Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Florida Votes were counted how many times?

in Recounts? 0 Times. The recounting was violently blocked by mobs of right-wing "protestors". Hmm, now why does that sound familiar?

And this:

You appear like a blind man throwing stones. Gotta get past that hate.

Is RICH, coming from a member of the party of hate.

You people hate on Obama about EVERYTHING. From the littlest thing to the biggest. I've heard you people rag on him for everything from drinking budweiser to taking his wife out on the town for a date.

It's pitiful really. Haters all over the place.
Last edited:
Florida Votes were counted how many times?

in Recounts? 0 Times. The recounting was violently blocked by mobs of right-wing "protestors". Hmm, now why does that sound familiar?

And this:

You appear like a blind man throwing stones. Gotta get past that hate.

Is RICH, coming from a member of the party of hate.

You people hate on Obama about EVERYTHING. From the littlest thing to the biggest. I've heard you people rag on him for everything from drinking budweiser to taking his wife out on the town for a date.

It's pitiful really. Haters all over the place.


If Wikipedia said it, it must be true? LOL.

Huggy don't start melting down on us now.

Gore's greatest achievement was distancing himself from Clinton in 02. Had he carried his home state he would have been pres.

Gore's second greatest achievment was kissing his wife on SNL. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Gores third greatest achievement he was named for at the Academy Awards. He did get busted for plagiarism on that one though.

That was a straight forward piece. You know it but just don't have the nut sack to admit it. Here is the kicker littledicker..I voted for Bush in that election. I just plain don't like ...can't abide by.....liars.

Was Ike a LIAR? no! Was Barry Goldwater liar? no! Every republican since Nixon was a fucking Liar but I still voted for both Bushs' That is except Bush2's 2nd term. All that terror bullshit got real stale. I like picking my own enemies..thank you very much!

I think for myself and recommend it for everyone.

This thread is not about the 2000 election. Be it that important, start a millionth thread on the topic. that said, My favorite Bush is Jeb. It's sad that GWB messed it up for him. GWB has issues, he did both good and bad. Beating Gore was not bad. Falling down in conflict, and refusing to respond is bad.
Do yourself a favor and avoid Wikipedia. Use it to find links, fine, play Winston Smith with the editing, not fine. It is not reputable.

Why are you telling me what the topic is or isn't?

Who posted this? So is the Supreme Court, outside of their Enumerated Powers.

I don't like pussys either unless it's on a woman. If you read the piece you know it is straight up truthfull and factual with a zillion refferences. Info is info unless proven false by its obvious nature or researched. The facts were there and you just start flippin wise. From now on you are a pussy and a liar in my book...have a nice day.

PS if you want a thread to stay on topic don't be the one to derail it then start pointing fingers...asshole.
Florida Votes were counted how many times?

in Recounts? 0 Times. The recounting was violently blocked by mobs of right-wing "protestors". Hmm, now why does that sound familiar?

And this:

You appear like a blind man throwing stones. Gotta get past that hate.

Is RICH, coming from a member of the party of hate.

You people hate on Obama about EVERYTHING. From the littlest thing to the biggest. I've heard you people rag on him for everything from drinking budweiser to taking his wife out on the town for a date.

It's pitiful really. Haters all over the place.



What's the matter Del, did I strike too close to home?

I think that there have been as many negative comments from the right-wing fringe in the 7 months of Obama's Presidency as there were in the 8 years of the Bush presidency.

Of course most of them we just about complete nonsense. I think I heard Hannity insulting the style of Obama's jeans at a baseball game the other day!

I'm thinking the haters better choose their battles, because this whole "criticize everything possible, no matter how inconsequential" plan is really not going to cut it for much longer.
Florida Recounts Would Have Favored Bush
But Study Finds Gore Might Have Won Statewide Tally of All Uncounted Ballots

By Dan Keating and Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, November 12, 2001; Page A01

In all likelihood, George W. Bush still would have won Florida and the presidency last year if either of two limited recounts -- one requested by Al Gore, the other ordered by the Florida Supreme Court -- had been completed, according to a study commissioned by The Washington Post and other news organizations.

But if Gore had found a way to trigger a statewide recount of all disputed ballots, or if the courts had required it, the result likely would have been different. An examination of uncounted ballots throughout Florida found enough where voter intent was clear to give Gore the narrowest of margins.

The study showed that if the two limited recounts had not been short-circuited -- the first by Florida county and state election officials and the second by the U.S. Supreme Court -- Bush would have held his lead over Gore, with margins ranging from 225 to 493 votes, depending on the standard. But the study also found that whether dimples are counted or amore restrictive standard is used, a statewide tally favored Gore by 60 to 171 votes.

Gore's narrow margin in the statewide count was the result of a windfall in overvotes. Those ballots -- on which a voter may have marked a candidate's name and also written it in -- were rejected by machines as a double vote on Election Day and most also would not have been included in either of the limited recounts.

The study by The Post and other media groups, an unprecedented effort that involved examining 175,010 ballots in 67 counties, underscores what began to be apparent as soon as the polls closed in the nation's third most populous state Nov. 7, 2000: that no one can say with certainty who actually won Florida. Under every scenario used in the study, the winning margin remains less than 500 votes out of almost 6 million cast.

For 36 days after the election, the results in Florida remained in doubt, and so did the winner of the presidency. Bush emerged victorious when the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5 to 4 ruling, agreed with his lawyers' contention that the counting should end. Since then, many Gore partisans have accused the court of unfairly aborting a process that would have put their candidate ahead.

But an examination of the disputed ballots suggests that in hindsight the battalions of lawyers and election experts who descended on Florida pursued strategies that ended up working against the interests of their candidates.

The study indicates, for example, that Bush had less to fear from the recounts underway than he thought. Under any standard used to judge the ballots in the four counties where Gore lawyers had sought a recount -- Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Volusia -- Bush still ended up with more votes than Gore, according to the study. Bush also would have had more votes if the limited statewide recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court and then stopped by the U.S. Supreme Court had been carried through.

Had Bush not been party to short-circuiting those recounts, he might have escaped criticism that his victory hinged on legal maneuvering rather than on counting the votes.

In Gore's case, the decision to ask for recounts in four counties rather than seek a statewide recount ultimately had far greater impact. But in the chaos of the early days of the recount battle, when Gore needed additional votes as quickly as possible and recounts in the four heavily Democratic counties offered him that possibility, that was not so obvious.

Nor was there any guarantee that Gore could have succeeded in getting a statewide recount. Florida law provided no mechanism to ask for a statewide recount, only county-by-county recounts. And although he did at one point call on Bush to join him in asking for a statewide recount, it was with the condition that Bush renounce all further legal action. Bush dismissed the offer, calling it a public relations gesture by his opponent, and Gore never took any further steps toward that goal.

White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, responding to the study, said, "The voters settled this election last fall, and the nation moved on a long time ago. The White House isn't focused on this; the voters aren't focused on it." Fleischer called the results "superfluous."

Gore, in a written statement, did not respond directly to the study. "As I said on Dec. 13th of last year, we are a nation of laws and the presidential election of 2000 is over," he said. "And of course, right now our country faces a great challenge as we seek to successfully combat terrorism. I fully support President Bush's efforts to achieve that goal."

Gore said he remained appreciative of the support he received last year and "proud of the values and ideals for which we fought."

Florida Recounts Would Have Favored Bush (
Florida Recounts Would Have Favored Bush

Discerning Voter Intent

Conducted by the National Opinion Research Center, an organization based at the University of Chicago, the study examined all ballots that were initially rejected by voting machines. This included those that contained no discernible vote for president, known as "undervotes," and those that registered votes for more than one candidate, the "overvotes."

Last year's recount battles largely focused on about 61,000 undervote ballots. In the recounts, Gore advisers pushed for the most liberal interpretation of voter intent, giving rise to heated disputes and legal wrangling over whether "dimpled chads" on punch-card ballots should be counted as votes.

But in another twist clear only now, the study found that where Gore had the greatest opportunity to pick up votes was not in those undervote ballots but in the approximately 114,000 overvote ballots, particularly 25,000 overvote ballots read by optical scanning machines.

Using the most inclusive standards, Bush actually gained more votes than Gore -- about 300 net -- from the examination of the undervote ballots. But Gore picked up 885 more votes than Bush from the examination of overvote ballots, 662 of those from optical scan ballots.

The study did not credit Gore with the thousands of votes lost as a result of the infamous butterfly ballot in Palm Beach County. Many voters using the ballot became confused by the listing of presidential candidates on two facing pages and punched Gore's name and one of the candidates next to him, nullifying their vote.

An examination of the Senate choices on those ballots indicates the mistakes were made overwhelmingly by Democrats and suggests that Gore lost about 8,000 votes because of the confusion. The Post study did not award those overvotes to Gore because no clear voter intent could be determined on a ballot where two candidates were marked. A similar analysis of the two-page presidential ballot in Duval County showed Gore lost about 7,000 votes, which also could not be given to Gore in the study.

Gore never pushed hard for the kind of full recount that might have brought overvotes into play. And the Florida Supreme Court, which on Dec. 8 ordered a statewide manual recount -- halted in midstream the next day by the U.S. Supreme Court -- focused on undervotes and required only that undervotes be retabulated.

Ironically, it was Bush's lawyers who argued that recounting only the undervotes violated the constitutional guarantee to equal protection. And the U.S. Supreme Court, in its Dec. 12 ruling that ended the dispute, also questioned whether the Florida court should have limited a statewide recount only to undervotes.

Had the high court acted on that, and had there been enough time left for the Florida Supreme Court to require yet another statewide recount, Gore's chances would have been dramatically improved. But there are too many variables in any effort to reexamine the ballots -- from varying standards in judging ballots in the counties to problems of getting an exact replication of the overvote and undervote ballots -- to be able to say with absolute certainty what might have happened in Florida.

"In my opinion, it's too close to call," said Kirk Wolter, senior vice president of NORC. "If we take it as given that two major candidates were separated by perhaps a few hundred or fewer ballots, it may be that we'll never know the exact vote total."

Historical Record

Designed to provide a historical record for one of the most remarkable presidential elections in U.S. history, the ballot study was launched early this year by a consortium of news organizations and originally was to have been completed by last spring. Consortium members, in addition to The Post, included the New York Times, the Associated Press, CNN, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal and four Florida newspapers: the Orlando Sentinel, the Palm Beach Post, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale and the St. Petersburg Times.

"We joined the consortium to obtain an accurate, nonpartisan assessment of the uncounted ballots in Florida to determine how the people of Florida voted and why their voting systems did not work better," said Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr. "The results shed light on the actions of the players in the constitutional drama in Florida. They also provide information that can help the federal and state governments improve voting systems nationwide. And they will help historians better analyze a unique and important event in American history."

Various technical problems delayed the study, including the difficulty county officials had in separating the disputed ballots into undervotes and overvotes. The events of Sept. 11 set back publication further because news organizations were devoting all their resources to coverage of the terrorist attacks and subsequent events.

The project used impartial observers hired by NORC to examine the ballots and considered many possible alternatives for tallying the votes. But no study of this type can accurately recreate Election Day 2000 or predict what might have emerged from individual battles over more than 6 million votes in Florida's 67 counties.

Florida Recounts Would Have Favored Bush (
in Recounts? 0 Times. The recounting was violently blocked by mobs of right-wing "protestors". Hmm, now why does that sound familiar?

And this:

Is RICH, coming from a member of the party of hate.

You people hate on Obama about EVERYTHING. From the littlest thing to the biggest. I've heard you people rag on him for everything from drinking budweiser to taking his wife out on the town for a date.

It's pitiful really. Haters all over the place.



What's the matter Del, did I strike too close to home?

I think that there have been as many negative comments from the right-wing fringe in the 7 months of Obama's Presidency as there were in the 8 years of the Bush presidency.

Of course most of them we just about complete nonsense. I think I heard Hannity insulting the style of Obama's jeans at a baseball game the other day!

I'm thinking the haters better choose their battles, because this whole "criticize everything possible, no matter how inconsequential" plan is really not going to cut it for much longer.

you're not even in the same zip code, let alone close to home, son.

you're just the other side of the same coin that you're whining about.

don't forget to clean your brush

oh, and only an idiot would listen to hannity :thup:
Results from the first Florida Recount 2002.

Breaking News
Election 2000: Bush Leads Gore in Florida Recount; Challenges Continue
Aired November 10, 2000 - 7:01 a.m. ET

CAROL LIN, CNN ANCHOR: Well, we begin in Florida where the recount is over. Less than two hours ago, we got the final unofficial tally. The Associated Press reports George W. Bush leads Al Gore by 327 votes in Florida with all counties reporting. However, this count has not been officially certified since state officials haven't received all county reports yet. But remember this, we are still days away from final results, that's because overseas ballots have not been counted yet in Florida.

Meanwhile, a ballot protest is going on in Palm Beach County. Lawsuits have been filed and there are calls for a revote due to problems with some voters -- they found their ballot on Tuesday. Tomorrow, county officials plan to recount the votes by machine and by hand.

With the first Florida recount numbers in, the Bush campaign says his victory is confirmed. Bush aides are now calling for the Gore campaign to reconsider the ideas of lawsuits and more recounts. The Gore campaign says it has no intention of conceding now. Gore aides tell CNN the county recount is just the beginning of a process which includes tabulation of the ballots overseas.

STEPHEN FRASIER, CNN ANCHOR: Ground zero for the floor recount is the Secretary of State's office in Tallahassee, and that's where county vote totals are being processed.

LIN: That's right, and CNN's Bill Hemmer is there.

Bill, do -- have they receive yet any of these overseas ballots? Do they know how many there are so far?

CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Election 2000: Bush Leads Gore in Florida Recount; Challenges Continue - November 10, 2000
Wow... how sad. you guys still arent past 2000 are you? Bush won. He won every recount. He even won the recounts done by the media using Al Gore's methods. Get the hell over it. It's 2009.
Only an Ass would ignore the message because he could not handle the messenger.

Oh guess what ya lyin pussy? I saved best for last. We were talking about judicial activism weren't we? Judge Roberts was there in Florida, having been flown in, pretending to be one of the concerned floridian residents pounding on the windows trying to disrupt the recounts just as you fake assholes try to fuck up the debate on health care.

Now THAT's Judicial activism!
That was a straight forward piece. You know it but just don't have the nut sack to admit it. Here is the kicker littledicker..I voted for Bush in that election. I just plain don't like ...can't abide by.....liars.

Was Ike a LIAR? no! Was Barry Goldwater liar? no! Every republican since Nixon was a fucking Liar but I still voted for both Bushs' That is except Bush2's 2nd term. All that terror bullshit got real stale. I like picking my own enemies..thank you very much!

I think for myself and recommend it for everyone.

This thread is not about the 2000 election. Be it that important, start a millionth thread on the topic. that said, My favorite Bush is Jeb. It's sad that GWB messed it up for him. GWB has issues, he did both good and bad. Beating Gore was not bad. Falling down in conflict, and refusing to respond is bad.
Do yourself a favor and avoid Wikipedia. Use it to find links, fine, play Winston Smith with the editing, not fine. It is not reputable.

Why are you telling me what the topic is or isn't?

Who posted this? So is the Supreme Court, outside of their Enumerated Powers.

I don't like pussys either unless it's on a woman. If you read the piece you know it is straight up truthfull and factual with a zillion refferences. Info is info unless proven false by its obvious nature or researched. The facts were there and you just start flippin wise. From now on you are a pussy and a liar in my book...have a nice day.

PS if you want a thread to stay on topic don't be the one to derail it then start pointing fingers...asshole.

Why are you telling me what the topic is or isn't?

Because your blood sugar seems low.

Who posted this? So is the Supreme Court, outside of their Enumerated Powers.

Why ask Questions you already know the answer to?

I don't like pussys either unless it's on a woman. If you read the piece you know it is straight up truthfull and factual with a zillion refferences. Info is info unless proven false by its obvious nature or researched. The facts were there and you just start flippin wise. From now on you are a pussy and a liar in my book...have a nice day.

So what color panties are ya wearing today Huggy?

Maybe you can check out those links I posted earlier,that confirm both the results of the first recount in 2000, and the outcome of the election.
Only an Ass would ignore the message because he could not handle the messenger.

Oh guess what ya lyin pussy? I saved best for last. We were talking about judicial activism weren't we? Judge Roberts was there in Florida, having been flown in, pretending to be one of the concerned floridian residents pounding on the windows trying to disrupt the recounts just as you fake assholes try to fuck up the debate on health care.

Now THAT's Judicial activism!

and yet if al's neighbors in TN had thought he was worth voting for, florida wouldn't have mattered. go figure, huh?

this one's for you, seanie

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where I took the bait, and started saying that Gore won.

All I did was say that the Supreme Court had no right to decide the election, constitutionally, and point out that mobs of people very simliar to the ones at town halls today stopped the recounts.

2000 is spilt milk, I'm over it. Bush was a disaster as a president, and it was all your people's fault.

I would like to know why you all whine about every little detail of Obama's life though.

Any thoughts?
Oh, and Del, if I was a real "wanker", I'd start crying fake tears and use my daughter to try and prove a BS political point on National television.

That's the definition of a wanker.
I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where I took the bait, and started saying that Gore won.

All I did was say that the Supreme Court had no right to decide the election, constitutionally, and point out that mobs of people very simliar to the ones at town halls today stopped the recounts.

2000 is spilt milk, I'm over it. Bush was a disaster as a president, and it was all your people's fault.

I would like to know why you all whine about every little detail of Obama's life though.

Any thoughts?

The tide is changing for the worse. Own up to your own part in the current clown show.

For the record Two Democrats I respect.

Leon Panetta and Jerry Brown.
Oh, and Del, if I was a real "wanker", I'd start crying fake tears and use my daughter to try and prove a BS political point on National television.

That's the definition of a wanker.

so you're a phoney wanker? whatever.
the rest of your post makes no sense.

clean your brush.

I was referring to Glenn Beck, and it would make sense if you had read the thread.

But I guess you're too busy making obscure "brush" references to pay attention.
Only an Ass would ignore the message because he could not handle the messenger.

Oh guess what ya lyin pussy? I saved best for last. We were talking about judicial activism weren't we? Judge Roberts was there in Florida, having been flown in, pretending to be one of the concerned floridian residents pounding on the windows trying to disrupt the recounts just as you fake assholes try to fuck up the debate on health care.

Now THAT's Judicial activism!


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