GOP Dies in 2016

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Sam Francis used to say that for the white race to survive, the Republican party must die.

Robert Reich: The GOP died in 2016

Reich is not coming from the same place, obviously.

What Francis meant: the GOP is fake opposition the Democrats and liberalism. Its causes are diffuse, isolated and unhelpful. It is owned and operated by smallish interests that have no big principles and do not care about white people -- i.e., business interests, the Israel lobby, the gun lobby, a handful of abortion activists. Traditionally, however, it has absorbed the white vote, since whites figure it's less harmful than the open warfare declared upon it by Democrats.

But as "fake" opposition, it actively hampers true efforts at white advocacy. For years the "conservative" movement and the GOP have worked to chase out "racists" who actually do advocate straight-up for whites.

This has always been a recipe for its own death. As whites fall further into the minority, political correctness invades further, and blacks/Hispanics/etc. drop the pretense of caring about "everyone", the pressure cooker builds.

I tell you now: "low taxes and less regulation" is not something anyone gives a shit about. "Freedom" is a stupid abstraction. What people care about is their race DYING. This is why Trump is so popular.
"and blacks/Hispanics/etc. drop the pretense of caring about "everyone", the pressure cooker builds."

what do you mean by this? ^

and what does it mean 'to care' about others..politically speaking? what are you afraid of?
"owned and operated by smallish interests that have no big principles and do not care about white people -- i.e., business interests"

that's not really true...
"it actively hampers true efforts at white advocacy. For years the "conservative" movement and the GOP have worked to chase out "racists" who actually do advocate straight-up for whites."

what are you actually advocating? can you name a policy you are advocating?
Sam Francis used to say that for the white race to survive, the Republican party must die.

Robert Reich: The GOP died in 2016

Reich is not coming from the same place, obviously.

What Francis meant: the GOP is fake opposition the Democrats and liberalism. Its causes are diffuse, isolated and unhelpful. It is owned and operated by smallish interests that have no big principles and do not care about white people -- i.e., business interests, the Israel lobby, the gun lobby, a handful of abortion activists. Traditionally, however, it has absorbed the white vote, since whites figure it's less harmful than the open warfare declared upon it by Democrats.

But as "fake" opposition, it actively hampers true efforts at white advocacy. For years the "conservative" movement and the GOP have worked to chase out "racists" who actually do advocate straight-up for whites.

This has always been a recipe for its own death. As whites fall further into the minority, political correctness invades further, and blacks/Hispanics/etc. drop the pretense of caring about "everyone", the pressure cooker builds.

I tell you now: "low taxes and less regulation" is not something anyone gives a shit about. "Freedom" is a stupid abstraction. What people care about is their race DYING. This is why Trump is so popular.
The cuckservative GOP yes,The new Trump/populist/nationalist GOP will be born.
Reich is a left loon

Robert Reich is a brilliant guy, actually...

I’m writing to you today to announce the death of the Republican Party.

It is no longer a living, vital, animate organization.

It died in 2016. RIP.

It has been replaced by warring tribes:

Evangelicals opposed to abortion, gay marriage, and science.

Libertarians opposed to any government constraint on private behavior.

Market fundamentalists convinced the “free market” can do no wrong.

Corporate and Wall Street titans seeking bailouts, subsidies, special tax loopholes, and other forms of crony capitalism.

Billionaires craving even more of the nation’s wealth than they already own.

And white working-class Trumpoids who love Donald. and are becoming convinced the greatest threats to their wellbeing are Muslims, blacks, and Mexicans.
Maybe little Bobby Reich was reading his old Alinsky stuff. Reality sets in when the political crisis for democrats ends up with an old commie and an unlikeable victim of federal domestic abuse. Republicans won the last election by a landslide and little Bobby Reich can't even get a slot on Al Jazeera.
The 2016 GOP along with the rest of the liberals? Cool. Just what I want.

I agree all liberals, with out exception are fucking losers. I wish (not joking) every last of them would die. All liberals, along with the 2016 "GOP."

Stupid fucking brainwashed sacks of shit.
Sam Francis used to say that for the white race to survive, the Republican party must die.

Robert Reich: The GOP died in 2016

Reich is not coming from the same place, obviously.

What Francis meant: the GOP is fake opposition the Democrats and liberalism. Its causes are diffuse, isolated and unhelpful. It is owned and operated by smallish interests that have no big principles and do not care about white people -- i.e., business interests, the Israel lobby, the gun lobby, a handful of abortion activists. Traditionally, however, it has absorbed the white vote, since whites figure it's less harmful than the open warfare declared upon it by Democrats.

But as "fake" opposition, it actively hampers true efforts at white advocacy. For years the "conservative" movement and the GOP have worked to chase out "racists" who actually do advocate straight-up for whites.

This has always been a recipe for its own death. As whites fall further into the minority, political correctness invades further, and blacks/Hispanics/etc. drop the pretense of caring about "everyone", the pressure cooker builds.

I tell you now: "low taxes and less regulation" is not something anyone gives a shit about. "Freedom" is a stupid abstraction. What people care about is their race DYING. This is why Trump is so popular.

hello, lord haw haw.... i'm not going to go through most of your post. i agree that a good number of trump supporters are bigoted scum. is that what you meant?
What people care about is their race DYING.

What people care about is their Country dying.
Without the white race there would be no United States of America. So the white race IS America. Race is Our Nation.


and there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the face of today's GOP.......

Wrong. That idiot represents nothing more than his own weakness (not unlike you).

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