Goats/KID Goats Don't Live Life Without Them!

Another random little clip. This has got to be one of the cutest clips in the history of the world. 🥰

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Another random little clip. This has got to be one of the cutest clips in the history of the world. 🥰

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Another random little clip. This has got to be one of the cutest clips in the history of the world. 🥰

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PRECIOUS!!! Kid goats & fawns I must have been created just for them. Below image; me & Pandora #1 on the veranda of our 'then' home @ the end of Sears Creek Rd. Harpster Idaho. December 30th is my last day of full time employment, then just 2 days per week to keep me active off of the acreage so I don't just fall off the face of our earth. Lot of work on the acreage BEFORE I start constructing the deer/goat complex this upcoming spring. Of course this all depends on the inflation index of the dollar.

I've been moving the "Lambs In Diapers" vid around our Deer Whispering community with mixed results, like just some folks are into the fawns & others into kid goats but few into lambs. Personally I thought those diapered lambs are cute lil farts but since 14 years of age I've been a sucker for the little tykes, human baboos, kid goats, FAWNS, & now lambs in diapers! U zeroed my psych & therefore KNEW I'd get strung out on those lil guys, & yeah, I did! It's just in my nature to be with the little defenseless/innocent ones. Those young CBT Fawns back in '66, '67 & '68 just owned my mind & still do! This weeks featured Deer Whisperer is...

LYNN SMITH; Rated #1 Deer Whisperer in the world!

LOCATION; Great state of TEXAS!

SPECIES OF DEER; White-Tailed Deer.



VIEWS; 364,368, 456

Below; King of the Deer Whisperers in action!

Below; My Bitsy-Baby is still alive but now resides in a White-Tailed body! The doe that "comes in on a fast trot on a mission" from directly BEHIND Lynn acts EXACTLY how my Bitsy-Baby acted when I would arrive back home in the later afternoons. The one possible difference regarding Bitsy-Baby is once close to me she would/may have dropped her ears DOWN & STRAIGHT BACK(ready to fight) which scattered her herd away from me. This Boss Doe in the link is with no chance of error the MATRIARCH Doe of her herd.

Technically not a Deer Whisperer, "Diggin Britt" is more into rescuing varied species of animals in distress. She does have prior experience with a buck fawn/deer named Albert. She is an established contributor & always provides quality vids of interest to almost all folks.


Till next time & take care!
PRECIOUS!!! Kid goats & fawns I must have been created just for them. Below image; me & Pandora #1 on the veranda of our 'then' home @ the end of Sears Creek Rd. Harpster Idaho. December 30th is my last day of full time employment, then just 2 days per week to keep me active off of the acreage so I don't just fall off the face of our earth. Lot of work on the acreage BEFORE I start constructing the deer/goat complex this upcoming spring. Of course this all depends on the inflation index of the dollar.

I've been moving the "Lambs In Diapers" vid around our Deer Whispering community with mixed results, like just some folks are into the fawns & others into kid goats but few into lambs. Personally I thought those diapered lambs are cute lil farts but since 14 years of age I've been a sucker for the little tykes, human baboos, kid goats, FAWNS, & now lambs in diapers! U zeroed my psych & therefore KNEW I'd get strung out on those lil guys, & yeah, I did! It's just in my nature to be with the little defenseless/innocent ones. Those young CBT Fawns back in '66, '67 & '68 just owned my mind & still do! This weeks featured Deer Whisperer is...

LYNN SMITH; Rated #1 Deer Whisperer in the world!

LOCATION; Great state of TEXAS!

SPECIES OF DEER; White-Tailed Deer.



VIEWS; 364,368, 456

Below; King of the Deer Whisperers in action!

Below; My Bitsy-Baby is still alive but now resides in a White-Tailed body! The doe that "comes in on a fast trot on a mission" from directly BEHIND Lynn acts EXACTLY how my Bitsy-Baby acted when I would arrive back home in the later afternoons. The one possible difference regarding Bitsy-Baby is once close to me she would/may have dropped her ears DOWN & STRAIGHT BACK(ready to fight) which scattered her herd away from me. This Boss Doe in the link is with no chance of error the MATRIARCH Doe of her herd.

Technically not a Deer Whisperer, "Diggin Britt" is more into rescuing varied species of animals in distress. She does have prior experience with a buck fawn/deer named Albert. She is an established contributor & always provides quality vids of interest to almost all folks.


Till next time & take care!

Awwwe, I love the baby in the last video. 😍🥰 And I love those deer videos, it's been a while but I've seen that guy's channel on TikTok, he really is King of Deer Whisperers! Thanks for sharing those.
Awwwe, I love the baby in the last video. 😍🥰 And I love those deer videos, it's been a while but I've seen that guy's channel on TikTok, he really is King of Deer Whisperers! Thanks for sharing those.
I forgot to include the image of me & Pandy#1 on the veranda. Pandy#1 was the lil tyke I had to cut out of her mommas womb after her momma died during labor. Pandy as can be seen is coming along fine when the vid was taken. Till next time, take care!

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PRECIOUS!!! Kid goats & fawns I must have been created just for them. Below image; me & Pandora #1 on the veranda of our 'then' home @ the end of Sears Creek Rd. Harpster Idaho. December 30th is my last day of full time employment, then just 2 days per week to keep me active off of the acreage so I don't just fall off the face of our earth. Lot of work on the acreage BEFORE I start constructing the deer/goat complex this upcoming spring. Of course this all depends on the inflation index of the dollar.

I've been moving the "Lambs In Diapers" vid around our Deer Whispering community with mixed results, like just some folks are into the fawns & others into kid goats but few into lambs. Personally I thought those diapered lambs are cute lil farts but since 14 years of age I've been a sucker for the little tykes, human baboos, kid goats, FAWNS, & now lambs in diapers! U zeroed my psych & therefore KNEW I'd get strung out on those lil guys, & yeah, I did! It's just in my nature to be with the little defenseless/innocent ones. Those young CBT Fawns back in '66, '67 & '68 just owned my mind & still do! This weeks featured Deer Whisperer is...

LYNN SMITH; Rated #1 Deer Whisperer in the world!

LOCATION; Great state of TEXAS!

SPECIES OF DEER; White-Tailed Deer.



VIEWS; 364,368, 456

Below; King of the Deer Whisperers in action!

Below; My Bitsy-Baby is still alive but now resides in a White-Tailed body! The doe that "comes in on a fast trot on a mission" from directly BEHIND Lynn acts EXACTLY how my Bitsy-Baby acted when I would arrive back home in the later afternoons. The one possible difference regarding Bitsy-Baby is once close to me she would/may have dropped her ears DOWN & STRAIGHT BACK(ready to fight) which scattered her herd away from me. This Boss Doe in the link is with no chance of error the MATRIARCH Doe of her herd.

Technically not a Deer Whisperer, "Diggin Britt" is more into rescuing varied species of animals in distress. She does have prior experience with a buck fawn/deer named Albert. She is an established contributor & always provides quality vids of interest to almost all folks.


Till next time & take care!

Went from goats to deer, lol, thats ok I like them both.

I had a goat 'as a kid' named Nita, she followed me everywhere, even chased the car down the dirt road.
I's love to have some goats to clear some of these vines here. I'm getting older faster, and the loppers are harder to use.
Glad you could save her, sorry about the mama.Precious.
Here is Pandora #1 after I arrived back @ my acreage in eastern Washington state. She as grown a tad! Neuman is the

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name of the all white buck(save for his pink lil nose)!
There was a funny video years ago of a violent goat in India who would just randomly ram the ass of people and the narration was hiilarious. Bloody goat didn't care who you were, if you set him off somehow he was going to ram you. He was like.a honeybadger, he wouldnt turn back or run away even if men went at him in anger. Was one of the funniest videos
Was it you that sent me that precious vid of the lambs in diapers video? I do not have a video to respond but I do have images such as the one below of Neuman(white goat) & lil Pandy#1. We had just arrived on my acreage in eastern Washington from Idaho & my baby sis took this digital of us, just seconds after I unloader the precious cargo. They are just so human like(the good side of humanity) when imprinted & raised as family members!

To know them is to luv them!

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I just saw this post, so sweet.
Goats massaging his back,

It was the fawns that anchored me HARD way back then. About 37 yrs. later the kid goats got a shot @ me & owned me for good. People spend their entire lives trying to purchase happiness & end up just finding sorrow through stress. The deer come free of charge save for the ENJOYABLE time it takes to win their all critical TRUST. The goats are a low dollar investment. BOTH offer free benefits in the form of endless fawns & kids!

Below; our fellow board member Butter Cup turned me on to "Lambs In Diapers" like super cute lil farts!

Below; Cabin Squirrel & her herd of 20+ WORLD CLASS MULE DEER!!! I got her site rated as a five star site as she does her best to bring her audience into her world. Here you will meet names like Beverly & her son Lil Bently, Oscar & Duke, Broken dEAR(U can't miss this one!), Lil Buster & so many many more. Quality background music, EXCELLENT videography with close ups(nose to nose) & humorous voice overs plus she invites her audience right into her kitchen for recipes!(non venison of course!) Below is a night feeding IN CLOSE with Lil Bently"red horns" literally nose to nose with Squirrel. The buck that recoils back as the KA-POW voice over appears is Broken dEAR(obvious). Beverly is directly behind Lil Bently.

Below; Best Foster Parents In The World, HAPPIEST Deer In The World!!!(most heart warming vid in the world!)

Below; Kid goats playing the role of "Pop-Along Cassidy"!

As I often have said, "To Know Them Is To Love Them!
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It was the fawns that anchored me HARD way back then. About 37 yrs. later the kid goats got a shot @ me & owned me for good. People spend their entire lives trying to purchase happiness & end up just finding sorrow through stress. The deer come free of charge save for the ENJOYABLE time it takes to win their all critical TRUST. The goats are a low dollar investment. BOTH offer free benefits in the form of endless fawns & kids!

Below; our fellow board member Butter Cup turned me on to "Lambs In Diapers" like super cute lil farts!

Below; Cabin Squirrel & her herd of 20+ WORLD CLASS MULE DEER!!! I got her site rated as a five star site as she does her best to bring her audience into her world. Here you will meet names like Beverly & her son Lil Bently, Oscar & Duke, Broken dEAR(U can't miss this one!), Lil Buster & so many many more. Quality background music, EXCELLENT videography with close ups(nose to nose) & humorous voice overs plus she invites her audience right into her kitchen for recipes!(non venison of course!) Below is a night feeding IN CLOSE with Lil Bently"red horns" literally nose to nose with Squirrel. The buck that recoils back as the KA-POW voice over appears is Broken dEAR(obvious). Beverly is directly behind Lil Bently.

Below; Best Foster Parents In The World, HAPPIEST Deer In The World!!!(most heart warming vid in the world!)

Below; Kid goats playing the role of "Pop-Along Cassidy"!

As I often have said, "To Know Them Is To Love Them!

I'll get back to the goats later on Flash, right now I'm taking my dose of morning music.
Not goats, but I figured you'd like them jackflash :)

Not goats, but I figured you'd like them jackflash :)

Ohhh, what cute lil tykes! U "figured" correctly for sure! I know I get carried way with the deer & goats but I am definitely into other creatures as well, both big & small. ANYTIME you desire to take an online trip into the 'small world' or for that matter the "Big World" don't forget to include me. Speaking of the small world I have some links for you, & a few of those links you might find, "Terrifyingly Precious"!

I can relate STRONGLY to the three opening sentences in the below link like TOTALLY!!!

Beauty in animals shows up in creatures that are not often considered pets. The below three faces brought back memories for me from a looong time ago. I still favor those sweet faces of the Jerseys, but as I found out back then that those sweet faces can be deceiving for a 1st time greenhorn milker!

Below; there are 14 recognized/verified species of the genus Muntiacus. Of those 14 known species the REEVES Muntjac deer appears to be the absolute #1 pick for humans looking for a DEDICATED companion. There are NO KNOWN NEGATIVES to the REEVES Muntjac deer as a personal pet making the Reeves Muntjac deer the PERFECT indoor/outdoor companion pet for any human on the planet!

As described by the lucky poster in the below vid the Reeves Muntjac deer WILL "REMIND" their human counterpart with their CANINE TEETH(0.57 into the vid) if they feel they are not getting enough attention/loving. I'm picking up from various Reeves Muntjac deer owners that the Reeves Muntjac deer are virtually an attention/love sponge.

Below; READ IT FOR YOURSELF LIKE HOW COULD IT GET ANY BETTER??? The hard part is getting around the myriad of politically induced power & control pet agendas/laws fostered by the statist left narcissists that infest the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP).

General info below;

Below; Vid of MUNTICUS PERFECTUS!!! Meet Mikie & Athena! U WILL like the ending when Athena morphs into a squirrel! Oh, & don't forget to ask them if U can get your heart back from them before you leave!

Deer, To Know Them Is To Luv Them!

WOW do U think Poppy has an attraction to her counterpart or what?!!! Deer seem to have a capability to telepathically(?) read a humans mind like they know what we are thinking & what our next physical movement is going to be, so they are one step ahead of us(humans) in thought & physical movement. Decades later I was absolutely shocked that both Neuman & Pandy #1 exhibited the same capabilities. The closer one bonds with deer & goats the more mystifying they become.

This is so incredibly sweet and precious... ☺️

ok, for some reason half the time these Instagram reels won't embed, so to see this better just watch it full screen.


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