Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Looks like Glen Beck's tirades are working

"Death to Obama" Sign Holder Detained by Secret Service

There were signs comparing President Barack Obama to a Nazi and showing him with an Adolf Hitler-style mustache, but federal officials believe another sign referencing the president and his family went too far.

A man who was holding a sign reading "Death to Obama" Wednesday outside a town hall meeting on health care reform in Hagerstown, Md., has been turned over to the Secret Service.

Washington County Sheriff's Capt. Peter Lazich said the sign also read, "Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids."

Lazich said U.S. Secret Service agents took the unidentified 51-year-old man into custody Wednesday afternoon after deputies detained him near the entrance to Hagerstown Community College.

"Death to Obama" Sign Holder Detained by Secret Service | NBC Washington
Yeah...Beck's sooo well known for telling people to make signs that say "Death to Obama" :rolleyes:
I still have not seen one person post a link showing glenn beck calling for people to be violent.


I did a search on youtube and only found vids of him telling people the opposite, pleading almost for people to be non-violent and respectful in their opposition.

With that being said I call EVERYONE in this thread who says Beck is trying to incite violence a LIAR>

Prove me wrong with a video of him seriously telling people to get violent. Or a link to a story of his where he encourages violence. Till then you can all keep acting like idiots and following the huffington post talking points without verifying for yourselves.

Looks like Glen Beck's tirades are working

"Death to Obama" Sign Holder Detained by Secret Service

There were signs comparing President Barack Obama to a Nazi and showing him with an Adolf Hitler-style mustache, but federal officials believe another sign referencing the president and his family went too far.

A man who was holding a sign reading "Death to Obama" Wednesday outside a town hall meeting on health care reform in Hagerstown, Md., has been turned over to the Secret Service.

Washington County Sheriff's Capt. Peter Lazich said the sign also read, "Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids."

Lazich said U.S. Secret Service agents took the unidentified 51-year-old man into custody Wednesday afternoon after deputies detained him near the entrance to Hagerstown Community College.

"Death to Obama" Sign Holder Detained by Secret Service | NBC Washington

Not that 2 wrongs make a right, i'm not trying to justify the moron who held up that sign but over the last 8 years comparing the president to hitler became very popular. Why is it that only now you have a problem with people doing it? Where were you're complaints when people called Bush, Hitler?

Again for clarity's sake just because i'm calling you out on what looks like a partisan objection to the comparison of the president to hitler does not mean i approve of anyone doing it. I think it was wrong to do to bush and I think its wrong to do to obama.
If it was JUST the critics calling Obama Hitler there would no issue.

However, if you'll actually be honest about, Obama is, and has been, in danger from the minute he ran for Office. He's had to get Secret Service protection earlier than every other previous candidate ever. It was for a reason.

Its the constant attempt to deligitimize (sp) him as somehow un-American, its been a campaign from the Far-Right that started before Obama took office, he's not a "real American" he's a socialist, he's a fascist, he's from Kenya, he's a Muslim (as if that's bad), he wasn't born in America and then of course, the obligatory...he's racist. These are all code words to deligitimize him as our President. The words are intended to incite anger and rage, and clearly its working, thanks for the Far Rightwing Radio fringe Talk Show hosts.

Its dangerous, no matter how you try to spin it...and it needs to stop.
Yeah...Beck's sooo well known for telling people to make signs that say "Death to Obama" :rolleyes:

If Glen Beck had a bullhorn instead of a tv and radio show he'd be charged for inciting a riot. I bet that Death to Obama sign guy listens to Rachel Maddow onhis drive to work!

IOW, you really have NFI what you're ranting and raving about here, and are just taking a few potshots at a strawman.

Good sallybooboo impersonation, though.
Can you cite any specifics where O'Reilly has undermined many conservative tactics?
I don't know about undermining tactics, but he is the first in line to embrace the leftist mantra of doing cerrtain things for the holy chiiiiillldrreeennnn.

Likewise, his claim that he's "looking out for you" simply reeks of leftist paternalism.

Can you give specifics? Do you have anything against doing certain things for children?

Paternalism n.
A policy or practice of treating or governing people in a fatherly manner, especially by providing for their needs without giving them rights or responsibilities.

Could you give an example of how O'Reilly fits this description?
You're right. So stop presuming you can tell me and everyone else in the nation what to do. Stop presuming you can just take away our freedom and we arent going to be at all upset.

I would like the freedom to nuke Utah.

Can we talk here? Hmmm? Evacuate SL and Utah valleys, then splatter SLC etc. Just don't touch Cache Valley, man, the entry to the best trout fishing in America. Yeah, get the Utahns but leave the fish alone, man!

No Problemo.... Been fly fishing since 10 yrs old. You should try the salmon fishing out here in the NW.

I'm trying to dream up a nuke that "selects" Mormans. It has to affect the "sheep" part of the brain and yet magically not harm the remaining parts of the human organizm.
If it was JUST the critics calling Obama Hitler there would no issue.

However, if you'll actually be honest about, Obama is, and has been, in danger from the minute he ran for Office. He's had to get Secret Service protection earlier than every other previous candidate ever. It was for a reason.

Its the constant attempt to deligitimize (sp) him as somehow un-American, its been a campaign from the Far-Right that started before Obama took office, he's not a "real American" he's a socialist, he's a fascist, he's from Kenya, he's a Muslim (as if that's bad), he wasn't born in America and then of course, the obligatory...he's racist. These are all code words to deligitimize him as our President. The words are intended to incite anger and rage, and clearly its working, thanks for the Far Rightwing Radio fringe Talk Show hosts.

Its dangerous, no matter how you try to spin it...and it needs to stop.

I believe he does more to deligitimize himself than any far-right zealot.
IOW, you really have NFI what you're ranting and raving about here, and are just taking a few potshots at a strawman.

Good sallybooboo impersonation, though.

yea dude! Posting fucking evidence sure does insinuate NFI!


Again, who do you think Death to Obama guy listens to on the radio? AIR AMERICA?

sucks to be you, holmes.
I would like the freedom to nuke Utah.

Can we talk here? Hmmm? Evacuate SL and Utah valleys, then splatter SLC etc. Just don't touch Cache Valley, man, the entry to the best trout fishing in America. Yeah, get the Utahns but leave the fish alone, man!

No Problemo.... Been fly fishing since 10 yrs old. You should try the salmon fishing out here in the NW.

I'm trying to dream up a nuke that "selects" Mormans. It has to affect the "sheep" part of the brain and yet magically not harm the remaining parts of the human organizm.

Let's be discreet here, Huggy. Are we talking about all Mormons, or the LDS of Utah, or the FLDS or Apostolic Brethren or the Harmonites or . . . just who are we talking about?

Or is it any and every body that follows the teachings of Joseph Smith?

I am not Mormon, but I have lived amongst them, even in the South for pete's sake, all of my life. I have some knowledge about them, is what I am suggesting. So why are you so down on them?

Oh, man, don't let Truthspeaker see your post or you are toast!
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What is your opinion of O'Reilly?

I think that he is an egotist, populist, and opportunist. It's like not If he will turn on Glen, but when. The answer to when is when Glen is down for the count. O'Reilly has undermined many a conservative tactic, at the most critical time, not as bad as Specter, but he does blow with the wind.

Can you cite any specifics where O'Reilly has undermined many conservative tactics?

The reason I ask, is because I've read a lot of his books and I catch his show every once in a while and he seems to me to be the epitome of an individual thinker.

So if he has undermined any ideologues tactic, I'm willing to bet it was for the best.

I relate to what you are saying, maybe my perspective, is because I grew up near him, there are characterisics that come from localized influence, based on the growing up years. Nassau County, is a classic keeping up with the Jones'es culture. I see in him, a trait that will devalue your input based on social standing, or ratings, not the merit of your argument.

He will watch the political barometer, and advance a few moves ahead of what he perceives. I have no problem with that, except when it sacrifices integrity for ratings. He saw Glenn's trend before many, and latched on quick. He treats Glenn different now than earlier, because it is is to his advantage. If You are right, O'Reilly will support the good of Glenn, when he is down. If I am right, You will see Glenn thrown under the bus by O'Reilly.

You do see O'Reilly beating up on people unjustly, every now and then. I do not like the way he treats people, so I watch him minimally. The offenses go back too far for me to be specific. Even pre 2000. I'll search out if you really need it. Look to his co-workers, present and past. Look at the efforts he has taken to distance himself, and the method. You can distance yourself without taking cheap shots. A Jihad has been declared against all that is not of a specific mindset Within the Islamic world. That target list includes other Muslims, it includes Us. Bush nailed that, at the starting gate. O'Reilly has yet to.
IOW, you really have NFI what you're ranting and raving about here, and are just taking a few potshots at a strawman.

Good sallybooboo impersonation, though.

yea dude! Posting fucking evidence sure does insinuate NFI!


Again, who do you think Death to Obama guy listens to on the radio? AIR AMERICA?

sucks to be you, holmes.

What evidence have you posted that shows Beck is going around telling people to make signs that say "death to Obama"??

Your inane speculations as to the radio listening habits of the anyone you don't know in general, and the nutburger who had the sign in particular, are entirely irrelevant to anything.

Inspector Clouseau looks like Ellery Queen next to you, numbnuts.
Can we talk here? Hmmm? Evacuate SL and Utah valleys, then splatter SLC etc. Just don't touch Cache Valley, man, the entry to the best trout fishing in America. Yeah, get the Utahns but leave the fish alone, man!

No Problemo.... Been fly fishing since 10 yrs old. You should try the salmon fishing out here in the NW.

I'm trying to dream up a nuke that "selects" Mormans. It has to affect the "sheep" part of the brain and yet magically not harm the remaining parts of the human organizm.

Let's be discreet here, Huggy. Are we talking about all Mormons, or the LDS of Utah, or the FLDS or Apostolic Brethren or the Harmonites or . . . just who are we talking about?

Or is it any and every body that follows the teachings of Joseph Smith?

I am not Mormon, but I have lived amongst them, even in the South for pete's sake, all of my life. I have some knowledge about them, is what I am suggesting. So why are you so down on them?

Oh, man, don't let Truthspeaker see your post or you are toast!

Truth speaker is a morman robot. He has been directed to expound on the internet as his "mission". He claims otherwise but he has no time for any other "mission" so by subtraction this is his "mission".

Up here in Seattle we get many runaways from the cult known as the Church of Latter Day Saints.

There is one that works in the machine shop I prototype my inventions in.
She has been excomunicated for divorcing her battering ex husband.

I hired a guy a few years ago that is a Morman. He gave me a Book of Morman. I read it. Thses guys are bat shit crazy. Down on em? When a fantasy of thier verasity takes hold and has a suffocating effect on the lives of everyone it comes in contact with yes I would like to see its demise. I don't distinguish the flavors of this particular cult. If you believe in the magic plates then you are a member of a dangerous cult.

When I see a nest of hornets I don't process all of the vermin to find merit.
I think that he is an egotist, populist, and opportunist. It's like not If he will turn on Glen, but when. The answer to when is when Glen is down for the count. O'Reilly has undermined many a conservative tactic, at the most critical time, not as bad as Specter, but he does blow with the wind.

Can you cite any specifics where O'Reilly has undermined many conservative tactics?

The reason I ask, is because I've read a lot of his books and I catch his show every once in a while and he seems to me to be the epitome of an individual thinker.

So if he has undermined any ideologues tactic, I'm willing to bet it was for the best.

I relate to what you are saying, maybe my perspective, is because I grew up near him, there are characterisics that come from localized influence, based on the growing up years. Nassau County, is a classic keeping up with the Jones'es culture. I see in him, a trait that will devalue your input based on social standing, or ratings, not the merit of your argument.

He will watch the political barometer, and advance a few moves ahead of what he perceives. I have no problem with that, except when it sacrifices integrity for ratings. He saw Glenn's trend before many, and latched on quick. He treats Glenn different now than earlier, because it is is to his advantage. If You are right, O'Reilly will support the good of Glenn, when he is down. If I am right, You will see Glenn thrown under the bus by O'Reilly.

You do see O'Reilly beating up on people unjustly, every now and then. I do not like the way he treats people, so I watch him minimally. The offenses go back too far for me to be specific. Even pre 2000. I'll search out if you really need it. Look to his co-workers, present and past. Look at the efforts he has taken to distance himself, and the method. You can distance yourself without taking cheap shots. A Jihad has been declared against all that is not of a specific mindset Within the Islamic world. That target list includes other Muslims, it includes Us. Bush nailed that, at the starting gate. O'Reilly has yet to.

No need for further specifics. I just wanted to hear why you felt the way you did. And I appreciate you obliging me. I also appreciate your opinion, although I'm not in total agreement, I do understand where your coming from.
IOW, you really have NFI what you're ranting and raving about here, and are just taking a few potshots at a strawman.

Good sallybooboo impersonation, though.

notice he ignored my legitimate statement and challenge....why would these people reject my challenge to show a video of glen beck telling people to be violent or a story of his where he encourages violence?

Why would they just blindly follow some fringe blog's statement that beck is inciting violence? Why not reasearch and find PROOF of Beck actually telling people to get violent.

The rightist disinfomation team is playing with fire, I think.

They're attempting to galvanize political support but the audience is so angry and confused (after listening to their lies for so many years) that they're hoping a civil war starts. (finally, they'll get to use all those guns and ammo they've been hoarding!...on their neighbors!)

And naturally the least hinged among his audience are taking things further than Beck and the RNC had hoped.
Wow, Huggy, tell me how you feel! No, really, don't hold back.

They believe they are God's one true church to tell us all what to do. Roman Catholic on a smaller version. They are very controlling, in my opinion, and I don't like the fact their women are 'smothered' by doctrine and a masculine-centrist culture.

I don't think, however, they are any more cultist than the Assembly or Seventh Day or Church of Christ, for that matter. They seem much like other Americans, and the ones I have had for neighbors from time to time were super neighbors.

Gotta go for a bit, gotta make my next million.
The rightist disinfomation team is playing with fire, I think.

They're attempting to galvanize political support but the audience is so angry and confused (after listening to their lies for so many years) that they're hoping a civil war starts. (finally, they'll get to use all those guns and ammo they've been hoarding!...on their neighbors!)

And naturally the least hinged among his audience are taking things further than Beck and the RNC had hoped.

Glenn, if you have ever listened to his radio show in the morning, is a bona fide goof ball. His conversion to the LDS church turned a rather demented, sick life around to one of rigidity and conformism to Mormon principles. There are far worse things to be, I think, such as whatever group think to which CrusaderFrank, Dude, and Dr. H belong.

My opinion? I don't think he personally is capable of wanting to incite violence, but the loose casings in his audience listen to him and go off, chanting, "The gummint ain't a gonna mess with me and my meth. . . er, guns."

Let them protest. It's their right, and is good for the children and young people to see what real ultratoid radical-right whackos look and sound like. But if they break the law, put them in jail. If they touch, give them the baton. If they do more than that, well, let's start arranging family visits at the state penitentiaries.
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