel bluntly admits that the cuts will not be pain-free. "Vague promises of savings from cutting waste, enhancing prevention and wellness, installing electronic medical records and improving quality are merely 'lipstick' cost control, more for show and public relations than for true change," he wrote last year (Health Affairs Feb. 27, 2008).

Savings, he writes, will require changing how doctors think about their patients: Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, "as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others" (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008).

Take Henry VIII for example.

He nationalized religion in England, but not for some "socialist" plan.

He did it because he wanted to steal all the Catholic Church's wealth and use it to secure his power base.

That's what Hitler was about, he wasn't a socialist, he was a greedy, control-freak, with a Napoleon complex, who wanted to rule the world, and kill all the "impure" people in it.
Yeah...I guess that "National Socialist Worker's Party" thingy was all just a far-right wing semantic ruse. :rolleyes:

Actually, yes, it was. Hitler had culled all the leftists out of the party by 1934, and he started much earlier than that.
The eugenics argument is bogus, period. You will find less than 1/10th of 1% of high school and college instructors giving it any credit. These are the folks teaching your kids and grandkids. Your silly beliefs will die out, with your kids and grandkids thinking you were no different than nazis or KKK when it came to stupid hating. Well, go for it, wierdos.

Emanuel bluntly admits that the cuts will not be pain-free. "Vague promises of savings from cutting waste, enhancing prevention and wellness, installing electronic medical records and improving quality are merely 'lipstick' cost control, more for show and public relations than for true change," he wrote last year (Health Affairs Feb. 27, 2008).

Savings, he writes, will require changing how doctors think about their patients: Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, "as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others" (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008).


Nutjob ~

Hmmm. . . I wonder if all the wierdos are monikers for the same deranged poster. If so, the Dems generally are going to sweep in 2010. We will elect either a conservative Pub or a conservative Dem, which is fine - controlled systemic change for the all of the people.

It took the GOP twenty years after FDR's first election to understand that. I wonder if it will take that long this time?
I'm not misunderstanding anything.....And I'm not the one here picking flecks of pepper out of authoritarian piles of shit, in a lame attempt to draw a few paltry distinctions between Nazis and communists that don't add up to a hill of beans.

Ahh, but you're missing the point.

The Obama administration only reflects the USSR or the Chinese from a collectivist standpoint, and not in anywhere close to the extreme measures in either of those two nations.

From a political standpoint, rather than an economic one, he is NOT a totalitarian.

He is not, for instance, trying to consolidate power over the populace to a single individual or a small group, which is the very definition of a totalitarian movement.

Thus, as I said, he, and all liberals really, are simply trying to move closer to forms of governments like in modern France or Sweden.

Socialist Democracies.

But again, he's not trying to move the country all the way to the level of France, just a bit closer.
I'm missing no point whatsoever.

Social totalitarianism comes with economic totalitarianism...It's a package deal.

And Barry Obolshevik isn't gonna settle for France, he's shooting straight for an amalgamation of the worst aspects of both Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany.....In case you hadn't heard, both had death camps and extremely stratified societies based upon political affiliations.
Take Henry VIII for example.

He nationalized religion in England, but not for some "socialist" plan.

He did it because he wanted to steal all the Catholic Church's wealth and use it to secure his power base.

That's what Hitler was about, he wasn't a socialist, he was a greedy, control-freak, with a Napoleon complex, who wanted to rule the world, and kill all the "impure" people in it.
Yeah...I guess that "National Socialist Worker's Party" thingy was all just a far-right wing semantic ruse. :rolleyes:

Actually, yes, it was. Hitler had culled all the leftists out of the party by 1934, and he started much earlier than that.
Oh, fuckin' brother!! :rolleyes:

You're so right! We've been lying all along. You found us out.

That's why France, Sweden, England, and Canada are ALL Totalitarian states!

The evil Dictators of all those nations are just pretending that Democracy exists!

Ahh, I give up. I have to go out for the evening. Night all.
How many medical breakthroughs are coming from Canada, England, France and Sweden??

How many Americans fly to those countries to get treatment for serious illnesses??

I guess you also hadn't heard that our ancestors left those places to come to America.

The attitude of the american left is virtually identical to the city dwellers who've flocked to little mountain towns because they're different, then spend a lot of their time trying to make those different places more like the dumps they left.
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Thus my point:

Hitler was not a socialist, he was just a control-freak.

There are societies that combine socialism with democracy.

There are nations that combine totalitarianism with capitalism.

Hitler mixed capitalism with socialism as he saw fit in whatever way gave him and his cronies the most power.

And NONE of this has to do with modern liberalism, which attempts to combine Democracy with a mix of capitalism and socialism.

Modern liberalism tries to emulate governments like those of modern day France or Sweden, not to push toward "totalitarianism" or "Communism".

Has France become a Fascist state? I think not, nor has Sweden, nor has any modern industrialized country that has a Socialist Democracy.

We Believe in Inalienable Right's. That include Life, liberty, and Property, or The Pursuit of Happiness. Equal Distribution is not a part of our foundation. It is in conflict with the right to Private Property. It is in conflict with the Individual. We are not Europe, nor do we impose our law on them. We have Fire in our reason for being. Let me share an example.

A declaration by the representatives of the United Colonies of North America, now met in general Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the causes and necessity of their taking up arms.

If it was possible for men, who exercise their reason, to believe, that the Divine Author of our existence intended a part of the human race to hold an absolute property in, and an unbounded power over others, marked out by his infinite goodness and wisdom, as the objects of a legal domination never rightfully resistible, however severe and oppressive, the inhabitants of these colonies might at least require from the Parliament of Great Britain some evidence that this dreadful authority over them has been granted to that body. But a reverence for our great Creator, principles of humanity, and the dictates of common sense must convince all those who reflect upon the subject that government was instituted to promote the welfare of mankind and ought to be administered for the attainment of that end. .........

Yet, however blinded that assembly may be, by their intemperate rage for unlimited domination, so to slight justice and the opinion of mankind, we esteem ourselves bound, by obligations of respect to the rest of the world, to make known the justice of our cause. .....

Our cause is just. Our union is perfect. Our internal resources are great, and, if necessary, foreign assistance is undoubtedly attainable. We gratefully acknowledge, as signal instances of the Divine favor toward us, that his Providence would not permit us to be called into this severe controversy, until we were grown up to our present strength, had been previously exercised in warlike operation, and possessed of the means of defending ourselves. With hearts fortified with these animating reflections, we most solemnly, before God and the world, declare that, exerting the utmost energy of those powers which our beneficent Creator hath graciously bestowed upon us, the arms we have been compelled by our enemies to assume we will, in defiance of every hazard, with unabating firmness and perseverance, employ for the preservation of our liberties; being with our [one] mind resolved to die free men rather than live slaves.

Declaration of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775

Think Ayn Rand. "Anthem". That is what Socialism means to me. Just farther along the path than how you see it. From Equality 7-2521, Back at ya.

You're so right! We've been lying all along. You found us out.

That's why France, Sweden, England, and Canada are ALL Totalitarian states!

The evil Dictators of all those nations are just pretending that Democracy exists!

Ahh, I give up. I have to go out for the evening. Night all.

interesting.....which clinic in sweden france england or canada would you rather go to than say....stanford......or houston if you have say....cancer.....
Wait I have a few more minutes....

We Believe in Inalienable Right's. That include Life, liberty, and Property, or The Pursuit of Happiness. Equal Distribution is not a part of our foundation. It is in conflict with the right to Private Property. It is in conflict with the Individual. We are not Europe, nor do we impose our law on them. We have Fire in our reason for being. Let me share an example.

<Snip> (Edited for brevity)

That is not part of the Consitution. It's part of the Declaration of Independence.

In the CONSTITUTION it says:

"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justics and insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and insure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity"

Declaration of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775 [/COLOR]

Think Ayn Rand. "Anthem". That is what Socialism means to me. Just farther along the path than how you see it. From Equality 7-2521, Back at ya.

But the fact that you're a fan of Ayn Rand explains a lot.
How many medical breakthroughs are coming from Canada, England, France and Sweden??

No clue, do you have any figures from a credible source that could enlighten us? I haven't been able to find any personally.

Since I have, in other threads been able to find figures from either the WHO, the OECD, or the Dept of HHS that have debunked just about every generalization the right has made about health care, I wouldn't be surprised if even this one turned out to be false.

How many Americans fly to those countries to get treatment for serious illnesses??]

I don't know, Again, perhaps you could provide us with some figures from a credible source.

I guess you also hadn't heard that our ancestors left those places to come to America.

The attitude of the american left is virtually identical to the city dwellers who've flocked to little mountain towns because they're different, then spend a lot of their time trying to make those different places more like the dumps they left.

Hmm, I guess you didn't hear about the recent headcount that indicates city populations have been growing much faster than rural populations worldwide in recent years?

By the way I like the new Avatar.

I see if I can find that for you later, but I must run now. Night again all.
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JULY 6, 1775

Here again is the Link. "Justice" is in conflict with "Equal Distribution". Liberty is in Conflict with "Equal Distribution". Hamilton hijacked The Federal Government, in part with the "Promote The General Welfare". He Imagined Limitless Power to Implement whatever he Imagined, without checks and balances, with zero regard for Enumerated Powers. You are doing the same. We are effectively continuing the argument between Madison and Jefferson V.S. Alexander Hamilton. Tyranny is still Tyranny, no matter the color you paint it. Even The Constitution is Under God, whether You accept it or not, is irrelevant. Who are You or I to play God with other Peoples money, void of consent?

Declaration of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775
Wait I have a few more minutes....

We Believe in Inalienable Right's. That include Life, liberty, and Property, or The Pursuit of Happiness. Equal Distribution is not a part of our foundation. It is in conflict with the right to Private Property. It is in conflict with the Individual. We are not Europe, nor do we impose our law on them. We have Fire in our reason for being. Let me share an example.

<Snip> (Edited for brevity)

That is not part of the Consitution. It's part of the Declaration of Independence.

In the CONSTITUTION it says:

"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justics and insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and insure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity"

Declaration of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775 [/COLOR]

Think Ayn Rand. "Anthem". That is what Socialism means to me. Just farther along the path than how you see it. From Equality 7-2521, Back at ya.

But the fact that you're a fan of Ayn Rand explains a lot.

There is much of Ayn Rand I respect. I'm not an Atheist. There We disagree. The Individual is home to the Soul, Defend it at all cost. Conscience Dictates, not Group Thing.
How many medical breakthroughs are coming from Canada, England, France and Sweden??

No clue, do you have any figures from a credible source that could enlighten us? I haven't been able to find any personally.

Since I have, in other threads been able to find figures from either the WHO, the OECD, or the Dept of HHS that have debunked just about every generalization the right has made about health care, I wouldn't be surprised if even this one turned out to be false.

How many Americans fly to those countries to get treatment for serious illnesses??]

I don't know, Again, perhaps you could provide us with some figures from a credible source.
Nothing after "No clue" and "I don't know" matters...Especially your weak attempt to shift the onus back onto me to come up with the numbers.

BYW....I'm not "the right" either.

I guess you also hadn't heard that our ancestors left those places to come to America.

The attitude of the american left is virtually identical to the city dwellers who've flocked to little mountain towns because they're different, then spend a lot of their time trying to make those different places more like the dumps they left.

Hmm, I guess you didn't hear about the recent headcount that indicates city populations have been growing much faster than rural populations worldwide in recent years?.
How in the wide, wide world of sports is that non sequitur relevant to what I posted??
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You're so right! We've been lying all along. You found us out.

That's why France, Sweden, England, and Canada are ALL Totalitarian states!

The evil Dictators of all those nations are just pretending that Democracy exists!

Ahh, I give up. I have to go out for the evening. Night all.

You might more correctly state that Private Property and Individual Justice exist by the Arbitrary Consent of the State, it can be given or taken away, without regard to Justification. The same applies to Free will.
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You're so right! We've been lying all along. You found us out.

That's why France, Sweden, England, and Canada are ALL Totalitarian states!

The evil Dictators of all those nations are just pretending that Democracy exists!

Ahh, I give up. I have to go out for the evening. Night all.

interesting.....which clinic in sweden france england or canada would you rather go to than say....stanford......or houston if you have say....cancer.....

You just revealed the point on which you righter nuts fall. No one argues the quality of American health care, only the accessibility. Almost fifty million Americans don't have access to State U hospital much less Stanford or Houston. I suggest that any reputable clinic in the USA, France, Sweden, etc, would be a blessing.

Now go do your homework and come back and tell us where the USA ranks in longevity and infant mortality with GB, FR, SWD, or CDA. Hmmm?

That is what they are teaching your relatives and friends and your children and grandchildren at high school and university. That your point of view is not only wrong but evil.
JULY 6, 1775

Here again is the Link. "Justice" is in conflict with "Equal Distribution". Liberty is in Conflict with "Equal Distribution". Hamilton hijacked The Federal Government, in part with the "Promote The General Welfare". He Imagined Limitless Power to Implement whatever he Imagined, without checks and balances, with zero regard for Enumerated Powers. You are doing the same. We are effectively continuing the argument between Madison and Jefferson V.S. Alexander Hamilton. Tyranny is still Tyranny, no matter the color you paint it. Even The Constitution is Under God, whether You accept it or not, is irrelevant. Who are You or I to play God with other Peoples money, void of consent?

Declaration of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775

You will be one of those who tell God on that day of reckoning that you did this and that and the other for Him. He will tell his angels, "Turn this bum's azz into the alley."

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