Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

If reform efforts fail, in two to four years health insurance premiums will double and the same people that are shouting at the town hall meetings and sending out lies on what is actually in the bill will be the people who will be asking why their governement hasn't done something. Premiums will leave companies with no other option than to stop offering health care coverage.

I know people in my office that will be screaming bloody murder when, in leu of a raise in two years, any increase in their pay scale will be devoured by soaring health care premiums. I will be quick to remind them of the town hall meetings.

The two sides need to find a degree of moderation, but the public option needs to continue to be included. Without it, we may as well go back to the old days. I see a public option, not offered by Guvment, but by health care coopertives that are independent of either government or insurance entities. It can happen, but it won't happen if the shouting continues and the lies are believed.

I can guarentee you that I and many other conservatives will not be complaining that the government needs to interfere in insurance costs, no matter how high they do get. We will continue to call the government to get the hell out of the medical community.
When did you escape from the zoo, intense? If one listens to the clips of the program, yeah, he was inciting. No different that a guy saying, "I don't want to fight," while cocking his fist and stepping forward.

You mean the clips no one has presented? The ones where Glenn tells people to get active and let their voices heard non-violently? Those clips?
If reform efforts fail, in two to four years health insurance premiums will double and the same people that are shouting at the town hall meetings and sending out lies on what is actually in the bill will be the people who will be asking why their governement hasn't done something. Premiums will leave companies with no other option than to stop offering health care coverage.

I know people in my office that will be screaming bloody murder when, in leu of a raise in two years, any increase in their pay scale will be devoured by soaring health care premiums. I will be quick to remind them of the town hall meetings.

The two sides need to find a degree of moderation, but the public option needs to continue to be included. Without it, we may as well go back to the old days. I see a public option, not offered by Guvment, but by health care coopertives that are independent of either government or insurance entities. It can happen, but it won't happen if the shouting continues and the lies are believed.

I can guarentee you that I and many other conservatives will not be complaining that the government needs to interfere in insurance costs, no matter how high they do get. We will continue to call the government to get the hell out of the medical community.

I can guarentee you that I and many other conservatives will not be complaining that the government needs to interfere in insurance costs, no matter how high they do get. We will continue to call the government to get the hell out of the medical community.

Good thinking sparky. That'll show us.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
When did you escape from the zoo, intense? If one listens to the clips of the program, yeah, he was inciting. No different that a guy saying, "I don't want to fight," while cocking his fist and stepping forward.

I open to VAST LWC's idea here, but i would still like either him or now you to post a video that shows this.

It can't be that hard to find according to what you are saying.

Show me a clip that incites violence....i've changed my demand from "show me a clip where he tells people to be violent" now i just want to see what you view, in your opinion, as a segment of his show where he is inciting violence (please dont play one of his sarcastic moments but an actual inciting moment)

Review the program on your own, and you will get it.

chicken :lol:

I'm watching it in the background right now....i had the woman tivo it for me and i'm not seeing why dont you back up your own claim instead of asking me to back it up for you.

I'm open to the idea, just find me a clip backing up your point, i'll watch it...then tell you if I agree or disagree.
If reform efforts fail, in two to four years health insurance premiums will double and the same people that are shouting at the town hall meetings and sending out lies on what is actually in the bill will be the people who will be asking why their governement hasn't done something. Premiums will leave companies with no other option than to stop offering health care coverage.

I know people in my office that will be screaming bloody murder when, in leu of a raise in two years, any increase in their pay scale will be devoured by soaring health care premiums. I will be quick to remind them of the town hall meetings.

The two sides need to find a degree of moderation, but the public option needs to continue to be included. Without it, we may as well go back to the old days. I see a public option, not offered by Guvment, but by health care coopertives that are independent of either government or insurance entities. It can happen, but it won't happen if the shouting continues and the lies are believed.

I can guarentee you that I and many other conservatives will not be complaining that the government needs to interfere in insurance costs, no matter how high they do get. We will continue to call the government to get the hell out of the medical community.

No, you won't, unless you have a portfolio in it. And if that is the case, I understand.
I open to VAST LWC's idea here, but i would still like either him or now you to post a video that shows this.

It can't be that hard to find according to what you are saying.

Show me a clip that incites violence....i've changed my demand from "show me a clip where he tells people to be violent" now i just want to see what you view, in your opinion, as a segment of his show where he is inciting violence (please dont play one of his sarcastic moments but an actual inciting moment)

Review the program on your own, and you will get it.

so why dont you back up your own claim instead of asking me to back it up for you.I'm open to the idea, just find me a clip backing up your point, i'll watch it...then tell you if I agree or disagree.

Seems to ba a trait common to many of the GLBTNBC castaways. :lol:
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Review the program on your own, and you will get it.

so why dont you back up your own claim instead of asking me to back it up for you.I'm open to the idea, just find me a clip backing up your point, i'll watch it...then tell you if I agree or disagree.

Seems to ba a trait common to many of the GLBTNBC castaways. :lol:

I've been asking SOMEONE in this thread to do this for 4 days now dude, and NO ONE has been able or willing to.
:lol::lol::lol::lol: 43 pages and rising. not a single piece of evidence to support the allegation of Glenn Beck Inciting Violence. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Lots and lots of changing the subject and general ad homenims, though. :eusa_whistle:

I am persistant.....every time this thread pops up on my "active topics" list i'll look to see if anyone has a clip to back up the opinion of the OP.

If i dont see it I will ask again ;)
If reform efforts fail, in two to four years health insurance premiums will double and the same people that are shouting at the town hall meetings and sending out lies on what is actually in the bill will be the people who will be asking why their governement hasn't done something. Premiums will leave companies with no other option than to stop offering health care coverage.

I know people in my office that will be screaming bloody murder when, in leu of a raise in two years, any increase in their pay scale will be devoured by soaring health care premiums. I will be quick to remind them of the town hall meetings.

The two sides need to find a degree of moderation, but the public option needs to continue to be included. Without it, we may as well go back to the old days. I see a public option, not offered by Guvment, but by health care coopertives that are independent of either government or insurance entities. It can happen, but it won't happen if the shouting continues and the lies are believed.

I can guarentee you that I and many other conservatives will not be complaining that the government needs to interfere in insurance costs, no matter how high they do get. We will continue to call the government to get the hell out of the medical community.

It has already happened! I can remember in years past when our raises were lost because increases in health insurance devoured any increase. The most conservative members of our staff were cursing everyone, including government and the insurance companies. Left alone, it will happen again and again and again. The increases in health care are supassing company profits.

Sure, tell me how happy you will be to fork over your raise or bonus to cover health insurance premium increases. If this reform effort dies, be prepared to do just that.
so why dont you back up your own claim instead of asking me to back it up for you.I'm open to the idea, just find me a clip backing up your point, i'll watch it...then tell you if I agree or disagree.

Seems to ba a trait common to many of the GLBTNBC castaways. :lol:

I've been asking SOMEONE in this thread to do this for 4 days now dude, and NO ONE has been able or willing to.

I've already explained, in detail, since the beginning of this thread why the video, which was posted multiple times was, in my opinion, a piece that could incite violence to happen, and that, in my opinion, Glenn Beck, as an intelligent person, must have known this to be the case.

If you don't want to accept my logic, well, then that's your business, but the above is obviously an incorrect statement, as, since the video itself was linked multiple times, what you are asking for has already been provided.
Being intellectually dishonest enough to pretend that the entire first 43 pages of this thread does not exist is just tiresome.

I have presented my case, made my point, argued said point and now I'm done, and I feel I have said my piece about it successfully.

So I'm not going to start over again.

It did provoke quite a lot of debate thought, didn't it?
When did you escape from the zoo, intense? If one listens to the clips of the program, yeah, he was inciting. No different that a guy saying, "I don't want to fight," while cocking his fist and stepping forward.

You mean the clips no one has presented? The ones where Glenn tells people to get active and let their voices heard non-violently? Those clips?
when he very clearly has said NOT TO BE VIOLENT
Being intellectually dishonest enough to pretend that the entire first 43 pages of this thread does not exist is just tiresome.

I have presented my case, made my point, argued said point and now I'm done, and I feel I have said my piece about it successfully.

So I'm not going to start over again.

It did provoke quite a lot of debate thought, didn't it?
in those pages you have NEVER proven that Beck was inciting ANY violence
Being intellectually dishonest enough to pretend that the entire first 43 pages of this thread does not exist is just tiresome.

I have presented my case, made my point, argued said point and now I'm done, and I feel I have said my piece about it successfully.

So I'm not going to start over again.

It did provoke quite a lot of debate thought, didn't it?
Nobody has to pretend anything to recognize that the only evidence that exists of Beck deliberately attempting to incite violence, in the last 40-odd pages and elsewhere, amounts to "jack" and "shit".
Yeah, he did incite violence. Intentionally? I don't know that. But we all have seen the bozos and bozettes running around frothing at the mouth. Only the threat of going to jail for unlawfully disrupting the town hall meetings have calmed matters down a bit. The President was in Montana today, and I thought those good old boys were very good at disagreeing with him and asking hard questions without being o'Beck idiots. That is the way discussion should be.
Being intellectually dishonest enough to pretend that the entire first 43 pages of this thread does not exist is just tiresome.

I have presented my case, made my point, argued said point and now I'm done, and I feel I have said my piece about it successfully.

So I'm not going to start over again.

It did provoke quite a lot of debate thought, didn't it?

Vast, you're wrong on this one.

Incitement is a legal term for a form of unprotected speech that has a clear and precise meaning as laid out in the Brandenburg rule, one that Beck has never come close to reaching.

You may dislike him. I do too. But he does not "incite".
Yeah, he did incite violence. Intentionally? I don't know that.
Of course you don't, because there's absolutely no evidence to support the ridiculous claim.

This is the logic and rancid LIES of Glenn Beck and his ilk:

"I'm not saying that Obama doesn't like white people, but he is, I think, he is a racist." is that!?!?!?!

Its the same logic and tactic that the OP says Beck's indulging in.

"I'm not saying to do x, but do x."

You Far Rightwing Nutjobs really have a knack for picking the wrong leaders boy...I tell ya.

unless "where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action." Brandenburg v. Ohio (No. 492). SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 395 U.S. 444. Argued: February 27, 1969; Decided June 9, 1969.

Whether Beck was inciting or his actions were "producing imminent lawless action" is for a court to decide, hmmm? Yeah, he could be charged on the face of his broadcast.
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