"Good guy" with gun shoots car jacking victim, then flees.

The HOUSTON POLICE, said the shooter was attempting to stop a car jacking.
Got it?
That's from the HOUSTON POLICE.
Meaningless - the fact that he shot at two guys trying to carjack a truck does not, in and of itself, necessitate any intent whatsoever.
Thus: there's no evidence whatsoever that the shooter was "a good guy with a gun".
Right. He didn't 'intend' to be a stupid jackass who nearly kills the victim of a car jacking by trying to 'help.'
You have no idea what happened here -- why do you presume the title of the story is correct?
The right to gun ownership, as prescribed in the Constitution, is the right to defend the state.
This is a lie.
Find the clause in the Constitution that specifically states that gun ownership by a private citizen is specifically for self defense.
Or apologize.
You first.
Prove that The right to gun ownership is the right to defend the state.
When doing so, remember that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home

This is the amendment, verbatim:

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

There is no "individual" mentioned, it's a "collective" of people, and that collective is the "well regulated militia". Additionally as part of the requirement is the "Security of the free state". Guns aren't even mentioned, "arms" are.

Now. Your turn.

Find it or apologize.
The number of people that actually own guns has been on the decline.

Bullshit. Prove that.

The number of NRA gun instructors has increased over 66% in the last 5 years. The number of background checks has also sky rocketed and that is not driven by gun owners adding to their collections as most people do not do a background check on each gun at the time of purchase.

There are no solid numbers on who is buying all these guns but corresponding facts indicate it is more likely due to more new gun owners.

Mythbusting: Gun Ownership Is On the Decline in the U.S. - The Truth About Guns
A gun was invented to keep the owner alive and safe from attack by man or animal…...

And yet the owner is the most likely person to be killed by their gun....

Nope….that is a lie brain….but keep lying. There are over 320 million guns in private hands……in 2013 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths and in 2014, there were only 8,145 gun murders…so you are wrong….

And like 20k gun suicides a year. So no I am right.

320 million guns in private hands….

505 accidental gun deaths,

8,145 gun murders,

21,000 gun suicides……

320 million guns did not end up killing their owner…you are wrong.

Where are you getting these stats from?

Additionally, the NRA closed down accurate counting of gun deaths.

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence

The NRA did not close down the accurst accounting of gun deaths…the CDC and the FBI, where I get all my gun death stats, still counts all deaths in the country…….you are being lied to by the anti gun extremists……all sorts of research is going on in gun use…...
The right to gun ownership, as prescribed in the Constitution, is the right to defend the state.
This is a lie.
Find the clause in the Constitution that specifically states that gun ownership by a private citizen is specifically for self defense.
Or apologize.
You first.
Prove that The right to gun ownership is the right to defend the state.
When doing so, remember that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home
This is the amendment, verbatim:
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
You failed to follow directions.
1: Prove that The right to gun ownership is the right to defend the state.
2: When doing so, remember that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home
Please try again.
Where are you getting these stats from?
Additionally, the NRA closed down accurate counting of gun deaths.
Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence
Oh look... non-sequitur.

Not at all.

Most of these stats are drawn from local media reports.

The police have no requirement to release them to the public or even report gun violence.

wow…you really need help…..go to the CDC final statistics on death table 10 and the FBI homicide table 8 for 2014…….it is all there….
This is the amendment, verbatim:

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

There is no "individual" mentioned, it's a "collective" of people, and that collective is the "well regulated militia". Additionally as part of the requirement is the "Security of the free state". Guns aren't even mentioned, "arms" are.

Now. Your turn.

Find it or apologize.

When it cites 'the people' it is referring to a collection of individuals.

You libtards are so fucking stupid you don't have to try being more stupid.
The number of people that actually own guns has been on the decline.

Bullshit. Prove that.

The number of NRA gun instructors has increased over 66% in the last 5 years. The number of background checks has also sky rocketed and that is not driven by gun owners adding to their collections as most people do not do a background check on each gun at the time of purchase.

There are no solid numbers on who is buying all these guns but corresponding facts indicate it is more likely due to more new gun owners.

Mythbusting: Gun Ownership Is On the Decline in the U.S. - The Truth About Guns

The gun grabbers are using phone polls to make the number look low…can you imagine telling a complete stranger over the phone that you have guns in your home….? And they wonder why we think anti gun extremists are stupid.
The number of people that actually own guns has been on the decline.

Bullshit. Prove that.

The number of NRA gun instructors has increased over 66% in the last 5 years. The number of background checks has also sky rocketed and that is not driven by gun owners adding to their collections as most people do not do a background check on each gun at the time of purchase.

There are no solid numbers on who is buying all these guns but corresponding facts indicate it is more likely due to more new gun owners.

Mythbusting: Gun Ownership Is On the Decline in the U.S. - The Truth About Guns

The gun grabbers are using phone polls to make the number look low…can you imagine telling a complete stranger over the phone that you have guns in your home….? And they wonder why we think anti gun extremists are stupid.

People fear telling an anonymous person who says they are a polling outfit that they own guns and store them in their homes when for all the owner knows that could be someone looking for a home to break into to steal the guns.
Where are you getting these stats from?
Additionally, the NRA closed down accurate counting of gun deaths.
Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence
Oh look... non-sequitur.
Not at all.
Yes, in full..
Your link does not show that "the NRA closed down accurate counting of gun deaths".

If the title "Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence" is something you don't understand, I can't help you here.

I don't speak stupid.

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