GoodBye NYC, Goodbye D.C.

I see several points to this thread

1. Scientists were correct in the Nixon days. The science has been remarkably consistent.

2. Most deniers are capable of nothing but alarmism.

3. Flac sucks at reading comprehension. There was no prediction of a 10 foot sea level rise by 2000, only a prediction of a CO2 rise, which was entirely correct. Flac here created a hysterics thread based on his inability to parse simple English, and other deniers also jumped on the same idiot bandwagon.

So Flac, will you admit your screwup here, or double down on it and move yourself into the realm of deliberate liar?

Seeing Washington and New York are still there and none of it came to be they weren't correct about shit. So yeah they are consistent.
Double down you clown... Shall I add a poll??

Nope. Since you've proudly chosen the path of the deliberate lie, there's no point to speak with you, except to mock you for being so consistently dishonest.

Other deniers, please don't follow flac down that "The ends always justify the means for my cult, so lying for my cult is good!" path. If you make a mistake, just admit it. Otherwise, you'll end up in the comic relief category with flac.
3.5degC and 10 FEET of sea level by 2000... That's what Moynihan warned Nixon about in 1969. No -- there's NEVER been hysterical exaggerations or phoney predictions.

Declassified documents show Nixon warned of global warning 30 years ago - NY Daily News

YORBA LINDA, Calif. — Documents released Friday by the Nixon Presidential Library show members of President Richard Nixon's inner circle discussing the possibilities of global warming more than 30 years ago.

Adviser Daniel Patrick Moynihan, notable as a Democrat in the administration, urged the administration to initiate a worldwide system of monitoring carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, decades before the issue of global warming came to the public's attention.
There is widespread agreement that carbon dioxide content will rise 25 percent by 2000, Moynihan wrote in a September 1969 memo.
"This could increase the average temperature near the earth's surface by 7 degrees Fahrenheit," he wrote. "This in turn could raise the level of the sea by 10 feet. Goodbye New York. Goodbye Washington, for that matter."

Moynihan received a response in a January 26, 1970 memo from Hubert Heffner, deputy director of the administration's Office of Science and Technology. Heffner acknowledged that atmospheric temperature rise was an issue that should be looked at.
"The more I get into this, the more I find two classes of doom-sayers, with, of course, the silent majority in between," he wrote. "One group says we will turn into snow-tripping mastodons because of the atmospheric dust and the other says we will have to grow gills to survive the increased ocean level due to the temperature rise."

And today -- we at the same state of affairs on Government Action on Global Warming. Wonder why??

Discuss Dot Com ------ :D

Pity it didn't com true

uh, I mean


fuck it

Pity it didn't come true.
I see several points to this thread

1. Scientists were correct in the Nixon days. The science has been remarkably consistent.

2. Most deniers are capable of nothing but alarmism.

3. Flac sucks at reading comprehension. There was no prediction of a 10 foot sea level rise by 2000, only a prediction of a CO2 rise, which was entirely correct. Flac here created a hysterics thread based on his inability to parse simple English, and other deniers also jumped on the same idiot bandwagon.

So Flac, will you admit your screwup here, or double down on it and move yourself into the realm of deliberate liar?

Seeing Washington and New York are still there and none of it came to be they weren't correct about shit. So yeah they are consistent.

Ignorant nonsense and denier cult myths. There are no climate science predictions that New York or Washington would be not "still there" at this point in time. In the decades and centuries to come though, at some point both cities will be lost to the rising sea levels created by AGW.

Climate scientists have been correct about a great many things, no matter what lies your puppet-masters in the fossil fuel industry tell you.

A remarkably accurate global warming prediction, made in 1972
A paper published in Nature in 1972 accurately predicted the next 30 years of global warming

IPCC model global warming projections have done much better than you think
Global warming since 1990 has fallen within the range of IPCC climate model projections

20-Year-Old Report Successfully Predicted Warming: Scientists

Climate Models & Accuracy

1981 Climate Change Predictions Were Eerily Accurate
It's interesting, the way almost all of the deniers are so proud to be such brazenly lying sacks of shit.

They can read plain English. They know damn well nobody predicted to Nixon there would be 10 feet of sea level rise by 2000. Yet every single one of them is still parroting that crazyass lie and refusing to retreat from it.

Religious fanaticism and cult allegiance is a scary thing. Hopefully the denier cult won't order its followers to engage in violence, because we've already seen how they'll so gleefully obey their cult's orders to lie. All decent people can do is shun the company of such moral lepers, and then warn others to avoid them.
Ignorant nonsense and denier cult myths. There are no climate science predictions that New York or Washington would be not "still there" at this point in time.

Except the one he made. And you should stop confusing me with someone who gives a shit. Get it right when you accuse someone of being a denier.
The science is settled !!! No debate!! Deniers!!!

Even the language these nutjobs use is extreme. Settled science is an oxymoron.

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