God = Allah = Abba = father

Sorry bout that,

5. They claiming they have their wagon hitched to Jesus Christ in some way or another is ludicrous,
Actually, Jesus has hitched his wagon to Islam and is enjoying the ride. :eusa_angel:

1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *LIAR*
2. Face it sunni, "Our Father in heaven" isn't the same, when you bow down each day, those three times a day, it isn't Jesus whom you bow down too right?
3. Is this what you are trying to claim???
4. Claim it, and see your head go rolling off your shoulder. :badgrin:

5. They claiming they have their wagon hitched to Jesus Christ in some way or another is ludicrous,
Actually, Jesus has hitched his wagon to Islam and is enjoying the ride. :eusa_angel:
Islam is the ride to hell. Jesus has nothing to do with islam since islam is false theology put forth by a LIAR and PEDOPHILE!!!

There's that same accusation again.

You must lie soooooo much for that to be the name you call people thread after thread after thread.
5. They claiming they have their wagon hitched to Jesus Christ in some way or another is ludicrous,
Actually, Jesus has hitched his wagon to Islam and is enjoying the ride. :eusa_angel:

I think you may have missed this so I'll repost the point.

You've seen from my posting here that I am not attacking Islam, nor defending the obviously uneducated ridiculousness these people seem to think the Bible says. So you know that I'm posting now not to attack you but to make a specific point.

While the God of Abraham is what Muslims refer to as Allah, Islam missed the point of the Abraham story.

When Abraham obeyed God/Allah and took his beloved son to the mount to sacrifice him, this was the human have of a Covenant. The God half of the Covenant was God sacrificing His Son for man.

Without the sacrifice of Jesus, as the Son of God ( not God the Father made flesh ) the Covenant between God and Abraham is broken.

I spent many years, just as its obvious you have, studying faith and scriptures. The most important story is that of Abraham, in that it teaches us how we interact directly with God and how He, in turn, interacts with us.

One simply cannot deny Gods half of the Covenant and still find that God fulfills His promise to mankind. Gods half of that Covenant is the sacrifice of His Son...and that Son is Jesus Christ.

It is one thing, like several of the posters here, to completely miss the important nuance of how Jesus' sacrifice relates to the sacrifice of Abrahams son, but to deny it completely, dimnishes not only Abrahams role in our salvation, but it diminishes God as well, as it leaves His Covenant in fulfilled.

Is your God , Allah , someone who doesn't fulfill His promises? His Covenants?

If He is not, then Jesus Christ, His Son, is that fulfillment.

This is where Islam falls short. It leaves the promise of God to Abraham, unfulfilled. God/Allah would never do that.
Sorry bout that,
Actually, Jesus has hitched his wagon to Islam and is enjoying the ride. :eusa_angel:

1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *LIAR
When Jesus returns to earth.

He will stand behind Muhammad and follow him in prayer and bowing down to Allah. :eusa_angel:
This from someone who spent 20 posts in is thread denying (or should I say LYING) that Muslims believe that Abraham intended to sacrifice Ishmael and not Issac. The entire faith is based on this falsehood, among other falsehoods. This is the Muslim way. Lie, deny divert. When all else fails, resort to violence. In Islam, anything goes.
Sorry bout that,

1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *LIAR
When Jesus returns to earth.

He will stand behind Muhammad and follow him in prayer and bowing down to Allah. :eusa_angel:
This from someone who spent 20 posts in is thread denying (or should I say LYING) that Muslims believe that Abraham intended to sacrifice Ishmael and not Issac. The entire faith is based on this falsehood, among other falsehoods. This is the Muslim way. Lie, deny divert. When all else fails, resort to violence. In Islam, anything goes.
You have figured sunni mom and the lie of islam out, isn't hard considering mohammed was the biggest LIAR in history, beside every muslim alive today.
Actually, Jesus has hitched his wagon to Islam and is enjoying the ride. :eusa_angel:
Islam is the ride to hell. Jesus has nothing to do with islam since islam is false theology put forth by a LIAR and PEDOPHILE!!!

There's that same accusation again.

You must lie soooooo much for that to be the name you call people thread after thread after thread.
Truth hurts doesn't it? You follow a baby raping lying nutcase who told you to worship satan. Nothing you say can change that. Good luck fool.
5. They claiming they have their wagon hitched to Jesus Christ in some way or another is ludicrous,
Actually, Jesus has hitched his wagon to Islam and is enjoying the ride. :eusa_angel:

I think you may have missed this so I'll repost the point.

You've seen from my posting here that I am not attacking Islam, nor defending the obviously uneducated ridiculousness these people seem to think the Bible says. So you know that I'm posting now not to attack you but to make a specific point.

While the God of Abraham is what Muslims refer to as Allah, Islam missed the point of the Abraham story.

When Abraham obeyed God/Allah and took his beloved son to the mount to sacrifice him, this was the human have of a Covenant. The God half of the Covenant was God sacrificing His Son for man.

Without the sacrifice of Jesus, as the Son of God ( not God the Father made flesh ) the Covenant between God and Abraham is broken.

I spent many years, just as its obvious you have, studying faith and scriptures. The most important story is that of Abraham, in that it teaches us how we interact directly with God and how He, in turn, interacts with us.

One simply cannot deny Gods half of the Covenant and still find that God fulfills His promise to mankind. Gods half of that Covenant is the sacrifice of His Son...and that Son is Jesus Christ.

It is one thing, like several of the posters here, to completely miss the important nuance of how Jesus' sacrifice relates to the sacrifice of Abrahams son, but to deny it completely, dimnishes not only Abrahams role in our salvation, but it diminishes God as well, as it leaves His Covenant in fulfilled.

Is your God , Allah , someone who doesn't fulfill His promises? His Covenants?

If He is not, then Jesus Christ, His Son, is that fulfillment.

This is where Islam falls short. It leaves the promise of God to Abraham, unfulfilled. God/Allah would never do that.

Jesus is the word and the was was made flesh, and the word is God. That's it in a nutshell. That's what the bible says not what you have misunderstood it to say.

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