"God" is a tyrant.

When I read the hateful and blasphemous comments toward Christianity like we see in this thread I take great comfort in knowing that at the end of our lives on Earth, I will be in paradise while they will be in Hell.
The Bible is a collection of writings from a bunch of Jewish sandni@@ers. It's just a book. Why do you take it so seriously? If god thought something so important for you to know, I'm sure he could get the message to you clearly, and definitely. Have you ever had a boss give you task instructions allegorically? Ever heard of a manager using metaphors to explain what he expects? Now imagine your boss doing this via writing it down, and leaving it to chance that at some later date; his employees would not only read it; but actually have a clue what the hell hes even talking about. Not to mention the problem of vetting the info to see if it really comes from the source claimed...

Yeah... that's the streamlined foolproof plan of an eternal, omniscient, Omni present super being...
It's just a book. Rather a collection of books. Poorly edited as well.

If you don't do what the boss says you get sent down the road and no payment(or jail for a military idiot).
God has the same dealio. Here's the rules. Here's the reward(pay) for following them. Your choice (free will).
" Hey let me on that fuckkin boat ! I though that old man wa wa was c c c cra cra zeeeee..........." BLOOP.
When I read the hateful and blasphemous comments toward Christianity like we see in this thread I take great comfort in knowing that at the end of our lives on Earth, I will be in paradise while they will be in Hell.
You are too stupid to think outside the box, which is why you fail to grasp anything beyond the physical world and your limited intelligence.
Okay, and this sounds like a perfectly reasonable philosophy for life, no God necessary. I mean, it rather goes along with what I always say:

We differ on the wording. Some of us do see the necessity of God in our lives. I think what you may be saying is, "I don't want God in my life/existence." The good news is that God will not force Himself on you.

As for me, I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on that. I look forward to what is next.
We differ on the wording. Some of us do see the necessity of God in our lives. I think what you may be saying is, "I don't want God in my life/existence." The good news is that God will not force Himself on you.

As for me, I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on that. I look forward to what is next.

"I don't want God in my life/existence."

before the 4th century influence - - the above is the correct preference as the means to accomplish an individuals salvation, to believe even possible, otherwise is an unwarranted intrusion.
When I read the hateful and blasphemous comments toward Christianity like we see in this thread I take great comfort in knowing that at the end of our lives on Earth, I will be in paradise while they will be in Hell.
You are too stupid to think outside the box, which is why you fail to grasp anything beyond the physical world and your limited intelligence.
The irony is that you don't even recognise the complete stupidity, and irrationality of that statement. It is not a "failure to grasp" anything beyond the physical world. It is a complete lack of any objective evidence of anything existing beyond the physical world. As soon as you, or anyone else presents such evidence, I will happily change my position.
When I read the hateful and blasphemous comments toward Christianity like we see in this thread I take great comfort in knowing that at the end of our lives on Earth, I will be in paradise while they will be in Hell.
You are too stupid to think outside the box, which is why you fail to grasp anything beyond the physical world and your limited intelligence.
The irony is that you don't even recognise the complete stupidity, and irrationality of that statement. It is not a "failure to grasp" anything beyond the physical world. It is a complete lack of any objective evidence of anything existing beyond the physical world. As soon as you, or anyone else presents such evidence, I will happily change my position.
You demand evidence from the natural world of the supernatural but you reject what He has created from being used as evidence. What evidence will you accept?
When I read the hateful and blasphemous comments toward Christianity like we see in this thread I take great comfort in knowing that at the end of our lives on Earth, I will be in paradise while they will be in Hell.
You are too stupid to think outside the box, which is why you fail to grasp anything beyond the physical world and your limited intelligence.
The irony is that you don't even recognise the complete stupidity, and irrationality of that statement. It is not a "failure to grasp" anything beyond the physical world. It is a complete lack of any objective evidence of anything existing beyond the physical world. As soon as you, or anyone else presents such evidence, I will happily change my position.
You just made my point. You can't think outside the box. The only thing you relate to is what your one-dimensional mind can see in your one-dimensional existence. You have a boring mind with no ability to reach beyond your self-imposed physical limitations. You live in a pathetic world of darkness, created by ignorance and stupidity. What's so funny is that you think you're an intellectual, with something to contribute, only you have nothing to contribute but your own ignorance and spiritual retardation.
When I read the hateful and blasphemous comments toward Christianity like we see in this thread I take great comfort in knowing that at the end of our lives on Earth, I will be in paradise while they will be in Hell.
You are too stupid to think outside the box, which is why you fail to grasp anything beyond the physical world and your limited intelligence.
The irony is that you don't even recognise the complete stupidity, and irrationality of that statement. It is not a "failure to grasp" anything beyond the physical world. It is a complete lack of any objective evidence of anything existing beyond the physical world. As soon as you, or anyone else presents such evidence, I will happily change my position.
You just made my point. You can't think outside the box. The only thing you relate to is what your one-dimensional mind can see in your one-dimensional existence. You have a boring mind with no ability to reach beyond your self-imposed physical limitations. You live in a pathetic world of darkness, created by ignorance and stupidity. What's so funny is that you think you're an intellectual, with something to contribute, only you have nothing to contribute but your own ignorance and spiritual retardation.
So, instead I should live in a world ruled by nothing but personal perception? While imaginative, not very well grounded, is it? Tell me, how do you know, other than, "The Bible tells me so", that Zeus doesn't exist?
When I read the hateful and blasphemous comments toward Christianity like we see in this thread I take great comfort in knowing that at the end of our lives on Earth, I will be in paradise while they will be in Hell.
You are too stupid to think outside the box, which is why you fail to grasp anything beyond the physical world and your limited intelligence.
The irony is that you don't even recognise the complete stupidity, and irrationality of that statement. It is not a "failure to grasp" anything beyond the physical world. It is a complete lack of any objective evidence of anything existing beyond the physical world. As soon as you, or anyone else presents such evidence, I will happily change my position.
Do you believe the laws of nature were in place before space and time were created? Science tells us that they were.

Do you believe that beings that know and create arose through the laws of nature which existed before space and time were created? Science tells us they did.

Do you believe the potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time were created? Science tells us it did.

Do you believe there has ever been an uncaused event in the history of the universe? Science says there has not.

Do you believe that cause and effect tells us that events are connected? Science says they are.

Do you believe that events happen for a reason? Science tells us they do.

Do you believe that consciousness has evolved from space and time? Science says it did.

Do you believe that the universe has become self aware? Science says it did.

Do you believe it is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Reason and experience tells us that it is.

Do you believe we can use tangible items as evidence? Reason and experience tells us we can.

Do you believe that we can learn things from evidence? Reason and experience tells us we can.

Can we learn how something was created? Reason and experience tells us we can.

Can we learn how many steps were required to create it? Reason and experience tells us we can.

Can we learn the level of intelligence required to create it? Reason and experience tells us we can.

Are our creations the realization of our intention? Reason and experience tells us they are.

Do we create things for a purpose? Reason and experience tells us we do.

Can we figure out what that purpose is by studying what was created? Reason and experience tells us we can.

So I am going to have to disagree with you that we don't have any evidence for the existence of God or that you have never been presented with any evidence for the existence of God.
When I read the hateful and blasphemous comments toward Christianity like we see in this thread I take great comfort in knowing that at the end of our lives on Earth, I will be in paradise while they will be in Hell.
You are too stupid to think outside the box, which is why you fail to grasp anything beyond the physical world and your limited intelligence.
The irony is that you don't even recognise the complete stupidity, and irrationality of that statement. It is not a "failure to grasp" anything beyond the physical world. It is a complete lack of any objective evidence of anything existing beyond the physical world. As soon as you, or anyone else presents such evidence, I will happily change my position.
You just made my point. You can't think outside the box. The only thing you relate to is what your one-dimensional mind can see in your one-dimensional existence. You have a boring mind with no ability to reach beyond your self-imposed physical limitations. You live in a pathetic world of darkness, created by ignorance and stupidity. What's so funny is that you think you're an intellectual, with something to contribute, only you have nothing to contribute but your own ignorance and spiritual retardation.
So, instead I should live in a world ruled by nothing but personal perception? While imaginative, not very well grounded, is it? Tell me, how do you know, other than, "The Bible tells me so", that Zeus doesn't exist?
You can live in whatever world you want. I base my faith on personal experiences. Sorry you don't have anything on which to base yours except hate of others who do. Maybe it's just envy. Let me guess, you're a liberal too?
You are too stupid to think outside the box, which is why you fail to grasp anything beyond the physical world and your limited intelligence.
The irony is that you don't even recognise the complete stupidity, and irrationality of that statement. It is not a "failure to grasp" anything beyond the physical world. It is a complete lack of any objective evidence of anything existing beyond the physical world. As soon as you, or anyone else presents such evidence, I will happily change my position.
You just made my point. You can't think outside the box. The only thing you relate to is what your one-dimensional mind can see in your one-dimensional existence. You have a boring mind with no ability to reach beyond your self-imposed physical limitations. You live in a pathetic world of darkness, created by ignorance and stupidity. What's so funny is that you think you're an intellectual, with something to contribute, only you have nothing to contribute but your own ignorance and spiritual retardation.
So, instead I should live in a world ruled by nothing but personal perception? While imaginative, not very well grounded, is it? Tell me, how do you know, other than, "The Bible tells me so", that Zeus doesn't exist?
You can live in whatever world you want. I base my faith on personal experiences. Sorry you don't have anything on which to base yours except hate of others who do. Maybe it's just envy. Let me guess, you're a liberal too?
So, the question was too difficult?
You are too stupid to think outside the box, which is why you fail to grasp anything beyond the physical world and your limited intelligence.
The irony is that you don't even recognise the complete stupidity, and irrationality of that statement. It is not a "failure to grasp" anything beyond the physical world. It is a complete lack of any objective evidence of anything existing beyond the physical world. As soon as you, or anyone else presents such evidence, I will happily change my position.
You just made my point. You can't think outside the box. The only thing you relate to is what your one-dimensional mind can see in your one-dimensional existence. You have a boring mind with no ability to reach beyond your self-imposed physical limitations. You live in a pathetic world of darkness, created by ignorance and stupidity. What's so funny is that you think you're an intellectual, with something to contribute, only you have nothing to contribute but your own ignorance and spiritual retardation.
So, instead I should live in a world ruled by nothing but personal perception? While imaginative, not very well grounded, is it? Tell me, how do you know, other than, "The Bible tells me so", that Zeus doesn't exist?
You can live in whatever world you want. I base my faith on personal experiences. Sorry you don't have anything on which to base yours except hate of others who do. Maybe it's just envy. Let me guess, you're a liberal too?
So, the question was too difficult?
No, just desperate.
The irony is that you don't even recognise the complete stupidity, and irrationality of that statement. It is not a "failure to grasp" anything beyond the physical world. It is a complete lack of any objective evidence of anything existing beyond the physical world. As soon as you, or anyone else presents such evidence, I will happily change my position.
You just made my point. You can't think outside the box. The only thing you relate to is what your one-dimensional mind can see in your one-dimensional existence. You have a boring mind with no ability to reach beyond your self-imposed physical limitations. You live in a pathetic world of darkness, created by ignorance and stupidity. What's so funny is that you think you're an intellectual, with something to contribute, only you have nothing to contribute but your own ignorance and spiritual retardation.
So, instead I should live in a world ruled by nothing but personal perception? While imaginative, not very well grounded, is it? Tell me, how do you know, other than, "The Bible tells me so", that Zeus doesn't exist?
You can live in whatever world you want. I base my faith on personal experiences. Sorry you don't have anything on which to base yours except hate of others who do. Maybe it's just envy. Let me guess, you're a liberal too?
So, the question was too difficult?
No, just desperate.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drive you to desperation.
You just made my point. You can't think outside the box. The only thing you relate to is what your one-dimensional mind can see in your one-dimensional existence. You have a boring mind with no ability to reach beyond your self-imposed physical limitations. You live in a pathetic world of darkness, created by ignorance and stupidity. What's so funny is that you think you're an intellectual, with something to contribute, only you have nothing to contribute but your own ignorance and spiritual retardation.
So, instead I should live in a world ruled by nothing but personal perception? While imaginative, not very well grounded, is it? Tell me, how do you know, other than, "The Bible tells me so", that Zeus doesn't exist?
You can live in whatever world you want. I base my faith on personal experiences. Sorry you don't have anything on which to base yours except hate of others who do. Maybe it's just envy. Let me guess, you're a liberal too?
So, the question was too difficult?
No, just desperate.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drive you to desperation.
Actually that was your intent. It just wasn't your result. Have you noticed that you are the common denominator in these conflicts.

You use thinly veiled insults to instigate conflicts and then play the I'm just here for debate card. The only problem us that you have already admitted that you seek out people who believe in God for the express purpose of trying to ridicule their beliefs. You do so through a myriad of strawmen logical fallacy arguments which always begin with you misstating their beliefs. Your behaviors are pathological.
When I read the hateful and blasphemous comments toward Christianity like we see in this thread I take great comfort in knowing that at the end of our lives on Earth, I will be in paradise while they will be in Hell.
You are too stupid to think outside the box, which is why you fail to grasp anything beyond the physical world and your limited intelligence.
The irony is that you don't even recognise the complete stupidity, and irrationality of that statement. It is not a "failure to grasp" anything beyond the physical world. It is a complete lack of any objective evidence of anything existing beyond the physical world. As soon as you, or anyone else presents such evidence, I will happily change my position.
You just made my point. You can't think outside the box. The only thing you relate to is what your one-dimensional mind can see in your one-dimensional existence. You have a boring mind with no ability to reach beyond your self-imposed physical limitations. You live in a pathetic world of darkness, created by ignorance and stupidity. What's so funny is that you think you're an intellectual, with something to contribute, only you have nothing to contribute but your own ignorance and spiritual retardation.
So, instead I should live in a world ruled by nothing but personal perception? While imaginative, not very well grounded, is it? Tell me, how do you know, other than, "The Bible tells me so", that Zeus doesn't exist?
No. You should live in a world where you don't go around pathologically attacking the beliefs of others.
When I read the hateful and blasphemous comments toward Christianity like we see in this thread I take great comfort in knowing that at the end of our lives on Earth, I will be in paradise while they will be in Hell.
You are too stupid to think outside the box, which is why you fail to grasp anything beyond the physical world and your limited intelligence.
The irony is that you don't even recognise the complete stupidity, and irrationality of that statement. It is not a "failure to grasp" anything beyond the physical world. It is a complete lack of any objective evidence of anything existing beyond the physical world. As soon as you, or anyone else presents such evidence, I will happily change my position.
You just made my point. You can't think outside the box. The only thing you relate to is what your one-dimensional mind can see in your one-dimensional existence. You have a boring mind with no ability to reach beyond your self-imposed physical limitations. You live in a pathetic world of darkness, created by ignorance and stupidity. What's so funny is that you think you're an intellectual, with something to contribute, only you have nothing to contribute but your own ignorance and spiritual retardation.
So, instead I should live in a world ruled by nothing but personal perception? While imaginative, not very well grounded, is it? Tell me, how do you know, other than, "The Bible tells me so", that Zeus doesn't exist?
Your world is ruled by your personal perception.
How do you know what I have heard or not heard from God? You don't know anything about my journey.

How do I know you have never heard from God? ? You are a confessed sinner and an unrepentant idolator who brazenly lies in the name of God because you have allowed satan to enter your mind to perpetuate evil..

If the very scriptures that you claim are the words of God are true then in the very day you first got down on your knees in deranged adoration before the image of a nonexistent trinity that became a man you became separated from God, died, and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you have been tormented day and night ever since..

Some journey.

You have done nothing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.
I see. It is because I am a Christian, lol. I can see how open minded you are.
No its not about you being a Christian its about you having become a completely false person and when given a once every other eon opportunity to return to life you act as if your are just fine and dandy and actually prefer slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Suit yourself.
You only think you know me. You don't. You worry about yourself.

Oh, was I wrong to think that you really believed what you claim to believe and have said about your beliefs in your own words??

You don't worship an image of an edible three in one god that impregnated a virgin to become a human being without a human father who performed miraculous demonstrations of divine power over actual reality, said things that no one understood, was tortured and executed, and then floated up into the sky three days later??

sorry, my mistake.

I thought that you were one of those unfortunate lost souls who professes to love God but grovels before the image of a naked man dying on a cross and celebrates his life by desecrating his teachings and doing the exact opposite of what scripture teaches is the way to life...

If you are not a lost soul, then your lies and your murders and your sorcery are deliberate.

I get it....
There is only one God. It does not matter what you call Him. If you call Him, He will respond. So, yes, you are wrong about everything.
How do I know you have never heard from God? ? You are a confessed sinner and an unrepentant idolator who brazenly lies in the name of God because you have allowed satan to enter your mind to perpetuate evil..

If the very scriptures that you claim are the words of God are true then in the very day you first got down on your knees in deranged adoration before the image of a nonexistent trinity that became a man you became separated from God, died, and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you have been tormented day and night ever since..

Some journey.

You have done nothing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.
I see. It is because I am a Christian, lol. I can see how open minded you are.
No its not about you being a Christian its about you having become a completely false person and when given a once every other eon opportunity to return to life you act as if your are just fine and dandy and actually prefer slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Suit yourself.
You only think you know me. You don't. You worry about yourself.

Oh, was I wrong to think that you really believed what you claim to believe and have said about your beliefs in your own words??

You don't worship an image of an edible three in one god that impregnated a virgin to become a human being without a human father who performed miraculous demonstrations of divine power over actual reality, said things that no one understood, was tortured and executed, and then floated up into the sky three days later??

sorry, my mistake.

I thought that you were one of those unfortunate lost souls who professes to love God but grovels before the image of a naked man dying on a cross and celebrates his life by desecrating his teachings and doing the exact opposite of what scripture teaches is the way to life...

If you are not a lost soul, then your lies and your murders and your sorcery are deliberate.

I get it....
There is only one God. It does not matter what you call Him. If you call Him, He will respond. So, yes, you are wrong about everything.
There is only one God. It does not matter what you call Him. If you call Him, He will respond. So, yes, you are wrong about everything.

OP ...
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies.

whom you call matters -

you could not be further from the truth if you tried, the difference between the 1st century Almighty and your 4th century god is the difference between - Good and evil.

again, the OP has singled out the christian god, whether as a singular intent may or may not be certain but as is that is what the OP is addressing and your responses confirm their conclusion -

and there is agreement by some with that specificity.
I see. It is because I am a Christian, lol. I can see how open minded you are.
No its not about you being a Christian its about you having become a completely false person and when given a once every other eon opportunity to return to life you act as if your are just fine and dandy and actually prefer slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Suit yourself.
You only think you know me. You don't. You worry about yourself.

Oh, was I wrong to think that you really believed what you claim to believe and have said about your beliefs in your own words??

You don't worship an image of an edible three in one god that impregnated a virgin to become a human being without a human father who performed miraculous demonstrations of divine power over actual reality, said things that no one understood, was tortured and executed, and then floated up into the sky three days later??

sorry, my mistake.

I thought that you were one of those unfortunate lost souls who professes to love God but grovels before the image of a naked man dying on a cross and celebrates his life by desecrating his teachings and doing the exact opposite of what scripture teaches is the way to life...

If you are not a lost soul, then your lies and your murders and your sorcery are deliberate.

I get it....
There is only one God. It does not matter what you call Him. If you call Him, He will respond. So, yes, you are wrong about everything.
There is only one God. It does not matter what you call Him. If you call Him, He will respond. So, yes, you are wrong about everything.

OP ...
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies.

whom you call matters -

you could not be further from the truth if you tried, the difference between the 1st century Almighty and your 4th century god is the difference between - Good and evil.

again, the OP has singled out the christian god, whether as a singular intent may or may not be certain but as is that is what the OP is addressing and your responses confirm their conclusion -

and there is agreement by some with that specificity.
You see, Ding thinks he has done something unique, and special by presenting his teleological argument. He hasn't. The thing is, to my knowledge, very few cosmology scholars make this argument. They almost all, invariably, at Christian, or Muslim. This is because there are a few glaring flaws with the teleological argument.

1) It employs an logical fallacy known as "argument from ignorance. An argument from ignorance occurs when debater (A) claims that his opponent (B) doesn’t know the answer but (A) claims to know the answer, therefore A is right. In this case, scientists do not know what occurred prior to the Big Bang, Christians claim that God made it happen, so Christians are "right". It sounds great, but it's based on flawed logic. To demonstrate the flaw of the logic, replace God with anything you like, from Invisible Space monkeys, to the popular Flying Spaghetti Monster, and the formula still works. Thus, while it sounds good, it is a useless argument.

Now, this would be a good time to mention that just because there are aspects of natural law that we do not yet understand, "God did it" is never a sufficient response. That is relying on a concept known as "The God of the Gaps". We no longer need Apollo to explain why the Sun moves across the sky, or Demeter to explain the seasons. We no longer need Thor to explain thunder. The "God of the Gaps" is asymptotically approaching zero.

2) Aside from the logical flaw, there is a problem of the nature of God. You'll notice that Ding likes to refer to the "Primary Mover", or the "First Cause". At best, this is an argument for deism , not theism. It argues for an intelligence that created the universe, set it in motion, then toddled on off, and left the universe to do what it does. There is nothing in the "First Cause" argument that demonstrates any sort of continued interest in humanity.

3) The argument also relies on another logical fallacy called "special pleading". The argument insists that anything so complex, and intricate as the universe demands that it have a creator. Okay. However, logic demands that any creator of something so complex, and intricate must be more complex, intricate, and of sufficient intelligence, and creativity to create such a universe, and must, therefore, have, itself, a creator. Ding, and other Teleologists want to argue "special pleading" - God is capable of self creation, while, for some reason, the universe is not.

4) The final problem with the teleological argument is one that no one has thought to ask Ding. Why? Why did God go to all of the trouble of creating this vast, complicated universe? What was its purpose? What was its goal? I rather suspect that, if asked, we would be surprised to learn just how arrogant, and egotistical his answer would be.

Now, some of these problems - particularly point three - Ding will attempt to overcome by pointing out that God doesn't have to follow the rules that the universe does, because the universe is bound by the physical laws of nature, but God is supernatural, and beyond such limitations. But, do you see the problem there? He just spent all of this time pretending to employ "science" to "prove" the existence of a thing that he fully admits exists in a realm that is utterly beyond the ability of science to even recognise, let alone accurately test, confirm, and prove.

Hence the utter demise of Ding's argument.
You see, Ding thinks he has done something unique, and special by presenting his teleological argument. He hasn't. The thing is, to my knowledge, very few cosmology scholars make this argument. They almost all, invariably, at Christian, or Muslim. This is because there are a few glaring flaws with the teleological argument.
Can you show me one cosmologist or physicist who stated that the laws of nature were NOT in place before space and time were created? Because I have yet to find one.

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