Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Wow..................I knew Trump was ignorant, but this is the most stupidity displayed in a single afternoon.
Doctors always inject dangerous substances into humans to save them.
Sometimes MDs actually remove parts of the human anatomy to save the human.

Just out of curiosity, how in the hell are you going to make something to inject into the body out of PHOTONS? Sunlight is made up of photons and UV rays, which are not solid material, and there is no way to gather them up and inject them into someone. Jeeze, are you as stupid as Trump too? Yeah, I get it, doctors use dangerous substances to cure people, but they can't inject sunlight. It's physically impossible.

But, if you understood science, you would have already known that.
photon torpedoes. I saw them used on TV.
Like the photon gun my ophthalmologist used on my eyes?
You routinely rearrange the truth to reflect the worst case scenario according to your predilections. It's not hard to see btw. Nobody believes the stupid shit that the OP has put up except for those who already hate the guy. It doesn't gain anything except to stoke the already intense fires of hatred that will never be quenched ergo it is a waste of time and energy. As was aptly demonstrated the whole thing is just another Media manufacture that ran wild for no real reason at all except to exacerbate the already extreme content of misinformation that seeks to have some kind of effect on November. It has become a virus in itself.
This is why the Liberal Establishment has completely lost control of the American Mind; they lie so damned much!

They dont get that they dont control all of our media any more. They dont get that their celebrities are now understood to be retarded ideological jack offs. Nor do they grasp that the FDR gravy Train is over now and their system of patronage politics is going to come crashing down, and in fact already is.

The Left is now the most ignorant, deluded, and impotent political force in the world.
The look on your face when the moment strikes that you work for an abject imbecile and your job is over...

I really can't watch trump during these briefings as he clearly uses them as a campaign rally about what he is doing and throwing out shit and see what sticks on the wall. But watching the expression of other people when trump talks is funny. If you watch Pence and then watch Trump, there is a difference when they speak. Also as Trump stands to the side while others are talking, he seems to be making eye contact at the ceiling. He could care less with what they have to say if it doesn't at least mention his name a couple of times. I really do feel sorry for Fauci as he will be gone after this is over with. I can guess who he would be voting for in this election because if Trump wins he is finished
I don't know how Trumpsters make it through a freakin' day with all this anger and hatred in them.
No doubt that, at some level, they know they've been conned. That would explain it.
We are sick to death of liars like you who continue to slander a very good President simply becaue he is a Republican, just like you Dimocrats have slandered every other President since 1960.

Piss off, PoS.

We are literally worried to death that stupid fuckers like you are going to make us sick.
You fuckers used to be annoying, now you're proving to be a public health problem.

If ONLY it were really possible. Too bad you are locked in the basement too afraid to move.

Democrats have to be shitting themselves in fear. They want everyone locked inside when the real cure is outside sunlight. They've been killing people right along.
Awww. Deflection. How unlike you!
Just bringing up the inconvenient, hypocritical truth of how snowflakes LIVE to attack and criticize Trump for anything and everything he says and does...while ignoring the their own morons' Biden introducing himself as the candidate running for the US SENATE instead of the Presidency....or calling a travel ban on China / from the pandemic epicenter a 'xenophobic reaction'.

You routinely rearrange the truth to reflect the worst case scenario according to your predilections. It's not hard to see btw. Nobody believes the stupid shit that the OP has put up except for those who already hate the guy. It doesn't gain anything except to stoke the already intense fires of hatred that will never be quenched ergo it is a waste of time and energy. As was aptly demonstrated the whole thing is just another Media manufacture that ran wild for no real reason at all except to exacerbate the already extreme content of misinformation that seeks to have some kind of effect on November. It has become a virus in itself.
This is why the Liberal Establishment has completely lost control of the American Mind; they lie so damned much!

They dont get that they dont control all of our media any more. They dont get that their celebrities are now understood to be retarded ideological jalong.Buts. Nor do they grasp that the FDR gravy Train is over now and their system of patronage politics is going to come crashing down, and in fact already is.

The Left is now the most ignorant, deluded, and impotent political force in the world.
But They are working with the Chinese. That makes them very dangerous indeed.
He was caught thinking out loud and he sounded like an idiot. So what? Not that big a deal. That’s why Fauci and Birx are handling this pandemic and Trump’s job is to listen. My problem is he keeps undermining his experts by couraging these brain-dead protests.
It is a big deal

It shows the thought process of the Stable Genius who is making life and death decisions

Our President is a known conspiracy theory advocate. This just shows the wild ideas he is capable of endorsing

He has been known to peddle stupid conspiracy theories. I give you that, but his gaffe has nothing to do with that and it’s not like his job requires him to be an expert on viruses
his job requires him to not share these undigested brain farts in a public setting allegedly intended to inform the public.

Right, but fuckups happen. Joe Biden has them everyday
I don't know how Trumpsters make it through a freakin' day with all this anger and hatred in them.
No doubt that, at some level, they know they've been conned. That would explain it.
We are sick to death of liars like you who continue to slander a very good President simply becaue he is a Republican, just like you Dimocrats have slandered every other President since 1960.

Piss off, PoS.

We are literally worried to death that stupid fuckers like you are going to make us sick.
You fuckers used to be annoying, now you're proving to be a public health problem.

If ONLY it were really possible. Too bad you are locked in the basement too afraid to move.

Democrats have to be shitting themselves in fear. They want everyone locked inside when the real cure is outside sunlight. They've been killing people right along.

This isn't the first time that somebody has suggested that warmer weather will totally stop this thing.

Awww. Deflection. How unlike you!
Just bringing up the inconvenient, hypocritical truth of how snowflakes LIVE to attack and criticize Trump for anything and everything he says and does...while ignoring the their own morons' Biden introducing himself as the candidate running for the US SENATE instead of the Presidency....or calling a travel ban on China / from the pandemic epicenter a 'xenophobic reaction'.


WHat? More deflection? Are you feeling OK?
At Thursday’s coronavirus press briefing,

Trump’s response was to say that he doesn’t listen to his economists in the first place — and that he believes he knows at least as much about the matter as they do.

He then says "
“I know a lot about economists and the answer is they have no idea,” said Trump. “I think I have as good of an idea as anybody.”

So he knows at least as much about the matter, as economist who actually have no idea "about the matter" so he also really has no idea about the matter and admits it.

That really should be his new campaign slogan as people will understand that.

Of course you can't show he actually said that......

Ha ha ha, you either got the wrong video or you are just Bullcrapping me, since he didn't say a single word about economists/economy in any way at all.

What`s up with the bogus Tom Jefferson quote?
I don't know how Trumpsters make it through a freakin' day with all this anger and hatred in them.
No doubt that, at some level, they know they've been conned. That would explain it.
We are sick to death of liars like you who continue to slander a very good President simply becaue he is a Republican, just like you Dimocrats have slandered every other President since 1960.

Piss off, PoS.

We are literally worried to death that stupid fuckers like you are going to make us sick.
You fuckers used to be annoying, now you're proving to be a public health problem.

If ONLY it were really possible. Too bad you are locked in the basement too afraid to move.

Democrats have to be shitting themselves in fear. They want everyone locked inside when the real cure is outside sunlight. They've been killing people right along.

This isn't the first time that somebody has suggested that warmer weather will totally stop this thing.


Somebody named Trump, you mean. Right?
He was caught thinking out loud and he sounded like an idiot. So what? Not that big a deal. That’s why Fauci and Birx are handling this pandemic and Trump’s job is to listen. My problem is he keeps undermining his experts by couraging these brain-dead protests.
It is a big deal

It shows the thought process of the Stable Genius who is making life and death decisions

Our President is a known conspiracy theory advocate. This just shows the wild ideas he is capable of endorsing

He has been known to peddle stupid conspiracy theories. I give you that, but his gaffe has nothing to do with that and it’s not like his job requires him to be an expert on viruses
his job requires him to not share these undigested brain farts in a public setting allegedly intended to inform the public.

Right, but fuckups happen. Joe Biden has them everyday



In fairness, ultraviolet light has been used as a therapy for cancer treatment.

But for a virus?

He sounded like a rambling out of touch old man.

Just like half the posters here!
All of you fools missed the points... Which is not surprising.

UV light is used during surgeries to keep viruses from entering the body and keeping the area sterile. Every day we go out into the sun UV light is injected into our bodies and the body metabolizes it into vitamin D. Increasing UV radiation increases the bodies ability to fight viral infections as well as kills the virus in the air.

The stupidty of uninformed itdots over at CNN is stunning.
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!

What is it specifically about sunlight that hurts / kills COVID-19, if it does? Vitamin D? Got it - already do-able.

In a word, no. In two words. Hell no.

'No', Vitamin D does not effect COVID-19?

It doesn't kill it like UV light does (and I have to clarify externally , not internally and it's sad this has to be pointed out), it strengthens one's immune system just like many other vitamins do. In other words don't eat garbage like Trump does. It's still not a miracle cure. I can't believe this discussion is happening.
Can you give me a link to some source that lists Trump's nutritional routine...or were you just making an unfounded assumption that the president eats 'garbage'?

His waist line. That his doctor had to hide vegetables in Trump's mash potatoes for starters. Or having to make ice cream less accessible.

Or his favorites such as McDonald's BIg Macs and KFC. Both of which are horrifically bad for you.

I can't believe we are having this conversation, either, that snowflakes are so petty that they hang on every word, that they attempt to attack him on every single thing he says and does continuously. What a pathetic, bitter existence.

Last time he gave medical advice was for a cure that was mostly untested and has since demonstrated to kill people more often than it helps. He should shut up.
Trump's disinfectant idea shocking and dangerous, doctors say

“This is one of the most dangerous and idiotic suggestions made so far in how one might actually treat COVID-19,” said Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at Britain’s University of East Anglia. He said infecting disinfectants would be likely to kill anyone who tried it.

“It is hugely irresponsible because, sadly, there are people around the world who might believe this sort of nonsense and try it out for themselves,” he told Reuters.

Trump said at his daily media briefing on Thursday that scientists should explore whether inserting light or disinfectant into the bodies of people infected with the new coronavirus might help them clear the disease.

“Is there a way we can do something like that by injection, inside, or almost a cleaning?,” he said. “It would be interesting to check that.”


In fairness, ultraviolet light has been used as a therapy for cancer treatment.

But for a virus?

He sounded like a rambling out of touch old man.

Just like half the posters here!
All of you fools missed the points... Which is not surprising.

UV light is used during surgeries to keep viruses from entering the body and keeping the area sterile. Every day we go out into the sun UV light is injected into our bodies and the body metabolizes it into vitamin D. Increasing UV radiation increases the bodies ability to fight viral infections as well as kills the virus in the air.

The stupidty of uninformed itdots over at CNN is stunning.
oh, it is perfessor billyboob with another lesson. lol

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