Glenn Beck Presents: Ukraine: The Final Piece

just look how hard they are trying to discredit it on this forum,,,
That's a lower end brain dead garden variety leftist troll. They would deny the sunrise if they thought it would benefit Trump somehow.
The really big names like John Francois Kerry are another matter. The people at the top of the Obama crime family
are scared and dumb crap, like Kerry's claim, is going to come tumbling down.
I wouldn't want anyone to run around being ignorant about the facts,,,

Well, to be fair, Nothing Glenn Beck says PROVES anything. In all likelihood, Glenn is just a Trump-zombie brainwashed by the Cult of Trump to do his bidding promoting Trump lies for fear of not supporting him and coming under fire of his far Right Wing Hit Squad Mafia. o_O


thankfully he has documents and not just his words to back it up,,,

Well, yes, I didn't sit through all 1.5 hours of Beck but saw a couple documents from Ukraine. But they are just quotes from the guy there. He could say anything, it doesn't PROVE it really happened or happened as he says. Just as the Democrats had witnesses and documents which made statements and claims, but again, it's hearsay.

Mind you, I'm just being the Devil's Advocate. If Beck is saying it, he probably has pretty good reasons.

Glenn did what Glenn does. He was connecting the dots his way.

For instance, the same day that Trump had phone call with Zelensky (July 25), the IMF was conditioning their release of their loan to Ukraine, which was also on hold.

The same day that Ukraine police raided PrivatBank (from where $1.8B disappeared) and seized their financial documents (September 11), the OMB released the military aid money that was on hold (see Mulvaney's email). The same day, IMF was in Ukraine to release their loan to Ukraine that was also on hold.
Well, to be fair, Nothing Glenn Beck says PROVES anything. In all likelihood, Glenn is just a Trump-zombie

To be fair, shouldn't this be looked into? Or is "in all likelihood" sufficient to bury it?

It should be REQUIRED BY LAW to investigate this before Biden is even allowed on the ticket!

The Democrats would have Trump removed from office unable to ever hold federal office again on their specious charges, yet here we have actual physical evidence and documentation which we KNOW Ukraine was corrupt, we KNOW Biden was involved, and we KNOW his son had inexplicable connections, yet like Hillary Clinton, they would run him on their ticket???
I wouldnt want anyone to run around being ignorant about the facts,,,

Lol at anyone dumb enough to take Glenn Beck seriously.

View attachment 305267

So what if the democrat Party uses taxpayer money to enrich themselves!

And I'm sure you're dumb enough to believe that.

You don't believe that Hunter Biden received $83K a month while his daddy was Barry's point man for Ukraine?

No idea what he was paid.

Got nothing to do with anything.

Not at all.

He's just that good and knowledgeable about Ukraine's energy, that he was actually underpaid. And having his daddy handling Ukraine was circumstantial. Yeah, you got it.
I wouldnt want anyone to run around being ignorant about the facts,,,

Lol at anyone dumb enough to take Glenn Beck seriously.

View attachment 305267

So what if the democrat Party uses taxpayer money to enrich themselves!

And I'm sure you're dumb enough to believe that.

You don't believe that Hunter Biden received $83K a month while his daddy was Barry's point man for Ukraine?

I also believed that Jared Kushner received over 500 million dollars in loans (some from foreign governments like Qatar) -- and all this coming AFTER he was in the White House...

Kushner’s Family Business Received Loans After White House Meetings

He applied for loans before his daddy-in-law was elected and he was turned down every time....yet I don't see any trumpers complaining....why?

And Ivanka received special trademarks from China DURING the trade negotiations her dad was having with China.....yet, I don't see trumpers complaining...why??
Well, to be fair, Nothing Glenn Beck says PROVES anything. In all likelihood, Glenn is just a Trump-zombie

To be fair, shouldn't this be looked into? Or is "in all likelihood" sufficient to bury it?

It should be REQUIRED BY LAW to investigate this before Biden is even allowed on the ticket!

The Democrats would have Trump removed from office unable to ever hold federal office again on their specious charges, yet here we have actual physical evidence and documentation which we KNOW Ukraine was corrupt, we KNOW Biden was involved, and we KNOW his son had inexplicable connections, yet like Hillary Clinton, they would run him on their ticket???
Who enforces that law??

I just posted a story yesterday that William Barr has assumed having final say on whether a presidential candidate gets investigated or not...

Why hasn't he started this investigation yet??
I wouldnt want anyone to run around being ignorant about the facts,,,

Lol at anyone dumb enough to take Glenn Beck seriously.

View attachment 305267

So what if the democrat Party uses taxpayer money to enrich themselves!

And I'm sure you're dumb enough to believe that.

You don't believe that Hunter Biden received $83K a month while his daddy was Barry's point man for Ukraine?

I also believed that Jared Kushner received over 500 million dollars in loans (some from foreign governments like Qatar) -- and all this coming AFTER he was in the White House...

Kushner’s Family Business Received Loans After White House Meetings

He applied for loans before his daddy-in-law was elected and he was turned down every time....yet I don't see any trumpers complaining....why?

I say, if that is fishy as it looks, and if crime is committed, investigate it.

Although, Kushner affairs have nothing to do with this thread, so stay on topic.
When the ball of yarn starts to unravel we will see democrats running away from the matter and looking for plausible deniability. Biden and Kerry for sure will go down. There will be others.
How does Barack Obama disassociate himself from this black hole of corruption?
When the ball of yarn starts to unravel we will see democrats running away from the matter and looking for plausible deniability. Biden and Kerry for sure will go down. There will be others.
How does Barack Obama disassociate himself from this black hole of corruption?
its all in the hands of republicans now,,I hope they dont do as usual and let it slide with a slap on the wrist again,,,
I watched it last night. According to Glenn, investigation in Burisma has nothing to do with Biden running for president (which is true), but with following the money, investigation about $1.8 billion of our money vanishing from PrivatBank. Normally, I don't watch him, but I got link from a friend last night which I posted in Bandlands.

Interesting take on it, and he said he has some documents to prove it, that he's sending to Senate today.

The only credible documents Beck has ever had are the ones that show him to be certifiably insane.

Immediately the left sends the loons out.
When the ball of yarn starts to unravel we will see democrats running away from the matter and looking for plausible deniability. Biden and Kerry for sure will go down. There will be others.
How does Barack Obama disassociate himself from this black hole of corruption?

The shield of blackability.
I wouldn't want anyone to run around being ignorant about the facts,,,

Well, to be fair, Nothing Glenn Beck says PROVES anything. In all likelihood, Glenn is just a Trump-zombie brainwashed by the Cult of Trump to do his bidding promoting Trump lies for fear of not supporting him and coming under fire of his far Right Wing Hit Squad Mafia. o_O


Beck became a self-serving, portfolio worshipping globalist scumbag.
The fact is that any US money sent overseas has a percentage pilfered from it.
I wouldn't want anyone to run around being ignorant about the facts,,,

Well, to be fair, Nothing Glenn Beck says PROVES anything. In all likelihood, Glenn is just a Trump-zombie brainwashed by the Cult of Trump to do his bidding promoting Trump lies for fear of not supporting him and coming under fire of his far Right Wing Hit Squad Mafia. o_O


Beck became a self-serving, portfolio worshipping globalist scumbag.
The fact is that any US money sent overseas has a percentage pilfered from it.

well you know what they say,,,
Wow, just think, a crazy, right wing disgraced former Fox Opinion host is able to get documents that the entire Department of Justice of the United States of America couldn't get.

Clearly he missed his calling.

He could have become James Bong.
Bullet Points:

Obama's state department was fighting a proxy war with Russia by funding Ukraine Oligarchs.
Kerry is on video talking about it - with assurances to the audience that everyone -to the top -
is involved.

It is a little like Iran-Contra except that since it's a Democrat Operation the Democratic Media and the Democratics that run Social Media will justify it.

All documented - money laundered through multiple countries - Latvia is one of the ones that sent documentation. (wow I mentioned that Latvia
was a big player last week)
I watched it last night. According to Glenn, investigation in Burisma has nothing to do with Biden running for president (which is true), but with following the money, investigation about $1.8 billion of our money vanishing from PrivatBank. Normally, I don't watch him, but I got link from a friend last night which I posted in Bandlands.

Interesting take on it, and he said he has some documents to prove it, that he's sending to Senate today.

I see why Glenn Beck profits off you morons...

Pats head.

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