"God" is a tyrant.

Is my belief relevant? If Christians are right, will my lack of belief prevent me from going there?

What strikes me is that many Christians have no belief in the beliefs you created (maybe with the help of others) and then rejected.

What do you think might prevent you from reuniting with a God who loves you?
Except these aren't beliefs I created. This is the position of Christianity, right up until the tyranny of the position is exposed. This is the entire premise of Pascal's famous Divine Wager that every Christian relies upon as a basic proselytising tool. Until, of course, someone, like myself, points out the tyranny of the premise. Then, suddenly, Christianity teaches no such thing. Then Christianity is all sunshine, and kittens, and fluffy bunnies.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You claim to have attended seminary school and hold a PhD in psychiatry and have plagiarized OP's. Are you a pathological liar?
The Bible is a collection of writings from a bunch of Jewish sandni@@ers. It's just a book. Why do you take it so seriously? If god thought something so important for you to know, I'm sure he could get the message to you clearly, and definitely. Have you ever had a boss give you task instructions allegorically? Ever heard of a manager using metaphors to explain what he expects? Now imagine your boss doing this via writing it down, and leaving it to chance that at some later date; his employees would not only read it; but actually have a clue what the hell hes even talking about. Not to mention the problem of vetting the info to see if it really comes from the source claimed...

Yeah... that's the streamlined foolproof plan of an eternal, omniscient, Omni present super being...
It's just a book. Rather a collection of books. Poorly edited as well.
You have aligned yourself with a subversive liberal for the express purpose of confirming your bias. Well done.
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?

Dear Czernobog
Try substituting NATURE or LIFE for "God."
is NATURE a tyrant for its preexistent laws and ways of how the world works?
Is LIFE a tyrant for how we are born, go through stages of growth learning and development, before we die?

now, isn't our relationship with NATURE or LIFE
up to us to decide if we are going to work with it or try to fight against it.

isn't part of the learning curve making peace and learning to work with
laws of the universe, nature and life. And isn't that up to human conscience to deal with?
Except the Bible doesn't talk about living this life in harmony with God. It, repeatedly, talks about the eternal gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and damnation, after death that comes to those who do not join in the cult of Jesus worshipers.

You want to make it sound as if Christianity is no different than Zen Buddhism, except we both know that's not true.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet the Jews saw God as a loving and caring God. Is it possible that you don't understand what you read? How can they be wrong and you be right when they are the one's who were entrusted with bringing the Word of God to man. Do you believe that you know more than them?
Wow. A threefer...


What do you think is more likely, that you, a pathological liar, make up lies to confirm your biases and understand Judaism better than the Jews or you are just a pathological liar who lies about the faith of others to get his jollies off?
Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

Otherwise, why fill the Bible with references of the eternal torture, and suffering that would befall non-believers after judgement, when one dies. Now, the first question that is going to be asked is going to be an attempt at a distraction: "Why should I care what the Bible says, since I'm an Atheist?" However, it doesn't matter what my theological position is, does it? "The truth is the truth," right? So, if the Bible is the Truth, then the things that are in the Bible are "the Truth" whether I believe them, or not. Which, brings us right back around to my question. If God is not a tyrant, and does not demand worship from everyone, then why threaten anyone who does not believe? If God does not care one way, or the other, if someone chooses to believe, or not, why bother with all of the threats?

Dear Czernobog
Try substituting NATURE or LIFE for "God."
is NATURE a tyrant for its preexistent laws and ways of how the world works?
Is LIFE a tyrant for how we are born, go through stages of growth learning and development, before we die?

now, isn't our relationship with NATURE or LIFE
up to us to decide if we are going to work with it or try to fight against it.

isn't part of the learning curve making peace and learning to work with
laws of the universe, nature and life. And isn't that up to human conscience to deal with?
Except the Bible doesn't talk about living this life in harmony with God. It, repeatedly, talks about the eternal gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and damnation, after death that comes to those who do not join in the cult of Jesus worshipers.

You want to make it sound as if Christianity is no different than Zen Buddhism, except we both know that's not true.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet the Jews saw God as a loving and caring God. Is it possible that you don't understand what you read? How can they be wrong and you be right when they are the one's who were entrusted with bringing the Word of God to man. Do you believe that you know more than them?
Wow. A threefer...


What do you think is more likely, that you, a pathological liar, make up lies to confirm your biases and understand Judaism better than the Jews or you are just a pathological liar who lies about the faith of others to get his jollies off?
That's your third ad hominem. If you can't defend your position without resorting to personal attacks, and logical fallacies, just fuck off, and go away.
Is my belief relevant? If Christians are right, will my lack of belief prevent me from going there?

What strikes me is that many Christians have no belief in the beliefs you created (maybe with the help of others) and then rejected.

What do you think might prevent you from reuniting with a God who loves you?
Except these aren't beliefs I created. This is the position of Christianity, right up until the tyranny of the position is exposed. This is the entire premise of Pascal's famous Divine Wager that every Christian relies upon as a basic proselytising tool. Until, of course, someone, like myself, points out the tyranny of the premise. Then, suddenly, Christianity teaches no such thing. Then Christianity is all sunshine, and kittens, and fluffy bunnies.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You claim to have attended seminary school and hold a PhD in psychiatry and have plagiarized OP's. Are you a pathological liar?
Yes, Einstein, I am attacking your character. Or should I say lack of character. But I have also attacked your argument as well.
Dear Czernobog
Try substituting NATURE or LIFE for "God."
is NATURE a tyrant for its preexistent laws and ways of how the world works?
Is LIFE a tyrant for how we are born, go through stages of growth learning and development, before we die?

now, isn't our relationship with NATURE or LIFE
up to us to decide if we are going to work with it or try to fight against it.

isn't part of the learning curve making peace and learning to work with
laws of the universe, nature and life. And isn't that up to human conscience to deal with?
Except the Bible doesn't talk about living this life in harmony with God. It, repeatedly, talks about the eternal gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and damnation, after death that comes to those who do not join in the cult of Jesus worshipers.

You want to make it sound as if Christianity is no different than Zen Buddhism, except we both know that's not true.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet the Jews saw God as a loving and caring God. Is it possible that you don't understand what you read? How can they be wrong and you be right when they are the one's who were entrusted with bringing the Word of God to man. Do you believe that you know more than them?
Wow. A threefer...


What do you think is more likely, that you, a pathological liar, make up lies to confirm your biases and understand Judaism better than the Jews or you are just a pathological liar who lies about the faith of others to get his jollies off?
Dear Czernobog
Try substituting NATURE or LIFE for "God."
is NATURE a tyrant for its preexistent laws and ways of how the world works?
Is LIFE a tyrant for how we are born, go through stages of growth learning and development, before we die?

now, isn't our relationship with NATURE or LIFE
up to us to decide if we are going to work with it or try to fight against it.

isn't part of the learning curve making peace and learning to work with
laws of the universe, nature and life. And isn't that up to human conscience to deal with?
Except the Bible doesn't talk about living this life in harmony with God. It, repeatedly, talks about the eternal gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and damnation, after death that comes to those who do not join in the cult of Jesus worshipers.

You want to make it sound as if Christianity is no different than Zen Buddhism, except we both know that's not true.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet the Jews saw God as a loving and caring God. Is it possible that you don't understand what you read? How can they be wrong and you be right when they are the one's who were entrusted with bringing the Word of God to man. Do you believe that you know more than them?
Wow. A threefer...


What do you think is more likely, that you, a pathological liar, make up lies to confirm your biases and understand Judaism better than the Jews or you are just a pathological liar who lies about the faith of others to get his jollies off?
That's your third ad hominem. If you can't defend your position without resorting to personal attacks, and logical fallacies, just fuck off, and go away.
Bullshit, I have destroyed your argument. Go away? I am just getting started.
Is my belief relevant? If Christians are right, will my lack of belief prevent me from going there?

What strikes me is that many Christians have no belief in the beliefs you created (maybe with the help of others) and then rejected.

What do you think might prevent you from reuniting with a God who loves you?
Except these aren't beliefs I created. This is the position of Christianity, right up until the tyranny of the position is exposed. This is the entire premise of Pascal's famous Divine Wager that every Christian relies upon as a basic proselytising tool. Until, of course, someone, like myself, points out the tyranny of the premise. Then, suddenly, Christianity teaches no such thing. Then Christianity is all sunshine, and kittens, and fluffy bunnies.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You claim to have attended seminary school and hold a PhD in psychiatry and have plagiarized OP's. Are you a pathological liar?
Yes, Einstein, I am attacking your character. Or should I say lack of character. But I have also attacked your argument as well.
You "attacked" my argument, by tying it to a personal attack. That is an ad hominem. Clearly you know that you have lost, because you have been reduced to pathetic personal attacks, and logical fallacies.
Except the Bible doesn't talk about living this life in harmony with God. It, repeatedly, talks about the eternal gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and damnation, after death that comes to those who do not join in the cult of Jesus worshipers.

You want to make it sound as if Christianity is no different than Zen Buddhism, except we both know that's not true.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet the Jews saw God as a loving and caring God. Is it possible that you don't understand what you read? How can they be wrong and you be right when they are the one's who were entrusted with bringing the Word of God to man. Do you believe that you know more than them?
Wow. A threefer...


What do you think is more likely, that you, a pathological liar, make up lies to confirm your biases and understand Judaism better than the Jews or you are just a pathological liar who lies about the faith of others to get his jollies off?
Except the Bible doesn't talk about living this life in harmony with God. It, repeatedly, talks about the eternal gnashing of teeth, torture, suffering, and damnation, after death that comes to those who do not join in the cult of Jesus worshipers.

You want to make it sound as if Christianity is no different than Zen Buddhism, except we both know that's not true.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And yet the Jews saw God as a loving and caring God. Is it possible that you don't understand what you read? How can they be wrong and you be right when they are the one's who were entrusted with bringing the Word of God to man. Do you believe that you know more than them?
Wow. A threefer...


What do you think is more likely, that you, a pathological liar, make up lies to confirm your biases and understand Judaism better than the Jews or you are just a pathological liar who lies about the faith of others to get his jollies off?
That's your third ad hominem. If you can't defend your position without resorting to personal attacks, and logical fallacies, just fuck off, and go away.
Bullshit, I have destroyed your argument. Go away? I am just getting started.
You destroyed nothing, because your entire argument has been based on ad hominem, and logical fallacy. I even pointed out specifically what the logical fallacies were.
Its not just the Christina religion. Its all Abrahamic religions. God was very much a tyrant.
That is the position of people who do not believe that God exists in the first place. Can you explain to me how something you don't believe exists can be a tyrant?

People who do believe in God, don't see Him that way. They see Him as a loving God. Have you ever considered that maybe you don't understand God or the Bible at all?
Last edited:
What strikes me is that many Christians have no belief in the beliefs you created (maybe with the help of others) and then rejected.

What do you think might prevent you from reuniting with a God who loves you?
Except these aren't beliefs I created. This is the position of Christianity, right up until the tyranny of the position is exposed. This is the entire premise of Pascal's famous Divine Wager that every Christian relies upon as a basic proselytising tool. Until, of course, someone, like myself, points out the tyranny of the premise. Then, suddenly, Christianity teaches no such thing. Then Christianity is all sunshine, and kittens, and fluffy bunnies.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You claim to have attended seminary school and hold a PhD in psychiatry and have plagiarized OP's. Are you a pathological liar?
Yes, Einstein, I am attacking your character. Or should I say lack of character. But I have also attacked your argument as well.
You "attacked" my argument, by tying it to a personal attack. That is an ad hominem. Clearly you know that you have lost, because you have been reduced to pathetic personal attacks, and logical fallacies.
No, I attacked your argument based on:

1. The irrationality of questioning the intelligence that created existence.
2. That that irrationality was based on a flawed understanding of everything including the Word of God.
3. That people who do believe in God, see God the exact opposite as you.
4. That it is impossible for you to believe God is a tyrant because you don't believe God exists.
5. That the Jews see God as loving and caring and know more about God than you do so your understanding must be flawed.
6. That you are confirming your bias because you are a pathological lying piece of shit who has an ax to grind.

Now do you understand?
Last edited:
Except these aren't beliefs I created. This is the position of Christianity, right up until the tyranny of the position is exposed. This is the entire premise of Pascal's famous Divine Wager that every Christian relies upon as a basic proselytising tool. Until, of course, someone, like myself, points out the tyranny of the premise. Then, suddenly, Christianity teaches no such thing. Then Christianity is all sunshine, and kittens, and fluffy bunnies.

No, the beliefs of some is not the position of Christianity. I grew up in the Catholic Church, and I must have been close to forty when I heard about Pascal's Wager on a discussion forum. I have no reason to doubt some Christian denominations used it, but I never heard of it being used in the Catholic Church. Then, of course, the Catholic Church does not do a lot of proselytizing.

Second, the tyrannical straw men you envision has not been the vision of many whose understanding is greatly different from what you choose to believe.

Third, what you see as a transition to sunshine occurs when people see what an erroneous conclusion you have jumped to and wish to give additional data so that--if you want--you can re-evaluate and perhaps tweak that conclusion. Up to you.
Its not just the Christina religion. Its all Abrahamic religions. God was very much a tyrant.
That is the position of people who do not believe that God exists in the first place. Can you explain to me how something you don't believe exists can be a tyrant?

People who do believe in God, don't see Him that way. They see Him as a loving God. Have you ever considered that maybe you don't understand the Bible at all?
Now, suddenly belief is relevant? Funny. You, and all the other Militant Christians have been insisting that our belief does not change the "truth" of Christianity, and God. Now, it does?
Except these aren't beliefs I created. This is the position of Christianity, right up until the tyranny of the position is exposed. This is the entire premise of Pascal's famous Divine Wager that every Christian relies upon as a basic proselytising tool. Until, of course, someone, like myself, points out the tyranny of the premise. Then, suddenly, Christianity teaches no such thing. Then Christianity is all sunshine, and kittens, and fluffy bunnies.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You claim to have attended seminary school and hold a PhD in psychiatry and have plagiarized OP's. Are you a pathological liar?
Yes, Einstein, I am attacking your character. Or should I say lack of character. But I have also attacked your argument as well.
You "attacked" my argument, by tying it to a personal attack. That is an ad hominem. Clearly you know that you have lost, because you have been reduced to pathetic personal attacks, and logical fallacies.
No, I attacked your argument based on:

1. The irrationality of questioning the intelligence that created existence.
2. That that irrationality was based on a flawed understanding of everything including the Word of God.
3. That people who do believe in God, see God the exact opposite as you.
4. That you it is impossible for you to believe God is a tyrant because you don't believe God exists.
5. That the Jews see God as loving and caring and know more about God than you do so your understanding must be flawed.
6. That you are confirming your bias because you are a pathological lying piece of shit who has an ax to grind.

Now do you understand?

1. The irrationality of questioning the intelligence that created existence. - An Assertion without evidence.
2. That that irrationality was based on a flawed understanding of everything including the Word of God. - A presumption, and an ad hominem.
3. That people who do believe in God, see God the exact opposite as you. - A Bandwagon Fallacy
4. That you it is impossible for you to believe God is a tyrant because you don't believe God exists. - A red herring Argument
5. That the Jews see God as loving and caring and know more about God than you do so your understanding must be flawed. - An Appeal to Authority
6. That you are confirming your bias because you are a pathological lying piece of shit who has an ax to grind. - An Ad Hominem.

Now do you understand?
Its not just the Christina religion. Its all Abrahamic religions. God was very much a tyrant.
That is the position of people who do not believe that God exists in the first place. Can you explain to me how something you don't believe exists can be a tyrant?

People who do believe in God, don't see Him that way. They see Him as a loving God. Have you ever considered that maybe you don't understand the Bible at all?
Now, suddenly belief is relevant? Funny. You, and all the other Militant Christians have been insisting that our belief does not change the "truth" of Christianity, and God. Now, it does?
There is nothing funny about it. Your flawed understanding/lies regarding our beliefs do not change the truth of our beliefs. Nor does it change my argument against your bullshit.

1. The irrationality of questioning the intelligence that created existence.
2. That that irrationality was based on a flawed understanding of everything including the Word of God.
3. That people who do believe in God, see God the exact opposite as you.
4. That it is impossible for you to believe God is a tyrant because you don't believe God exists.
5. That the Jews see God as loving and caring and know more about God than you do so your understanding must be flawed.
6. That you are confirming your bias because you are a pathological lying piece of shit who has an ax to grind.
Except these aren't beliefs I created. This is the position of Christianity, right up until the tyranny of the position is exposed. This is the entire premise of Pascal's famous Divine Wager that every Christian relies upon as a basic proselytising tool. Until, of course, someone, like myself, points out the tyranny of the premise. Then, suddenly, Christianity teaches no such thing. Then Christianity is all sunshine, and kittens, and fluffy bunnies.

No, the beliefs of some is not the position of Christianity. I grew up in the Catholic Church, and I must have been close to forty when I heard about Pascal's Wager on a discussion forum. I have no reason to doubt some Christian denominations used it, but I never heard of it being used in the Catholic Church. Then, of course, the Catholic Church does not do a lot of proselytizing.

Second, the tyrannical straw men you envision has not been the vision of many whose understanding is greatly different from what you choose to believe.

Third, what you see as a transition to sunshine occurs when people see what an erroneous conclusion you have jumped to and wish to give additional data so that--if you want--you can re-evaluate and perhaps tweak that conclusion. Up to you.
So, let's just take one example, and dispel this, shall we? You are asserting that Pascal was wrong when he proposed his Divine Wager?
Its not just the Christina religion. Its all Abrahamic religions. God was very much a tyrant.
That is the position of people who do not believe that God exists in the first place. Can you explain to me how something you don't believe exists can be a tyrant?

People who do believe in God, don't see Him that way. They see Him as a loving God. Have you ever considered that maybe you don't understand the Bible at all?
Now, suddenly belief is relevant? Funny. You, and all the other Militant Christians have been insisting that our belief does not change the "truth" of Christianity, and God. Now, it does?
There is nothing funny about it. Your flawed understanding/lies regarding our beliefs do not change the truth of our beliefs. Nor does it change my argument against your bullshit.

1. The irrationality of questioning the intelligence that created existence.
2. That that irrationality was based on a flawed understanding of everything including the Word of God.
3. That people who do believe in God, see God the exact opposite as you.
4. That it is impossible for you to believe God is a tyrant because you don't believe God exists.
5. That the Jews see God as loving and caring and know more about God than you do so your understanding must be flawed.
6. That you are confirming your bias because you are a pathological lying piece of shit who has an ax to grind.
Just repeating your ad hominem, and logical fallacies, does not make them any less ad hominem, and logical fallacies.
You claim to have attended seminary school and hold a PhD in psychiatry and have plagiarized OP's. Are you a pathological liar?
Yes, Einstein, I am attacking your character. Or should I say lack of character. But I have also attacked your argument as well.
You "attacked" my argument, by tying it to a personal attack. That is an ad hominem. Clearly you know that you have lost, because you have been reduced to pathetic personal attacks, and logical fallacies.
No, I attacked your argument based on:

1. The irrationality of questioning the intelligence that created existence.
2. That that irrationality was based on a flawed understanding of everything including the Word of God.
3. That people who do believe in God, see God the exact opposite as you.
4. That you it is impossible for you to believe God is a tyrant because you don't believe God exists.
5. That the Jews see God as loving and caring and know more about God than you do so your understanding must be flawed.
6. That you are confirming your bias because you are a pathological lying piece of shit who has an ax to grind.

Now do you understand?

1. The irrationality of questioning the intelligence that created existence. - An Assertion without evidence.
2. That that irrationality was based on a flawed understanding of everything including the Word of God. - A presumption, and an ad hominem.
3. That people who do believe in God, see God the exact opposite as you. - A Bandwagon Fallacy
4. That you it is impossible for you to believe God is a tyrant because you don't believe God exists. - A red herring Argument
5. That the Jews see God as loving and caring and know more about God than you do so your understanding must be flawed. - An Appeal to Authority
6. That you are confirming your bias because you are a pathological lying piece of shit who has an ax to grind. - An Ad Hominem.

Now do you understand?
Of course there is evidence of intelligence that created existence, you are living in it. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The laws of nature existed before space and time. The potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time because of those laws. Beings that know and create arose because of those laws. You are too stupid to see it or understand it.

The irrationality of questing the intelligence that created existence is self evident and can only be attributed to an error in understanding on your part. There is no other possible explanation.

The people who believe in God understand their faith better than you do. There is no bandwagon except the one you are driving. It is absurd to believe that you - a pathological liar - would understand the faith of another better than the one who practices that faith.

It is self evident that you do not believe that God exists. It is self evident that it is not possible for you to believe that something that doesn't exist can be responsible for anything; including being a tyrant. The only red herring is your red herring argument which lacks intellect, reason and evidence.

Yes, I am appealing to authority. They are the authority. Anyone who scoffs at accepting knowledge on authority as you just did would have to go through life knowing next to nothing as 99% of everything you know you accepted on authority. You only know things because others who you trusted told you. And here you are scoffing at authority. You are pathological.

You are confirming your bias. You are grinding an ax. Yes, I am attacking your lack of character too, but only after I destroyed your intellectually lacking bullshit excuses of an argument.
Its not just the Christina religion. Its all Abrahamic religions. God was very much a tyrant.
That is the position of people who do not believe that God exists in the first place. Can you explain to me how something you don't believe exists can be a tyrant?

People who do believe in God, don't see Him that way. They see Him as a loving God. Have you ever considered that maybe you don't understand the Bible at all?
Now, suddenly belief is relevant? Funny. You, and all the other Militant Christians have been insisting that our belief does not change the "truth" of Christianity, and God. Now, it does?
There is nothing funny about it. Your flawed understanding/lies regarding our beliefs do not change the truth of our beliefs. Nor does it change my argument against your bullshit.

1. The irrationality of questioning the intelligence that created existence.
2. That that irrationality was based on a flawed understanding of everything including the Word of God.
3. That people who do believe in God, see God the exact opposite as you.
4. That it is impossible for you to believe God is a tyrant because you don't believe God exists.
5. That the Jews see God as loving and caring and know more about God than you do so your understanding must be flawed.
6. That you are confirming your bias because you are a pathological lying piece of shit who has an ax to grind.
Just repeating your ad hominem, and logical fallacies, does not make them any less ad hominem, and logical fallacies.
The only one who is making logical fallacy arguments is you. It is irrational to question the intelligence that created existence. Only someone with a flawed understanding would be so stupid to do so. People who actually do believe in God, don't see God the way you do. This corroborates your flawed understanding of the Word of God. Jews do see God as loving and caring and Jews do know more about God than you do. So your understanding is flawed. It is impossible for you to believe God is a tyrant because you don't believe God exists. Only a dishonest person would deny these self evident truths and only a moron would buy your stupid argument. You are trying to confirm your bias and you have been proven to be a pathological liar and it is obvious that you are here to grind your ax.
Of course there is evidence of intelligence that created existence, you are living in it. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The laws of nature existed before space and time. The potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time because of those laws. Beings that know and create arose because of those laws. You are too stupid to see it or understand it.
You have tried this argument, and failed repeatedly. And you end your fallacious assertion without evidence with an ad hominem "You are too stupid..." is a personal attack. I honestly think that you just can't help yourself. You appear to be an extremely angry person, and you have an uncontrollable need to attack other people.

The irrationality of questing the intelligence that created existence is self evident and can only be attributed to an error in understanding on your part. There is no other possible explanation.
Again, this entire statement is nothing more than an ad hominem. I'm beginning to think that, perhaps I am mistaken, and you just do not understand what a personal attack consists of. Has no one ever explained how logical debate works? Are you ignorant of what it means to attack your opponent, rather than their argument?

The people who believe in God understand their faith better than you do. There is no bandwagon except the one you are driving. It is absurd to believe that you - a pathological liar - would understand the faith of another better than the one who practices that faith.
Actually, that is the very definition of a bandwagon argument. Just because a whole bunch of other people who are wrong happen to agree with you, that does not make you any less wrong.

It is self evident that you do not believe that God exists. It is self evident that it is not possible for you to believe that something exists can be responsible for anything; including being a tyrant. The only red herring is your red herring argument which lacks intellect, reason and evidence.
My belief in God is irrelevant to the arguments put forth in the OP. That makes your entire line of attacking my lack of belief a red herring. Again, do you not understand the concept of logical fallacies? I am beginning to see a pattern here.

Yes, I am appealing to authority. They are the authority. Anyone who scoffs at accepting knowledge on authority as you just did would have to go through life knowing next to nothing as 99% of everything you know you accepted on authority. You only know things because others who you trusted told you. And here you are scoffing at authority. You are pathological.
xcept that is not how debate works. Just because Jews were the first group of people to put forth the irrational narrativeof a "loving God" contrary to the evidence of the actions of that God, that does not make your argument more valid. And, again, you end your statement with another personal attack. You really can't help yourself, can you?

You are confirming your bias. You are grinding an ax. Yes, I am attacking your lack of character too, but only after I destroyed your intellectually lacking bullshit excuses of an argument.
Do I need to point out the personal attack?
So, let's just take one example, and dispel this, shall we? You are asserting that Pascal was wrong when he proposed his Divine Wager?

Pascal was addressing skepticism. Meanwhile, as Jesus noted, prostitutes and sinners were entering the Kingdom before the wise. What I find interesting about Pascal's Wager is that he is addressing the idea of a heavenly afterlife. He thought that since this cannot be proven, why not jump through the hoops just in case it is true.

Jesus speaks of something much greater. People can enter into the Kingdom now--and this Kingdom entered into in our earthy life extends into eternity. If people don't find joy in Kingdom living in this life, why would they treasure it upon death?
Its not just the Christina religion. Its all Abrahamic religions. God was very much a tyrant.
That is the position of people who do not believe that God exists in the first place. Can you explain to me how something you don't believe exists can be a tyrant?

People who do believe in God, don't see Him that way. They see Him as a loving God. Have you ever considered that maybe you don't understand the Bible at all?
Now, suddenly belief is relevant? Funny. You, and all the other Militant Christians have been insisting that our belief does not change the "truth" of Christianity, and God. Now, it does?
There is nothing funny about it. Your flawed understanding/lies regarding our beliefs do not change the truth of our beliefs. Nor does it change my argument against your bullshit.

1. The irrationality of questioning the intelligence that created existence.
2. That that irrationality was based on a flawed understanding of everything including the Word of God.
3. That people who do believe in God, see God the exact opposite as you.
4. That it is impossible for you to believe God is a tyrant because you don't believe God exists.
5. That the Jews see God as loving and caring and know more about God than you do so your understanding must be flawed.
6. That you are confirming your bias because you are a pathological lying piece of shit who has an ax to grind.
Just repeating your ad hominem, and logical fallacies, does not make them any less ad hominem, and logical fallacies.
The only one who is making logical fallacy arguments is you. It is irrational to question the intelligence that created existence. Only someone with a flawed understanding would be so stupid to do so. People who actually do believe in God, don't see God the way you do. This corroborates your flawed understanding of the Word of God. Jews do see God as loving and caring and Jews do know more about God than you do. So your understanding is flawed. It is impossible for you to believe God is a tyrant because you don't believe God exists. Only a dishonest person would deny these self evident truths and only a moron would buy your stupid argument. You are trying to confirm your bias and you have been proven to be a pathological liar and it is obvious that you are here to grind your ax.
You clearly do not understand what logical fallacies are, nor how they work. You are incapable of restraining yourself from engaging in personal attacks, and you have absolutely nothing rational to add to any discussion. I took you off of ignore in the hopes to, perhaps, have a rational discussion, and debate with you. Since that is clearly not possible, back to the ignore pile with you.

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