"God" is a tyrant.

Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?
Did you plagiarize this too?
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?
See Job 40 for God's response.
By all means, let's do that. Basically, the response is that of a Tyrant: "Who do you think you are to question me?!?!'

While we're at it, let's look at Job, period. Here we have God destroying a man, for no other reason than he was manipulated into it over a bet - a bet - with Satan (or Lucifer, if that is less offensive to our Jewish residents). Now, The Theists are going to quickly point out that God replaced everything he took, but so what. First, replaced? Really? Tell that to a parent. Ask a parent who has lost a child if subsequent children replaced the one they lost. Even beyond that, allow me to take away eve3ry single thing you own, destroy your reputation, and destroy your life. Then 6 months later, I'll rebuild it all for you. Did the rebuilding make up for what I did? Anyone who thinks it does, should watch Trading Places.

And we're expected to be,lieve that this is an infinitely wise, generous, and loving God? I think not.
Yes, who do you think you are to question Him. That is it exactly. You don't know shit. You only think you do, but you don't.
The entire point of Hell is to be so unpleasant that it would be irrational to not fear being sent there. It is simple coercion.

So you believe in the Christian god and the Hell that Christianity tells you, exists?
No you're not. The definition is the definition. Omnipotent: almighty or infinite in power. Plain and simple. No eqivocation. That either describes the God of Christianity, or it does not. Omniscient: having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things. That either describes the Christian God, or it does not.

You want to play with the definition, because you want your God to be All Powerful, and All-Knowing, without your God having to be responsible for the consequences of doing the things he did, in the manner in which he did them, while being all powerful, and all-knowing.

What is your point? God is infinite which means His power extends infinitely. Your definition of omniscient says nothing about knowing that which cannot be known. You seem to think we are arguing. If we are, you will have to explain that argument to me. It seems to me we are saying pretty much the same thing.

Keep in mind the words did not appear in the Bible, which is why we want to be clear on the definitions. Many people want to play with the definitions: Is God so powerful He can create a rock He cannot lift? Can God know the unknowable? I don't appreciate those games.
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?
If I were going to make up a god believers would go to heaven, atheists who were good would just die when they die. Their soul would die. This wouldn't offend me as this is what I believe happens.

And then I'd say rapists and evil murderers go to hell. This kind of God would make a lot more sense but cults want to scare people into believing.

You don't know how many theists know you and I are right but "better to be safe than sorry" so they "have faith" which is Greek for don't really believe
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?
Did you plagiarize this too?
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?
See Job 40 for God's response.
By all means, let's do that. Basically, the response is that of a Tyrant: "Who do you think you are to question me?!?!'

While we're at it, let's look at Job, period. Here we have God destroying a man, for no other reason than he was manipulated into it over a bet - a bet - with Satan (or Lucifer, if that is less offensive to our Jewish residents). Now, The Theists are going to quickly point out that God replaced everything he took, but so what. First, replaced? Really? Tell that to a parent. Ask a parent who has lost a child if subsequent children replaced the one they lost. Even beyond that, allow me to take away eve3ry single thing you own, destroy your reputation, and destroy your life. Then 6 months later, I'll rebuild it all for you. Did the rebuilding make up for what I did? Anyone who thinks it does, should watch Trading Places.

And we're expected to be,lieve that this is an infinitely wise, generous, and loving God? I think not.
Yes, who do you think you are to question Him. That is it exactly. You don't know shit. You only think you do, but you don't.
Interesting that you ignored everything after the first sentence.
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?
See Job 40 for God's response.
By all means, let's do that. Basically, the response is that of a Tyrant: "Who do you think you are to question me?!?!'

While we're at it, let's look at Job, period. Here we have God destroying a man, for no other reason than he was manipulated into it over a bet - a bet - with Satan (or Lucifer, if that is less offensive to our Jewish residents). Now, The Theists are going to quickly point out that God replaced everything he took, but so what. First, replaced? Really? Tell that to a parent. Ask a parent who has lost a child if subsequent children replaced the one they lost. Even beyond that, allow me to take away eve3ry single thing you own, destroy your reputation, and destroy your life. Then 6 months later, I'll rebuild it all for you. Did the rebuilding make up for what I did? Anyone who thinks it does, should watch Trading Places.

And we're expected to be,lieve that this is an infinitely wise, generous, and loving God? I think not.
Yes, who do you think you are to question Him. That is it exactly. You don't know shit. You only think you do, but you don't.
Interesting that you ignored everything after the first sentence.
But I didn't. It is you who does not understand Job 40 and the ridiculousness of questioning God. He will literally say to you, who do you think you are? What have you done to question me? And He will be right to say that. Your problem is that you don't believe there is intelligence behind any of this because it does not make sense to you. Do you really believe that an intelligence that willed existence into being does not understand it? Seriously? Trust me, the error is yours, not His.
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?
Did you plagiarize this too?
It is not an ad hominem attack. You did plagiarize the other OP.
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?

Dear Czernobog
Try substituting NATURE or LIFE for "God."
is NATURE a tyrant for its preexistent laws and ways of how the world works?
Is LIFE a tyrant for how we are born, go through stages of growth learning and development, before we die?

now, isn't our relationship with NATURE or LIFE
up to us to decide if we are going to work with it or try to fight against it.

isn't part of the learning curve making peace and learning to work with
laws of the universe, nature and life. And isn't that up to human conscience to deal with?
Except the Bible doesn't talk about living this life in harmony with God. It, repeatedly, talks about the eternal gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and damnation, after death that comes to those who do not join in the cult of Jesus worshipers.

You want to make it sound as if Christianity is no different than Zen Buddhism, except we both know that's not true.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet the Jews saw God as a loving and caring God. Is it possible that you don't understand what you read? How can they be wrong and you be right when they are the one's who were entrusted with bringing the Word of God to man. Do you believe that you know more than them?
Is my belief relevant? If Christians are right, will my lack of belief prevent me from going there?

What strikes me is that many Christians have no belief in the beliefs you created (maybe with the help of others) and then rejected.

What do you think might prevent you from reuniting with a God who loves you?
Is my belief relevant? If Christians are right, will my lack of belief prevent me from going there?

What strikes me is that many Christians have no belief in the beliefs you created (maybe with the help of others) and then rejected.

What do you think might prevent you from reuniting with a God who loves you?
Except these aren't beliefs I created. This is the position of Christianity, right up until the tyranny of the position is exposed. This is the entire premise of Pascal's famous Divine Wager that every Christian relies upon as a basic proselytising tool. Until, of course, someone, like myself, points out the tyranny of the premise. Then, suddenly, Christianity teaches no such thing. Then Christianity is all sunshine, and kittens, and fluffy bunnies.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?

Dear Czernobog
Try substituting NATURE or LIFE for "God."
is NATURE a tyrant for its preexistent laws and ways of how the world works?
Is LIFE a tyrant for how we are born, go through stages of growth learning and development, before we die?

now, isn't our relationship with NATURE or LIFE
up to us to decide if we are going to work with it or try to fight against it.

isn't part of the learning curve making peace and learning to work with
laws of the universe, nature and life. And isn't that up to human conscience to deal with?
Except the Bible doesn't talk about living this life in harmony with God. It, repeatedly, talks about the eternal gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and damnation, after death that comes to those who do not join in the cult of Jesus worshipers.

You want to make it sound as if Christianity is no different than Zen Buddhism, except we both know that's not true.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I think you are exaggerating "according to the consensus opinion of modern Bible scholars, the word "hell" did not appear a single time, not even once, in the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament (OT). And the word "hell" is very hard to find in the New Testament (NT) as well. You can easily confirm this fact yourself, by using an online Bible search tool to scan various Bible translations for the word "hell."

"The word "hell" does not appear in the Bible because:

(1) The Hebrew word Sheol clearly means "the grave," not "hell." Everyone went to Sheol when they died, not just the wicked. Sheol was not a place of suffering, because in Job 14:13, a much-beset Job asked to go to Sheol to escape suffering! He clearly meant that if he died, his suffering would end in the grave. Sheol was not a place where God was absent, because King David said in Psalm 139:8 that when he made his bed in Sheol (i.e., when he died and was laid in his grave), God would still be with him. And Sheol was not an eternal inescapable prison, because in Psalm 49:15 the Sons of Korah said that God would redeem them from Sheol, by which they meant that they would be resurrected from the grave to new life. Furthermore, the prophet Ezekiel and the apostle Paul agreed that all Israel would be saved, and yet in Genesis 37:35, Israel himself said that he would be reunited with his son Joseph in Sheol. How can all Israel be saved if Israel himself is in "hell"? In each case Sheol clearly means "the grave" or "the abode of all the dead, good and bad" and cannot be interpreted as "hell" unless "hell" is heaven!

(2) The Greek word Hades also clearly means "the grave" not "hell." Everyone went to Hades when they died, not just the wicked. Hades contained heavenly regions like the Elysian Fields and the Blessed Isles. The Greek hell was Tartarus, which is discussed below, in section 4.

(3) The place name Gehenna does not mean "hell" because Gehenna is a valley in Israel also known in Hebrew as Gehinnom, or the Valley of Hinnom. Today Gehenna is a lovely park and tourist attraction. Wonderful archeological discoveries have been made there, such as the healing pool of Siloam and the oldest Bible verses ever discovered, inscribed on small silver amulets. Those verses are the benediction "The LORD bless thee and keep thee; the LORD make his countenance to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee." Those are wonderfully comforting words to have been discovered in "hell," don't you think?

(4) The Greek hell was Tartarus. This is the only word in the Bible that actually means "hell" in either Greek or Hebrew. But the word Tartarus appears only one time in the entire Bible, in 2 Peter 2:4. And that verse is about fallen angels awaiting judgment, so its hell is not eternal and is not for human beings. The only verse in the Bible that contains a word that actually means "hell" seems to be about a place where Satan and other fallen angels await judgement."

How many times is hell mentioned in the Bible?
No, it's not. The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned. Jesus was also quite vivid in his description of Hell in his story of the suffering of the Rich man in Hell.
You misunderstand the Bible. Jesus is not threatening to send you to Hell, he's telling you that if you don't accept God, God will not accept you. "Hell" is living in the absence of God, and there's no protection from evil. BTW, it's "Revelation", not Revelation(s).
Because, frankly, I am separates from that God now, and I do not feel terribly tortured.
You haven't left Earth yet either.
sounds like the real world right here

face it you can pray all you want but you are not protected from evil
I'm not talking about life on Earth.

well that's the only life there is based on the evidence
Whatever. I'm not here to debate the existence of God.
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?

Dear Czernobog
Try substituting NATURE or LIFE for "God."
is NATURE a tyrant for its preexistent laws and ways of how the world works?
Is LIFE a tyrant for how we are born, go through stages of growth learning and development, before we die?

now, isn't our relationship with NATURE or LIFE
up to us to decide if we are going to work with it or try to fight against it.

isn't part of the learning curve making peace and learning to work with
laws of the universe, nature and life. And isn't that up to human conscience to deal with?
Except the Bible doesn't talk about living this life in harmony with God. It, repeatedly, talks about the eternal gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and damnation, after death that comes to those who do not join in the cult of Jesus worshipers.

You want to make it sound as if Christianity is no different than Zen Buddhism, except we both know that's not true.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet the Jews saw God as a loving and caring God. Is it possible that you don't understand what you read? How can they be wrong and you be right when they are the one's who were entrusted with bringing the Word of God to man. Do you believe that you know more than them?
Wow. A threefer...


Is my belief relevant? If Christians are right, will my lack of belief prevent me from going there?

What strikes me is that many Christians have no belief in the beliefs you created (maybe with the help of others) and then rejected.

What do you think might prevent you from reuniting with a God who loves you?
Except these aren't beliefs I created. This is the position of Christianity, right up until the tyranny of the position is exposed. This is the entire premise of Pascal's famous Divine Wager that every Christian relies upon as a basic proselytising tool. Until, of course, someone, like myself, points out the tyranny of the premise. Then, suddenly, Christianity teaches no such thing. Then Christianity is all sunshine, and kittens, and fluffy bunnies.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You claim to have attended seminary school and hold a PhD in psychiatry and have plagiarized OP's. Are you a pathological liar?
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?

Dear Czernobog
Try substituting NATURE or LIFE for "God."
is NATURE a tyrant for its preexistent laws and ways of how the world works?
Is LIFE a tyrant for how we are born, go through stages of growth learning and development, before we die?

now, isn't our relationship with NATURE or LIFE
up to us to decide if we are going to work with it or try to fight against it.

isn't part of the learning curve making peace and learning to work with
laws of the universe, nature and life. And isn't that up to human conscience to deal with?
Except the Bible doesn't talk about living this life in harmony with God. It, repeatedly, talks about the eternal gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and damnation, after death that comes to those who do not join in the cult of Jesus worshipers.

You want to make it sound as if Christianity is no different than Zen Buddhism, except we both know that's not true.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet the Jews saw God as a loving and caring God. Is it possible that you don't understand what you read? How can they be wrong and you be right when they are the one's who were entrusted with bringing the Word of God to man. Do you believe that you know more than them?
Wow. A threefer...


Are we to believe that you understand the beliefs of the Jews better than the Jews themselves?
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?

Dear Czernobog
Try substituting NATURE or LIFE for "God."
is NATURE a tyrant for its preexistent laws and ways of how the world works?
Is LIFE a tyrant for how we are born, go through stages of growth learning and development, before we die?

now, isn't our relationship with NATURE or LIFE
up to us to decide if we are going to work with it or try to fight against it.

isn't part of the learning curve making peace and learning to work with
laws of the universe, nature and life. And isn't that up to human conscience to deal with?
Except the Bible doesn't talk about living this life in harmony with God. It, repeatedly, talks about the eternal gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and damnation, after death that comes to those who do not join in the cult of Jesus worshipers.

You want to make it sound as if Christianity is no different than Zen Buddhism, except we both know that's not true.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet the Jews saw God as a loving and caring God. Is it possible that you don't understand what you read? How can they be wrong and you be right when they are the one's who were entrusted with bringing the Word of God to man. Do you believe that you know more than them?
Wow. A threefer...


What do you think is more likely, that you, a pathological liar, make up lies to confirm your biases and understand Judaism better than the Jews or you are just a pathological liar who lies about the faith of others to get his jollies off?

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