Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

IOW, you really have NFI what you're ranting and raving about here, and are just taking a few potshots at a strawman.

Good sallybooboo impersonation, though.

yea dude! Posting fucking evidence sure does insinuate NFI!


Again, who do you think Death to Obama guy listens to on the radio? AIR AMERICA?

sucks to be you, holmes.

What evidence have you posted that shows Beck is going around telling people to make signs that say "death to Obama"??

Your inane speculations as to the radio listening habits of the anyone you don't know in general, and the nutburger who had the sign in particular, are entirely irrelevant to anything.

Inspector Clouseau looks like Ellery Queen next to you, numbnuts.

He is inciting a violent reaction to a President of the US. It really doesn't concern me if you want to drag your feet and be purposfully obtuse abut what it is that sells his program to disillusioned wannabe randy weavers looking for an opportunity to get their name into wiki. Again, if Beck had a bullhorn rather than a microphone he'd have already been given the Abbie Hoffman treatment by now.

And, what is inane is that you seem to think that we ALL don't already know what the radio station is set at on this guys car stereo. You'd insist that Lee Harvey Oswal was just a second amendment loving citizen until after a pulled trigger.

Don't blame me if YOUR SIDE is walking dangerously close to the Domestic Terrorist nomenclature.

yea dude! Posting fucking evidence sure does insinuate NFI!


Again, who do you think Death to Obama guy listens to on the radio? AIR AMERICA?

sucks to be you, holmes.

What evidence have you posted that shows Beck is going around telling people to make signs that say "death to Obama"??

Your inane speculations as to the radio listening habits of the anyone you don't know in general, and the nutburger who had the sign in particular, are entirely irrelevant to anything.

Inspector Clouseau looks like Ellery Queen next to you, numbnuts.

He is inciting a violent reaction to a President of the US. It really doesn't concern me if you want to drag your feet and be purposfully obtuse abut what it is that sells his program to disillusioned wannabe randy weavers looking for an opportunity to get their name into wiki. Again, if Beck had a bullhorn rather than a microphone he'd have already been given the Abbie Hoffman treatment by now.

And, what is inane is that you seem to think that we ALL don't already know what the radio station is set at on this guys car stereo. You'd insist that Lee Harvey Oswal was just a second amendment loving citizen until after a pulled trigger.

Don't blame me if YOUR SIDE is walking dangerously close to the Domestic Terrorist nomenclature.


Inspector Clouseau looks like Ellery Queen next to you, numbnuts.

Why does Shogun gotta have the numb nuts? or..testecles for the fastideous....AKA ANAL

The point I feel being overlooked to often is that many here on USMB are raving bigots and that unfortunately is true about you too DUD. If you cannot support the most minimal of protection for a sitting president what other conclusion can I draw?
I don't know, Again, perhaps you could provide us with some figures from a credible source.

Nothing after "No clue" and "I don't know" matters...Especially your weak attempt to shift the onus back onto me to come up with the numbers.

No, see I don't think you quite understand how this works... If YOU make an assertion, the onus is already on you to back up said assertion.

If I made the assertion, the onus would be on me.

Get it?

BYW....I'm not "the right" either.

Few right-wingers that I know actually consider themselves to actually be right-wing.

That being said, I will take your word for it until proven otherwise.

I guess you also hadn't heard that our ancestors left those places to come to America.

The attitude of the american left is virtually identical to the city dwellers who've flocked to little mountain towns because they're different, then spend a lot of their time trying to make those different places more like the dumps they left.

Hmm, I guess you didn't hear about the recent headcount that indicates city populations have been growing much faster than rural populations worldwide in recent years?.
How in the wide, wide world of sports is that non sequitur relevant to what I posted??[/QUOTE]

You said there were city dwellers "flocking" to "little mountain towns" indicating some sort of mass exodus. Perhaps that's not what you meant.
the 50 mil figure is messed with, and not accurate, if you take into account they include illegals in it and people that are just between jobs
and the WHO rankings are unfair because they use different standards for different countries(basically what ever the country decides) like they dont count a child born untill its at least a week old in some countries
And people who qualify for Medicare/Medicaid but have yet to apply for it.

But honesty isn't the strong suit of the committed authoritarian statist.

OK, as we discussed in another thread, the 47 million people figure does not include illegals, as they are not part of the census.

The 47 million people figure breaks down approximately, as follows:

37 million citizens
10 million legal immigrants (with green cards, student visas, etc)

People on medicaid and medicare would not be included, because that counts as insurance.

The 47 million people figure, (which is from the US Census mind you, not some "biased" media organization) includes only people who are not insured at all.
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In addition to the 47 million people mentioned, there are approximately 7 million illegal immigrants who are not covered.
VASTlwc you got any vids or articles by beck showing him telling people to go out and be violent?

I already explained my comments, in detail.

One does not have to go out and explicitly tell people to shoot someone to incite violence.

If one shows people, in detail, why someone needs to be shot, they are saying the same thing.

For instance, the founding fathers did not write anywhere in any of the documentation that I've seen "go out and shoot some British people", but they did provide reasons to go shoot british people, and explained them in depth.
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VASTlwc you got any vids or articles by beck showing him telling people to go out and be violent?

I already explained my comments, in detail.

One does not have to go out and explicitly tell people to shoot someone to incite violence.

If one shows people, in detail, why someone needs to be shot, they are saying the same thing.

So by your logic you are inciting violence against Glenn Beck and need to be banned from the public eye :cuckoo:
VASTlwc you got any vids or articles by beck showing him telling people to go out and be violent?

I already explained my comments, in detail.

One does not have to go out and explicitly tell people to shoot someone to incite violence.

If one shows people, in detail, why someone needs to be shot, they are saying the same thing.

So by your logic you are inciting violence against Glenn Beck and need to be banned from the public eye :cuckoo:

um, maybe I missed it but.. uh.. WHERE did he say anything about Glen Beck NEEDING to be shot because he is a THREAT to our nation?
VASTlwc you got any vids or articles by beck showing him telling people to go out and be violent?

I already explained my comments, in detail.

One does not have to go out and explicitly tell people to shoot someone to incite violence.

If one shows people, in detail, why someone needs to be shot, they are saying the same thing.

So by your logic you are inciting violence against Glenn Beck and need to be banned from the public eye :cuckoo:

A valid point, I must say.

However, I did not say Beck needs to be banned, I said people need to see that his advertising is pulled so that he is removed from the national stage.

After all, I am not a national syndicated talk show host. Beck is.

Which makes Beck very dangerous, and me some crank talking on a message board.
With what I said being said I do have to throw one more opinion of mine out there.

Beck is loony toons. Out of his mind crazy.

I just dont think he was trying to get people to be violent is all.

I already explained my comments, in detail.

One does not have to go out and explicitly tell people to shoot someone to incite violence.

If one shows people, in detail, why someone needs to be shot, they are saying the same thing.

So by your logic you are inciting violence against Glenn Beck and need to be banned from the public eye :cuckoo:

um, maybe I missed it but.. uh.. WHERE did he say anything about Glen Beck NEEDING to be shot because he is a THREAT to our nation?

No, no, he has a valid point if one were to use my own argument against me.

I never said Beck need to be shot, but because I am painting him as the evil, sick individual I believe him to be, I may in fact end up inciting someone to violence, theoretically.

Of course, as I said, I'm just some crank on a message board, and I certainly don't have a loyal following of millions. LOL.

And there's one more difference:

It's not illegal if I were to encourage the assasination of Beck.

It IS illegal to call for the assassination of the President of the United States.
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VASTlwc you got any vids or articles by beck showing him telling people to go out and be violent?

I already explained my comments, in detail.

One does not have to go out and explicitly tell people to shoot someone to incite violence.

If one shows people, in detail, why someone needs to be shot, they are saying the same thing.

So by your logic you are inciting violence against Glenn Beck and need to be banned from the public eye

No, by your logic you are with Beck and violence.

Stop inciting violence, please. Renounce and denounce it.
:lol::lol::lol::lol: 43 pages and rising. not a single piece of evidence to support the allegation of Glenn Beck Inciting Violence. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

When did you escape from the zoo, intense? If one listens to the clips of the program, yeah, he was inciting. No different that a guy saying, "I don't want to fight," while cocking his fist and stepping forward.
:lol::lol::lol::lol: 43 pages and rising. not a single piece of evidence to support the allegation of Glenn Beck Inciting Violence. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

When did you escape from the zoo, intense? If one listens to the clips of the program, yeah, he was inciting. No different that a guy saying, "I don't want to fight," while cocking his fist and stepping forward.

I open to VAST LWC's idea here, but i would still like either him or now you to post a video that shows this.

It can't be that hard to find according to what you are saying.

Show me a clip that incites violence....i've changed my demand from "show me a clip where he tells people to be violent" now i just want to see what you view, in your opinion, as a segment of his show where he is inciting violence (please dont play one of his sarcastic moments but an actual inciting moment)
:lol::lol::lol::lol: 43 pages and rising. not a single piece of evidence to support the allegation of Glenn Beck Inciting Violence. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

When did you escape from the zoo, intense? If one listens to the clips of the program, yeah, he was inciting. No different that a guy saying, "I don't want to fight," while cocking his fist and stepping forward.

I open to VAST LWC's idea here, but i would still like either him or now you to post a video that shows this.

It can't be that hard to find according to what you are saying.

Show me a clip that incites violence....i've changed my demand from "show me a clip where he tells people to be violent" now i just want to see what you view, in your opinion, as a segment of his show where he is inciting violence (please dont play one of his sarcastic moments but an actual inciting moment)

Review the program on your own, and you will get it.
If reform efforts fail, in two to four years health insurance premiums will double and the same people that are shouting at the town hall meetings and sending out lies on what is actually in the bill will be the people who will be asking why their governement hasn't done something. Premiums will leave companies with no other option than to stop offering health care coverage.

I know people in my office that will be screaming bloody murder when, in leu of a raise in two years, any increase in their pay scale will be devoured by soaring health care premiums. I will be quick to remind them of the town hall meetings.

The two sides need to find a degree of moderation, but the public option needs to continue to be included. Without it, we may as well go back to the old days. I see a public option, not offered by Guvment, but by health care coopertives that are independent of either government or insurance entities. It can happen, but it won't happen if the shouting continues and the lies are believed.

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