Good news for spree killers!

His appeals will be very few in comparison, handled much more cheaply, and will be denied much more quickly.
Colorado jury fails to give death to James Holmes.

Now he gets three hots and cot for life.

If anyone had it coming, it was him.

the fuck is wrong with with CO?

As I pointed out earlier in the thread, Colorado has been known to be very liberal on executions. Only one man has been executed since 1977. I remember reading a Wikipedia article that referred to them as a "de facto abolitionist state". One man received a reprieve in 2013 for killing four people in a Chuck E Cheese. And this was from a Republican Governor. You can agree or disagree with capital punishment, but the fact is that Colorado very rarely executes anyone.
If lives to 70, he will have cost the tax payers about 1/3rd it would take to put him death.

One of the reasons some families of murder victims disagree with the death penalty is that the appeals process not only costs lots of money, but drags out the grieving process. I say let them rot for life, and save the families decades of heartache.
I say streamline the process.
Great ....

The guy gets to live out the rest of his days getting fed and housed and medical attention when he needs it....
Get's to go to sleep every night reliving the day he shot all those people all smiles as he
goes nighty night....


Who and why did anyone have a problem killing these guys....
Liberals kill every day with abortions but with this they have a conscience?
To a liberal, there is no right to life until one has been convicted of a heinous capital crime.
Apparently a woman has no right to life if it's between her and the fetus she carries.

Explain that please...are we now killing pregnant women?

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