Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Methinks you doth protesteth too much. NY judges are only scared of certain other NY judges and are not too worried about appelate courts. Yeah, the scenario is quite possible.

So you envision a prosecutor bringing charges against Glenn Beck on a New York state criminal statute in a New York state criminal court? Under what section of applicable NY code?
this guy is just another moron

Who? Ringo?
Methinks you doth protesteth too much. NY judges are only scared of certain other NY judges and are not too worried about appelate courts. Yeah, the scenario is quite possible.

So you envision a prosecutor bringing charges against Glenn Beck on a New York state criminal statute in a New York state criminal court? Under what section of applicable NY code?
this guy is just another moron

I noticed. ;)
I still don't like Beck, but nobody shits on the 1st Amendment for partisan hackery and gets away with it on my watch.
I still don't like Beck, but nobody shits on the 1st Amendment for partisan hackery and gets away with it on my watch.

Sure, it happens all the time, and there is nothing your can do except cry and scream.

When the case is filed you will be among the very first to hear, I am sure.
No one supporting Obama is capable of abstract thought ... another of the many reasons I stopped supporting the Dems.
Good riddance.

And stay out!!!


I'm not alone ... :eusa_whistle:
Who cares? You guys got your asses handed to you last election and all the other local elections before and since.

Regardless of the red smoke that the RW media is blowing up your ass right now, things aren't the least bit rosey for Republicans. They are losing in record numbers and are going down in flames. There are hardly any more "Red States" left, even at this late time. In a few years Latinos and Hispanics will be the majority. And being that the Republican party has been systematically tossing them under the bus for years now, and have called a great candidate, Sotomayor, racist...they not gonna take too kindly to that. How do you suppose they will be able to win any future elections?

Wake up missy...its over for you guys.

:happy-1: :muahaha:
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I still don't like Beck, but nobody shits on the 1st Amendment for partisan hackery and gets away with it on my watch.

Sure, it happens all the time, and there is nothing your can do except cry and scream.

When the case is filed you will be among the very first to hear, I am sure.

So you're in full support of limiting 1st Amendment protections for the purpose of advancing a partisan agenda. Thanks for the honesty, if nothing else. It's this kind of authoritarian thinking that endangers us all, left right and in between.
KittenKoder, you are funny! Screwy as Louie, but funny!

No, what's "Screwy as Louie" is blindly following and supporting one party or a moron just because he comes up with a catchy phrase.

Oh, you mean like you did for eight years under Loony Toon Bush? Now I understand.

The demographics quite clearly demostrate that the growing power of the minorities and younger America destest post-Reagan Republicanism.

Either it evolves, or it dies.
No, what's "Screwy as Louie" is blindly following and supporting one party or a moron just because he comes up with a catchy phrase.

Oh, you mean like you did for eight years under Loony Toon Bush? Now I understand.

The demographics quite clearly demostrate that the growing power of the minorities and younger America destest post-Reagan Republicanism.

Either it evolves, or it dies.

Do we have another testimonial for the power of the Spin Machine? Give me an Amen?

How about a list of everything demonized for you to get where you are. Let me start it.

1). God.
2). Grand Ma.
3). Grand Pa.
4). Sick People.
5). Really, Really Sick People.
6). The People whom Help Them.
:lol::lol::lol::lol: 43 pages and rising. not a single piece of evidence to support the allegation of Glenn Beck Inciting Violence. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Lots and lots of changing the subject and general ad homenims, though. :eusa_whistle:

Okay mr bigot dud. I have heard the threat to michael moore dozens of times. Beck wonders out loud if he will need to hire someone to murder moore..then he concludes that fact he could look moore in the eyes as he strangles him...then dismisses what jesus would do. He doesn't care.

If there is a car wreck and someone is run down but they can't find the getaway car that doesn't mean there has not been a car wreck. I have heard the inciteful piece many times but for some reason it is not to be found on the usual net sites.

It happened. Lets ask you a question..did you hear the same piece or not?

If you did not you get a partial pass. If you did but are just hiding behind the fact that retreiving it seems difficult...well...I guess that morals thing is cleared up.

I did.. You calling me a liar? As far as beck goes I would like someone to kill him. If someone sees him on the street I would appreciate it if they would push him into the path of a speeding car. If they see him in a building I would suggest they throw him out a window. I hope no one missunderstands me.
Fuck you, asshole.

Either post incontrovertible proof that Beck is deliberately inciting violence, with malice of forethought, or STFU.

I'm sure you have more experience in the self fucking so I will defer to your expertice.

PS I hated most of you stupid movies.

Will someone pleez kill beck?

Oh ya...answer the question bitch..did you hear the piece or not?
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So, no evidence and more ad hominems.

Which side is it again that is filled with irrational rage and hatred??

I'm filled with plenty of hate...but that isn't the point dud..the point is that you are a fucking liar. Deny you heard becks rant on moore. Deny it or You shut the fuck up.
The subject here isn't Michael Moore, shitferbrains.

But don''t feel too bad, you're not the first terminally pissed off dickweed on this thread, who has tried to change the subject in order to vent their bile.
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