GOP Plans to Steamroll SCOTUS Nominee Thru

Mac1958, truly a regressive right...
Amazing that you keep trying this lie, especially after I shoved it straight up your ass here: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum And as usual, you didn't even have the balls to quote me. You're a liar and a coward, Jake. No news to anyone here..
Oh, stop your whining and crying, you regressive, even though I have my boot stuck up your ass so far you can lick it. You pretend to be a centrist, but you support the far and alt right all the time. I merely point that out, regressive.

If I were McConnell, I would "steamroll" this ratification because he knows now this is his last best chance. The women of America, as they have shown the last 18 months in elections, are done with the right's hypocrisy and lies. Touch matters that they believe are their domain, particularly that of pregnancy, and the they will hurt the GOP, bloody it and batter it, then jump up and down on it with their high heels.
Wow, this Regressive thing really stings you.

Good. At some level, you know what you are.

As I illustrated here: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Hit a nerve again. You cry and whine. You are what you are, Mac1958, a regressive righty particularly susceptible to Russian alt right social media agitation. You may be one of their people.

The point is McConnell will roll the dice "all or nothing" because he can see the Women's vote strengthening the rising Blue Tide. And, yes, unquestionably, will storm the GOP fortress on the hill this fall.
Wow, how original.

I say "Regressive" and you jump in and get pissy.

Why is that, Jake? I didn't post to you.

Why so defensive?

Maybe this will refresh your memory: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Still under you skinl. You are the one being pissy, and I used the term 'regressive' first. Now the fact is that Mac1958 is a far righty who pretends to be middle of the road so he can make pronouncements as if he does not have a dog in the hunt. So there he is, and he is so defensive about being caught out.

That is his problem. And I will call him out every time he tries to hides his regressive righty aptitude and attitudes.

Just be honest, dude, and feel better about yourself.
Amazing that you keep trying this lie, especially after I shoved it straight up your ass here: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum And as usual, you didn't even have the balls to quote me. You're a liar and a coward, Jake. No news to anyone here..
Oh, stop your whining and crying, you regressive, even though I have my boot stuck up your ass so far you can lick it. You pretend to be a centrist, but you support the far and alt right all the time. I merely point that out, regressive.

If I were McConnell, I would "steamroll" this ratification because he knows now this is his last best chance. The women of America, as they have shown the last 18 months in elections, are done with the right's hypocrisy and lies. Touch matters that they believe are their domain, particularly that of pregnancy, and the they will hurt the GOP, bloody it and batter it, then jump up and down on it with their high heels.
Wow, this Regressive thing really stings you.

Good. At some level, you know what you are.

As I illustrated here: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Hit a nerve again. You cry and whine. You are what you are, Mac1958, a regressive righty particularly susceptible to Russian alt right social media agitation. You may be one of their people.

The point is McConnell will roll the dice "all or nothing" because he can see the Women's vote strengthening the rising Blue Tide. And, yes, unquestionably, will storm the GOP fortress on the hill this fall.
Wow, how original.

I say "Regressive" and you jump in and get pissy.

Why is that, Jake? I didn't post to you.

Why so defensive?

Maybe this will refresh your memory: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Still under you skinl. You are the one being pissy, and I used the term 'regressive' first. Now the fact is that Mac1958 is a far righty who pretends to be middle of the road so he can make pronouncements as if he does not have a dog in the hunt. So there he is, and he is so defensive about being caught out.

That is his problem. And I will call him out every time he tries to hides his regressive righty aptitude and attitudes.

Just be honest, dude, and feel better about yourself.
Okay Jake. You're the only one here who is pretending I'm a right winger, but go ahead.

Whatever works for ya. Who knows.
Oh, stop your whining and crying, you regressive, even though I have my boot stuck up your ass so far you can lick it. You pretend to be a centrist, but you support the far and alt right all the time. I merely point that out, regressive.

If I were McConnell, I would "steamroll" this ratification because he knows now this is his last best chance. The women of America, as they have shown the last 18 months in elections, are done with the right's hypocrisy and lies. Touch matters that they believe are their domain, particularly that of pregnancy, and the they will hurt the GOP, bloody it and batter it, then jump up and down on it with their high heels.
Wow, this Regressive thing really stings you.

Good. At some level, you know what you are.

As I illustrated here: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Hit a nerve again. You cry and whine. You are what you are, Mac1958, a regressive righty particularly susceptible to Russian alt right social media agitation. You may be one of their people.

The point is McConnell will roll the dice "all or nothing" because he can see the Women's vote strengthening the rising Blue Tide. And, yes, unquestionably, will storm the GOP fortress on the hill this fall.
Wow, how original.

I say "Regressive" and you jump in and get pissy.

Why is that, Jake? I didn't post to you.

Why so defensive?

Maybe this will refresh your memory: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Still under you skinl. You are the one being pissy, and I used the term 'regressive' first. Now the fact is that Mac1958 is a far righty who pretends to be middle of the road so he can make pronouncements as if he does not have a dog in the hunt. So there he is, and he is so defensive about being caught out.

That is his problem. And I will call him out every time he tries to hides his regressive righty aptitude and attitudes.

Just be honest, dude, and feel better about yourself.
Okay Jake. You're the only one here who is pretending I'm a right winger, but go ahead.

Whatever works for ya. Who knows.
True partisan ideologues always convince themselves that anyone not on their team is the wrong kind of partisan ideologue.
I wish Trump had a really good black female candidate in the pipe. The irony that would come from the democrats demonizing, chastising and dehumanizing a black woman would be comedy.
Oh, stop your whining and crying, you regressive, even though I have my boot stuck up your ass so far you can lick it. You pretend to be a centrist, but you support the far and alt right all the time. I merely point that out, regressive.

If I were McConnell, I would "steamroll" this ratification because he knows now this is his last best chance. The women of America, as they have shown the last 18 months in elections, are done with the right's hypocrisy and lies. Touch matters that they believe are their domain, particularly that of pregnancy, and the they will hurt the GOP, bloody it and batter it, then jump up and down on it with their high heels.
Wow, this Regressive thing really stings you.

Good. At some level, you know what you are.

As I illustrated here: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Hit a nerve again. You cry and whine. You are what you are, Mac1958, a regressive righty particularly susceptible to Russian alt right social media agitation. You may be one of their people.

The point is McConnell will roll the dice "all or nothing" because he can see the Women's vote strengthening the rising Blue Tide. And, yes, unquestionably, will storm the GOP fortress on the hill this fall.
Wow, how original.

I say "Regressive" and you jump in and get pissy.

Why is that, Jake? I didn't post to you.

Why so defensive?

Maybe this will refresh your memory: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Still under you skinl. You are the one being pissy, and I used the term 'regressive' first. Now the fact is that Mac1958 is a far righty who pretends to be middle of the road so he can make pronouncements as if he does not have a dog in the hunt. So there he is, and he is so defensive about being caught out.

That is his problem. And I will call him out every time he tries to hides his regressive righty aptitude and attitudes.

Just be honest, dude, and feel better about yourself.
Okay Jake. You're the only one here who is pretending I'm a right winger, but go ahead.

Whatever works for ya. Who knows.
I think the "conservative" guy known as JakeFakey is projecting.
Wow, this Regressive thing really stings you.

Good. At some level, you know what you are.

As I illustrated here: Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Hit a nerve again. You cry and whine. You are what you are, Mac1958, a regressive righty particularly susceptible to Russian alt right social media agitation. You may be one of their people.

The point is McConnell will roll the dice "all or nothing" because he can see the Women's vote strengthening the rising Blue Tide. And, yes, unquestionably, will storm the GOP fortress on the hill this fall.
Wow, how original.

I say "Regressive" and you jump in and get pissy.

Why is that, Jake? I didn't post to you.

Why so defensive?

Maybe this will refresh your memory: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Still under you skinl. You are the one being pissy, and I used the term 'regressive' first. Now the fact is that Mac1958 is a far righty who pretends to be middle of the road so he can make pronouncements as if he does not have a dog in the hunt. So there he is, and he is so defensive about being caught out.

That is his problem. And I will call him out every time he tries to hides his regressive righty aptitude and attitudes.

Just be honest, dude, and feel better about yourself.
Okay Jake. You're the only one here who is pretending I'm a right winger, but go ahead.

Whatever works for ya. Who knows.
I think the "conservative" guy known as JakeFakey is projecting.
I say "Regressive Left" and he goes drama queen.

That's about all you need to know.
Oh the GOP doesn't like to hold up nominees when they have the presidency?
Why would they? That would be counter productive. Surely you’re better versed in politics than to believe anything else was going to happen...?
Can a president be subpoenaed to testify in a Special investigation? Can a president pardon himself? Can the letters, emails and transcripts of meetings with a president or presidential candidate be researched by prosecutors? Should a Supreme Court appointee be asked for loyalty to a president the way an FBI director was?

These questions and many more may be answered by the Supreme Court. Should a president appoint someone who may act as a judge in his case?

Should the people have a say in who advises and consents in their name? The Republicans rescinded the last year of one president's term so, as they say, the people could have a say in who may become an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. They took that initiative, as they said, on behalf of the people. Are the people less important now to those very same Republicans?
Oh the GOP doesn't like to hold up nominees when they have the presidency?
Why would they? That would be counter productive. Surely you’re better versed in politics than to believe anything else was going to happen...?
Why not they did it during Oblama? That wasn't very efficient.

Do you understand the difference between a Presidential election, and a midterm election? Do you need us to break out the crayons and draw some pictures?
Of course they plan to fast-track a nominee through, because a) they control all three branches of government now, b) Mitch McConnell does not care how unpopular he is one bit, and c) politics is about winning, not being fair.

And it isn't like they're doing something "unfair", anyway. You win the election, you get to implement your agenda. That's how it works for both sides.
Oh the GOP doesn't like to hold up nominees when they have the presidency?
Why would they? That would be counter productive. Surely you’re better versed in politics than to believe anything else was going to happen...?
Why not they did it during Oblama? That wasn't very efficient.

Do you understand the difference between a Presidential election, and a midterm election? Do you need us to break out the crayons and draw some pictures?
Oh, now it can only be when the presidential election season is happening, and Trumpp has already announced he's running for president and holding rallies...Sounds legit to use now..
The Ds need to block the appointment and are putting serious pressure on senators that are up for reelection this year. I have no idea what the result will be of that but it won't be good for them come 2020. The possible outcomes range from setting up a moderate party to losing big in November with lots of bad news in between.
It didn't affect the Republicans when they did it to Oblama in an election year.

Yes, because it was a PRESIDENTIAL election, not a midterm, and they were following a precedent set by Joe Biden.
Thank you, Sahba. This fall election will be a marvelous thing.
Strategically, confirming the next SCJOTUS prior to the midterms is very, very important so as not to make the election hinge on that individual nominee... just plain ol 'strategery', lol
That election will hinge on the nomination, regardless.

The dems will try to energize the women to punish the GOP severely. I am hearing in Salt Lake City that if the Dems take the Senate, that the majority file impeachment against Trump and drag in right into the 2020 elections.

This is going to continue and get very, very bitter.
I duno, it's always an intellectual exercise that we must submit ourselves to in trying to remain objective on partisan politics, kind of opposite of what the MSM does in their 'bubble'. Will middle American woman see the issues as you contend... they well may, but I have my doubts.

Leftists attribute far more fanatical love of abortion-on-demand to all women everywhere than actually exists.
The Ds need to block the appointment and are putting serious pressure on senators that are up for reelection this year. I have no idea what the result will be of that but it won't be good for them come 2020. The possible outcomes range from setting up a moderate party to losing big in November with lots of bad news in between.
It didn't affect the Republicans when they did it to Oblama in an election year.

Yes, because it was a PRESIDENTIAL election, not a midterm, and they were following a precedent set by Joe Biden.
I am glad you like Joe Biden I thought you hated him.
Oh the GOP doesn't like to hold up nominees when they have the presidency?
Why would they? That would be counter productive. Surely you’re better versed in politics than to believe anything else was going to happen...?
Can a president be subpoenaed to testify in a Special investigation? Can a president pardon himself? Can the letters, emails and transcripts of meetings with a president or presidential candidate be researched by prosecutors? Should a Supreme Court appointee be asked for loyalty to a president the way an FBI director was?

These questions and many more may be answered by the Supreme Court. Should a president appoint someone who may act as a judge in his case?

Should the people have a say in who advises and consents in their name? The Republicans rescinded the last year of one president's term so, as they say, the people could have a say in who may become an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. They took that initiative, as they said, on behalf of the people. Are the people less important now to those very same Republicans?

When you vomited all this out, did you get any on your shoes?
Oh the GOP doesn't like to hold up nominees when they have the presidency?
Why would they? That would be counter productive. Surely you’re better versed in politics than to believe anything else was going to happen...?
Why not they did it during Oblama? That wasn't very efficient.

Do you understand the difference between a Presidential election, and a midterm election? Do you need us to break out the crayons and draw some pictures?
Oh, now it can only be when the presidential election season is happening, and Trumpp has already announced he's running for president and holding rallies...Sounds legit to use now..

No, Sparkles, it's not "now", it's been that way for a while. I realize YOU just wake up in a new world everyday, due to your brain damage, but the rest of us can actually remember history and see a consistent pattern.

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